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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 249x401, Normal_People_(Rooney_novel).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19302669 No.19302669 [Reply] [Original]

Since this board talks about her so much, I'm unironically going to read Rooney. What should I start with, this or one of her other two

>> No.19302696

This is a board to discuss literature not trendy drivel. Please leave

>> No.19302710

wtf it was this board that got me into her in the first place

>> No.19302720

You've been memed

>> No.19302797

It’s just one persistent tranny
Not the whole board
Most of us would never read a living femoid author

>> No.19302802
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You're right, I read the first 20 pages of Conversations With Friends and it's padded out with inane observations about interpersonal relationships. Utter tripe. Critics were bribed

>> No.19302903

It’s at least two, because I’m a Rooney poster and I’m not responsible for all Rooney posts

>> No.19302949

You got memed.

>> No.19302959

christ. my (female) friend started reading her recently. didn't realise how bad it was. is the entire thing just about some boring woman? is this why women like reading her?

>> No.19302970

self-insert starts a sexual relationship with the married husband of the photographer who's writing a story on her, but her guilt is taken away by the fact that the photographer had affairs first. for chick lit the sex scene is incredibly dry

>> No.19302972


>> No.19302980
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>> No.19302981
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>What should I start with, this or one of her other two
It's utterly irrelevant. She wrote the same book 3 times.

You can just read pic related and have the full Rooney experience. No need to read hundreds of pages of drivel. It's all the same.

>> No.19302988
File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the original rooney schizo shitposter. Her stuff is fucking hilarious (mostly because it's unintentionally so).

>> No.19302990

Why do you have a female friend?

>> No.19302991

lmao that second sentence. is this satire????

>> No.19303002
File: 180 KB, 1337x1304, rooney-cringe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the entire thing just about some boring woman?
Her entire production is about young, sexy females who think they're marxist intellectuals and who have inane conversations about retarded topics in which they explain their hysterical ruminations and are hailed as geniuses by the rest of the cast.

Also, they tend to be sluts and have sex scenes as exciting as finding a dead fish under your blanket (I firmly reject accusations of being Rooney's husband).

>> No.19303010

this is incredible. i'm shocked my friend reads this shit.

>> No.19303017

free vagina without romantic entanglement

>> No.19303018
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>> No.19303020

This reminds me of Girl, Interrupted. I think Campbell was right about women living lives inside their heads just trying to sort out the minutia of social hierarchy in the inactive and nonviolent realm they occupy.

>> No.19303025

People need to understand that Rooney is WAY too arrogant to be self-ironic. She really means this shit.

>> No.19303030

Why? She's a woman. She's pretty much guaranteed to be retarded.

>> No.19303033

incredible that she makes it all about her.
"i will accept death for a cause because i dont like my life" lol. laziest virtue signalling imaginable.

>> No.19303035

yeah i suppose so. the worst part of it is that i can't bring it up with her because she'll get super butthurt. im seriously shocked that this is the prose and content of these books.

>> No.19303036

This makes me like Morgan Murphy for mocking herself for being into spoken word poetry and saying she would rather there be a sex tape of her floating around. There can be nothing more embarrassing than that.

>> No.19303044

>Connell is a popular, handsome, and highly intelligent secondary school student who begins a relationship with the unpopular, intimidating yet equally intelligent Marianne.

Do women really all want Chad, I thought that was an /sp/ meme.

>> No.19303046
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oh god I'm 80 pages in out of 217 and it's just been eating, fucking, growing anxious about fucking, and random namedropping. is this how women actually think

>> No.19303047
File: 98 KB, 1337x673, rooney-cringe4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 600 pages of this shit so you don't have to.
I'm basically /lit/ Jesus.

>> No.19303052

So this is the power of critical race theory indoctrination

>> No.19303064

>Bobbi said that the universal right to asylum was a constituent part of the "Western value system" if any such thing existed. She did the air quotes.
This reads exactly like a biting satire. Everyone is insufferable.

>> No.19303065

that's what i'm saying bro. how can this shit garner critical acclaim if it isn't read as satire.

>> No.19303068

This reads like a fanfiction written by a 17 year old in her marxist phase.
Tens of thousands of people are buying this shit. And they're praising it as a work of genius. Fucking incredible.

>> No.19303075

>how can this shit garner critical acclaim
You need to consider the political affiliation of the virtual totality of those (((critics))).
Also, publishers know that this shit, while utterly inane, will appeal to millions of 20-something in their marxist phase.

>> No.19303085
File: 138 KB, 777x815, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also hope so but this writing seems so contrived, it feels like a harlequin romance with a veneer of intellectualism to save face, almost disturbing in its blatancy. The past ten pages are the main character scheming ways to continue her affair. This is page 96

>> No.19303106

>I'm facing the consequences of my own actions! This is because of disparate power structures!11

>> No.19303113

Rooney threads are always hilarious. This bitch is considered a "serious writer". Wild.

>> No.19303133

I think you should stop. She clearly lives rent free in your head. She is just a flash in the pan meme and you should ignore her and read Cervantes. Let the prolls have their tripe

>> No.19303141

get a load of this guy

>> No.19303155

>rent free
Kek I'm done reading her shit and I'm just taking the piss out of her when I have time to waste. Currently reading Thomas Hardy.

>> No.19303164
File: 325 KB, 1379x1004, 1556998067946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something so innocent and childish about her writing that makes it endearing to me.

>> No.19303173

>Let the prolls have their tripe
If by "prolls" you mean proles, that's one of the most annoying thing about this kind of garbage: this shit is NOT for the proles. The proles don't read this fake-intellectual pseudo-chic drivel. This is for the 20-somethings bourgeois college students that come from upper middle class backgrounds and want to feel like intellectuals. And for the middle aged cunts with book clubs that they use to fill the day because their husband's $400k a year job meant that they never needed to work a day in their lives, but still want to feel like le brave radicals.

>> No.19303184

I don't get why women read novels about such mundane things. They could read about a million things like outer space, fantasy worlds, ancient Rome etc. but they choose a novel about someone going on a date to a coffee shop

>> No.19303187

has butterfly ever commented on this? I want to know if females seriously think this is good literature.

>> No.19303189

>$400K husbands
God I wish I was a woman so fucking bad; opening your legs for that kind of money is just so easy it hurts.

>> No.19303191

>I don't get why women read novels about such mundane things.
They're mundane beings. Literally all they care about is sex with a man that their friends would envy them and appearing cool/smart/pretty/intellectual/radical, etc. Rooney's garbage is right up their alley.

>> No.19303227
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this shit is so manipulative and by-the-numbers that I'm beginning to feel tangibly disgusted. page 124

>> No.19303243

Stop hurting yourself, a single page is enough to accurately gauge the worth of drivel of this caliber.

>> No.19303248

In that tax bracket the government steals $240k of it.

>> No.19303260


>> No.19303267

Well they are the only ones actually working hard.

>> No.19303268

>60% taxation
That sounds like a gross exaggeration.

>> No.19303271

Yeah, the fat balding cunt who got his job from his daddy's connections and now spends 7.5 hours a day fucking around and letting others work for him and the remaining half an hour bullying somebody is truly the spine of this country.

>> No.19303279

>t. Ayn Rand fan who never worked hard in his life and thinks he's destined to be a mighty executive just like Rand's characters.
As a 35 year old I can tell you that the higher they are, the less hard they work. Higher management simply coasts along, letting their subordinates do all the actual work. Then they give themselves bonuses.

>> No.19303284
File: 126 KB, 832x602, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oh GOD it's the consequences of my actions
i hate this shit so much but i'm almost finished so i'm going to tough it through to the end. pg. 149

>> No.19303289

Federal plus state both having progressive tax is 40%+state and being in a state where the jobs are like california it is completely reasonable. You could live in Texas and 'only' be robbed of 40% but the fucked thing is the actual rich people just launder and dodge these taxes and 400k a year is far from fuck you money. Even if they only stole 160k fuck that. People in that bracket are chemists and engineering management who went to school for 9 years making nothing. The actual upper income bracket should start at 1,000,000 a year and there should be a flat tax below that. Rent should also be reformed to rent to own with a cash out option so people can build equity rather than be stuck in the rent cycle.

>> No.19303290

ITT: amerifags with no clue about cultural context


You don’t have to sell a kidney for university in Ireland so no, it’s not bourgeois college kids reading it. It’s a fairly general readership - no $400k jobs here


amerifags and their SNL humour - you can’t understand if something is taking the piss unless it’s marked in big bold letters that it’s a joke, laugh track and all

It’s not even good but criticise it for its actual flaws not your lack of understanding lol

>> No.19303294

At the point where that becomes true they are making more than 400k a year. 400k is shit.

>> No.19303301

>a joke
This idea that Rooney is satirizing herself needs to die. She is not. She's actually, truly, unironically serious. She really believes in the retarded ideas her characters vomit on the page.

>> No.19303314
File: 124 KB, 786x647, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah nigga. fuck this self-insert mary sue bullshit nigga. shit ass motherfucking chick lit potato eating ass book

page 159

>> No.19303323
File: 94 KB, 409x843, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro what the fuck is this

page 161

>> No.19303350

>If I wanted to be very phu-lo-so-fi-cool
Fucking Christ this shit is SO bad.

>> No.19303358

Word vomit. I hope you learnt your lesson and stop hurting yourself with Rooney's stomach waste. The other 2 books are just as biologically hazardous.

>> No.19303431
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I finished it, Frances and Nick end up rekindling their affair after she gets a diagnosis of endometriosis which will probably make her infertile. Honestly, what a pointless book. I hate you /lit/ for making me read this but at least I know how bad published work can get

>> No.19303528

>Luminously attractive


>> No.19303540

Women like unattractive women that seem smart. It makes them feel like they can do more than just be pretty.

>> No.19303570

she's 30

>> No.19303577

Nice journal honey. Lol

>> No.19303597

Acclaimed by the Guardian. Says it all.

>> No.19303606

Harlequin: The intellectual series

Lol that sums it up

>> No.19303612

Wow. The cold truth

>> No.19303623

Not in Canada

>> No.19303626

Sally Rooney ITT everyone!

>> No.19303635

How is $400k not a lot? That’s exactly something a rich kid would say

>> No.19304006

Why were 19th century /lit women so much more based than 21st century ones? When Hedda Gabler got bored she ruined a man's life just to get a laugh out of it and then she killed herself because he couldn't stand the idea of someone controlling her. This girl is having a nervous breakdown because nothing she does ever has consequences and she doesn't know how to feel that her wimp husband is no longer an antropomorphic amoeba?

>> No.19304062

>I hate you /lit/ for making me read this
Literally EVERY reply in every Rooney thread mocked her for writing shit books and posted excerpts to prove their shittiness. This is on you and your masochistic tendencies, buddy.

And it's not so much the pointlessness that annoys me, but the pretentiousness. This cunt really thinks she's a genius thinker and writer.

>> No.19304098

Vulgar and it reads like shit. What's the upside here?

Hedda Gabler was just another variety of mentally ill whore, just a less impotent one.

>> No.19304126
File: 104 KB, 773x533, rooney_accurate_summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives you an excuse to chat up "alternative" chicks too young to be well read (and therefore with hot bodies) that go crazy over this rat-toothed monstrosity.

>> No.19304132

I'm long married so, not a plus for me.

>> No.19304156

It reads like some fucking satire.

>> No.19304220

Either she's an incredibly dedicated comedian that would put Andy Kaufman to shame (since her entire literary production reads like that), or she's a pretentious midwit that lived in an echo chamber her entire life. Which is more likely, considering she's a woman?

>> No.19304243

>not convincing your wife that a threesome with a 21 year old artsy slut is essential to complete her "sexual discovery journey".
>not getting the slut pregnant during a drug fueled orgy.
>not being blackmailed by her for money otherwise she tells your wife.
>not murdering her in a panic and hiding her body in a field.
>not writing a novel inspired by these events that if recognized as a confession by the slut parents, which publicly denounce you.
>not getting rich and famous thanks to the resulting controversy.
It's as if you don't want to live the literary lifestyle.

>> No.19304288

All I want is to enjoy the simple joys of marital bliss with my wife and our children for the rest of my life, die insignificant and be buried next to my wife. Everything else is window dressing.

>> No.19304325

But that's my point, mentally ill whores and bastards make for great literature, they just need strong enough belief in their own delusions to lash out and see their bullshit through, and a good set of side-characters to contrast their unhingedness (side-characters can also be equally unhinged, just in different ways, so that they can provide opportunities for interesting dynamics). The excerpts itt feature neither, because there are no stakes and every character sounds like the voice inside Sally Rooney's head telling her that
>I isolated myself from criticism so I could behave badly without losing my sense of righteousness
is an acceptable sentence to write.

>> No.19304326

So based you're basically under the foundations of your house.

>> No.19304393

It's not fuck you money. They still own you. You still have to genuflect. The goal is escaping that.

>> No.19304415

>I hate you /lit/ for making me read this
shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.19304438

no u

>> No.19304444

It's probably published because it's bad.

>> No.19304455

Don't make me start a thread.
What's the edgy feminist novel I have to read?

>> No.19304456

It's published because there's a huge market for this shit: pretentious twats that want to feel well read. This is highbrow for lowbrow people, like Tartt but more lefty.

Also quads.

>> No.19304461

"Conversations with friends" might be her worst.

>> No.19304519

This is incredibly hot, now I have to read it.

>> No.19304575
File: 63 KB, 828x615, E_3RhUwVUAgFLAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could write a better sex scene, hold my beer
>The sex was so good, it would be reductive only to describe it as such. It was the synthesis of his faux bourgeois guilt and my genuine, if naive, subversive proclivities. I told Nick I wanted him to help me destroy capitalism by drenching my Colchie uterus in his seed. The sopping wetness of my cunt was smearing the bed linens and I faked some humility by clenching my thighs together so as to prevent my juices from spilling out, in vain. He'd fucked all the syllables out of me that night; our pillow talk consisted of my licking the spittle from his endowed member and my mumbling a suggestion to attend a Patricia Lockwood poetry reading the next week.

>> No.19304579

Imagine thinking this. Most of us are /ROONEYCHADS/

>> No.19304645


>> No.19304671


>> No.19305016

Nah, see this reads like something you'd find on a reddit erotica thread. The other one was completely believable.

>> No.19305035

The tv show and then feel nostalgia for not having a cute gf