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19283421 No.19283421 [Reply] [Original]

>villain just blatantly announces that he is the bad guy
Literally closed the book at this point

>> No.19283423

I like this thread

>> No.19283432

I enjoy this schizophrenic attitude where he admits to his villainy but then reverts to insisting that he's actually the good guy and you just don't get it.

>> No.19283490
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>he admits to his villainy but then reverts to insisting that he's actually the good guy and you just don't get it.
>this is the god of the Jews
Actually it makes a lot of sense now.

>> No.19283627
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Don’t just rely on the KJV translation, you bellends. Evil in this context is not actual evil but afflictions and punishments. Don’t give those Gnostic LARPers an opening.

>> No.19283644
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>I bring good and I make trouble

>> No.19283692

The YHWH isn't God.

>> No.19284009
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>this kills the church father

>> No.19284617

God is based

>> No.19284697

KJv is earliest though?

>> No.19284731


Yes, it's also a less accurate translation. Modern translations are translated directly from Greek and Hebrew by people who have much more accurate information then the people who translated the KJV. It was good for it's time but there's a reason why it's an out of date translation and it's not just the thees and thous.

>> No.19284736

How is the meaning of those different from OP's? They've just used softer words for the same thing.

>> No.19284795

your picture does not match your post

>> No.19284827

The hebrew word (רַ֖ע) literally means evil or bad, it's the same word used for evil in Genesis 6:5, Deuteronomy 22:14, 1 Kings 22:8, etc.

>> No.19284839

Oh that’s pretty cool and I didn’t know that.

>> No.19285734

>nooo you can't heckin do that, im closing the bookerino
Filtered. By virtue of omnipotence, he can do whatever he wants.
It's not villainous. It's justified.
That's exactly how God would act and the world around us proves it.

>> No.19285739

You should work in PR the way you are spinning this shit.

>> No.19285758

>you have to believe he's good, otherwise you fully deserve asscancer from getting brutally raped and beaten by your father every night

>> No.19285830

Bro he's an author

>> No.19285885

As someone who was raised Christian, I find it absolutely fascinating to trace the beginnings of Judaism.

The Jews originally weren't monotheistic, they were henotheistic, believing all the other gods in the Caananite pantheon also existed. Some Christian 'demons' like Beelzebub are actually a twisted version of Caananite gods, Beelzebub actually comes from the saying Ba'al Zevuv, calling the Caananite god Baal 'the lord of the flies' (calling the deity a piece of shit and his followers being like flies to shit)

>> No.19285920

>you have to believe he's good, otherwise you fully deserve
Yes. You don't have a choice. You are nothing but a worm compared to the omnipotent entity and if you fail to adhere to his prescribed laws, themselves immutable and explicit, then the consequences are expected and merited.

>> No.19285939

>Yes, I do have Stockholm syndrome. I deserve it. Infact, I probably deserve worse
suit yourself my guy

>> No.19285984

>bug with IQ of 115
>thinks he is more correct than a God with infinite intelligence.

>> No.19285993

>thinks it's jewgod
like I said, suit yourself, Brahman don't care

>> No.19286070

Almost always the Douay-Rheims comes through.
>[7] "Create evil": The evils of afflictions and punishments, but not the evil of sin.

>> No.19286097

>An omnipotent god would conform to human-imagined contradictions.
Never understood this gotcha.

>> No.19286124

I agree with you insofar as it pertains to the actual true God, but this gotcha does indeed work for the Christian and Jewish (maybe Muslim too, idk how their beliefs about this may differ) god because that god is implicitly human in nature and appearance.

>> No.19286552

Why would it not apply because the Christian god is humanised?

>> No.19286566

Are you implying that the God didn't create evil?

>> No.19286569

yes, but no, but yes

>> No.19286578


All the more reason to reject him.

>> No.19286589
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>> No.19286650

>I put evil in the world
>I bring bad times
Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two phrases.

That being said, please get into Kabbalah, it accepts that God is necessarily the source of evil as well as good - and that's a good thing!

>> No.19286698

>That's exactly how God would act and the world around us proves it.

>> No.19286826
File: 198 KB, 1500x977, John_Martin_-_The_Eve_of_the_Deluge_-_WGA14146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaiah 45:7 is using a literary technique called a parallelism, whereby opposites are contrasted.
God, in this sentence, contrasts the opposites light (ohr), and darkness (hosek). He then contrasts the opposites peace (shalom), and... evil (ra)? Clearly, that doesn't make sense, in the context of a parallelism - God would be creating peace, and the opposite of peace. This is where the nuance of the Hebrew word "ra" comes into play, which is commonly used for meaning "evil", but is sometimes used to mean "adversity", or "calamity", as in Exodus 5:19:
>The Israelite foremen realized they were in trouble (ra) when they were told, “You must not reduce your daily quota of bricks.”

Clearly, the usual usage of the word "evil" is incorrect here, as "they were in evil" makes much less sense in the context than "they were in a calamity/adversity/trouble/bad situation".

Therefore, by understanding Hebrew parallelism, we can know that God does not create or will moral evil, but does instead sometimes will a calamity, such as when the Israelites were overtaken by Babylon, or when the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans (in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy).

All moral evils are perpetrated by man, and none are authored by God.

If you read the passage of Amos 3:6 interlinearly (https://biblehub.com/interlinear/amos/3-6.htm)), you can see that the word "ra" is again translated here as "calamity", as in Exodus 5:19. We know that God willing the punishment of a wicked people is not a moral evil, but rather a just retribution, so there is no contradiction here w/r/t God not willing moral evil. Think of situations like Sodom and Gomorrah, or the Israelites sacrificing their children/worshipping pagan gods and getting conquered by the Babylonians. This is a just punishment, not a moral evil.

A tornado is not a moral evil, it is a force of nature. A person receiving the death penalty for heinous and grave crimes is not a moral evil. Why, then, should a calamity affecting a society which is sacrificing their children to Moloch, or practicing sexual immorality (as Sodom and Gomorrah) be "evil"? It is a perfectly just retribution, from a perfectly just God. It is not evil that child rapists receive just punishment by going to Hell, but it is rather a perfect and holy adjudication.

>> No.19287136

Because a human God absolutely can be judged on human standards and perspectives, because that "God" is human

>> No.19287142

This is actually the single bible verse that makes the entire religion worth giving a shit about.

>> No.19287406

If we can’t understand god’s morality then he can’t be the source of morality and is undeserving of worship.

>> No.19288074
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>> No.19288103

>please get into Kabbalah
Kys, Freemason pos.

>> No.19288192

>dying at one day old was all part of god's plan for you :)
>by the way you're now in Limbo forever, you disgusting sinner

>> No.19288212

>implying Limbo is a real thing in any of the apostolic Christian faiths
You either end up in heaven, or hell. Anything else is heresy - simple as.