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/lit/ - Literature

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19284792 No.19284792 [Reply] [Original]

>you, a pleb, doesn't speak multiple languages and reads translations
>Ezra, a god, doesn't speak languages yet translates and publishes works in languages he is profusely illiterate in
>these translations are hailed as masterpieces

>> No.19284808

>Ezra, a god, doesn't speak languages yet translates and publishes works in languages he is profusely illiterate in
this is exactly what I'm doing. I don't even know English kek

>> No.19284926

>While in St. Elizabeths, Pound would often decline to talk to psychiatrists with names he deemed Jewish (he called psychiatrists "kikiatrists")
Is there any man more based in all history?

>> No.19284935
File: 45 KB, 301x360, E-SGslIWQAskIn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deem this man sane. Let him roam free.

>> No.19285047
File: 201 KB, 769x495, ka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you, a gullible fffool, rates pound cos he acts like a great poet
>robert gaves, real poet, calls him shockingly illiterate

>> No.19285080

I will now read your poet

>> No.19285137
File: 380 KB, 596x322, pound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Pound alongside Celine would've posted on /pol/. So would Larkin too, regardless of his thoughts on Pound's poetry.

>> No.19285180

feel like larkin doesn't exactly fall in with those two. bit dodgy about certain stuff but he wasn't mad

>> No.19286537


>> No.19286547

Ok i'm interested, where do I start with Pound?

>> No.19286586

As you decided to repost your shit thread, I'll repost my reply which made you run away without answering.
First reply:

>You are a certified monolingual if you don't think it's possible to translate from a language you don't have much knowledge of.

Your reply:

>You are the retard.

My reply which you ran away from:

" No, I am not.
Please, explain to me, why exactly do I need to be fluent in Spanish to translate this into English:

Ayer se fue; mañana no ha llegado;
hoy se está yendo sin parar un punto:
onions un fue, y un será, y un es cansado.

En el hoy y mañana y ayer, junto
pañales y mortaja, y he quedado
presentes sucesiones de difunto.

Tell me.
Of course, in a literal sense, translation itself is an impossibility, but as far as it is possible to translate a poem into another language, you obviously do not need to know the language, all you need is to know the words which constitute the poem and the relationship they have between each other. Reading commentaries can be helpful too, and Pound did read commentaries, at least those that were available to him back then.

>oh, but you won't get the nuances

This applies even to native readers, though, and even then it's not necessary to be fluent in the language, because, as I said, you can read commentaries and so on.
You talk as if Pound were interested in making scholarly translation, when clearly he was interested in literary recreation. There's no need whatever to be fluent in order to do that. "


Get lost.


Being hated by those pamphleteers and unoriginal bores who wrote nothing but second-rate light verse while being appreciated by Yeats, Ford, Joyce, Eliot, Crane, Hemingway, Auden (who, like Eliot, was better at light verse than Larkin could ever hope to be), Beckett, Krasznahorkai, Hill etc. is a sign of genius.
The only people who hate Pound are some Anglo conservatives who dislike modern art because it goes against the sensibilities their overbearing mothers forced upon them. Even communists like Pasolini and hippies like Ginsberg were great admirers of him.

>> No.19286622

What zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.19286631
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, jews_in_publishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19286690

Have sex

>> No.19286731

I will on my weekend off)

>> No.19286738

Pay no attention to the nose protruding from behind the curtain.

>> No.19286756

Belittling translations is ESL cope.

Historically, reading the classics just meant learning Greek and Latin and these two languages were often central to any good education. Now the classics includes works from probably about a dozen different languages and language learning is a much smaller part of the curriculum so that most people probably don't take the time to seriously learn a language until they're already an adult and out of personal interest.

If someone really wants to take the time to learn all those languages thoroughly to read works in the original then more power to them. But it's extremely time consuming and ultimately a bit of a waste unless you plan on writing in any secondary language.

>> No.19286997

Where is this from?

>> No.19287014

I have nothing to say about Graves, but Orwell doesn't hold a candle to Pound.
I can feel the seethe just reading that letter.

>> No.19287260

>contemporary writers
>best books of 2016
>i decided not to read books by dead white males
Nobody cares

>> No.19288809

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19288943

Gaining reading proficiency by laboriously translating a work was very common last century, and centuries prior. Mastery in the target language supersedes facility in the one being raided.

>> No.19289201

lol you got the wrong guy bud i like pound that post isn't me and i didn't see it 10 days ago

>> No.19289206

>bit of a waste
Not everyone is a coping philistine, anon.

>> No.19289214

Pound sucks.

>> No.19289519

Yes, yes I'm sure anon. Everyone know that all of us /lit/ patricians speak, read, and write in at least 7-8 languages fluently and access to the discord server is only allowed if you speak Koine Greek.

>> No.19289569

Translating is by far the worst and least-efficient way of learning a new language. In prior centuries people learned languages through immersion, that’s why they were so much better than us at Latin and Greek.