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/lit/ - Literature

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19285228 No.19285228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so boring and repetitive? There is always at least 1 thread about Guenon, Ebola, Ma and Marx with similar replies. There are also threads about Nietzsche and da Greeks, but it usually takes the form of some self-help shit. What is your problem?

>> No.19285231
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I dont know OP

>> No.19285234

there's also a lot of 'why is /lit/ so rubbish' threads

>> No.19285240
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Then why aren't you improving?

>> No.19285269

why arent u

>> No.19285277

I only post in threads i know i can contribute to, like the usual phenomenology or heidegger thread
Other than that i lurk shelf and stack threads and ask for recommendations

>> No.19285287

We can pretend all we want, but everyone on /lit/ is just as much part of a drooling, reactionary circle-jerk echo-chamber as the rest of this fucking website.

>> No.19285291
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that is the most grotesque thing I have ever seen. my god.

>> No.19285293

4chan is not designed for anything serious in the first place.

>> No.19285296

social media burned all our attention spam, so nobody can read books anymore, just discuss meme books from the memes

>> No.19285299

but reacting is good though, if you don't react you are ded

>> No.19285313

What would you rather talk about, OP?
We can start our own comfy thread.

>> No.19285319
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How so?

>> No.19285374

Everyone has just as much authority here. Good for hearing different opinions. Shit to get real serious discussions going. You need to put something aristocratic in place to prevent degeneracy. The problem only lies in how to implement something while limiting corruption.

>> No.19285375
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If you try and make a thread about a non-meme book it sinks like a stone to the bottom of the catalogue and gets bumped off with no replies. Why bother?

>> No.19286057

Discussion can only exist between equals. Otherwise it's just a lecture.

>> No.19286062

Why do you keep posting ugly women?

>> No.19286075

People don't read, and if they do they are following charts. I gave up, every time I make a thread with the honest intention of talking about what I jist read it dies without replies.

>> No.19286211

One of the first boards of 4chan is an anime board.
You can ask the opposite and see there's nothing enable this site to be so, then again the same can be said about the internet as a whole. Though some levels of decent quality might be attained by decent culture but the culture of any boards on 4chan is fragile. A month of relentless shitposting by some certain crowd of users could just melt all that and transform the whole site into a whole different thing. Moderators do nothing but this could be what they're promoting though. TL;DR it's just the typical internet dude, don't expect much

>> No.19286275

>looking at the face

>> No.19286280

>Guenon, Ebola, Ma and Marx
These are the three greatest men in recent history, why wouldn't we discuss the titans who rock the very foundations of the earth?

>> No.19286299

It was literally created by moot to talk about anime outside of SA.

>> No.19286306

/lit/ is just the shallow end of the /pol/ pool

>> No.19286310

Younger guys come on the board and ask questions about topics that oldfags have known about for years. It's annoying, but it's part of the process of learning and passing information on to those who don't already know it.

>> No.19286314

So the part of the pool with the least faecal content.

>> No.19286324
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>anonymous so no way to judge poster's credibility
>ephemeral so effortposts that gather no immediate attention are disincentivized
>popular and accessible to any retard, no barrier of entry
>low if no quality control
>easy to gather attention by shitposting
4chan is a message board, not a forum. You write messages, not essays. It's for entertainment, not education. This will always be the case for any board: even /lit/, /his/ and /sci/ are no more than a bunch of underages and college freshmen larping to satisfy their loneliness and protect their egos.

>> No.19286338

Some of you are Indian.

>> No.19286374

Mal Malloy, BBW goddess (I believe she’s German) for any interested coomers.

>> No.19286468
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>> No.19286626
File: 9 KB, 349x260, FC7EAF4B-10D7-45B4-8DC5-4D86FF9FDC85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mal Malloy
I am the American psycho and have no affection for others, but take this (You) sir

>> No.19286813


>> No.19286860

Why are women this beautiful? There's just nothing I can do to compete with that.

>> No.19287464

Butterfly, you will never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.19287851

actually discussing books means actually reading books, something no one actually does around here

>> No.19287858

I just ignore those threads. Threads on 19th century American authors tend to get quality replies.

>> No.19287893

>Why is this board so boring and repetitive?
books are slow to write and release
books take a while to read
books take longer to analyze after that

people will always be better able to talk about the stuff in the back catalogue in their mind that they're already familiar with, as opposed to anything new
so they'll talk about the same familiar stuff more often than not