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19285343 No.19285343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel like women are not the innocent victims of circumstances they are portrayed as in our culture. Any books about female power and social capital?

>> No.19285368

The one by that Jewish woman (Villar?)

>> No.19285380

the women are esoteric there is no use trying to describe them
they follow rules so different from ours any attempt to understand them would drive you to insanity.
there are millions of years of evolution at play here. you might as well try to understand the power of a stone or a tree.

>> No.19285420

The Manipulated man, Esther Vilar

>> No.19285696

Paglia specializes in this when she's not generally shitting on roasties or apologizing for greco-roman pederasty. She's a big ol' pseud though so...

>> No.19285698

Whats his name again, Otto Weinberger?

>> No.19286059

Weininger. Parts of it (Sex and Character) were interesting but like half the book is dedicated to his crackpot histology

>> No.19286154
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Is There Anything Good About Men? by Baumeister

>Alice Eagly’s research has compiled mountains of data on the stereotypes people have about men and women, which the researchers summarized as “The WAW effect.” WAW stands for “Women Are Wonderful.” Both men and women hold much more favorable views of women than of men. Almost everybody likes women better than men. I certainly do.

The first big, basic difference has to do with what I consider to be the most underappreciated fact about gender. Consider this question: What percent of our ancestors were women?

It’s not a trick question, and it’s not 50%. True, about half the people who ever lived were women, but that’s not the question. We’re asking about all the people who ever lived who have a descendant living today. Or, put another way, yes, every baby has both a mother and a father, but some of those parents had multiple children.

Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men.

I think this difference is the single most underappreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.

Right now our field is having a lively debate about how much behavior can be explained by evolutionary theory. But if evolution explains anything at all, it explains things related to reproduction, because reproduction is at the heart of natural selection. Basically, the traits that were most effective for reproduction would be at the center of evolutionary psychology. It would be shocking if these vastly different reproductive odds for men and women failed to produce some personality differences.

For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

>> No.19286176

I would like to see where this woman poos from

>> No.19286227

That's an interesting point. I'll read the article later. I hate women.

>> No.19286255

love from Kazakhstan

>> No.19286499

>I am not in power. Therefore women are in power.
>Meanwhile Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are banging minors every year of their life

>> No.19286555

nice reading comprehension femoid

>> No.19286562

>women are not the innocent victims
woah we got a genius over here

>> No.19286591

Everyday more and more ugly.

>> No.19286599
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Thank you. Nice fives.
It’s an r9k thread, anon. He’s speaking in broad strokes about an entire sex again. We’re all quite different. But males and their systems are still in power

>> No.19286634

>The Manipulated man, Esther Vilar


This is incel tier and thus not very interesting. I don't care who had sex in the past.

>> No.19286734

48 Laws of power has a lot of examples of women playing and mamipulating high level dudes at court if l remember correctly.

>> No.19286777

>I don't care who had sex in the past.
You should read things before dismissing them. This is about mitochondrial RNA revealing that hypergamy is the norm and baseline of human behavior. It's empirical proof that hypergamy is not some reconstructive evo-psych theory.

>In a nutshell, we examined the amount of genetic variability on the Y chromosome (which is inherited by males solely from fathers) and mitochondrial DNA (inherited in both sexes solely from the mother). According to population genetic theory, the amount of variation observed among any set of chromosomes surveyed in a population is proportional to two factors, the rate of mutation and the size of the population (in terms of numbers of reproducing individuals). If we factor out differences in the rate of mutation, then any leftover difference in the amount of variation between two samples of chromosomes should be due to differences in the sizes of the populations from which they are sampled. Applying this method, we were able to estimate the relative size of the female and male human populations (from mitochondrial and Y chromosome variation, respectively). We found that the breeding sex ratio is about two females per male.

>On average (and over evolutionary time), any given human female has been more likely to reproduce than any given male. Said another way, males have had a higher variance in reproductive success than females. As a consequence, more different females have contributed to the modern gene pool than males.

Not talking to you since you don't read, but to anyone who might have missed out on an interesting topic

>> No.19286823

Women as Sex Vendors - Mary Marcy

>> No.19286838

Women were the big winners over the last 40 years and have most of the synthetic constructions in society working to benefit them at the expense of men. Due to the financial crisis and social media, the illusions within society started to break down, and a lot of criticism was levied against the structure, specifically those who are privileged. This deeply scared them, as they are the new favourite of the ruling class, fearing they would be rightfully called out for their privilege, they pushed a type of feminism, one that which thinks the woman is defined by the terms of misogyny, so they can continue playing victim, and recieive benefits at the same time.

Women love to throw away their agency when it's convenient. Yeah, women are strong and powerful, until they get caught doing something they shouldn't be doing, then suddenly they're helpless little children who were tricked/pressured/whatevered into doing it, and any male party involved in the behavior should be punished for spoiling her innocence. Women want to have their cake and eat it too. They struggle to comprehend causality which is why they can’t into reason and accountability. They eat there cake, then cry that it’s gone and look for some external factor to blame for making the cake disappear while magically adding weight onto their bloated guts.

>> No.19286874

holy shit this whole field is retarded

>> No.19286902

Babies first redpill.

>> No.19286919

>We’re all quite different.
no you are not, you are all evil vicious whores.

>> No.19286933

>He’s speaking in broad strokes about an entire sex again. We’re all quite different. But males and their systems are still in power

fucking lmao, "males and their systems"

>> No.19286960

There is a hilarious Himmler (I think, maybe it was Hitler himself) quote about Weininger. Something along the lines:
>There was only one good Jew and he killed himself

>> No.19286981

These are great posts. Latter numerals only prove so further.

>> No.19286999

I’m woman enough not to blame you personally for these things. Why are you guys man enough to know women aren’t all some monolith hivemind?

Your mind is rot.

>> No.19287002

>aren’t *
Focking contractions heh

>> No.19287007
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I can say due to experience that it's wisest to treat their thought processes as a black box, and that they don't really have those thought processes in the sense that a man might come to understand; instead all a guy can really do is leave them alone or try to do so if they get too hysterical.

Anyway, pic related really helped me come to understand the nature of their objectives as it pertains to nurturance; to think of them as a conduit from a provider to their (the woman's) young. As far as their focus on appearances is concerned, I don't have a book for that one yet. But I can say with confidence that they're generally speaking no happier being breadwinners than they are in the kitchen, and in fact are far less fulfilled. You can't really blame a woman for being a woman as they say, and to say that they're not victims of circumstance is a bit off the mark here; meaning they were going to do this as a matter of their nature as soon as they were offered this metaphorical apple.

All this to say it would most likely be within a man's best interest to not hate woman for doing what she was preprogrammed to do; that would be asking for trouble and would amount to an implicit admission that she and he are on the same level. She's going to do whatever she's going to do, and since society does her the disservice of not allowing a man to put her in her rightful place, the best a man can do is leave her alone with her attitude. Make no mistake, just about nothing makes them suffer more, to say nothing about the relative cost/benefit ratio of a man's sanity and well-being.

>Women love to throw away their agency when it's convenient.
Yeah that's kind of what I mean when I say they don't have thought processes that mirror men's in a way that we can really understand. To them, outside facts are firmly secondary to how they feel about it. The facts simply don't matter, and are, as they perceive them, literally what they want them to be; overarching logic need not apply. In fact, they'll more often than not say something that sounds logical just so they can show a bit of attitude. Whether or not it's true, again, might as well be irrelevant. It's best not to hate it; that's just how God made them.

>> No.19287049

>I am totally unique
>I am totally special
>I am totally not like the rest

>> No.19287074


>> No.19287161

Poligamy should be allowed in the West. It would make everyone better off.
Women would be well-treated by a husband that could provide well enough for them, and they would be able to share domestic responsibilities between themselves. The men would have at least the prestige of having several wives.
For the unfortunate(?) males that wouldn't be able to mate, this would free them to pursue other interests that are deterred by having a family, such as science, art, philosophy and war.
What I find baffling about incels is that they see the spread of their genetic material as a natural right. It never was. Is it so hard to understand the trade off (which is quite balanced)? You get to not be a woman, but reproduction is not guaranteed.

>> No.19287169

Don't blame you for anything other than being fucking incredibly retarded. If I knew as little as you did I'd have learnt to shut my mouth a long time ago instead of becoming addicted to the string of perpetual embarrassments that is your post history because I can't get attention any other way.

>> No.19287170

>this would free them to pursue other interests that are deterred by having a family, such as science, art, philosophy and war
what's the logic behind this? why would that free them from those things? they could always have hope that some other female will come along and still spend most of their time searching for a partner

>> No.19287175

>For the unfortunate(?) males that wouldn't be able to mate, this would free them to pursue other interests that are deterred by having a family, such as science, art, philosophy and war.

Those unfortunate guys are low-class idiots.

>> No.19287183

>>I am not in power. Therefore women are in power.
>But males and their systems are still in power
never happened

>I am a man
>I'm not in power
>therefore, I'm in power

>> No.19287185

Polygamy leads to third world violence and squalor. If men can't start families, much less get women, they stop seeing themselves as having a stake in the welfare of that society, with the most resentful plotting harm against it actively.

It is like you want to live in a world of random violence and rape gangs. Just go to India if that's the case.

>> No.19287190

>Newton, Tesla, Humboldt, Frederick of Prussia and countless others are low-class idiots

>> No.19287191

those are the exceptional minority of men that don't fuck

>> No.19287192

The Hitler quote was about the doctor who cured his mother's cancer, he called him an Edeljude (Noble Jew) and he had "better" treatment after Anschluss (allowed to sell his furniture and keep a bit more money, something like that)

>> No.19287194

>He’s speaking in broad strokes about an entire sex again.
>males and their systems are still in power
uh oh

>> No.19287196

Cool list of Volcels. Now back the the topic at hand..

>> No.19287200

That's bullshit. Reproducing is not the point of life.
Also, if you manage to put some eugenics in the process, humanity would progress so fast that not reproducing would not even be seen as a bad thing.

>> No.19287201

>Poligamy should be allowed in the West.
It's literally already happening. Where have you been?

>> No.19287215

>Reproducing is not the point of life.
From a purely biological/materialist perspective...yeah it is.
>muh utopian fanfic counterfactual!!!!
Maybe try the scifi and fantasy thread.

>> No.19287245

lmao, people do not exist independent of their biology

>> No.19287283
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>From a purely biological/materialist perspective

>> No.19287291

>From a purely biological/materialist perspective
Why on earth would you do such a thing

>> No.19287298

It's not happening. Bigamy is outlawed in most jurisdictions
>but muh chad fucks
That's irrelevant. I'm talking about marriage.
>From a purely biological/materialist perspective
That's a retarded perspective. We are not simple slaves of biological imperatives and fulfilling the reproduction section of live will hardly guarantee your spiritual fulfillmente - although it will indeed give you quite a bit of comfort to see your progeny around you in your deathbed, of course.

>> No.19287303

Except incels aren’t given the option of pursuing other interests because they are forced to wagie ragie, the resentment coming from the fact they are forced to uphold a system that exploits them without giving them any benefits.

>> No.19287317

>because they are forced to wagie ragie
>hey are forced to uphold a system that exploits them without giving them any benefits
I don't even know where to begin...

>> No.19287331
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>I’m woman enough

>> No.19287680


>> No.19287704

Most women and most men are the same, to think one is significantly different and not a product of their time is perhaps one of the most common and hive-mind opinions possible. worship of the illusion of Freedom and individuality and non-existent self-actualization is nearly omnipresent in our western culture.

>> No.19287725

The only remaining question, anon, is whether you're man enough.

>> No.19287731

god I want to fuck butterfly's fat hairy ass

>> No.19287771

>For the unfortunate(?) males that wouldn't be able to mate, this would free them to pursue other interests that are deterred by having a family, such as science, art, philosophy and war.
You bet they'll be pursuing their interest in war.

>> No.19287882
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>> No.19287906
File: 71 KB, 944x594, BTFO Butters 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To The Lighthouse by Woolf increased my respect and understanding of women. The characters were thoughtful within their societal roles and the natural compassion of the females in the novel came through.

In case anyone missed it (>>19287882) and (pic) was a days-long BTFO of the insect. She even got caught turning off her trip to argue in her own defense (she lied about it at first too), admitting to shitting her pants and posting about it on /lit, and saying that she ratted to the jannies because she was seething so hard.

>> No.19287944

das rough

>> No.19287965

Got a link to the thread?

>> No.19287970

The best part is that the tread was off-topic from the 3rd post and the mods still left it up for 5 days and hours after it had reached the bump limit. >>19259922

>> No.19288167

Based jannies. Late but still *witnessed*

>> No.19288240

Weininger actually converted to Christianity with his father well before he died.
Nobody hated Judaism (emphasis on the ism, not the jews in themselves) more than Weininger.

>> No.19288266

I dont understand the joke...
bros pls explain so I can mock butterfly too

>> No.19288281


>> No.19288298

she's a lesbian

>> No.19288314

holy fuck butterfly got mega butt blasted in that thread

>> No.19288329

Polygamy in animals exists when males undergo extreme sexual selection and compete via. killing the babies of other males, sometimes killing their own babies, killing females who don't reproduce with them, and raping females.
Polygamy is NOT a system of "females choosing to form harems around an alpha male". It's "males kill each other and each other's babies to establish themselves as an alpha male, to monopolize reproduction".
Even suggesting that society should be polygamous should be a crime against humanity.

>> No.19288408

imagine all the time it took for her to get that selfie exactly right

>> No.19288424

She's cute though

>> No.19288456

If you saw a candid picture of her she would look much less attractive. Her mouth area is a giveaway.

>> No.19288462

Once you find the spot with the best lighting in the house, the best angle, and the best (eh) facial expression, the rest is easy. I'm talkin 10+ "exactly right" selfies/minute
Think of it like an assembly line: takes a lot of initial investment, but once up and running you get crazy output

>> No.19288465


>> No.19288676

Retarded tranny here to ruin the thread yet again.

>> No.19288693

a transbian more like

>> No.19288709

Many successful men have children by multiple women and/or date multiple women simultaneously.

>> No.19288726

>thread about midwit/NPC protagonists
>/lit's insect problem (unironically) makes an appearance
>anon makes witty dad joke
>jab at insect's sexual identity it relentlessly flaunts
>anons laugh
>insect is triggered and insults the joke's quality
>oblivious (in general, as always) of what makes a good dad joke—piss off fems
>insect is flustered and calls everyone midwits
>pile on ensues
>”I'm not seething! The joke isn't funny, you're not even laughing!”
>apparent to all the insect is seething; makes pile on even funnier
>coming back will make things worse...but insect can't resist
>for the insect/tripfag the (you) is honey
>positive/negative attention dichotomy doesn't exist

>MO anon points out insect's pattern
>jumping into threads and saying retard tier shit i.e. ”muh atheism! muh personal life!”
>[“muh anarchism.. Ima female” would have also been acceptable]
>insect turns off trip and pretends to be a random defender
>gets caught instantly
>tries to lie about it
>“random” anon: “she uses an IPAD; just another phone poster...I DONNO”
>literally makes next (obvious « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ») post exactly 1min later
>called out again, gives up
>”I was being retarded on purpose! Believing in god is stupid!”
>the meme defence/non sequitur atheism MO anon predicted
>anons laugh
>”[MO anon] is a liar! He wrote all lies!”
>anons laugh harder

>anon posts picture from the time insect shit her pants and posted it on /lit
>post gets erased
>anon points out insect was triggered and reported post
>insect admits she had the post deleted (i.e. triggered/true)
>insect also admits it was in fact shitty panties
>plausible deniability of bad hygiene given up

There's lots of little shit that also happened (e.g. anons pretending to sincerely engage her only to reference the dad joke when she responds; her coping she kept coming back to drive the tread above the bump limit) but that's a summary.

>> No.19288751

>im woman enough

>> No.19288900

I understand women. It honestly isn't that hard. "Black box" is ridiculous. They are highly similar to men, strategically. If you had weak muscles and were charged with choosing from an assortment of dangerous apes who want to impregnate you, good behave very similarly even without the wacky hormone profile

>> No.19288945

You have to have alexithymia in order to not understand them. All thoughts are based on feelings, which can be understood.

>> No.19288958

>I understand women.
You're at minimum bisexual then.

>> No.19289283

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.19289326

this is the ultimate redpill. nobody gives a fuck about men and nobody will ever care about them. complaining or trying to bring the fact to attention will only bring you ridicule, the most obvious modern example being the incel.

>> No.19289374

true. to seek societies sympathy as a weak man is often a futile enterprise

>> No.19289393

A man's deepest fear is that a woman will laugh at him.
A woman's deepest fear is that man will murder her.

>> No.19289431

my biggest fear is failing in such a complete and absolute way that I am less worth even less than the ridiculousness of my failings ad am treated as such, in other words alone and always alone until my death

>> No.19289448

>this is the ultimate redpill. nobody gives a fuck about men and nobody will ever care about them. complaining or trying to bring the fact to attention will only bring you ridicule, the most obvious modern example being the incel.
Do not family and friends care about their male brothers, sons and friends?

>> No.19289452


>> No.19289505

Boomer rant here but it’s has to do with moral rot.
The concept of Dignity was once valued in Western culture.
It used to be that even the most humble laborer was afforded some degree of respect and dignity (I think Tocqueville remarked on this on his trip to America) even from his social superiors.
Nowadays thought it’s incredibly hard to live a dignified life.
There’s a moral rot in our society that is invisible because it can’t be processed brought statistics but that definitely shapes social interaction.
If you want a high paying job you’re going to have to suck cock. This statement seems banal to us now but that’s because dignity is not valued anymore, and it’s becoming increasingly rare.
Look at all the successful YouTubers, the ones that take in millions in ad revenue. You’ll notice that their content is replete with parroting leftist talking points so as to reinforce the status quo. But he most damning evidence is how they literally stop their videos on their tracks to shill their sponsors’ product.
People have already remarked on this but if you want success in any artistic endeavor you essentially have to be willing to sell out, to shamelessly prostitute yourself to get favors from the algorithm, to get your art shown in a NYC gallery, etc.
Another example is women. Used to be back in the 90s/2000s it was a mark of shame to find out you had participated in a porno. The college student strapped for cash was seen as a pitiable and contemptible figure. Nowadays with sex positivity it’s mundane to find out a classmate has an OnlyFans. It’s even expected, with the usual excuses that it earns them more money than waitressing.
Living with dignity in the 21st century is becoming very hard indeed, and this has dire social consequences.
If you’re a guy you’re not afforded respect or dignity anymore, you have to earn it with status. For all their talk about “punching down” leftists sure do love to do that to men.
Calling someone an incel is seen as completely valid by the left as a way of enforcing conformity. Of course they’ll only do this to low status men. And this is what causes so many guys to just drop out.
The consequences of this social dynamic where you have to attain status just to get basic respect and dignity is evident in the black community.
Blacks are always worrying about gettin respect, it’s even in their rap lyrics.
Because in the microcosm of the ghetto if you’re a bitch you’ll get no respect. You’ll be seen as a valid target for assault and theft. So the way to get respect is by getting violent.
If you beat you beat up your attacker you earn respect, if you intimidate others by waving your gun you earn respect.
The message is clear, “if you fuck with me I’ll fuck you up”. It’s a very crude and primitive conception of respect, which is also seen in prisons but one that is extending itself outside the ghetto and prisons.

>> No.19289507

As you can see this is a clear sign that we are regressing as a society, and it’s creating dysfunctional social dynamics.
This makes it so that men are given 3 options:
You humiliate and degrade yourself to attain status to secure basic respect and dignity (and even then, the good goys that give up their manhood and conform are always threatened with loss of status to keep them compliant).
If you can’t or won’t work towards attain status, you either drop out of society, condemn yourself to loser status and keep yourself sedated with all the modern distractions (porn, video games, anime, weed, etc.) it you lash out violently, adopting some extremist ideology or go on a school shooting.
Going back to your question OP, homeless crackheads aren’t viewed as based anymore because men with no status aren’t afforded respect or dignity anymore.
Our society's mores are decaying, we are becoming less empathetic and more callous. In short, we are reverting to primitivism.
Chimpanzee Politics is very revealing on this point.
The male at the bottom of the totem pole is seen as a punching bag, they don’t even get respect from the females that are sometimes bold enough to hit and bite them.
This is why bioleninism is so prevalent today, thanks to the work of social engineers like Edward Bernays or the propaganda so prominent in the 20th, the (((elites))) have learned how to use built-in biological mechanisms in social animals (humans in this case) to keep themselves in power.

>> No.19289558

Essentially true

>> No.19289593

let's rise boys

>> No.19289752

>Rotted brain arguing the point he has no individuality
You are on the wrong board.

Go away Retarded Tranny

They have mental problems and will fake horse laugh at anything. It went from slightly funny to an excuse for them to tell me this means I have to leave

>> No.19289807

Fuck off mentally ill tripfag. Youb opened yourself up to this by shifting focus away from the content of your posts to your personality. This isn't r*ddit, the place where you should stay.

>> No.19289819

American Psycho

>> No.19289844

No, quite literally you >>19287882 >>19287970
Turn this place into “re**it”. You do it all the time. You refuse to stop. I swear, you must be making micro payments to advertise for them.

>> No.19289853

Why do you use a tripcode?

>> No.19289885

Because people use my moniker to shitpost.
I went without for a couple of years, but some janitor band everyone using it one. Anonymous necessitates trip usage with their constant /b/tard culture

>> No.19289918


>> No.19289933

if you don't believe in the fundamental anonymity of image boards and call it /b/tard culture then why are you even here retard. at that point just join a forum.

>> No.19289942

Keep seething insect. I'm going to repost that shit whenever we see you messing up a thread with your nonsense. 170 people shat all over you and the jannies left it all alone and the MODs let it run for days.


>> No.19289962

>my moniker
And why did you have one in the first place? How can someone pretend to be you unless you went out of your way to make yourself identifiable? Seems like you're just reaping the harvest of all obnoxious trip/name/avatar fags that call attention to themselves here.

>> No.19289972
File: 49 KB, 736x553, 2E00C07F-D97D-418B-92E6-ED8E91BFD7B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real question is why are you here? Picture for you.

Didn’t happen. And yeah, we know l you keep saying it. We’ll all get sick of it, just like you want troll.
>but muh 200!

>> No.19289981

And by the way. I enjoy sucking cocks. Big fat ones. Hit me up with an email if you have one.

>> No.19289992

you don't have to participate in anything, you just look like a faggot if you walk down the street with a dirty diaper on your head when most people in a given society have good reasons for not doing that, tripfag.

>> No.19290003

She thinks /lit is her own personal interactive blog and she can't tell the difference between good/bad attention. She's middle-aged but still hasn't grown out of teenage atheism ("muh parents were mean Christians!"), unemployed/underclass 20-something political "philosophy" ("muh anarchism"), and the idea she sucks because she's a woman ("muh feminism").

She's a sad sad woman; on the other side of the wall and willing to do anything for a sense of identity. That's why she tells us all about being a lesbian and seethes when we make fun of her by pointing out she's fat and looks like a tranny.

>> No.19290005

I remember that thread.

>> No.19290013

Oh, it happened. >>19259922

>> No.19290047

Ive spent so much time reading leftist theory and arguing on the internet about it, but when it comes down to it, every awful thing that has happened in my life is because of a handful of women. Shakespeare was a fucking faggot. It is not better to have loved and lost. If I were to have never loved, never found a woman attractive, never followed the urge in my loins, never been driven by this god forsaken calling to fuck, I would be better off. I would be a better man. I would have accomplished more by now if I hadn’t spent time chasing tail and dealing with the social consequences of chasing said tail.

How can I help people when I fucking hate them all? I’ll never be happy. Why not just become a sociopath?

>> No.19290049

No, I mean the seething didn’t happen. Drrr.

>> No.19290051

That's so fucking reductive though.
I agree that most of (if not all) our differences can be traced all the way back to our different biological imperatives + difference in hormones, but just knowing that is so far from understanding.

For instance,
>If you had weak muscles and were charged with choosing from an assortment of dangerous apes who want to impregnate you
This is what women are, so then men must be apes with strong muscles that choose to impregnate from an assortment of apes, and everything that men are can be understood by this. Right?
Then how does this explain the male concepts of say brotherhood, honor, will to a purpose, straightforward conversations, the split between sadism/masochism, the devotion to truth, curiosity vs. obsession, etc., etc?
You can sit there and tell me all the theoretical connections between these behaviors and our biology, but that's all they are. Just theories. Everything between the biology and your experiences in observed behavior is still up in the air, and if you fail to account for something or generalize too hastily, then you could end up totally off the mark.

I'm pretty confident in my understanding of women so I don't need your explanation, but knowing the biological differences between us was just the beginning of that journey.
My point: fuck off with that oversimplified bullshit. It's trite, redundant and overall just useless.

Also: when basing off biology, the intrasexual relationships of humans are much more important than the intersexual ones. Especially for women, because they historically have not usually had the privilege of choosing who to be impregnated by. For the most part, their "strategies" need not apply.

>> No.19290072
File: 51 KB, 510x494, 1625171131338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you an anarchist/atheist?

>> No.19290123

You're seething right now, kek

>> No.19290126
File: 3.96 MB, 640x640, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd find a career in comedy

>> No.19290146

No, I’m cool. How are you?
Moving the conversation out of the thread here >>19290137

>> No.19290170

Not following you to your gay thread.

>> No.19290305

>But males and their systems are still in power
Read "The Myth of Male Power"

>> No.19290327

Oh, it appears my beautiful bummers is back! Hello ma'am, fancy the day? Now please excuse me if I may be so forward, but ma'am may I trouble to request of your just the tiniest crumb of your coochie? I know you know I think the world of you ma'am and I know I have no place to request so much of you, but ma'am just the tiniest crumb of coochie would suffice to nourish me for weeks. Perhaps a toe? Not even the biggest, mind you. Even a pinky would do. Please ma'am, my apologies again, but do think on it. Ta-ta!

>> No.19290332

It’s your gay thread.

Why would I bother with a book of lies?

>> No.19290589

Pretending to have PMS doesn't make you any more of a woman

>> No.19290600

>enter thread
>half the threads are filtered tripfags
I'm sorry about your thread OP.

>> No.19290614

The other half are the tards

>> No.19290662


I'm posting with a trip, I gotta say I feel gayer already and not enlightened or anything.