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File: 52 KB, 868x1024, standard_compressed_Sigmund_Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19292150 No.19292150 [Reply] [Original]

Has Freud been debunked?

>> No.19292193

No, they can't say shit about his main theories yet. It's neither confirmable nor falsifiable at this point, so modern psychology and neuroscience mostly ignores him while seething how wrong he was, without providing much evidence.
Afaik there is groups in Vienna who want to use neuroscience to confirm his structure of the mind but I don't know how that's going.

>> No.19292200

I thought Jung debunked him?

>> No.19292209
File: 169 KB, 1044x869, debooonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, but his debunkers were also debunked, so who knows?

>> No.19292290

>mommy porn everywhere on the internet
you are so blind its unbelievable

>> No.19292292

as >>19292193 said, his main theories have not been debunked yet and probably never will since they work well in psychotherapy, even though his theory of psychosexual development in children is rejected by modern psychoanalysts.
Also neuroscientific imagery confirms the existence of an unconscious mind.

Nah he just offers another perspective on certain issues, but psychoanalysis workst ust as well as Jung's analytic psychology so you can't really say he debunked him

>> No.19292316

nah only psychology got deboonked

>> No.19292320

>One drug-addled Jewish charlatan shills his subversive wares
>Other drug-addled Jewish charlatans spam the internet with their sick porn reflective of aforementioned shillery
>indicative of reality
Wew lad.

>> No.19292323

No, he was correct about everything except he doesn't understand that Hyper morality or super ego is put in your head by God himself

>> No.19292328


>> No.19292335

Gas chamber.

>> No.19292345

okay kike then explain to me why 100s of millions of people watch that shit, explain to me why gen z spam shit like: mommy gf, mommy milk everywhere on the web. You're such a pathetic fucking loser its unbelievable

>> No.19292347

what if Freud was right but his theories only apply to jews?

>> No.19292372

Kek this might actually be true.

>> No.19292390

>you are so blind its unbelievable
How can someone be unbelievable blind?

>> No.19292393

mommy posting is coincidental and ur just trying to justify you're sad depravity

>> No.19292395

This is very true. Freud is to jews as Jung is to non-jews

>> No.19292398

Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Civilization and its Discontents are still relevant.

>> No.19292435

Jung is far too mystical or spiritual for modern psychology to take seriously

>> No.19292497

>Also neuroscientific imagery confirms the existence of an unconscious mind.
Freud was far from the first to talk about the unconscious tho

>> No.19292668
File: 34 KB, 640x414, Freud or Fraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a kike, why would you even believe him?

>> No.19292683

funny how this meme ignores when rat man brought up fantasies of being fucked in the ass by rats BEFORE freud made any mention of it

>> No.19292688

What are his main theories?

>> No.19292712

> rat man has fantasies of being fucked in the ass
It really doesn’t take a genius to conclude from that that he wants to have anal sex

>> No.19292726

>he man you cant actually say freud is bebunked, because his theories cant technically be disproven.

go off yourself

>> No.19292736

Fun Fact: One of the first two people Freud did psychopathy with killed themselves after Freuds death in Freuds house after Freuds daughter agreed to let her stay the night at the house because she felt sorry for her.

That should tell you everything you need to know about if Freuds methods work.

>> No.19292851

what should that tell me?

>> No.19292933

you mean that it worked so well that Freud's death was this meaningful to an ex-patient?

>> No.19292942


>> No.19292945

Yes, by Jung

>> No.19292985

Reminder that Freud's claim that a child is the equivalent of a phallus to a woman is a world-ending statement. Amen.

>> No.19293067

You can't debunk it because psychology is a meme "science"

>> No.19293916

He is proven more correct everyday by sheer virtue of the fact that his opponents, also known as modern psychiatry, are so off based

>> No.19294047

Yes, that’s how science works retard. For something to be proven true it needs to be proven false also, that’s what falsifiable means.

>> No.19294167

>For something to be proven true it needs to be proven false also
I never understood much about falsifiability, especially when people apply it to something beyond its empirical scope. Like when you say that all X is B but it happens that occasionally X will be C, still, the rule is X = B but precisely because there will be C occasionally then it makes true that X = B? Help me to get any sense out of it.

>> No.19294181

>Afaik there is groups in Vienna who want to use neuroscience to confirm his structure of the mind but I don't know how that's going.
I don't know about that but there are a small minority of neuroscientists who are interested in psychoanalysis, and vice versa like Mark Solms, who say contemporary neuro findings about memory suggest Freud's views on repression and memory/forgetting were on base.

>> No.19294296

You're right, let's say it confirms the existence of an unconscious mind in general