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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 750x400, shakespeare-and-dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19298115 No.19298115 [Reply] [Original]

>Dante and Shakespeare divide the world between them - there is no third
Do you agree with TS Eliot? Are those two writers really that great? If you were to choose a third, who would you choose?

>> No.19298134

Homer, Dante and Bossuet

>> No.19298328

Homer and me desu

>> No.19298365

Homer and Goethe, there is no fifth.

>> No.19298537

homer, dante, shakespeare, goethe. this is the gang.

>> No.19298574

homer & shakespeare wd hate dante & goethe

>> No.19298601

No they wouldn’t

>> No.19298706

they rly would

>> No.19298730

Isn't that one of the dudes from Les Miserables?

>> No.19298733

Stop talking like that, you've simply invalidated your point

>> No.19298755
File: 744 KB, 580x738, Jacques-Bénigne_Bossuet_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the greatest French writer ever, he's not very well known because he was a cardinal and made people seethe

>> No.19298760

Wagner because his art is a living example of the unity of music and poetry as Homer intended it.

>> No.19298833
File: 143 KB, 765x248, rg9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they would tho

>> No.19298834

What retard wrote this?

>> No.19298840

That picture is retarded and made for fellow-retard scholars.

>> No.19298844

it wasn't "made" ('wrote', surely?) for scholars at all

>> No.19298849

robert graves no less

>> No.19298863

>Living example

>> No.19298872
File: 622 KB, 1200x693, Homer_uči_Dantea_Shakespearea_i_Goethea_pjevati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cervantes is left out :(

>> No.19298884

What's so good about Goethe?

>> No.19298894
File: 177 KB, 574x432, 63F0DE1B-CD32-41CA-81A4-BED7C9A8EC7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, Graves

>> No.19299047

The world the divided has been dead for nearly a century.

>> No.19299060

the maestro

>> No.19299166

The past two centuries of literature and to a certain extent philosophy can be traced back to him.

>> No.19299188

Homer and Virgil maybe. Dante and Milton are both secondary

>> No.19299409

>newer writers are... LE WORSE

>> No.19299454

Ask me how I know you haven't read Homer in Greek or Virgil in Latin

>> No.19299753

cervantes is a spic meme, I'm sorry. welcome to your second day on /lit/

>> No.19299815
File: 69 KB, 543x93, Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 01.16.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some time in the future, James Joyce will be the third
Harold Bloom, The Western Canon

>> No.19299856

does anyone have a digital copy of L'Inferno in the original language?
post your work

>> No.19299865

>post your work
he just did

>> No.19299903

Shut the fuck up angloid subhuman

>> No.19299923

Meh, Goethe didn't invent Faust, and Shakespeare didn't invent any of his characters. Homer's shit is also based on legends that came before and Dante just made shit up based on his religion that everyone already believed in. All of these fuckers stole their shit.

>> No.19299980

This is the kind of thing that has always terrified and depressed me as an aspiring writer. Do your best, make something amazing... and then see your work being unfairly criticized or ignored because you're a 'spic'.
The country you're born in, your sex, your race, those thing have such a HUGE influence in the way people will judge you... And not all countries have the same power and resolve in terms of promoting and exporting their artists either.

>> No.19299991

The only reason cervantes isn't ignored is because he is a spic. He is only talked about because the spanish larpers on this board endlessly puff him up

>> No.19300012

just wanna say there's absolutely no way that anyone who's read him thinks cervantes isn't fantastic. one love x

>> No.19300099

I know, culture made by Spaniards is constantly ignored by the rest of the world. Even Spaniards tend to give constant blowjobs to northern foreigners who feel no respect for them and will reject cultural products on the basis of an Spanish surname. Spaniards have never accomplished a single thing with such subservient attitude.
Do you have any idea how it feels as an aspiring writer to realize your work will never be taken seriously (if it receives any attention at all) only because of your race and country? It's really horrible.

>> No.19300585
File: 107 KB, 900x683, 960C6576-20F4-4BA1-B3DB-C2F15BA8253A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19300609

>Even Spaniards tend to give constant blowjobs to northern foreigners who feel no respect for them
Those Spaniards are cucks, what an embarrasement.

>> No.19300649

Why is Eliot such a pseud?
Decent poet, deplorable critic
Its the "modern world" not just world

>> No.19300669

What country are you from? Truth is yours probably has good writers too.
And about the thing about not being taken serious, dude, you are browsing a predominately English speaking website (not mind people here in lit are very ignorant and don't even read that much, the same 10 or 11 authors all over again). And they meme their mediocre writers here (Foster Wallace and friends, etc).
Also, you have precedents of Spanish speaking writers being taken seriously by the International Critique: El Boom, and you can't say they were the first to try new things in Literature. You really don't think there are readers and critics in this part of the world that want to milk and shill a very creative literature project?

>> No.19300680
File: 248 KB, 436x327, Merrie_Melodies_classic_title_card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Warner in your heart never dies.

>> No.19300764

Dante is on the level of Homer, sorry Shakesy

>> No.19300785

you can literally sockpuppet someone calling you a spic and achieve instant martyrdom. I've seen this happen several times, someone replying to a racist/sexist sockpuppet and achieving popularity overnight. Then the sockpuppet deletes the account so no proof.

>> No.19300791

Graves was a second-rate light-verse poet who wrote books for kids.

>> No.19300875

Yeah, if you ask me the aurena catena goes:
Homer > Virgil > Dante > Shakespeare > Goethe > Joyce

>> No.19300886

christ. poor effort

>> No.19301327

I think you mean catena aurea.
Too bad Cervantes lived too close to Shakespeare. Had they written in different eras, one might have influenced the other.
>tfw no Cardenio

>> No.19301620

Yes, we no longer have the music to Homer. So Wagner is a living example in that it's a whole artwork and isn't chopped up and 'read'.

>> No.19302353

Yeah I'm an Indian ask me how I know. One of my favorite writers V.S. Naipul passed away a few years ago and /lit/ made a thread about it and there were a bunch of poo jokes. Even African /lit/ gets more respectable, substantive conversations. Even now as Westernized Indians have become extremely accomplished (granted by shamelessly climbing the ladders of prestige offered to them the Anglo world) they're still taken as a joke. Not hated as /pol/ might have you believe, just not taken seriously. I know this sounds like a bitter rant but I've just come to accept it.

>> No.19302363

lol, being anything other than a white male is the greatest boon you could possibly have in todays world.

>> No.19302375

The audacity of the eternal anglo, there are 20 French writers better than Joyce.

>> No.19302394

The French and English are equally audacious.

>> No.19302405


>> No.19302409

Milton, you dumb niggers.

>> No.19302476

Mozart and Kayne West are equally audacious.

>> No.19302701

Victor Hugo had a theory of the world, a poetic talent and an influence on the rest of literature that allows him to claim to integrate the group of geniuses of poetry with Dante and Shakespeare. It is a pity that non-French speakers only know him for his novels when he is also a monster of the theater and prosody.

>> No.19302711

Mozart wasn't a very audacious person, Kanye is.

>> No.19302739

>MY favorite writer is better than YOUR writer!
this is literally the /lit/ equivalent of powerlevelfaggotry

>> No.19302776


>> No.19302935

Being an Spanish man doesn't help me at all. I don't have the victim status of women or black people and I'm not perceived as cool like north europeans either.

>> No.19303070

Read his story
Guy's taught in universities in the West nowdays despite being born under British rule. Don't give up you pussy.

>> No.19303076


>> No.19303163

Id put Goethe as the successor of the Dante/Ghibelline tradition
And Homer as the first, the father, before any split

>> No.19303171

Are you that croanon?

>> No.19304489

>north europeans
the dullest people on earth

>> No.19304765

What do you recommend from V.S. Naipul?

>> No.19304830

Eliot is right. Nobody expresses the breadth and range of human emotions like Shakespeare and nobody expresses the intensity of emotion from top to bottom like Dante. They are the horizontal and vertical axes of the human experience.

>> No.19306091

For poetry, maybe. To his diptych I would oppose Cervantes and Joyce, one begun the novel, the other finished it.

>> No.19306108

Lit is not yet ready for a less provincial canon; do not be sad that people don't read outside the more canonical (English, American and French) writers: be sad of their limited view of literature. Being part of a marginal literary tradition is a blessing in disguise, you can be like provincial Verlaine or like globetrotter Darío, as Paz put it.
Us Hispanic Americans have accepted our marginal nature and we have made it the reason of our universality, follow our example.

>> No.19306270

Ultimate proof Homer, Cervantes, and Shakespeare are the best writers in history

>> No.19306690

>Nobody expresses the breadth and range of human emotions like Shakespeare
Then why is he so soulless?

>> No.19307040

You are illiterate if you think that is true

>> No.19307224

I don't think, I know.

>> No.19307480
File: 142 KB, 360x346, laughing pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poo jokes
They never get old. In the loo, Pajeet.

Also India doesn't have worthwhile literature because it's a weak country, weak both culturally and spiritually, with a huge chip on its shoulder and an even greater inferiority complex towards the West (which is inevitable, I guess, considering the West made India its bitch for centuries).

Countries that didn't have the Enlightment and are still stuck in their medieval ways of thought because muh tradition and use their "tradition" as a source of pride against le evil West are intellectually crippled. They should have the self-abnegation to admit that their glorious tradition is actually obsolete, backward and ultimately worthless. Only then they could rise to the same level as a civilized country. But their inferiority complex makes them too arrogant for that.

>> No.19307484

>waah waah I'll never be taken sErIoUsLy because of my race
Stop using this excuse for your mediocrity. Cervantes is one of the most famous writers who ever lived. Saramago (Portugal) won the Nobel prize for literature. Yes, you're genetically inferior, but that doesn't mean you're gonna get ignored because you're a spic.

>> No.19307490

W.B. Yeats at this point