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File: 150 KB, 750x1154, normal-people-311398173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19302683 No.19302683 [Reply] [Original]

I'm quarter way through, I like it so far but she portrays the high school kids like they're in an american teenage movie, a bit too cliquey for me. what are your thoughts on normal people?

>> No.19302686

normal people scare me

>> No.19302691

She has no idea what actual social rejection in high school looks like.

>> No.19302712


>> No.19302745


>> No.19302774

Pre pandemic when I worked in an office there was a woman I worked with who told me I should read it
I told her I didn’t like chick lit
Reeeeeee just because a woman wrote it doesn’t mean it’s chick lit. Read it you sexist.
So next time I’m in the book store I grab Normal People off the shelf and take it into the cafe.
I read about 25 pages while sitting there drinking coffee
It’s fucking chick lit
I don’t even bother re-shelfing. I just leave it on the table next to my empty coffee cup. I do a 360 and moonwalk out of the store and never listen to a femoid talking about books again.

>> No.19302828

what did you to her after?

>> No.19302887

>a bit too cliquey for me
The book was pretty accurate to the Irish school experience. I didn't find it to be like what I saw in American media at all

>> No.19302893

why did u post this

>> No.19302989

>why did you post this?

>what are your thoughts on normal people?

>> No.19303014

>what did you do to her after

She has a pair of flats she leaves in her cubicle under her desk
One night I was the last one in the office so I left a tiny little piece of my poo in the toes of her shoe

>> No.19303031

I think cliques might just be a normy thing. I remember being in high school thinking that they were completely made up, didn't even exist, invented by Hollywood for contrived drama for the youth market. And then I'm in English class and we're having a pow-wow, talking about 'the issues' or whatever the fuck, and the whole time all anyone can talk about is how awful and oppressive the cliques are in your school.

>> No.19303092


>> No.19303154
File: 42 KB, 720x743, 1613147174718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon

>> No.19303196

tell us a weirdly detailed story with really lame 10 year old memes

>> No.19303341

>tell us a weirdly detailed story

Do you have to be a normie telling normal stories with normal details to post in a thread about normal people?
Just be thankful I didn’t detail my lunchtime meal of pocket spaghetti and Dino shaped chicken tendies.