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19278808 No.19278808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that explore this further?

>> No.19278834

When my grandmother gets some mail order furniture or something that has "some assembly required" she intentionally messes up one step towards the end and acts confused so that my grandfather would have a reason to double check her work and then fix it for her. I think he's figured it out over the years - he's not stupid - but it's like a little game they slyly play with each other. I think it's cute.

>> No.19278838

Thanks for sharing

>> No.19278841

idiotic women are lovely. all i want is a dainty rose who only thinks simple things

>> No.19278842


>> No.19278844

Every time a woman opens her fucking mouth it's to whine about something and how it's secretly twisty-turny inside-outie sneak up and come from behind bendy-straw my fault and I did it to them. Now they even whine that when I'm doing nothing else they are trying to "please" me by punching themselves in their own face. I don't CARE!!! STOP WHINING!!! NOOOOO MORE WOMAN WHINING! AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THEIR FUCKING EXCUSES ANYMORE!! ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF THIS AND ALL YOU DO IS WHINE AND MAKE MORE EXCUSES FOR WHY YOU SUCK!! YOU MAKE EXCUSES FOR YOUR EXCUSES! NO MORE!! SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL WOMEN!!!! BE QUIET!!!!

>> No.19278852
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Wait till they find out it goes both ways

>> No.19278866

you don't even play 2hu

>> No.19278892

evolutionary biology. Women want a mate who is 'greater' than them, so men instinctually feel if their woman is 'smarter' than them, they will go for a man who they feel is smarter.

>> No.19278895

I feel you. All some woman can do is whine that men should give them more resources just for existing.
Pro tip: if you're being "empowered" then you haven't earned anything; someone else gave it to you because you guilted them into it.

>> No.19278936

FFS this literally an evolutionary strategy. Women evolved to get pregnant; men evolved to get resources for pregnant women.
Women pretend to be dumb and incompetent, even if they aren't, to attract a man who feels like he needs to take care of the cute silly woman because she can't do it herself and then she gives him love and validation for putting himself in harms way and facing the threat of death all so he can have the privilege of bringing her and her children resources.
It's literally just a way of flattering the male ego to make them feel good about bringing home the bacon and providing for women. Also, by playing dumb, women get held to lower standards. It's always okay for women to be incompetent and to need help in a way that it never will be for men. No matter how cute a guy is, women don't want to be providers for cute ditsy boys. But the reverse is always okay.
It's literally the biggest con ever when you think about it.
Hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution have resulted in a world in which women are always held to lower standards than men and it's totally acceptable for them to be dumb and incompetent (even if they secretly aren't) so long as they're cute and nice. And now they don't even have to be nice!
Look. Women always have more cultural leeway than men. They can basically do whatever they want. They can be dumb and cute and wow we all gotta take care of them. Being dumb improves their value. They can also be a smart, competent girlboss and wow we're all supposed to conspire to rain down on them an ever flowing stream of validation and make way for them to be the worlds most empowered hecking girlboss (and you better not dare "mansplain" around them!).

No matter what women are doing we're supposed to just validate them and make life easier for them just for existing.
No matter what women are doing, men gotta look inward and root out their toxic masculinity because no amount of "equality", "inclusivity", or "empowerment" will ever be enough.
Man, this drives me insane.

>> No.19278959

>needs a book to explain flirting
Good luck.

>> No.19279029

I don't think all women are boring but it sure seems that way at my state school.

>> No.19279040

are you serious it's basically impossible to find an intelligent woman and all men (who aren't dumb themselves) greatly appreciate it. it boosts their attractiveness a lot precisely because it's so unusual. it's also why certain ugly girls can get good-looking men.

>> No.19279131

as soon as a woman's interest in men is independent of what he can do for her, men won't feel insecure if their partner is better than them at said things.

>> No.19279147

Stopped reading your atheist bugman opinion right there. Thanks for starting your posts like this. Knowing you're retarded saved me from having to read your idiot paragraph

>> No.19279149

Harry Potter

>> No.19279150

>they're just pretending to be retarded

Oh thank God.

>> No.19279153

just a reminder that this only applies in the midwit range and in my experience is absolutely true.

>> No.19279156

Women bore me, I wish I didn't have to deal with them at all, to be honest

>> No.19279161

Yeah here you go comrade:

>> No.19279169

did the sociologists even bother to ask why men want women to be less intelligent? "yes, they said it's fragile masculinity!" that's plug and play, that's not asking a question. maybe men want women to be "less intelligent" because the portrayal/representation of "intelligent woman" in media is "disrespectful man hating cunt."

>> No.19279176

Sociologists are incompetent retards larping as scientists anyway

>> No.19279187

>larping as scientists anyway
We have economics threads here almost by the hour, and rarely do we hear this line

>> No.19279254

This is what too much humanities feminist "theory" does to your mind. You are supposed to act dumber than you really are in every social situation outside of a serious professional one. This is because people who try hard all the time come off as cunts. Did this researcher ever consider that factor in her study? No, because she never figured that out herself, cuz she's a cunt. Who else would actually publish a piece of gender studies science, when it's a blow off major for people who want a degree without trying?

>> No.19279255

So are evolutionary psychologists

>> No.19279256

>Girls 'play dumb' to manipulate boys, study shows

>> No.19279366

>all men (who aren't dumb themselves) greatly appreciate it.
I've met women who think they're smart. But I've never met women who actually are smart outside of some of my female professors in uni.
All the chicks my age I've met who felt that they were smart were just high functioning neurotics who felt compelled to jump through all the hoops and had learned to be conscientious and rule following as a means for managing and avoiding negative emotions. They have all exemplified the 110 - 115 midwit bugman meme. What their intelligence amounted to was that is just allowed them to do a better job than others of imbibing and deploying to their advantage the dominant ethos in their social milieu.
They're the most insufferable people to talk to because they're deeply insecure about themselves in every way and overcompensate by trying to be assertive little "girl bosses" yet they're complete and utter cowards. Never once do they ever express an original thought that deviates from the dominant woke liberal ethos and they get very uncomfortable when you express any opinions that are to the right of Justin Trudeau or to the left of Bernie Sanders.
Everything idea they've ever had has been in service of their harm avoidance impulse.

>> No.19279384

>110 - 115 midwit

that's above average, not midwit

>> No.19279392

My gf is very un-lit
She has a lot of spelling errors in texts she sends me and she says books are gay
When she catches me reading she'll hurl the book across the room and spit in my mouth
What do I do?

>> No.19279430
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Uhh yeah, I dont think they really need to play dumb OP, they just are

>> No.19279483

Women act weak idiots to fool dumb men, its nothing new.

>> No.19279497

Marry her

>> No.19279520
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>> No.19279533

It's cute until you need them to handle the bills for a little bit when you're on deployment. Not fun coming back to all your shit fucked coz you trusted your retard wife. Don't marry a retard wife just coz she got a cute face and perfect tits. There are more important things in life.

>> No.19279537

This sounds like a classic "It is your fault, I have to do it" excuse that women always do.

>> No.19279545


It's outdated. 2021 is a whole other beast.

>> No.19279554

Isn't the opposite the case as well? Boys act retarded all the time.

>> No.19279564

But how are they assessing intelligence?
What really happens:

>girl: “[some neurotypical oversocialised trite shit propaganda from social media or a 101 textbook]”
>guy: “[weirdo contradictory fact from being on the internet before social media, or some now-controversial take from figure/event in history]”
>girl has no way to respond to being succinctly corrected in a way that circumvents four years of higher education
>girl relents, laughs it off because she like me the guy
>secretly copes with her degree

Every time. I remember when buying The Republic when I was first getting into philosophy many years ago now, and the woman at the checkout felt the need to tell me she studied philosophy and how she hated Plato because he was too right wing.
What the fuck. They spend all their time getting brainwashed in academia and then wonder why they have to “pretend” to be dumb around their welder boyfriend who just actually reads books in their spare time.

>> No.19279592

And boys act different to please girls. Nobody opens up completely to a potential mate or new partner. Which is what the Summary says if you read more than the title

>boys aged 14 believed that girls their age should be less intelligent
I'm gonna have to see Methods on that. That could easily be a teacher asking a roomful of boys if the girls in the room next door are smarter than them lol. "No? You think they're less smart?" "Yeah!"

>> No.19279629
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Brilliant observation. You win the golden nitpick award.

>> No.19279634

Get down on here knees and kiss her feet.