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19280330 No.19280330 [Reply] [Original]

Gabidalism... gabidalism is... le bad!

>> No.19280360
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>> No.19280389

I'm convinced all of these Sally Rooney threads are the product of like two to three guys going through a weird obsessive phase wherein they probably are actually legitimately interested in Sally Rooney as both a writer and cultural phenomenon while also having some unexamined pathological hatred for what they perceive she represents so you get these sorts of threads were it's a forced meme that no one really finds all that funny or perceptive like the one above which has been posted to presumably instigate at least some legitimate discussion about Rooney - either positive or negative - which OP will closely and eagerly read, consider, and think about

>> No.19280418

Yeah it's a shitty meme but we have to do something while we're waiting for Waldun to do something funny again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.19280439

Shitty industry plant
Capitalism is LE BAD
Also now buy my book tee hee :) *

>> No.19280478

>protagonists bad because they don't prescribe or argue for any positive changes
women should be barred from reading

>> No.19280495

'luv Marx
'luv potatoes
'luv feminism

'ate Anglos
'ate capitalism
'ate patriarchy

Simple as

>> No.19280542

uhm... based?

>> No.19280557


>> No.19280582

What is the anarchist/lolbert mirror author of this leftist meandering bullshit? Would it be too autistic or is it just regular westerns and nautical books occupy that role. Because that is the other demographic of millenials that is underrepresented.

>> No.19280601

Fractional reserve banking, fiat currency, and cronyism is le bad. Capitalism hasn't existed in at least 100 years, arguably since Truman destroyed the US, or possibly around the 1820s.

>> No.19280632

The Irish are a simple people. You have to respect it. Actually you don't but I will.

>> No.19280642
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>> No.19280673

You describe tentacles of a sargassum

>> No.19280680

luv potatos
'ate capitalism
'ate trannies
'ate communists
simple as

>> No.19280690

Capitalism only actually exists in anarchy. States are and will always be the problem. The only solution to the state problem would be mass depopulation. I think a sterilization virus would work perfectly.

>> No.19280695

don't forget
>'ate Jews

>> No.19280700

>real capitalism has never been tries

>> No.19280726

>Capitalism only actually exists in anarchy
Then you reduce the term to sharing the resources and one’s labor for the general good of all. This withers a state.
The madmen this greed system has bred will, and are currently, depopulating us.
There you reveal your racist liberal distrust of your fellow humans. You’re half a man.

>> No.19280786
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>There you reveal your racist liberal distrust of your fellow humans. You’re half a man.
Exactly, this is why im a huge advocate of ww3.

>> No.19280922

>'luv potatoes
>'ate capitalism
>'ate Anglos

>'luv feminism
>'luv Marx
>'ate patriarchy

>> No.19280931

Gommunist that enjoys gapitalist netfligz bux

>> No.19280997
File: 26 KB, 517x291, 1E0B015C-7C58-49B5-805A-CB813AED21C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that she boycotted Israel by refusing to have her book translated into Hebrew is hilarious because everyone in Israel is either fluent in English or Arabic on top of Hebrew, so they could all still read her book if they really wanted to. Brilliant bit of viral marketing on her part nonetheless.

>> No.19281018

Political posturing. It may be for show, but it’s a gesture of of a big middle finger at them. Almost as dangerous as Rushdie Satanic Verses

>> No.19281033

Since Jews are omnipresent in the publishing industry, she is killing her career. Good riddance.

>> No.19281459 [DELETED] 

Yes thank you buttertroon. As usual you parrot previous points while adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.

>> No.19281564

Yes, signalling your disgust with le nazi apartheid state to your Guardian-reading audience is exactly the same as enraging millions of insane religious zealots. Another big brained take by Butters.

>> No.19281730

Buttertroon I wish I could airdrop you into Gaza and watch you get torn to shreds by angry palishits

>> No.19282953

Really a very retarded point
The fact that you have a different definition for the word capitalism as everyone else is not an argument
Its like when people say blacks cant be racist

>> No.19282998

I started reading Normal People and it's so... bland. So there's this Chad who's the son of a brave single mother and this not-like-other-girls girl and they have an awkward romance and also there are some misogynistic stereotypes that grope her and make fun of her and what else is there.

>> No.19283533

Indeed, for it was the material conditions brought about chiefly by capitalism that lead to me being able to open my computer up to the literature board on 4channel, so that I can read your dog-shit opinions to ruin my day and it was capitalism that first invented annoying tranny fags like (You). Q.E.D.

>> No.19283617

What’s up dyke?

>> No.19283730
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 219F87F1-F19A-44BF-BF03-1AD4BDD738F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fatwa was issued decades before you were even born and he’s still alive.
Also look up the word “almost”

Hello Izraeli poster