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19277761 No.19277761 [Reply] [Original]

Will non-binary authors be a thing of the near future? Will the topic be explored more in a couple of years?

>> No.19277769

You’re an attention seeking queer and a symptom of a society in decline. Kys

>> No.19277772

I genuinely have no idea what it means.

>> No.19277777

you mean not listening to retards who think gendered behavior defines human beings

>> No.19277780

it means bad at sports

>> No.19277785 [DELETED] 

oh boy here we go, pentoubles

>> No.19277805

checked and bluepilled

>> No.19277818
File: 890 KB, 888x1204, mcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah wow not a single sexually ambiguous, plain broad about their ever wore slacks and a man's jacket before 2018. And a writer to boot. What a unique, wholly contemporary specimen.

>> No.19277827

She looks like Nick Cave.

>> No.19277852

Anyone narcissistic and shallow enough to identify as "non-binary" necessarily has no soul and is just an aggregate of bits and bobs from their social (media) environs, so no great art will ever be produced by them. It's like asking whether people will be reading literature written by ______ forever, where ______ is some random ephemeral fag mental disorder concocted in the final years of Rome by some retarded and over wealthy sub-subset of the population that constantly had emetic orgies. The reason it's _____ is that nobody fucking remembers because nobody cares what a bunch of puking tranny faggot sex perverts said or did, just like nobody will care what a bunch of today's faggots said by tomorrow.


>> No.19277880

More importantly that “non-binary” along with all LGBT terminologies are completely meaningless and irrational so no one has any reason to take them seriously. Literally just entitled identitarian narcissism.

Based and checked

>> No.19277907

Identifying as non binary because you dont fit into gender norms literally is more like saying that people are defined by gendered behavior though

>> No.19277909

>Be zoomer
>Realize you're not special
>Society tells you "non-binary" people are special
>Decide to identify as non-binary

Couple other things: 1.) Pic related is just a chick in dude's clothes. 2.) The book that made her famous was only slightly better than average in quality. 3.) If your book wins the non-English "Booker Prize" you didn't really win the Booker Prize.

>> No.19277921

That was my point.. most people would fit the definition of "non-binary" because gender theory is false. nb is a meaningless term

>> No.19277929

Oh i misunderstood your post then

>> No.19277930
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>flat chest


>> No.19277988

Is there any proof of her top surgery?

>> No.19278016

Average looking adult women make cute boys

>> No.19278032

>he doesn't know the negation is an identity in itself

>> No.19278153


>> No.19278162

negation is affirmation

>> No.19278170

non-binary is just a socially woke way to deny being a tranny

>> No.19278189

These people treat gender like it's fashion and hairstyles.
A bookish young woman who decides that she's "a boy" isn't going to get treated like a man by others. Instead her social circle is going to conspire to validate and support her and make sure she feels safe and cared for.
Men are tested, vetted, and expected to be able to "handle themselves like men" in a way that women never will be no matter what they demand the world refer to them as.
If you're male, the world cares far less about you and will hold you to higher standards. Being high maintenance, lacking competency, and requiring that everyone treat you in a special way and use special words to address you like you're the queen of England is something that is shamed out boys when they're young. It also makes them extremely unattractive to the opposite sex. Very often the opposite is true with women so long as they're at least marginally not ugly.

>> No.19278194

have you ever known a transmasc person

>> No.19278202

I'm proud to say that I have not.
However, I am not referring to them. I referring to zoomers who call themselves "non-binary".

>> No.19278203

>in decline
More like the effluvium of a rotting corpse

>> No.19278206

an utterly horrifying fit. just a disaster on every level

>> No.19278243

It already is becoming a thing, and will be certainly will in the future.
Checked, but you're wrong. Sexual sciences have proven enough times hwo different the sexes are when it comes to sexuality and sexual stimuli.
I always wanted to write a "redpill" Infographic on this, but I thought I was the only one who actually cared because there was so little discussion online about it and no one IRL seemed to care. Then one anon wrote alad of posts on /fit/ with the same studies I read, which has reignited my interest. I'm just so fucking lazy though.

>> No.19278250

Non-binary feels like a step backwards from the genderbending days of David Bowie, the chick from Eurythmics and basically half of British 80s new wave popstars

>> No.19278251

Understanding differences in sexuality and gender is significant enough in society to be identified distinctly. Enough persecution of homosexuals, life style differences and sexual differences between genders and sexualities has proven this.
Idon't support non-binaries either, but I identify and support homosexuals.

>> No.19278261

>Be zoomer
>Realize you're not special
>Society tells you "non-binary" people are special
>Decide to identify as non-binary

In general this is the entirely of progressivism or “woke” ideology, whatever you wanna call it. One of the most successful psyops in modern history. The capitalist overlords are able to invent globalized feudalism and you accept it as long you get to wear a rainbow sticker.

>> No.19278286

Very true, it's sad how true opposere to this, like the hippy types that recycle their clothing, limit minimally, don't consume big brands are now labeled as alt righters for some reason. Happened to Feel Jackson. people are so retarded it's painful. Not me though, I'm better than the rest.

>> No.19278293

There are probably already at least a few.

>> No.19278376

I don't so much mind the trendy aspect of it. It's similar to how young people gravitate to music that older people don't "get." What I do mind is the attempted negation of basic facts—such as the fact that men cannot be women, and vice versa.

>> No.19278437

It's weird, when I was a kid and I wanted to be special and get noticed, I had this natural knowledge that I'd have to actually do something to earn it, and that would take a while. Now every zoomer knows instinctively that he can be special just by sorting himself into a homo identity.

I wonder what that does to people over the long haul. I've noticed male zoomers are more fruity and feminine, I wonder if it's because of how they relate to identity.

>> No.19278454
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>> No.19278463

What's the actual fact they're denying? They don't claim to have different anatomy than they do, they're arguing for a different categorization system, which is not inherently right or wrong necessarily, just more or less useful for a given purpose.

>> No.19278467

They’re denying that you cannot disagree with gender fluidity or believe in a natural binary of sex, even thought this is what the overwhelming majority of the world accepts in their cultures

>> No.19278483

Denying that you cannot disagree... so they're asserting that you can disagree?

>> No.19278518

All I'm gonna say here... if you get confused about what you are, just check inside your underwear, works for me every time.

>> No.19278535
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It was edgy in the 90s. Considerably lamer now.

>> No.19278573

On this board we seperate the artist from the art (where possible).

>> No.19278626

I mean that you’re not allowed to disagree with them. You can’t affirm a belief in natural sex dichotomies without being dismissed as a bigot or fascist

>> No.19278638

So what, if you're not a bigot or a fascist they are guessing wrong and if you are they are guessing right. It's fucking stupid, I could call you a redhead and if you are or aren't it makes absolutely no change to your argument.
They're arguing from the premise of game theory which only works within a closed system where all variable possibilities are known, they are an ecosystem within a jar, you are the universe.

>> No.19278647

everyone in this thread should kill himself except me

>> No.19279057


>> No.19279101

no. queers don't read, and anything "exploring" androgyny has been written already. blah blah unity of opposites. but hey the first 3 will etch their names into the record books. all others relegated to a footnote of a very short lived trend

>> No.19279106
File: 59 KB, 320x450, 1634190002122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queers don't r-
Stop right there

>Growing up in conservative central Pennsylvania was tough for the 21-year-old Deaf, genderqueer, pansexual, and biracial (Chinese/White Jewish) author. He describes his gender and sexual identity, his experiences of racism and ableism, and his desire to use his visibility as a YouTube personality, model, and actor to help other young people like him. He is open and vulnerable throughout, even choosing to reveal his birth name.

>Man stated in an interview with Teen Vogue, "There is an extreme lack of representation for young, Deaf, queer, Jewish, Asian, transgender artists...So, I decided to be my own representation."

>> No.19279253

It reads almost as satyre

>> No.19279281

>deaf and gay
I have to admit I am curious what involuntary animal sounds would come out during sex

>> No.19279292

There could be some good stuff. Surprisingly, a good amount of Trans literature has been made. You won’t hear that here but as a /tttt/ranon there have been good-ish (varying quality imo). It requires edge though. Without edge you get faggy pandering shit like>>19279106

Detransition, Baby was good and the core parts of Nevada are as well (though the whole novel gives something to be desired) but both of those novels are highly edgy, definitely not PC at all imo. Basically we need a /tttt/ book or a book about someone that feels genuinely NB against shallow “trendy” characters that serve as representations of the worst kind of posturing. Sounds very po-po-mo-y though.

>> No.19279340

without a doubt, yes. like all categories of books, some will be good most will be bad

>> No.19279407


>> No.19279422

Gender exists in that it's a set of behaviours that the two sexes /tend/ to engage in, in contradistinction to each other. It exists but it's not a thing.

If a woman acts masculine it doesn't mean gender doesn't exist, it just means she doesn't conform. Who cares though, as 99.9% of women /do/.

>> No.19279931

non-English books are better than any English ones put out in current year

>> No.19280886

ftpsni uth

>> No.19280928

Proof that Abrahamism is false. Trips or 7s are real evil.

>> No.19280943

It's that the faggot that refused to translate the Job Biden inauguration poem because hes white?
Also there is no thing as nonbinary, its just being a fag

>> No.19280948


>> No.19281157
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She accepted the job but some journalist made her quit because she's white

>> No.19281343

*bullies her*
Not even published can you escape the bullying!

>> No.19281618

>Job Biden

>> No.19281802

What do you mean by natural sex dichotomies exactly? The belief that humans mostly belong physically to two sexes? That there are certain behaviors strongly associated with the two sexes? That what a person ethically ought to do varies by which sex they belong to?
You know Oscar Wilde was queer, right? That alone would be counterexample enough to the notion there are no good queer authors. Non-binary authors more specifically, though, I don't know if we've had a great one yet; there aren't that many non-binary people.

>> No.19282044
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A modern-day Wilde indeed

>> No.19282579

Everytime this gets posted here I can't help but giggle retardedly at the thought that when he says
>"There is an extreme lack of representation for young, Deaf, queer, Jewish, Asian, transgender artists...So, I decided to be my own representation."
He means someone who's all this things, a fella like him: young, deaf, queer, jooish, azn, troon artist, and not people who're just deaf or just queer.

>> No.19282868


>> No.19282926

No but nearly half will be a thing of the past

>> No.19282932

Acceptance is trending upwards and known to be associated with reduced risk of suicide, so probably not.

>> No.19282942

Truly a shame

>> No.19282951
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>> No.19282954

Fewer people killing themselves is a shame? What kind of sociopath are you?

>> No.19283243

The hottest author alive

>> No.19283283

I fucking hope not, coming from a language with gendered nouns and pronouns, whenever a retard wants to import this particular anglo retardation they replace vowels with x or with another vowel that makes them sound like they have a speech impediment.

>> No.19283320

Which language? Spanish? It seems like -e is the main option that's been used by actual Spanish speakers who want a gender-neutral form.

>> No.19283710

Yes. They use the "-e" and its retarded

>> No.19283759

So what should you use if you're talking about a non-binary person?

>> No.19283772

>mot still stealing all /lit/s gets
stop being gay

>> No.19283783

You should not talk to a non-binary person. Using the "-e" is the most stupid shit ever. Just the pestilence of the anglo world reaching new places

>> No.19283814

The notion that not everyone is either a man or a woman is not original to the Anglosphere.

>> No.19284185

Indeed. It originated in Hell

>> No.19284265

They deny that there is such a thing as male and female. The LGBT explicitly denies it as the entire point of the movement is to break down all ontologies of sexuality and gender to turn them into fluid, interchangeable identities. There is no inherent truth to any of these identities or behaviors, you must agree with them because they imply liberal morality and individual freedom. You are not allowed to disagree with this perspective and these identities. You will be branded as a bigot. I don't know why you have such a hard time grasping this when it's unambiguously how the LGBT works.

>> No.19284444

Please be satyre

>> No.19284714
File: 149 KB, 968x832, 28799B10-1272-4C3F-9B64-C08C0EE8B779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retards in this thread holy fuck
Transhumanism begins with gender identities, in one hundred years it will be cyborgs and living furries, weird space people with implants and gene splicing. Surpassing biological limitations is inevitable, and a necessary, healthy sign of a wealthy surplus supported species. what about the cis dualOpoly (that none of you freaks fit into) is worth protecting? Exactly what about 10,000 years of retarded precedent that you fail to fulfill deserves your defense, you genetic dead end?
I’m bi and my gf is non-binary she/they, and sleeping with her at night makes me feel safe and loved, have you felt that way in a while? She looks androgynous, and just feels more comfortable in between. She’s reading war and peace, I’m reading an accused share, and I know none of you are reading at all. She’s the kindest person I have ever met, and you would think so too if you met her :)

>> No.19284854

>gf is non-binary she/they

Means nothing, she’s still a woman and you even call her “she,“ these are fake identities and name tags that serve the ego and commodify the human body into an empty soulless vessel which you support since you’re aware it’s a stepping stone to transhumanism. You are a waste of human resource which is why you have such little regard for nature and cultural precedent, I suggest you kill yourself

>> No.19284888

Both of you sound like failures and this is coming from a bi woman
Anyone identifying as nonbinary is just a snowflake and easily manipulated by social media. Probably has a heavy social media addiction and twitter

>> No.19284901

Quints wasted on a /leftypol/ thread

>> No.19284913

it's my first time getting quints so I'm happy either way. you can't take 4chan seriously all the time, it will ruin your sanity

>> No.19284928


That is a woman in a fancy leather jacket.

>> No.19284950


>> No.19285011
File: 42 KB, 976x549, _110537901_bc9cb9d7-8178-4bad-8761-5fcf86c85c65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it already has basically been explored hasn't it? the ancient greeks understood it fairly well, no?

>> No.19285072

To be non-binary you have to subscribe to some weird unspoken Tumblr/Twitter ideology. Seriously, it's not an actual mental illness like gender dysphoria, it's just a bunch of retards larping as something. If they didn't have so much power over our godforsaken society nobody would give a fuck about them, but here we are.

>> No.19285088

Let me ask you something: If gender is a social construct, then why is gender dysphoria a biological condition?

You and your retarded girlfriend can cling to soft sciences to appeal to your lame identities, but the hard science in the medical field treats the two genders as established fact because they understand that biological sex comes first and dictates the frame of gender. Read Why Gender Matters by Leonard Sax to understand why the gender queer freaks are crazy idiots.

>> No.19285092

to be anti-non-binary you have to subscribe to some weird unspoken 4chan/reddit ideology. seriously, it's an actual mental illness like autism

>> No.19285106

This post reads like you're over the age of 40.

>> No.19285114
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>> No.19285258

You should go out and talk to real people

>> No.19286461
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I like to play with it

>> No.19286892

Silence, boomer

>> No.19286936

>muh unfalsifiable religious doctrines

>> No.19286945

A lot of self-identified non-binary people do experience some form of dysphoria, though. Not all, but certainly far higher than the population base rate. Gender dysphoria is a real medical condition, but gender identity is, at least partially, a narrative we tell ourselves about our feelings towards our sex, in the same way that sexual orientation is at least partially a narrative we tell ourselves about our attractions.

>> No.19287078

you can construe an affirmation-negation binary out of any supposed spectrum (even nonsexual and nongender) but thats boring and for smug shitcunts.

>> No.19287996


>> No.19288805

You do realize "I refuse to try to understand your point of view" doesn't make you look very good or make it look like you're right, right?

>> No.19289149

In what way and to what end? More inane amplification of the importance of these people's sex lives? These people, who shallowly define themselves by what they do in the bedroom and proclaim it at every opportunity (these days literally wearing it on their faces - I know what they do with their privates before I know their names - how absurd is that?), are already thrusting their genitals center stage in every arena they can. Instead of pretending their self-inflicted crisis has any importance beyond individual let's turn our attention to things which are of more substance than "I'm le different, don't u wanna understand how I'm different guyzzz?"

Sadly, the topic will likely be explored because people are stupid.

>> No.19289170

Er... sexual orientation and gender identity aren't even the same thing. They're mostly unrelated.

>> No.19289204

Avoidance! Cowardly.

>> No.19289226

good bait

>> No.19289241
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>wears a padded bike jacket to appear more masculine
I hope all this non binary shit blows over soon

>> No.19289251

underrated post

>> No.19289280
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>what goes through the mind of a female when she calls herself non-binary
most nbs are female btw

>> No.19289285

>a /tttt/ book
fuckin on it. working title is A Glum Prince.

>> No.19289290

How is that avoidance? It's just a simple fact.

>> No.19289329

An irrelevant "fact" you've chosen to focus on rather than posting anything of importance to the subject at hand. Also, it's untrue. If we were to round up all self-proclaimed nonbinaries and see whether their identity as such had any impact on their sexual orientations you'd look even more a fool than you do right now. But never you mind then, stay in your hole cowering. I've lost interest.

>> No.19289354

Maybe you should stop hanging out with retards because she a she in her native language. I know an NB who told everyone that her pronouns are il/Elle.

>> No.19289366

How do you measure whether their gender identity has affected their sexual orientation exactly?

>> No.19289410


>> No.19289420

>non-binary authors
the words that an author writes are the words that they write, irrespective of who wrote them or what delusions they were entertaining at the moment

>> No.19289466

Harold Bloom was right

>> No.19289468

That drawing has the tumblr label all over it. Girls are comming out as enbies because feminity is a CANCER that should be purged. And it will

>> No.19289549

In what sense?

>> No.19289565

*femininity and thanks for confirming that non-binary females are self-hating cringelords desperate to chase imaginary problems

>> No.19289613

Bruh what?

>> No.19289741

That's the word, look it up. It's the quality of being feminine, not the quality of being femine.

>> No.19289763

Why do NBs have such terrible fashion sense

>> No.19289813

Hopefully non-binary people won't be a thing in the near future.

>> No.19289913

>in one hundred years it will be cyborgs and living furries
If Robert Anton Wilson didn't do me dirty and life extension drugs allow me to live long enough to become a cyborg you can rest assured there will be no living furries. Nor living "non-binary" people for that matter.

>> No.19290083

It should be based on latin femina --> feminitas. "Femininity" is horrible.

>> No.19290134
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Gender (as a concept distinct from sex) is real insofar as there are cultural institutions that operate relative to the sexes
>Bar Mitzvahs are for men but not for women
So "gender differences" are differences in how a culture treats men and women. Other than by this definition gender as distinct from sex has no intelligible meaning. Gender is not something inherent to human biology, it's cultural. It is also NOT an isolated element you can identify with. You can be a woman and do things culturally associated with being a man (like fishing or fixing a car) but that doesn't make you less a woman. People fantasize that social expectations of the sexes are manacles of some kind and that to be in the habit of not following lock-step with the maximal expression of these expectations implies that there has been a subconscious rejection of identification with one or the other; butch women and effeminate men are still women and men, and to frame them as "rejecting" anything is facile. The people who call themselves non-binary are hopeless.
Moving on to trannies. As far as I can determine it is literally impossible to be a man and truly identify as a woman.
Of course there will be people who respond to that determination with "well I identify as a woman so sorry sweety" and to that I must reply sir there is something wrong with you. To be schizophrenic is not purely to SEE that which is not there, it is also to BELIEVE that what you are hallucinating is actual. While anyone can empathize with the concept of hallucination (imagine yourself hallucinating right now, if you will) a normal human being cannot empathize with the delusion of believing in a hallucination. Likewise it is impossible for normal people to comprehend the psyche of the tranny.
Because empathizing with trannies is impossible and they've proven themselves to be rife with personality disorders, morally repugnant behaviors, and physical hideousness we can safely state that the ONLY reasonable response of the social body to the tranny phenomena is immediate destruction of instances by means of a dynamite stick inserted in the rectum.
I hope I have expressed myself clearly.

>> No.19290228

only if what they say actually matters

>> No.19290419

Only men can get circumsized undeed

>> No.19290475

IDK anything about heebs but I was under the impression that they were circumcised at birth and the bar mitzah was for when they reached puberty

>> No.19291277

she cute in a skeleton kind away

>> No.19291397
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>> No.19291950

>illiterate boomer giving her unrequested opinion on something she's not familiar with


>> No.19291980

>muh unfalsafiable “I feel like a woman”

>> No.19293071


>> No.19293443

Unlikely, they always have been.
English is not Latin. And in any case, 'feminitas' would mean 'womanhood' rather than 'femininity/womanliness'. These concepts are not to be confused, as some people possess one but not the other.
If you think it's about gender roles you don't understand anything. Sex-based dysphoria is real and most likely at least in part biological. A person can be as gender-non-conforming as they like without being trans, and conversely a person can be trans without conforming to the role of the gender they identify with.
"I feel like a woman" is indeed unfalsifiable. Better life outcomes when sex-based dysphoria is treated by transition are not.

>> No.19293526

But claiming to be nb to begin with is associated with increased risk of suicide. It's like zoomers eating tide pods and then demanding everyone drops what they were doing to give them medical treatment because it lowers the death rate. You don't get to campaign for treatment/cure for self-inflicted disease.
And yes, fatties and smokers should be left to die of their diseases unless they're paying through the ass for the healthcare out of their own pockets.

>Transhumanism for self-expression and snowflakes
>Not utilitarian improvement of the species.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.19293548

...or it's one possible manifestation of the underlying condition of gender dysphoria (or at least some cases of it), which they didn't choose to have.

>> No.19293669
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Even if they did not choose to have it, they weren't necessarily born that way, and the solution isn't to treat the symptoms but fix the underlying cause.
>Overall, homosexuals had nearly 1.7 times, and bisexuals 1.6 times, the heterosexual rate of adverse childhood experiences.
>In one major survey only 1.2 percent of males who had spent their adolescence in a rural environment responded that they had had a male sexual partner in the year of the survey while those who had spent adolescence living in metropolitan areas were close to four times (4.4 percent) more likely to report that they had had such an encounter.
I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar at play with people who claim to be nb or trans. In fact, likely even more dramatic numbers. In other cases it's clearly about culture, not an in-born trait.
>In that same survey women who attended college were nine times more likely to identify as lesbians than women who did not.
>The consensus of scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports the proposition that a physically and developmentally normal boy or girl is indeed what he or she appears to be at birth.
The problem is that cities and broken nuclear family units, combined with chaotic and uncertain futures due to industrialized capitalism traumatize children for life, and GD and other sexual disorders are merely a symptom. We need to be fixing the causes, not treating the symptoms.

>> No.19293743

...or people in less homophobic and transphobic cultural circles are less likely to be closeted. How do you tell the difference?

>> No.19293906
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These are anonymous surveys, and even then you'd need to address childhood trauma as a catalyzing factor. Twin studies suggest this to be a significant contributor.
>Segal notes that, according to another, earlier study that conducted nonclinical interviews with 45 FtM transsexuals, 60% suffered some form of childhood abuse, with 31% experiencing sexual abuse, 29% experiencing emotional abuse, and 38% physical abuse.

>> No.19294237


>> No.19294380

this is bait or you're a hyper online retard

>> No.19294570

I really, really like this post. Do you mind if I share it?

>> No.19294911


>> No.19294978

No. The sad thing is, in the future people will not see the difference between a male or a female writer. Nor the difference between a white or a brown one. Authors will actually have to be gut to get noticed, no matter how much big multinationals try to push their agenda. Oh how will the mediocre grifters survive!

>> No.19295133

I have news for you. The economic surplus you speak of will be dust in 100 years, and the Chinese probably will not care to support this silly crap.
Many of the genetic dead ends you're calling out would be married men with children in a monogamous, traditional type of society. The 'retarded precedent' lasted 10k years for a reason.
Your gf sounds kind of lovely, though.

>> No.19295188

Have you considered the possibility of an intelligence explosion?

>> No.19295672

I think I have, yes--it's a beautiful idea, and I hope if it comes it leads to liberation--but it is an idea the results of which we cannot fathom--superintelligence would behave exotically and it would not necessarily orient itself toward human liberation.
Any sources I should read?

>> No.19295684

Well, that's why AI alignment is so important. The best work on the topic I've seen is Rationality from AI to Zombies, which is not exclusively about AI alignment but it's one of its major topics.

>> No.19295704

Nice. Thank you, I've wanted to read Yudkowsky but never knew where to start.

>> No.19295747

His writings have helped me clear up a good amount of confused thinking, aside from learning about things like the AI alignment problem.

>> No.19296591

Imagine being this naïve

>> No.19296649

yeah and girls have bat mitzvahs.