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19295419 No.19295419 [Reply] [Original]

So basically I just get drunk drinking rum and started writing a story about some northen African pirates who just discover and island, and his fanatically religious chief (with a view of religion invented by himself) stablish a society there, and he wants to make it an utopian.

You think that writing in a state of milf incoherent thinking will make me write better?

>> No.19295420

Mild****** lol

>> No.19295471
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>arab gay fantasy
stick to milfs

I would get drunk and read some Patrick O'Brian however.

>> No.19295495

>and he wants to make it an utopian.
What happens?

Have you read "Yah! Yah! Yah!" by Jack London? It's pretty good.

>He was a whiskey-guzzling Scotchman, and he downed his whiskey neat, beginning with his first tot punctually at six in the morning, and thereafter repeating it at regular intervals throughout the day till bedtime, which was usually midnight. He slept but five hours out of the twenty-four, and for the remaining nineteen hours he was quietly and decently drunk. During the eight weeks I spent with him on Oolong Atoll, I never saw him draw a sober breath. In fact, his sleep was so short that he never had time to sober up. It was the most beautiful and orderly perennial drunk I have ever observed.

>> No.19295518

>What happens?

this, isolated utopian religious colonies are always a cool concept but what's the actual conflict. also, creating shit drunk never works, at least not for most people, it's always way more retarded than you thought it would be once you sober up.

>> No.19296147

That's not rum. Bacardi "spiced rum" is actually flavored vodka. This fact ruined Bacardi for me, hope it does for you too!!

>> No.19296281

But start with book 4 for fucksake. Book 1 is wooden.

>> No.19297667

Like Mexican antoewnette.

>> No.19298031

maybe if you're hammered

>> No.19298085

Is this true?

>> No.19298358

I just wake up, somehow I don't have a hangover.

Basically the conflict is between them and the world, or in other words, against the nature of themselves and the wilderness.

>> No.19298980

I am a barman and I didn't knew this, thanks anon!!

>> No.19300074

>You think that writing in a state of milf incoherent thinking will make me write better?

You can write notes, and have characters realistically say or do what you have done while drunk. Burning food, falling over, etc.

>> No.19300565

Fucking Mauritius Command!? No way! Start with master and commander or maybe hms suprise. Possibly desolation island too if you really want to.

>> No.19300640

The story should include milfs

>> No.19300939

>Start with master and commander
the only response that troglodyte deserves

>> No.19301079

Robinson! ROBINSONN!!!