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File: 401 KB, 1169x1883, BE7F4253-2FD7-405B-AB23-60C2AAABAF76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19276621 No.19276621 [Reply] [Original]

>on a good date early into meeting someone
>go back to their place
>walk in
>see this
>wat do?

>> No.19276713

Ask her to marry me

>> No.19276729

>walk into a breeding age female's abode
>witness her bookshelf
>turn 180 degrees and leave the premises

>> No.19276743

>breeding age female's abode
With that kind of languages incels like you are best kept away from women.

>> No.19276766

positively based

>> No.19276769

your feminine response does nothing to dissuade me. i will acquire a woman to bear my children and that is independent of your judgement. goodbye.

>> No.19276776

i mean i own the recognitions and all of DFW's stuff but i also have a ton of other books so it really depends on the rest of her library. to be honest my intellectual standards aren't very high when it comes to women, i tend to seek out other traits first, if a girl is well read thats just a bonus

>> No.19276777

>roast beef thinks to herself, "did this loser say 'breeding age'?"
>"ew stay virgin you incel!!"
stay mad you arent nubile

>> No.19276805

I don’t really want a lot of intellectual nonsense from women
Just look nice smell nice be nice bear me healthy children and help me raise them to not be mental patients or deadbeats

>> No.19276991

You mean 360, anon

>> No.19277053


>> No.19277070

What's wrong with the power broker? It's widely considered a great biography.

>> No.19277075

My intricate vernacular and brooding countenance are irresistible to the gracile sex.

>> No.19277093

Alex Press seems like a smart and nice person

>> No.19277122

I looked at its Wikipedia page, and apparently it became a meme in 2020 because political commentators were prominently displaying this book on their bookshelves during Zoom interviews. Wikipedia says it became a "status symbol".

>> No.19277179

Oh, so it's like religious YouTubers sitting in front of a bookshelf with 75 copies of the Bible that they haven't read but they want you to see and assume they have? Or like /tv/ YouTubers who have walls of unopened and unwatched blu-rays? Gotcha.

>> No.19277204

based retard

>> No.19277222

that makes sense. i've always wondered why so many art school normies who don't know anything about politics are into this book. thanks for explaining.

>> No.19277237

He means he wouldn't have turned around and left, because the books are to his liking. 4chan is a stupid site and /lit/ is filled with dimwits.

>> No.19277314

It means he'd inadvertently spin in a circle like an excited autist. You'd probably clap like a retard....because you're a retard.

>> No.19277321

>excitement is autistic
I'd sure hate to be you

>> No.19277359

>thinks spinning around in a circle because a girl might fuck you is normal behavior
Have sex. Once.

>> No.19277378

Unlike you, I'm not a slut

>> No.19277455

>I'm not a slut
Cope. If you're literally spinning circles at the prospect of getting laid you haven't been making your own choices in that regard.

>> No.19277509


>> No.19277556

You lost bro.

>> No.19277575


>> No.19277590

rent free

>> No.19277594

Fake news. There has just been in recent years a surge of interest from art hoes in the history of infrastructure planning in New York.

>> No.19277595

You will never have a woman.

>> No.19278077


>> No.19278323
File: 895 KB, 916x1132, A9F0F84F-A662-4963-B739-39B8ADAFD486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a fancy writer for Jacobin and everyone in the DSA between 24 and 35 has a crush on her. She basically exclusively writes about labor politics and unions

>> No.19278331

>Go back to "woman"s place
>See TBK and IJ
>"She"s read them both

A...anon. You know it's a tranny, right?

>> No.19278339

you just know

>> No.19278348

the power broker is cool and the recognitions is cool but all that david foster wallace is gay

>> No.19278352
File: 167 KB, 319x279, 1624662487525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags die

>> No.19278354

Nice tits

>> No.19278397

>ugghhh post-moderism is sooo 2010’s, the cool people are jaded reactionaries now sweety

>> No.19278722

>She basically exclusively writes about labor politics and unions


>> No.19279007

That anon read Wittgenstein.

>> No.19279011

The Power Broker is really cool, I've been meaning to read that, I'd ask her if she's read it and if she could tell me about it and if she said no I'd slam her fuckin head in the toilet and say "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!"

>> No.19279017


Fucking hate women.

>> No.19279021
File: 141 KB, 822x822, bnid9z3zrjf71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I wish she'd Alex Press her boobs into my face,

>> No.19279025
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 0-1-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here she is a little self-conscious that she's gotten a bit chunky so she's wearing a hoodie to hide it but her big thick legs and thighs can't be hidden from me and my dick

>> No.19279290

I guess somehow she must have heard guys are horny about her on the internet, I can’t imagine how, because 99% of any pictures of her or interviews she’s given are shot of her from the neck up only. Again, no idea how she could have found out

>> No.19279302

nah girls like her always think if they have a scratch of plausible deniability between them and taking sexy pics they are untouchable

and they mostly are, because their hangers on are all gelded and declawed beta males who would never say anything critical of them, because of that beta male cocktail of "oh god i don't want to rock the boat" + "oh god i want to fuck her i want to fuck her but i can't ever say this out loud i'll just have to wait and let it all out in one weirdly aggressive rape thing one night"

normal men who can see through the facade, the kind of robust healthy young adult male that uses 4chan, instantly sees her as a basic bitch slutty selfie taker like all the rest. all women love taking selfies. whoever gets to fuck this girl for this 4-month interval knows just how basic she really is.

>> No.19279311

My boobabearer lady! I shall commit myself to the cause of sucking thine sweet, sweet milk.

>> No.19279320

>robust healthy young adult male that uses 4chan

fuckin hell

>> No.19279328
File: 46 KB, 822x960, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the land of the simp, the man who listens to his "i dunno, women just seem retarded" instincts is king

just like how in the land of the man who is afraid to say "retard," the man who listens to his "i dunno, not being allowed to say retard seems kind of gay" instincts is king

>> No.19279349

King of his pile of dirty laundry

>> No.19279361


>> No.19279771

This "Alex Press" is a woman? Why would she combine having a man's name with making herself look as much like a man as possible?

The most obvious explanation is sour grapes — she's given up competing with more attractive women. "Look, I'm deliberately making myself unappealing, so clearly I never wanted to compete in the first place!"

Of course there are other reasons. Some women who were the subject of serious unwanted sexual attention when young, get into the habit of trying to make themselves unfeminine so they'll be left alone.

>> No.19279774
File: 229 KB, 1400x919, Bread and Butter Pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch. That's a sharp little jab for a Sunday morning!

>> No.19280132
