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/lit/ - Literature

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19300979 No.19300979 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me.
>Reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas for the first time, so far so good.
>It should be a good opportunity to visit /lit/ and discuss the book.
>threads replies: 3, 17, 30, 8.
>Oh it's a dead board...
>well.. anyway, let's scroll down a bit.
>Subjects: How to be a tranny, I want to be a tranny
>"I wish there were more authors that introduce more non-binary characters"
>"Hey guys anyone read Philosophy for dummies? I want to understand Hegel"

Sigh... I should have known better.
Hello /lit/

>> No.19300985

see you tomorrow

>> No.19300997

As I said this was my first time coming here, don't count on that.

>> No.19301155

>be Nemo
>Cruising the seas in my epic sub with da boys
>this should be a good opportunity to visit the outside world....
>pokes out periscope
>Oh it's a dead world
Sigh I should have known better. ALL HANDS COMMENCE DIVE SEQUENCE

>> No.19301207

>I want to discuss this book (because I have no friends in real life)
>let me make a thread that's not about the book I read in order to prove a point that no one discusses books on /lit/
Lmao, this is exactly why you read Jules Verne. Stay pleb dweeb.

>> No.19301374

I think they fact he got more replies in this thread, plus the other threads he mentioned were popular, solidifies the point. It's the same on /fit/, any decent conversation on workouts, sciences, diet etc are either ignored or derailed. Threads about women, dating, gym encounters, e celebs and pictures of naked women are what garner the most attention.

>> No.19301385

Hey OP, I've read that but have you read The Iliad?

>> No.19301627

Yeah, I love it, it was my favorite book when I
was a kid, I read both The Iliad and The Odyssey.

Kek, you, my friend are a man of sea and culture.

>> No.19301797

Has anyone noticed that Jules Verne name is pronounced "Jew?" Do you think he might have been a crypto?

>> No.19301807

Well, we can try to discuss it. What do you like about it? I've read an abridged version and parts of the French edition.

>> No.19301813

There's more chance that Mustafa Kemal was.

>> No.19301824

>he think parasocial interaction based social relationships with internet autists is at all healthy.
I hate it too... but for some reason I'm can't leave. I'm just stuck here.

>> No.19301847

It's about quality over quantity. There have been threads I read on /lit/ that barely got replies, but the few people who did say something actually had some insight to share. On the other hand, most threads here with 100+ replies are either generals, or shitposts. The threads with less replies are unironically the best parts of /lit/

>> No.19301981

My first Jules Verne book was The Mysterious Island, I really like the Robinsonade style that he imprinted on that book, basically, every book from Verne IMO feels like an adventure, he can be boring sometimes specially in 20000 leagues under the sea when he over exceeds describing the marine life, but aside from that is quite enjoyed reading about the journey and adventure life, also thanks to his descriptive style I think that helps to make the characters more believable, that's why I really like Ned land the Canadian, feels like a real person trying to figure out how to recover back his life from the captivity of the Nautilus.

>> No.19303139

outside of the usual staple of the same 10 philosophers, 15 writers and a scattered assortment of self help and stack posts, lit is basically useless

My threads on Thomas Mann, John Updike, W. H. Auden, William Empson and Christopher Ricks were all less then 10 post failures.

Mah, it's done me some good in that i went out and found a lit group of friends who are interested in those things.

>> No.19303288

No one here has read your obscure books. Why would anyone be interested in discussing a book they know nothing about? Back when I was reading Foucault's Pendulum I would make threads that would get 100-200 replies easily. Moby-Dick threads are strong during American posting hours. Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow are discussed almost daily. Read the same books as the rest of us before you start complaining.

>> No.19303571

Mann: the second most famous 20'th century German writer.
Updike: a absurdly popular and successful American writer
Auden: the defining English poet both before and after the war.
Empson: the defining English critic both before and after the war.

>> No.19303574

20000 Leagues is obscure. Really.
God I hope that's bait.

My sinful confession is that even though it was not all that faithful to the book, I can't help but love the 1954 movie. James Mason will be Nemo forever to me.

>> No.19303610
File: 347 KB, 1181x1386, 81CrSdiNHQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this wasn't on his childhood shelf
btw someone scan the cross-section diagram of the Nautilus in that book---can't find it on the internetz. It has to be as cool as I remembered it. Also had the Mythology one so I got to /startwiththegreeks/ at infancy.
>tfw you remember all the monstrous illustrations as you read the Odyssey many many years later

>> No.19303945

Not my problem

>> No.19303962

It's tomorrow and your still here

>> No.19304099

>sees the board if filled with shit threads
>decide to shit it up some more
Thank you, you absolute retard

>> No.19304116

Hey, your John Updike thread had a great roast of butters.