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/lit/ - Literature

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19290194 No.19290194 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 200 pages in and I don't like any of the characters, don't find them relatable and don't care for the plot. However It's so easy to read that I'd be willing to push through if I know it gets better.

>> No.19290200

You're not supposed to like the characters. Honestly if you can't find something to hook your attention in Anna Karenina literature probably isn't for you.

>> No.19290265

>I don't like any of the characters, don't find them relatable
It's a trend I'm seeing more and more of in media consumption, people watch/read things only to see people that remind them of themselves succeed in their life goals. Terrible.

>> No.19290278

>Should I drop it?
Yeah, literature. Imagine being bored by a character like Oblonsky fgs.

>> No.19290320

Anna Karenina is a very critical novel on the idealization of life itself.

>> No.19290336

Did you get to the bit where Vronsky straight up breaks a horse's spine yet? Because I recommend you continue reading if you haven't.

>> No.19290368

Never read a book you don't like unless you have to. It's just as clever to throw in a kitty reference to the eighteenth page of AK as it is to the two hundred eighteenth. If we're being candid, you don't really need to read any book you dislike but nevertheless want or need to reference—just open the book to a random page and adapt your reference to whatever the current zeitgeist is about AK. Only fuck the few books you really like, but fuck them well and again and again. Use the rest of the "canon" as arm candy.

>> No.19290599

It gets better after 1/3rd of the book. Was in the same position as yours.I say keep going.

>> No.19290623

Isn’t Kitty a character?

>> No.19290680
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>I don't like any of the characters, don't find them relatable and don't care for the plot

the weakest.
and this kind of thiinking is supported by the media and even academia.
it's a good part of the woke response to culture.
>I need to see myself in the characters, I need to see people who look like me in important positions, etc.
so toxic.


>> No.19290728
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I am becoming positive all good fiction is supposed to have what you fucking self absorbed narcissists call "unrelatable" or "bad"/ill-intentioned characters. What the fuck do you get out of self insertion? What do you gain from placing yourself within a fictional creation of another's mind, how can points and ideas and meaning just go so far over some people's heads because they're complete narcissists and think representation (of themselves currently intellectually and minorities in appearance only) means something is good?
This thread is bait and you're a faggot but the worst thing is people actually think and expel their opinions on literature (all literature, from cultural epics to high modern fiction) like this, and people will take them seriously because they overpayed for a degree probably.

>> No.19290844

I put off reading Anna Karenina for a long time because I was reluctant to read a book about a woman. I’m glad I finally read it though. The parts with Levin hunting with his dog or even just mowing grain on his farm were so comfy. Plus Vronsky was alpha as fuck, racing horses, plowing and impregnating married sloots and finally going to Serbia to remove kebab or die trying.
Ultimately I’m glad I finally read Anna Karenina. I just skipped over the parts that were predominantly about female characters.

>> No.19292125

>the superficial retards ITT

>> No.19292133

Wait till the part where Vronski fucks a horse

>> No.19292202

That's in Crime and Punishment.

>> No.19292212

Cringe book desu, the ending where she decides to GTFO was the best.

>> No.19292399

> you're not supposed to like the characters
> you're not supposed to like the story
> you're not supposed to like the author
> you're not supposed to like reading because it should be work

Why the fuck should you even read lit then? I agree with the idea behind your comment but reasoning like this is utterly braindead. You should like whatever you're interested in and spend time on, as simple as that.

>> No.19292405

>Why the fuck should you even read lit then?
The same reason for why you are reading /lit/ the board right now, despite disliking everything about it - you like how you dislike anything in it.

>> No.19292520
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>> No.19292550

You're definitely supposed to like Levin.

>> No.19292592

Read it when you're older than 25.

>> No.19292630

In all candour, i do not care. Occupy your own time