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19289337 No.19289337 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19289353
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>> No.19289387


>> No.19289425

Everything Kubrick

>> No.19289459

absolutely. it seemed to me like he picked books with some kernal of potential but that he didn't respect to the point that he was afraid to fuck with them and make them better

>> No.19289460
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>> No.19289515

This is actually pretty good.

>> No.19289531

>Kubrick's Shining
>Pride and Prejudice (both the Colin Firth series and the 2005 version)
>Anything adapted from Philip K Dick
>Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.19289801
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>> No.19289910

I've heard all the scorsese adaptions are better than the books

>> No.19289916

This, in the reality that Jodorowsky's was made.

>> No.19289923

The Godfather book is pure garbage.

>> No.19290011

>Anything adapted from Philip K Dick
With the exception of "Screamers"

>> No.19290017

Never heard of it.

>> No.19290032
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>> No.19290041

Jodorowsky is for plebs and literal retards

>> No.19290042

The absolute easiest way to identify a top tier plebeian is if someone prefers LOTR movies to the book.

>> No.19290124

I love John Ford so much.

>> No.19290315

you guys better not post blade runner

>> No.19290322

So neither of you have read Barry Lyndon, have you?

>> No.19290323
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Wish he’d have done Vidal’s Julian

>> No.19290326

Except Lolita

>> No.19290328

Barry Lyndon, Lolita, and A Clockwork Orange are all fine books, better than the films.

>> No.19290331

Kesey's book was better
Joyce's book was better
Steinbeck's book was just as good
Yes on Jaws, Shining, Godfather. No on Austen's P&P. N/A on Dick given that the adaptations of his work take (at most) only surface elements and ignore his general mysticism. Don't care about YA so whatever on Harry Potter
Both are overrated. Lynch's Dune was better than the new one.
Never heard of it. Would you recommend, anon?

>> No.19290335
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i keep seeing this, it's a movie poster I assume.
the big orange ball and the name, DUNC, lead me to believe it is about basketball -- which makes me wonder why it's so poppulare here...?

>> No.19290341

not him, but La Pianiste is very comfy in its own weird, french way. Also Isabelle Huppert is a god tier actress

>> No.19290493

except A Clockwork Orange

>> No.19290585
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One of my all time favorites. never read the book. never will.

>> No.19290617

>prisoner of Azkaban
That was literally the best book. The order of the Phoenix film was multitudes better than the book as it condensed all that bullshit with that cunt headmistress.

>> No.19290635

books will always be better

>> No.19290871

Fernando Di Leo‘s Milano Calibro 9 (and La Mala Ordina) is better than Scerbanenco‘s Milano Calibro 9

>> No.19290875


>> No.19290906
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Big better Murakami stan, but Miike handled it much better.

This probably one of my favorite films, if not my favorite. I'll read the book one day.

>> No.19291102
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tarkovsky said in an interview that he only adapted mediocre literature because there was a clear possibility of enhancement, and his diary that he hated strugatskys personally.

>> No.19291109


>> No.19291304
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Len Deighton was a hack, the films are fun.

>> No.19291349

Absolutely shit taste. The book is far better and captures the schizophrenic horror of the asylum and Ratched much more artistically.

>> No.19291459

>ITT: people get filtered by lit and with their dopamine frenzied adhd minds claim the movie was better, just cause they had the mental capacity of a modern hyllic to understand it better

>> No.19291475

but that's a boring slog enjoyed by pseuds while roadside picnic is a decent read

>> No.19291644
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This really fits for anything by Martin Scorsese too… Goodfellas, The Irishman, Silence, The Age of Innocence

>> No.19291651

Honestly, love the movie, but agreed. Ratched in the movie was toned way down and didn’t live up to any attributed hype

>> No.19291736
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>> No.19292754

Fight club

>> No.19292757


>> No.19292760
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>> No.19292771

the haunting of hill house tv show

>> No.19293020

And pseuds too

>> No.19293035
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>> No.19293052

based, the movie is incredibly dull but the book is pretty good. I think I prefer the book to the games as well, but it's much closer.

>> No.19293100
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Can't believe it wasn't posted yet

>> No.19293157

because the book is better

>> No.19293190
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>> No.19293263

That's one of my favorite movies.

The book is far better.

>> No.19293726

Literally just an abridged version of the book without any of the important scenes that flesh out Bateman's real character.

>> No.19293802

>No Tom Cruise elevator scene

>> No.19293850
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>> No.19294884

filtered. tarkovsky is transcendental

>> No.19294939

Redpilling film

>> No.19294943

maybe for some hollywood shit but you have to be a real philistine to not see how different of an art form film is and how it appeals to an entirely different sense of experience than literature. you won't ever read a book that accomplishes what a Bela Tarr film does, even the source material.

>> No.19294944

Cinema is the lowest form of art.

>> No.19295011
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>> No.19295020

Bela Tarr is worthless. Yes, 3 hours of a couple eating potatoes then death, so raw and profound. Wow! The peak of cinema is filmed theater and book adaptions, like Death in Venice or Duchess of Langeais.

>> No.19295035

absolutely based as fuck too. he turned eyes wide shut into a kino film about elites from the jewish degeneracy shitshow it originally was

>> No.19295043

I thought the book couldn't possibly beat the movie until I read the book. Actually the movie is essentially just an abridged version of the book as the other anon says, everything that is said in the movie is also said in the book, but the book has a lot more kino stuff

That being said it was adapted near perfectly

>> No.19295123

nouvelle vague is some of the most insufferable type of cinema ever. new wave is insufferable in both cinema and music. and I'm sorry if you're not able to enjoy experiential cinema. the turin horse provides a better refutation of Nietzsche then a thousand pages of whoever.

>> No.19295247
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>> No.19295258

Neither are New-Wave.

It doesn't even attempt to refute Nietzsche. What? It's an emotional hypothetical at best. What about 'Nietzsche' did it refute?

>> No.19295423
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The movies aren't great, but the books are worse.

>> No.19295535

this desu

>> No.19295904

not that guy but the entire film is prefaced by a description of the turin horse incident where the vitality worshipping life affirming Nietzsche goes insane after seeing the unnecessary suffering of a horse. the film then rebuts his zealous life affirming philosophy by withering life down to its elements and showing the meaninglessness of suffering and survival

>> No.19295906

Blade runner

>> No.19295932
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Its actually pretty good, it got bad ratings but I enjoyed the fuck out of it.

>> No.19295946
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The movie actually cut a lot of kino, but it was a lot more heartfelt.

>> No.19295991

Let's see paul Allen's pick

>> No.19296362

Nah, the irishman book is better, in the movie frank acts like a retarded.

>> No.19296384

Nietzsche wasn't some obtuse Christian who thought life was good in itself and one always has reason to be happy in Providence.

Tarr isn't criticizing anything, and is just a dangerous ugly man with naive one-sided suppositions.

>> No.19296555
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>> No.19296890
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Truth. Book was short but felt a lot longer; I misplaced it somewhere with only around 10 pages left but didn't bother looking for it (DNF).

>> No.19296965

The book was redundant mediocrity, the film covered everything the book was trying to get across in a more succinct and entertaining way. It even favored B.E.E's retroactively decided "correct interpretation" of Bateman's mistaken identity over the ambiguity of the novel.

>> No.19297396

The novel made it plenty clear that Bateman was delusional, the movie on the other hand created a whole swarm of tards that believed he actually was a serial killer and led to the creation of American Psycho 2.
The movie also left out the most important parts of the book in regards to Bateman's frustrations and the source of his confusion: his family. The chapters with his brother and mother are very important. The date with Jean was also a really key scene in the book where you get a glimpse into how he really feels/responds to other people, left out of the movie though.
Admit it, you got filtered by the first chapter where he goes on about pop music, didn't you?

>> No.19297693

I believe that that would be sketch comedy.

>> No.19297946
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>> No.19297947

Author said so too.

>> No.19298516


>> No.19299387
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>> No.19299486
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EVERY movie is better than the book psueds.

>> No.19299539

Goddamn your cringey and insufferable

>> No.19299575
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>> No.19299642

A Clockwork Orange is so similar to the book (besides chapter 21 ofc) that I’d say reading/watching gives you the exact same experience. Unlike say The Shining where the movie is substantially better or Lolita where the book is substantially better, A Clockwork Orange is basically the same.

>> No.19299671
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Any Eric Rohmer movie, especially:

1967 The Collector
1969 My Night at Maud's
1993 The Tree, The Mayor, and the Mediatheque
1996 A Tale of Summer

>> No.19299702

"John dies at the end" The movie is soooo much better than the book, it takes everything interesting in the book and makes it better and removes all the repetitive BS. No wonder the author became a soiboy journalist for wired

>> No.19300156

I thought the movie sucked and almost checked out the book to see if it was any better. Thanks.

>> No.19300350

except 2001

>> No.19300391

i still dont understand the point of this movie and book
>wow gangsters good

>> No.19300395

it has a lot of flaws and feels forces at times

>> No.19300410

It's just a good story. It's kind of a reverse hero's journey, with the protagonist going from war hero to mafia chieftain.

An interesting theme in the movie - although I don't think the film really has anything particularly profound to say on the subject - is the idea of old world tribalism vs. newfangled American civil justice. The theme is most clearly displayed in the opening scene: "I believe in America."

>> No.19300428

I wonder what PKD would’ve thought of Linklater’s A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.19300670

Probably would have liked it a lot in all honesty, it's a very depressing film though. Not my favorite Linklater at all, but it's certainly good.

>> No.19300923
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>> No.19302321
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Why the fuck does every director refuse to cast chubby or fat actors for female roles clearly described as chubby or fat?
Molly used to be chubby in her youth, but she's at least on the verge of becoming fat recently. Same with Anna Karenina: Tolstoi based the whole fucking book on the idea of writting something about a beautiful big lady after he met Puschkin's corpulent granddaughter at a party. And guess what? In every fucking screen adaption Anna's thin as fuck.

>> No.19302326
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>> No.19302397

Milland Wyman? Aren't stage names supposed to be catchy and pleasant on the ear? And Ray Jane is so feminine for a leading man. No wonder these people never made it big.

>> No.19302489


>> No.19302569

Jodo is an unrepentant, self-admitted pseud and charlatan, and that's what makes him based

>> No.19302664
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King is a creepy hack but this shit is fantastic.

>> No.19302671

Painfully wrong.

>> No.19302674

Because almost no one wants to look at that.

>> No.19303336

No Country for Old Men
Book was mediocre while the movie was a masterpiece

>> No.19303356

Completely agree. The movie was 95% similar to the book, with one scene differing (Moss comes across a teenage hitchhiker in the book, doesn't do anything with her but when both are killed his wife assumes he was cheating on her whereas in the movie he walks past the woman in the pool)
Perhaps it was because I only read the book after I watched the movie, but the tension wasn't really there. I also believe Javier Bardem was one of the best casting for a book character in film history

>> No.19303364

Just wanted to give a shout out to Sometimes A Great Notion by Kesey. An underrated gem

>> No.19303370


>> No.19303429

Act 3 fell apart imo

>> No.19303433

That's your lucky quarter.