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/lit/ - Literature

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19289811 No.19289811 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have read À la recherche du temps perdu in its entirety?

>> No.19289824

I have and I'll do it again. Albertine was a whore.

>> No.19289832

I have. Three times. Will read it again after I finish taking the bar exam next year.

>> No.19289838

I have a feeling that the social intrigue will bore me so I've been putting it off. Am I wrong /lit/

>> No.19289842

MANcel 'Prout' was/is/will always be garbage

>"there are pages, there are chapters of Marcel Proust that are unacceptable as inventions, and we unwittingly resign ourselves to them as we resign ourselves to the insipidity and emptiness of each day.”
--- Jorge Luis Borges

>"To be absolutely honest, apart from the opening volume of Proust, I find him crushingly dull."
--- Kazuo Ishiguro

>"I have read some pages of his. I cannot see any special talent."
--- James Joyce in a 1920 letter to Frank Budgen

>"I am reading Proust for the first time. Very poor stuff. I think he was mentally defective."
--- Evelyn Waugh

>"Prout Proust, who was half ghost, immersed himself with extraordinary tenacity in the infinitely watery futility of the rites and procedures that entwine the members of high society, those denizens of the void, those phantoms of desire, those irresolute daisy-chainers still waiting for their Watteau, those listless seekers after implausible Cythereas.
>300 pages to learn tutu is sodomizing toto.... it's too much"
--- Louis Ferdinand Celine

>"Proust? That's not literature"
--- Cormac McCarthy

>> No.19289868

No shit, all of 'em whores.

>> No.19289874
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>> No.19289889

You know you've created a landmark work when there are myriads of opinions about said work from other famous writers. The fact these authors feel compelled to give their opinions, either to journalists or privately, indicates its value.

The same could be said for Ulysses.

BTW all those authors with the exception of Joyce are vastly inferior.

>> No.19289893

Your prout mind thinks that. They are all infinitely better than the jew

>> No.19289899

Stop posting.

>> No.19289905

Ewww what a dumb fanboy post.
Wtf is this metric? Writers give opinions on other writers all the time. Stephen king has that, so does JK rowling. Read more books faggot.

>> No.19289909

Stop Prouting

>> No.19289914

Why are you being such a dumb contrarian? À la recherche du temps perdu is considered one of if not the most important and influential novels of the last century. This is an irrefutable fact, regardless of your personal opinions of the work (I doubt you have even read it).

>Read more books faggot

Post books you think one should read over Proust. You won't.

>> No.19289927

>>"Proust? That's not literature"
>--- Cormac McCarthy

He didn't say that.

>> No.19289939

>Evelyn Waugh
Tory hacks are not artists.

>> No.19289944

All of em where anon. Even granny

>> No.19289949

>one of if not the most important and influential novels of the last century
For sheep by jews.
>Post books you think one should read over Proust
Literally anything that isn't fart huffing, time wasting garbage. Don't look far, read Celine.
Journey to the end of the night
Death on credit.

>> No.19289952

I love it. I'll reread after I graduate. Hopefully this time in French. Inshallah.

>> No.19289954

Neither are homosexuals

>> No.19289956

>read Celine over Proust


The Bukowski of French literature.

>For sheep by jews.

So you recommend Celine because of his antisemitism? You think like a child.

>> No.19289959

Celine was far more influential btw. You wouldn't know that because you get your opinions from pseuds alone.

>> No.19289961

>Celine was far more influential btw.

Explain how Celine was more influential than Proust.
I cannot wait for this response.

>> No.19289963

>idol worshipping a prout
Everything about you screams 18 year old newfag.

>> No.19289970

You are the newfag for recommending Celine. You still reading through the /lit/ starter pack?

>> No.19289976

>he doesn't even know this
Celine is for french, what Joyce was for anglo literature in the 20th century.

>> No.19289982


>> No.19289984

>>he doesn't even know this
Nobody knows or thinks this because it's not even remotely true.
>Celine is for french, what Joyce was for anglo literature in the 20th century.
What does this even mean? Explain how Celine is a French equivalent of Joyce?

>> No.19289985

I enjoy both Proust and Celine

>> No.19289987

>newfag thinks celine is on staryer pack
>unironically thinks celine is loved by newfags
Just because you spammed Proust too much on warosu, doesn't make him the only writer on /lit/

>> No.19289993
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i got your pic

>> No.19290002

>how is celine like Joyce
In influence.

>> No.19290006

Just because you say newfag over and over doesn't make it true. Journey to the end of the night is a common entry level /lit/.

>> No.19290012

Explain how.

>> No.19290015

Yet you never read it.
Sucking prout's schlong is also entry level behaviour. It is a more pathetic giveaway if anything.

>> No.19290016

A bigger whore than Odette?

>> No.19290020

Yes, I have read it.

>> No.19290028
File: 17 KB, 523x587, Gig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive read a couple of volumes, but had to stop briefly. Planning to finish my first full read soon.
Picrel for not being insufferable

>> No.19290029

Read criticism.
Even the jew lover (and jew himself), steiner called him the major presence in 20th century french literature.

>> No.19290036

No you haven't. Your kiddie reaction to Celine being called better than prout gives you away.

>> No.19290045

>Read criticism.
Just stop. You cannot even explain in your own words. You have no knowledge of your claim because it's not true. You made it up to suit your argument.

How about you go an search how many scholarly articles are published on Proust and compare it to the number on Celine? Because you can do that, you know?

>> No.19290053

Read it the whole way through twice. Probably will do it again for the 100th anniversary next year.

>> No.19290077


Either take it at face value or shut the fuck up. I have read JTTEOTN.

>> No.19290081

>You made it up to suit your argument.
How dumb are you? You want me to explain facts to you? Celine is a major presence in 20th century western literature. You think that needs explanation? You can literally look it up and see for yourself.
Want more facts? Celine influenced more writers.
>Although many writers have admired and have been influenced by Céline's fiction, McCarthy argues that he holds a unique place in modern writing due to his pessimistic vision of the human condition and idiosyncratic writing style.[80] Writers of the absurd, such as Sartre and Camus, were influenced by Céline, but didn't share his extreme pessimism or politics.[81] Alain Robbe-Grillet cites Céline as a major influence on the nouveau-roman and Günther Grass also shows a debt to Céline's writing style.[80] Patrick Modiano admires Céline as a stylist, and produced a parody of his style in his debut novel La place de l'étoile.[82] McCarthy and O'Connell include Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs, Kurt Vonnegut and others as American writers influenced by Céline.
This is the most basic, easily googlable list.

>> No.19290086

I am already taking you at face value. You are only timepass.

>> No.19290095

Your idiotic claim wasn't that Celine was influential, it was he was more influential than Proust. You are wrong.

>> No.19290098

>In England not long ago a survey of writers and critics revealed that the twentieth-century novelist they most admired--and who they thought would have the most enduring influence on the next century--was Marcel Proust. Certainly the madeleine moistened by herbal tea has become the most famous symbol in French literature; everyone refers to sudden gusts of memory as "Proustian experiences." Snobs like to point out that if the Prousts had been better-mannered and not given to dunking, world literature would have been the poorer for it. Even those who haven't read Proust speak of him freely and often.

Oh dear.

>> No.19290105

>Studying him, of course, can have a disastrous effect on a young writer, who either comes under the influence of Proust's dangerously idiosyncratic and contagious style or who feels that Proust has already done everything possible in the novel form. Even Walter Benjamin, who became Proust's German translator, wrote the philosopher Theodor Adorno that he did not want to read one more word by Proust than was actually necessary for him to translate because otherwise he would become addictively dependent, which would be an obstacle to his own production.

>Graham Greene once wrote: "Proust was the greatest novelist of the twentieth century, just as Tolstoy was in the nineteenth.... For those who began to write at the end of the twenties or the beginning of the thirties, there were two great inescapable influences: Proust and Freud, who are mutually complementary." Certainly Proust's fame and prestige have eclipsed those of Joyce, Beckett, Virginia Woolf and Faulkner, of Hemingway and Fitzgerald, of Gide and Valery and Genet, of Thomas Mann and Bertolt Brecht, for if some of these writers are more celebrated than Proust in their own country, Proust is the only one to have a uniformly international reputation. The young Andrew Holleran, who would go on to publish the most important American gay novel of the seventies, Dancer from the Dance, wrote a friend eight years earlier: "Robert, much has happened: That is, I finally finished Remembrance of Things Past and I don't know what to say--the idea that Joyce ended the novel is so absurd; it's Proust who ended the novel, simply by doing something so complete, monumental, perfect, that what the fuck can you do afterwards?"

Oh dear.

>> No.19290111

> Joyce met Proust once and they exchanged scarcely a word, even though they shared a cab together (neither had read the other). Beckett wrote a small critical book about Proust; Woolf admired Proust so intensely that she felt swamped by his genius. Gide's bitterest regret was that as a founder of a fledgling but already prestigious publishing house, he turned down Swann's Way, the first volume of Proust's masterpiece (he thought of Proust as a superficial snob and a mere reporter of high-society events). Genet began to write his first novel, Our Lady of the Flowers, after reading the opening pages of Proust's Within a Budding Grove. Genet was in prison and he arrived late in the exercise yard for the weekly book exchange; as a result he was forced to take the one book all the other prisoners had rejected. And yet once he'd read the opening pages of Proust he shut the book, wanting to savor every paragraph over as long a period as possible. He said to himself; "Now, I'm tranquil, I know I'm going to go from marvel to marvel." His reading inspired him to write; he hoped to become the Proust of the underclass.

Oh dear.

>> No.19290118

>And yet Proust was not always so appreciated, and even his chief defenders were capable of making snide remarks about him. Robert de Montesquiou (whose arch manners and swooping intonations Proust loved to imitate and whose life provided Proust with the main model for his most memorable character, the baron de Charlus) said that Proust's work was "a mixture of litanies and sperm" (a formula that he considered to be a compliment). Gide accused him of having committed "an offense against the truth" (Gide was irritated that Proust never acknowledged his own homosexuality in print nor ever presented homosexual inclinations in an attractive light). Lucien Daudet, a young writer with whom Proust had an affair (Proust liked artistic young men with mustaches and dark eyes: that is, those who resembled himself), at one point told Cocteau that Proust was "an atrocious insect." Lucien's father, Alphonse Daudet, one of the most celebrated writers of the generation before Proust's, though now largely forgotten, announced, "Marcel Proust is the devil!" He might well have taken such a position, since it was Proust's seven-volume novel, Remembrance of Things Past (in recent editions, translated more literally as In Search of Lost Time), that surpassed--indeed, wiped out--the fiction written in the two decades before him. Who today reads Anatole France, Paul Bourget, Maurice Barres, or even Alphonse Daudet? Paul Claudel, the arch-Catholic poet and playwright, described Marcel as "a painted old Jewess." In New York during the 1970s one popular T-shirt, using the Yiddish word for a female gossip, brandished the slogan "Proust Is a Yenta"!

Oh dear.

>> No.19290122

He is. It's fucking hilarious you think Proust is even a 10th as influential as you think he is.
>who they thought
Hahahahahahaha. The redditor is coming out!

>> No.19290127

Not an argument.

>> No.19290150

I didn't really like In Search of Lost Time, but I can see why some people do.
I didn't know /lit/ was a cesspool. Carry on.

>> No.19290173

what an absolute cope post

>> No.19290180

>spamming paragraphs from a shill
I am sure Joyce, faulkner, woolf shills would oppose him.
>only Proust has an international reputation
Lmao, did you write this? Reads like misinformed dicksuckery.

>> No.19290181


>> No.19290184

Hahaha cope

>> No.19290186


>> No.19290188


>> No.19290192

I can't imagine Odette insisting on using the back door

>> No.19290229

Fuck Islam, pussy

>> No.19290248

Are all of Proust's published books a part of ISOLT? I want to get into Proust but don't want to dive right in to his masterpiece. Any recommendations?

>> No.19290253

Yes. You just have to dive right in.

>> No.19290256

No but he didn't write much else. Swann's Way can be read as a detached work (kind of) so this is a rare case where just diving into the biggest work on an author is the ideal way to get into them.

>> No.19290442

Thanks for the tips y'all

>> No.19290510
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"La vie est trop courte, et Proust est trop long."

>> No.19290524


>> No.19290548

I'm about to read this next because I heard Proust's major theme is nostalgia, about how it is more "real" or better than real life, and there were people complaining about how he has massive swaths of text dedicated to the autistic dissection of paintings. I'm going to be really annoyed if it's just some French faggot talking about early 20th century bougie gossip.

what am i in for (no i will not read the rest of this thread)

>> No.19290595

You sound like a stupid person. Don’t read this novel.

>> No.19290631

I will still read it anyway. Then I will come on /lit/ and shitpost about how it is terrible.

>> No.19290636

Based. Only way to read Proust

>> No.19290637

You’ll do the latter definitely but I highly doubt the former.

>> No.19290640

You're in for both of those things and much much more.

>> No.19290700

I thought the Beckettschizo was bad but this Proustposter faggot takes the fucking cake. Congrats faggot, kys

>> No.19290865

>celinecuck still seething
o i am laffin

>> No.19290886

Not me, you fuckin tranny.

>> No.19290895
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>> No.19290929


>> No.19291006

who cares

>> No.19291029

>You know you've created a landmark work when there are myriads of opinions about said work from other famous writers.

sometimes people just feel compelled to shit on bad things because they become famous though

>> No.19291069

More often than not, people don't attack the sacred cows. Like McCarthy or Wallace today who will be forgotten after a generation or two when boomers all die.

>> No.19291085

Smelly prouts do
Proust is not a sacred cow though. Nobody even cares for him anymore. He was, for his time, what knausgard is today. Seldom read; mostly brought up by people for pseudcred.

>> No.19291093


>> No.19291113

Hahahaha. How delusional can one be? Proust was one of the architects of Modernism praised by dozens as shown above. He's not some this week's sensation (in this case autobiographical bullshitia). Proust will be read by the cultured as long as novel remains an artform to make and enjoy. He had soul. A deeply nostalgic, spiritual man who was very much in love with the french society. We don't need any more authors who only spread misery or confusion or are trying to wank in literary form.

>> No.19291123

>Proust will be read by the cultured as long as novel remains an artform to make and enjoy. He had soul. A deeply nostalgic, spiritual man who was very much in love with the french society.

shit like this is why i quit being a white supremacist. if crackers' greatest members are fawning over this french cuck then whatever fuck it maybe blacks aren't that bad and i was wrong the whole time.

>> No.19291126


>> No.19291127

And conveniently forgotten. He was a writer of autofiction in tired 19th century styles. All his big name fans are long dead and there are rather bigger names ITT that shat on him.
Rest of your post is fanboyism which is applicable for any author someone might want to bloat up.

>> No.19291136

You are a sissyfuck who visits 4chan. You are not some alpha dog nigger. Besides Americans can't ever get Art or make it. Fuck off mutt.

>> No.19291137
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Actually they are, usually the best kind.

>> No.19291140

Literally who?

>> No.19291142

>You are a sissyfuck who visits 4chan.

ah yes, the niche anime website which is near the bottom of the top 200 in alexa rankings, which aren't accurate because you have to install a boomer toolbar which means those people are a tiny minority of visitors and it's actually much higher than that. i'm an incel, i'm a gamer. you caught me.

>> No.19291144

Good God, i knew mutts are isolated, creatively bankrupt anf tasteless but i didn't know their solipissim went that deep. It's not surprising. Anglos, your fathers, didn't understand Proust either. Go read some Corncabby chronicles a la faulkner, McCarthy and feel mascular, down-to-earth and manly

>> No.19291148

Oh, yes. I'm sure niggers love this site. Why aren't sucking their dicks. Anyone, for a mutt to ever get a point. Go away and read some Stephen King. That's deep.

>> No.19291152

>A nobel laureate
>a very underrated writer
>canonical writer (look at the seethe at this now) infinitely better than proust
Anybody who cares for Literature, so not you.

>> No.19291154

That's an artist. You wouldn't know, Anglo.

>> No.19291155

your reading comprehension seems to suck unless you somehow took that post to mean that i was a... black white supremacist? which is even funnier.

>> No.19291158

Learn to type before you post, nigger.
And read up on shit not parroted on this board. Only reason you are dicksucking prput is because you are terribly underread.

>> No.19291159

>a literal YA writer
>tory apologist cocksucksr
>gimmicky shock-value corncabbyist

>> No.19291163

You are reeing so much at proust becase you got BTFOd.

>> No.19291166

There's no difference between a 'white' american and a negro one. You're all stain upon the face of humanity.

>> No.19291170

BTFOd by who? You?
O i am "lauffin"
What did you even say? Dicksucked prout like you have been; called me a corncabbyist; fucked up spelling (proving your seethe).
Nice BTFO there lol.

>> No.19291174

A literal YA writer is still better than 19th century Nicholas sparks tier shit only fellated by select people and that too in retrospect.

>> No.19291183

>that's an artist you wouldn't know, anglo. Becaise he is shit.

>> No.19291184

Laugh all you can. How does it feel kmowing that all of American authors will never be weatern canon despite how your jew handler Harold Bloom tried to pretend America mattered. Anglos had made jew sucking a habit. Americans made it an art form. Well, that's something. Centuries of existence and not a single author that could match a mediocre Russian one.

>> No.19291189

Jeez, Nigel. It's your language. Now i have the excuse of being a speaker of English as a third language but you people really can't handle one extremely dumbed-down german language?

>> No.19291190

Why is one absolute retard shitting up this thread with Proust hate?

Nobody here cares about Le Jews

>> No.19291191

we'll be a wine stain on humanity and whatever america-obsessed country you are from (because they all are, where their young people consoom our media and worship our culture and wish to move here and even get pozzed by our insane politics) will be a shit stained footnote on humanity so whatever bro. america is AIDS but foreigners would be equally AIDS if they had our power, they just seethe and think themselves superior because they have no claws.

>> No.19291198

Good God, /lit/ doesn't read. You don't even start to even have an idea of what Proust was doing that made Woolf, Musil and other innovators stop and work on their craft again. Who is Nicholas Sparks? Did he write Twilight?

>> No.19291202

>Anglos had made jew sucking a habit. Americans made it an art form.
>sucks off a dead, faggy and jewish """artist""" that all real artists see for the hack he is
Prouters are no fun because they all are dumb. Literally all of them

>> No.19291204

How does it feel to realise that all American culture is so devoid of white talent that everything american (slangs, music, sports etc) is because of your nigs and jews?

>> No.19291205

>doesn't understand mockspeak

>> No.19291212

Projection, mutt

>> No.19291213

Great job dismissing yourself in 2 lines, dumbass.>>19291198

>> No.19291215

It's spelled Proust. Why can't burgers spell words right? Are you going to pretend that misspelling words is somehow an own?

>> No.19291219

feels alright, white culture is dead. i told you i dropped the white supremacism already. the funny part is that you are seething about niggers when like i also already said, odds are guaranteed your country is full of pozzbrained young people who worship niggers and america and i know you're mad about it.

>> No.19291221

>that made Woolf, Musil and other innovators stop and work on their craft again
You have a vacuum cleaner for a mouth, don't you? Lel.
And guess what? They are dead and no one cares for prout anymore. Not a sacred cow, as i said.

>> No.19291223

I fucking hate this board so much sometimes.

/lit/ once again proving they have nothing of value to add in literature discussion.

>> No.19291226

>incoherent american screeching about the old world

>> No.19291232
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There it is. Smelly prouts are so fukin dumb they don't even understand the joke.
Yet they still stick around like a bad prout LMAOOOO

>> No.19291239

Oh, forgive me for not getting into your vulgarism. I'm sure you're the epitome of culture in your society.

>> No.19291248

Holy shit! How wide are your nostrils flaring in anger that your fingers don't seem to fall on the right key?
The amount of seethe I have generated is praiseworthy.
It also proves you are under 18.

>> No.19291251

The insult comes from Celine, you dumb and underread fanboy. He was French. He was also better.

>> No.19291273

Based fr

>> No.19291308

What innovation did Celine bring?

>> No.19291318

>Céline was a major innovator in French literary language.[72] In his first two novels, Journey to the End of the Night and Death on the Installment Plan, Céline shocked many critics by his use of a unique language based on the spoken French of the working class, medical and nautical jargon, neologisms, obscenities, and the specialised slang of soldiers, sailors and the criminal underworld.[73][74] He also developed an idiosyncratic system of punctuation based on extensive use of ellipses and exclamation marks. Thomas sees Céline's three dots as: "almost comparable to the pointing of a psalm: they divide the text into rhythmical rather than syntactical units, permit extreme variations of pace and make possible to a great extent the hallucinatory lyricism of his style."[75]
>Céline called his increasingly rhythmic, syncopated writing style his "little music."[76] McCarthy writes that in Fables for Another Time: "Celine's fury drives him beyond prose and into a new tongue – part poetry and part music – to express what he has to say."[77] Céline's style evolved to reflect the themes of his novels. According to McCarthy, in Céline's final war trilogy, Castle to Castle, North and Rigadoon: "all worlds disappear into an eternal nothingness (…) the trilogy is written in short, bare phrases: language dissolves as reality does."[78]
>Céline further developed an innovative and distinctive literary style. Maurice Nadeau wrote: "What Joyce did for the English language…what the surrealists attempted to do for the French language, Céline achieved effortlessly and on a vast scale."[2]
Thank God for Celine, else Frenchies would still be copying Flaubert's 19th century style while berating him (like the ungrateful jew did)

>> No.19291420


>> No.19291469

>now some faggot is posting rimbaud in the catalog

uncle frog's wild ride never ends AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.19291587

Proust is too nihilist for my tastes. Prove me wrong and I'll try rereading him again.

>> No.19291599
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>> No.19291602


>> No.19291612
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>> No.19291698

Oh, so a Hemingway with slangs. And misanthropy.

>> No.19291703


>> No.19291716

>Damn i hate the hypocrites....that redhead ass....my secretary is ugly....those leech patients....god i hate being a doctor....i hate everything...

That's the power of Celine? I dropped that second book already.