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/lit/ - Literature

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19292949 No.19292949 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some good German poets besides Novalis and Goethe?

>> No.19292975

What's the context of picrel?

>> No.19292991

Typical German autism on /sp/

>> No.19292995 [DELETED] 

Portuguese anon 1: I fucking hate working in the tourist industry
Portuguese anon 2: I totally understand you, anon
German anon: OP's picture

>> No.19292998

i like this poem used by Liszt, poet is called Hummel or something

In Frühlings Heiligtume,
Wenn dir ein Duft an's Tiefste rührt,
Da suche nicht die Blume,
Der ihn ein Hauch entführt.

Der Duft läßt Ew'ges ahnen,
Von unbegrenztem Leben voll;
Die Blume kann nur mahnen,
Wie schnell sie welken soll.

>> No.19293006

Portuguese anon A
>I fucking hate working in the tourist industry
Portuguese anon B
>I totally understand you, anon
German anon
>OP's picture

>> No.19293021

There's no way that's worth +160 (You)s

>> No.19293032

It's really easier to make a funny (you)-worthy post than people think.

>> No.19293044
File: 256 KB, 1853x668, 1619441613443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand the joys of German autism.

>> No.19293049
File: 488 KB, 1023x1665, Screenshot_20211026-125642~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't get it

>> No.19293091

Germans are obnoxiously unfunny. That'll the meme. They aren't laughing at the "joke", they are laughing at him.

>> No.19293105

kek i miss pre-generals /int/

>> No.19293113

von der Vogelweide

>> No.19293119

Also Hermann Hesse

>> No.19293124

>I will never get this many (You)'s

>> No.19293134

Also Schiller

>> No.19293138

The most I got was 60.

>> No.19293145


>> No.19293151


>> No.19293172

I got a lot when Maradona died and called english people subhumans. It was fun.

>> No.19293215
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>> No.19293218

I love Heine but that man was Jewish through and through

>> No.19293371

Gottfried Benn

>> No.19293384


>> No.19293402

Heine's so based the Nazis called him anonymous during all the book burnings.
Don't be jelly of the mermaids froggie

>> No.19293409

Not on /lit/ you won’t. We only have about 12 people that post here and four of them are me

>> No.19293433

All the poems I've looked at from Heine read like bog standard Romanticism. He's one of the few figures I'm unironically convinced is only considered notable for being Jewish and if he were an ethnic German no one would give a shit about him.

>> No.19293456

He was very well connected in Jewish-German circles in the twilight of romanticism. His history of romanticism is actually very funny, he shits all over some of them.

>> No.19293481

Stefan George
Ludwig Derleth

>> No.19293485


>> No.19293503


Christian Otto Josef Wolfgang Morgenstern

Funny man. Good poetry.

>> No.19293525

Kurt Tucholsky


Fascists hate him.

>> No.19293923

make a push up roll thread on fit
make sure to use a borderline naked asian girl as the picture

>> No.19293977
File: 107 KB, 634x709, KBFlh27L2NaGeuRktddkmv2dUQ-VtOm1rQpYb6r_59g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the final quotes in this ww2 german language video are poetry to my ears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL41xAqY2MM

>> No.19294561

Georg Trakl. he was Austrian though

>> No.19294571

You have hardly read him.

>> No.19294596

I still don't get it. Is there a hidden joke that I'm missing that justifies all the (you)'s?

>> No.19294729

Holderlin is the greatest, also check out Klopstock

>> No.19294843

jsut go into a dubsia thread on /tv/ and get some proper gets.

>> No.19294861

the joke is that Portuguese B understands Portuguese A's hate of working in the tourist industry not because he empathizes but because they both speak portuguese. The (you)s come from the fact that germans are profoundly unfunny

>> No.19294871


Literally a week ago

>> No.19294874
File: 10 KB, 257x196, me_in_forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too huh?

>> No.19294895

I chuckled but I admit I might have some German blood in me

>> No.19294899
File: 412 KB, 918x1100, eternally yours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19294930

amazing screencap, holy kek

>> No.19294954
File: 44 KB, 550x535, 3991212.4850000036_pepe_looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternally yours

>> No.19295037
File: 38 KB, 632x485, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a bet?

>> No.19295058

Schiller, Goethe's best friend, was also a reasonably good poet.

>> No.19295116


>> No.19295140
File: 46 KB, 785x608, beeyourself(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19295144

Why can't I find this fucking post.

>> No.19295176

/pol/ is a hivemind of utter retards. if two people you a post and reply with EPIC or BASED then all the other brain deads will follow.

>> No.19295187

But Anon... That was on /int/

>> No.19295275
File: 130 KB, 1200x1080, trinity_of_4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19295393


>> No.19295428

I was absolutely fucking triggered by a random German when I was in Berlin and I still think about it. It’s the only part of the trip I regularly think about. They can’t keep getting away with it

>> No.19295463


Enjoy the autism

>> No.19295483


>> No.19295538

It's the completely incongruous laughing pepe face he put with the post that really makes it

>> No.19295577
File: 14 KB, 425x283, 1592452804835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way anon writes gives me aids too
the contrast of the autism grammar and word usage to the ending is fucking hilarious

>> No.19295609

Thats some heavy ass gangsta shit right here

>> No.19295630 [DELETED] 

zzz (prove me wrong)

>> No.19295638

What happen?

>> No.19295661
File: 45 KB, 1131x265, int-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wrote this too and mentioned how he couldn't understand why people make fun of his writing

>> No.19295688

Nigga writes like it's a letter correspondence in the 16th century

>> No.19295725

I was ordering food from a busy place with minimal seating, they asked if we would eat there or take away and I said takeaway because there were no free seats. When the food was ready he said “takeaway right?” and grabbed a bag to put the food in. I said “no it’s ok, we actually managed to find a seat” (very polite) and went to take the tray of food. He sarcastically said “oh yeah it’s much too hard to come and tell us right?” and seemed pissed off. I’ve never recovered

>> No.19295736

My autistic energy clashed with the superior German autism and I couldn’t process what was happening basically

>> No.19295808

Dude, germans cant into service, it wasnt your fault.

>> No.19295971

How the fuck would you know if that anon has read him

>> No.19295976

You are low iq my friend!

>> No.19296934

I got that many (you)'s on /lit/.

Honestly something I will never forget.

>> No.19296962


>> No.19296997

The joke is that germans have poor humour and the joke is bad so the joke is turned on the germans.

>> No.19297216

too pure for this world, but he repeated "lapsed" twice so he deserves to be shamed

>> No.19297404

It's not as hard as you think.

>> No.19297408


>> No.19297456

he sounds cute af

>> No.19297567

Den bring ich das nächste mal, wenn irgendwelche Zugereisten mir die Möglichkeit auf den nächsten Wiesn geben.

>> No.19297581

Georg Heym
Jakob van Hoddis

>> No.19297869

ignore him, he's a schizo who says this to everyone who mentions Trakl

>> No.19297942

i believe in (You)

>> No.19297971

I want a book on the (you) economy.

>> No.19297995

Good news, it'll cost you 0 (you)s, because it's the one economy not run by Jews.

>> No.19298062

Im not sure about that anon. The temporal nature and micro worth of the (you) constrained to every thread (except in the cause of the tripfag in which a semplence of (you) worth is transferable, but carries with it a stigma of ostrazisation), may detract from particualr intrest bases, however, informal influence, though imperfect, can still be controlled and influenced through astutemarket speculation. though of course the volitility, and hard deliniations thread to thread prevents full sale monopoly.