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19277247 No.19277247 [Reply] [Original]

How many of these books do you own /lit/?

>> No.19277251

couple of bukowski's and lolita

>> No.19277258


Maybe one. I have one of the LOA volumes on Hemingway, which includes Torrents of Spring, Sun Also Rises, his early journalism and his earlier letters.

>> No.19277259

Why Goethe???

>> No.19277260

i have 1 hemingway only

>> No.19277265

Who gives a fuck what a woman thinks about anything?

>> No.19277267

>1. My copy of IJ isn't dog eared, bit worn though
>2. I only own Hemingway's farewell to arms
>3. I don't have any bukowski
>4. Two books by Rand, Anthem and fountainhead.
>5. I own Goethe's Faust and a short essay collection.by him
>6. Lolita is one of my favourite books, though nr. 1 is probably atomised by Houllebecq
>7. I have never read and do not own fathers and sons.

>> No.19277270

She's barely a mediocre writer, who is she to look down on some of the greatest works of modern literature. What an arrogant fool

>> No.19277271

>Infinite Jest
>three Hemingways
>no Bukowski
>no Rand
>no Goethe
>Fathers and Sons

I fucking hate this thinking about hat if you own/read a book you necessarily subscribe to its ideas. This goes in so many directions.

>> No.19277308

Just use these shaming lists by women as recommendations. It's usually great stuff.
A while ago I saw a lists of which top rated movies were rated most differently between the sexes.
The movies which were rated amazingly by guys but not so much by girls made a great watchlist.

>> No.19277315

2)Barely read anything
5)Maybe one or two
7)I think I have it somewhere

>> No.19277316

It's not just the generic parrot feminism lists that are dumb. It's the comments about something nor other in stack/shelf threads, etc. The idea that reading is believing is so incredibly dumb.

>> No.19277322

>The movies which were rated amazingly by guys but not so much by girls made a great watchlist.
post some

>> No.19277349

I pirate all of my books.
>Infinite Jest
I've only read The Broom of the System.
I've read The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, To Have and Have Not, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea. Guilty as charged.
I've read Love is a Dog from Hell. Guilty as charged.
>Ayn Rand
I've read Faust part one but I don't even understand the problem here.
never read any Nabakov
>Fathers and Sons
never read it

>> No.19277355
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Here ya go

>> No.19277377

Very interesting, the first thing I notice is that women seems to not like "old" movies (it would be interesting to see also the age of the respondents in this - my mother I think kinda liked spaghetti western and in general any movie with Morricone music, but she's almost 70)
Men seem to like more violent movies (what a surprise) and female more fantasy and/or lighthearted ones.

>> No.19277379

was wondering the same thing

>> No.19277436

Two copies of IJ; one is my gf’s and one is mine. Plenty of Hemingway. No Bukowski. Two Rand novels. One Goethe. Lolita is perhaps my third or fourth favorite book (depending on how I feel that day about its position relative to For Whom the Bell Tolls), after Moby-Dick and Brideshead Revisited. Have never read Fathers and Sons. The types of women who take issue with people reading traditional literature will never land the type of man they actually want.

>> No.19277462
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Ugh Bukowski is so yucky!!

>> No.19277475

>I’ve only read Broom of the System

>> No.19277517

2/7. Got me two copies of both Infinite Jest and Lolita, funnily enough.

Don't have a single Hemingway, Bukowski, Rand, or Goethe on my bookshelf. I couldn't even tell you who wrote Fathers and Sons.

>> No.19277519

>I would never waste my time with DFW
>I only own Farewell to Arms and a couple of short stort collections
>Never read Bukowski
>God no
>I own way too much Goethe and would not have it any other way
>Like all pseuds I prefer Ada and Pale Fire
>Demons is better (but I do own a bunch of Turgenev)

>> No.19277529
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Women genuinely infuriate me

>> No.19277543

This guy isn’t even worthy to say bukowski’s name

>> No.19277557

That's their way of making you feel alive

Once I was waiting to order a cocktail and a woman was screaming just next to me
"Can you not scream, please?"
"You will never get a girl, loser!"

Not killing her was probably the most heroic thing I did
More than shielding a girl I did not know from police batons

>> No.19277558

Reread First 49 Stories of Hemingway in June, far better second time around
Have read alot of Goethe, Fathers and Sons, and six or so Nabokov novels
Also DFW's Lobster essays
Guess I'm poison

>> No.19277574


>> No.19277629

In my experience, it's women who profess an affinity for Hemingway and Bukowski that you want to avoid. Especially the latter.

>> No.19277637

Treating Goethe like a red flag is the most bizarre thing on here.

>> No.19277643

I really cannot stand this "go to therapy" shit women say now.
t. therapist

>> No.19277651

I would guess it is because of Werther

>> No.19277652

What kind of therapist are you?

>> No.19277658

6/7 No Rand

>> No.19277668

Why do you ask?

>> No.19277681

She dated a guy who liked Goethe

>> No.19277683

>his early journalism

Love that barber shop story.

>> No.19277689

Just curious + I probably need therapy

I think daily about a girl I haven't met in 8 years

>> No.19277700

Much worse is that out of the 700-800 books I own, maybe ten were written by a woman.

However, the only thing from her list I have is Women by Bukowski. I had about four or five other of his, but donated them to charity because I grew out of his bullshit a long time ago.

>> No.19277707

Psychodynamic. That does sound a bit concerning anon and probably has deeper motivations that you're unaware of. Talking to someone might help out.

>> No.19277752
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What a dumb cunt

>> No.19277784

I'm not an expert but I think she leans on the psychodynamic school too, btw (she has a psychology degree)
>That does sound a bit concerning anon
I know
>and probably has deeper motivations that you're unaware of
I know

When I was a kid I wanted to stay at the local playground, my parents pretended they went away (actually hided behind the corner) and I think this somewhat scarred me

But of course this is just a conscious answer

>> No.19277822

Wait, who has a psychology degree and works psychodynamically? The girl you think about?
That memory no doubt means a lot. The question is not whether it is conscious, which of course it is, but what else it's connected to that isn't conscious which you could work through with a suitable therapist.

>> No.19277895

What the fuck is wrong with Fathers and Sons? It's a fantastic book about the divide between generations, as well as between rationality and emotion.

>> No.19277898

Why is it that the person women want men in general to be is not the same type of man she would sleep with on a whim?

>> No.19277901

>Wait, who has a psychology degree and works psychodynamically? The girl you think about?
>That memory no doubt means a lot. The question is not whether it is conscious, which of course it is, but what else it's connected to that isn't conscious
Makes sense

>> No.19277904

Women have no business reading. My girlfriend read blood meridian after begging me to let her borrow my copy.

She said that it made her sad because they treat the horses bad. That’s all she had to say about it.

>> No.19277910
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Good question

>Women. They are a complete mystery.
>Response when asked what he thinks about most during the day, "Stephen Hawking at 70: Exclusive interview" in New Scientist (4 January 2012)

>> No.19277912

Number 6 until the day I die. One of the best books I've ever read excluding confession of a mask my Mishima.

>> No.19277917

None. The only time I had a volume of Bukowski was when an escort former friend of mine was lending it to me. I do own Lolita, I think, but I didn't read that copy.

>> No.19277967

Civilization evolved way faster than our brains. Women are lost between instinct and intellect.

>> No.19277968


>> No.19277978

I hope your job gets automated.

>> No.19277986

Please be kidding.

>> No.19278009

1. I never got into Walrus
2. I’ve got ten Hemingway books
3. Four Bukowski books. I used to have one of his poetry but I hated it and ditched it.
4. I have The Fountainhead but never bothered to read it
5. Loved Faust. Couldn’t get into Faust 2 Electric Boogaloo
6. I loved the first half of Lolita but thought it limped to the finish line
7. Loved Fathers and Sons but not as much as A Sportsman’s Sketchbook

I would never date a female journalist
Most of them should be on devils island breaking rocks in the hot sun for the rest of their miserable lives.

>> No.19278013

>Women are lost between instinct and intellect.
Nah, I don't think so

>> No.19278093

"Therapy" is just a psyche moulding institution. That's it.
Women say "go to therapy" in post-liberal woke societies for the same reasons that women are pious church ladies in highly Christian societies.

>> No.19278098

She's a retard.

>> No.19278100

This is it.
If a woman has a bad breakup with a dude, suddenly all the things that defined him become "red flags".

>> No.19278105
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This whore probably doesn't even know who wrote Fathers and Sons
>>Demons is better (but I do own a bunch of Turgenev)

>> No.19278111

That's already happened: it's called CBT.

>> No.19278114

Scientology might be onto something with this anti-psychiatry stuff

>> No.19278121

A copy of Infinite Jest that's barely been touched (read the first 50 pages and abandoned it). No Hemingway. No Bukowski. No Ayn Rand. Umm sorry sweaty but Goethe is based. I like the books Lolita and Fathers and Sons.

>> No.19278125

It's a test.
If you're deferential, obedient, and allow her to lay down the parameters of male social existence for you, then she won't respect you and won't want to fuck you.
If you break down all her barriers while being charming and remaining in control, then she'll wanna fuck you.

>> No.19278126

Mindfulness based stress reduction also.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is good too.

>> No.19278135

I do not like women

>> No.19278288


>> No.19278340

Bukowski and Goethe. Never had a physical copy of Lolita or Hemingway.

>> No.19278362

Cock and Ball Torture?

>> No.19278371

Yeah CBT is where a therapist assigns you cock and ball torture for homework and you have to journal about it.

>> No.19278373

You should be permabanned from this board for making a twitter screencap thread.

>> No.19278379

I had a copy of Lolita but my ex borrowed it and never gave it back.

>> No.19278396

Because you have to throw in a few stupid ones to the list otherwise OP won't repost it on 4chan for people to debate the merits of an obvious troll tweet
I mean, it clearly works, you're reposting her and she get paid, even meritlessly, as a fucking journalist. She's clearly an effective bullshit artist.

>> No.19278429

I'm being serious here. This is a shitty, low effort thread which is not actually even on-topic on this board.

>> No.19278466

She's doing this for attention because, put bluntly, she's a whore. The sooner this is realized, and the sooner society stops the enabling of this kind of sick behavior, the better.

>> No.19278476

>It's a test.
Are they consciously aware of this? Or is it some natural biological shit? If intentional that's fucking insane.

>> No.19278486

>>>/r9k/ and stay there until you've started with the Greeks

>> No.19278490

I wonder what xir problem is with fathers and sons

>> No.19278550

Mind your own business

>> No.19278609
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Three Goethe book. Read Italian Journey and and Iphigenia in Taurus.
No interest in the others on the list

>> No.19278688

Why do ALL women have the same handwriting?

>> No.19278998

>She said that it made her sad because they treat the horses bad. That’s all she had to say about it.

>> No.19279078

guy was a total fucking pseud, what a dumb fucking answer. holy fuck.

>> No.19279909

IJ, Bukowski and Faust, but its all on the E-reader so theres no way a broad could tell

>> No.19279975

I have Lolita.
I have some books by Hemingway, one day u bought a shitload of books and they were part of the bulk. I've never read them.
A few weeks ago I found a book by Rand in a second hand shop, I bought it. Fountain head or something like that.

>> No.19279988

Phew, I just have Evola's collected works, I should be ok.

>> No.19279991

Sorrows of young werther
Read Goethe, you fags. He wrote more than just Faust.

>> No.19280001

She said nothing about the dancing bear?

>> No.19280009

I dun understand the meme about Infinite Jest.

>> No.19280021
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Thanks for Infinite Jest! Everything else is done!)))

>> No.19280033

It is said that young men who have read IJ are obnoxious, as in they talk about nothing but something from the book or anything that will tangentially lead to something from the book.

>> No.19280060

Appreciate it, Anon.

>> No.19280089

I have several works by Goethe and I also own a copy of both Lolita and Father and Sons.

>> No.19280090

>Complete Works of Goethe
feels good man

>> No.19280195

The first thing you should notice is that the movies women liked are shit, and the ones men liked are good.
And I say this as someone who is generally uninterested in blockbuster American cinema and much prefers Godard or Robbe-Grillet over someone like Spielberg. But Leone, Kubrick, Scorsese, Wilder etc. are all real artists, regardless, not to mention Kurosawa.
In fact, I think that list is rather hard to believe in, because the men's list looks "too good" to be true. I'd expect at least half of it to be composed of mediocre blockbuster stuff, but there are very few of those, if any (I am not familiar with all the movies). Most seem to have a high artistic quality.

>> No.19280202


>> No.19280205

>happy, healthy relationship
>implying he'd want that crap

Don't know about Bukowski, but I certainly wouldn't want it.

>> No.19280214

Atlas shrugged
3 Hemingway's

I think Jung is a bigger warning sign because I'm a schizo now.

>> No.19280235

One could also argue that men are more likely to be pretentious and claim to like things which they know are regarded as "good" and highbrow in order to gain social capital, whereas women are more sincere about their shitty taste.

>> No.19280243
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top 1 warning signs in women:
1. they never shut the fuck up

>> No.19280247

She was okay with Glanton’s use of the N word?
She’s a keeper.

>> No.19280299

What's wrong with Turgenyev?

>> No.19280312

Too liberal.

>> No.19280340

How the fuck can women think they're qualified to talk about literature when all they read is UTTER FUCKING TRASH like YA or Brandon fucking Sanderson or Sally Rooney or Sophie Kinsella?

Holy shit women are mongoloids. Holy shit they're so fucking stupid oh my God please smite them all in a rain of fire and glory.

>> No.19280349

1. Infinite Jest, check (although I don't dog-ear any book because I'm not a 12 year old or a woman).
2. At least five Hemingway books, possibly more.
3. Four Bukowski books.
4. The entire body of work of Ayn Rand.
5. Two books by Goethe.
6. No joke, three editions of Lolita.
7. The only one I'm missing.

How did I do? Did I get a score high enough to repel retarded feminist "reader" types? I sure as fuck hope so.

>> No.19280353

VERY surprised he wasn't on the list of the mongoloid roastie in OP's pic.

>> No.19280357

Oh my fucking God. Every day we stray further, please punish us.

>> No.19280370

She wrote those comments herself, didn't she?

Also, she clearly says that Bukowski's choice of partners makes him responsible for his bad relationships. I wonder if she thinks women should also be judged based on their choice of partners. (Spoiler: she doesn't, because women are immense hypocrites and all their mental gymnastic is geared towards one purpose only: to get what they want and avoid any responsibilities.)

>> No.19280374

Kek. Women are unironically children with tits.

>> No.19280397

Why do fags on /lit/ love to be data mined so much?

>> No.19280416

I agree, being german is a major warning sign

>> No.19280455

>and I base this on absolutely nothing
Half the female list is kids movies. Sure harry potter is OK, but it is by no means a masterpiece

>> No.19280480

1. Haven't read Infinite Jest
2. I have three Hemingway books (The Old Man and the Sea, The Green Hills of Africa and For Whom the Bell Tolls)
3. Haven't read any Bukowski
4. Read Fountainhead, don't own any of her books.
5. Haven't read any Goethe
6. Haven't read any Nabokov
7. Haven't read Fathers and Sons

>> No.19280515

I Do have a fair amount of Hemingway, gothe as well however I only have bukowski audiobooks if that counts

>> No.19280602
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Warning sign? Warning sign of what?

Lolita is the only book on that list that might indicate some kind of deviant behavior but everything else is just literature. What does she expect her man to read, Toni Morrison? She wouldn't be attracted to him if he did.

>> No.19280609

Somebody get that chick Horace because his shit with women is even funnier.

>> No.19280623

Because girls develop small motor skills before boys while boys develop more strength around 6-9 so they actually learned by copying those letter templates while we struggled to. The result being they have carbon copy handwriting of those templates while we have whatever scratch worked. I wonder if some social psychologists could study trannies to see if the whole "female brain" thing applies to this and the CNS.

>> No.19280628

Not really considering so many men unironically watch sports.

>> No.19280691

Bro I have the same thing except it’s been three years for me it’s hell and I hate it

>> No.19280713

Fathers and Sons by Turgenev. Weird to see it in a list like this, unless Jess is referring to another book of the same title. I wouldn't say it's my favourite but I like it a lot, I prefer First Love by the same author but I generally enjoy reading him.

>> No.19280739

Infinite Jest, not dog-eared
All of Hemingway's fiction
Bukowski's Ham on Rye
The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged by Ran
Have Lolita but don't rate it highly
Father's and Sons, but haven't read it yet

>> No.19280750

>In fact, I think that list is rather hard to believe in, because the men's list looks "too good" to be true.
Those are not the list of "Best movies according to men/women", it's "list of movies who had the largest difference between men and women".

>> No.19280754

>omg amazon now knows I read books!

>> No.19280774

i think it's because barazov (or whatever his name is) made a passing comment about how women aren't rational and shouldn't try to be. that's the only thing in the book that i can think of. it's hilariously petty

>> No.19280855

Ayn Rand and Goethe are like my top 2 of all time. I also love Fathers and Sons and Torrents of Spring. This list seems pretty sporadic though "I hate modern European classics and American post-modern classics because I wanna feel smart like the Red Scare girls!!1!"

>> No.19280896

Literally all of them, but it’s not like I love them all. Anyways I don’t see what’s the problem with just owning these. It’s not like my shelf is only made of one type of book, get the fuck outta here with that book police shit

>> No.19280911

Try reading 'The Playground' by Ray Bradbury (if you like, who am I to give orders?)

>> No.19280932

Sorry, the above was meant as a reply to this post

>> No.19280933

I have quite a bit of Hemingway and a few bukowski books but I got all of them because I inherited them from my dead mother.
Any Rand is cringe on anyone’s shelf, godless bitch. Goethe is based and great, that’s like being upset because someone has Shakespeare on their shelf. Lolisa and Feeders & Seeds are good books. People who performatively hate IJ are far and away more irritating than those who love it.

>> No.19280958

Including him makes me think this list is fake considering most normalfag Anglophone women don't even know who Goethe is. They probably don't know Turgenev either for that matter.

>> No.19281062

>Ayn Rand

I've read neither.

>> No.19281116

The most popular book with women is about a dumb ho picking between a vampire and a werewolf, thr next most popular is about a dumb ho who gets into a bdsm relationship with a billionaire.

Imagine caring what women think about books, lmao.

>> No.19281559

>Fathers and sons is my favorite book
only accurate "warning sign" on this retarded twatter list.
but maybe I'm retarded for not understanding how a phrase can be "on a man's bookshelf"
I hate women so much it's unreal tournament 2004

>> No.19281571

Top 1 warning sign in a woman's life:
Social Media
Extreme variation: using it to post lists about 'warning signs' of men

>> No.19281580

>accurate warning sign
Why? Ive not read Fathers and Sons, but it doesn't come across as "out there" as Lolita or IJ

>> No.19281586

1. Never going to read IJ
2. For whom the bell tolls and high school curriculum
3. It was my ex gf who bought me several bukowski books, she had great tits.
4. I've read Anthem by Rand but don't own it
5. Can't read German what's the point?
6. Current gf likes the Jeremy Irons film
7. Have plenty of dostoevsky but no fathers and sons

>> No.19281681

Why is Fathers and Sons a red flag? I honestly don't understand.

>> No.19281741

>“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I wonder why someone like her would have a problem with Goethe?