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File: 105 KB, 583x600, 770921_stock-photo-hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19273333 No.19273333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If god is omniscient he knew that i would kill myself and go to hell for that, therefore god is bad or not omniscient, checkmate christcuck

>> No.19273340

Why would God be bad? That would make you bad, retard.

>> No.19273349

Because he created me knowingly that i would kill myself and go to hell

>> No.19273353

Gnosticism explains it.

Hell old Hebrews knew your god was a wrathful pile of shit. The Greeks made dozens of them. They’re as confusing as all nature.
Jesus is what doesn’t make sense. Least of all trinitarians

>> No.19273355

God is not good or bad, God just is. The Sun isn't innately good or bad, even though it both sustains us and causes us harm. God is like that but unimaginably bigger.

>> No.19273365

I have been having similar questions but not quite the same as you. A lot of Christians claim to have free will yet everything they do is already known and predetermined. I care about this a lot more then "god is ebil!1 xD" shit. I just want to know how free will can be justified under an omniscient god.

>> No.19273385

The real secret is knowing that you are god and that your belief in division/duality of the universe creates the evil you do.

>> No.19273704

you don't understand free will do you?

>> No.19273712

bruh the institution of free will is literally explained in like the first two pages of the bible

>> No.19273769
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The free will is uncreated and not subject to time. We do not automatically possess it. That is the import of >>19273712. Your free choice is not subject to time and so is not known "before" it is made. Yes, this means you know imperfectly compared to any divinity.

>> No.19273784

This doesn't work because Bible thumpers rely on God creating morality as an argument for his existence. If you chunk the morality part of him that just strengthens doubts about whether he actually exists or not. I can see the sun

>> No.19273928

what the fuck are you saying? are you just trying to sound smart?

>> No.19273931

Have you read Genesis or Exodus? One of the most obvious details from God's conversations with Man is that Man has free will.

>> No.19273935

Yes he has free will, but just like looking back after a life has ended shows all the choices that have been made, Christ can see the end point of all of these. And if he doesn't at least attempt to intervene when the chance arises, then he is evil.

>> No.19273958

Even before you were born, He already knew that you would commit sins, so He incarnated taking into account all of mankind's past and future sins. This shows that God is not an indifferent observer who does not care for his creatures.

>> No.19274006

Not him and not even religious, but imagine you're at an intersection, if you turn left you get hit by another car and die, if you turn right you live.
God knows the outcome of both of these choices but you don't, omniscience and free will are therefore both preserved.

>> No.19274031

>gaytheist tries to disprove God’ evident existence
>uses a straw man of the bastardised abrahamic version of the one true God

>> No.19274084
File: 130 KB, 850x1280, 117592976_1715038231986273_6229836424292449759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if he doesn't at least attempt to intervene
He is intervening right now with people telling you the truth. It is part of His providence. You are the one who is fighting it by not converting to Christianity and giving your life to Christ.

>> No.19274090

>that pic
This really is what life without Christ feels like, looking back on it. I don't even want to think how it is when you are hardened in your evil ways and cannot repent anymore after the last judgement.

>> No.19274108

Because enactment of human will is a personal action in time, not mere knowledge by another being, even if perfect.
If God does all your actions merely by knowing them, then He personally commits every evil in the world, which is absurd.
Having promiscuous intercourse because the body is "evil" and we aren't under the law anymore does not actually explain anything.

>> No.19274117

>free will is uncreated
Cringe. Christ's human nature is created, so is His human will. Otherwise humanity is uncreated too.
>Your free choice is not subject to time
Free choice (as we know it) only exists in time, only in a body-soul joining and only in the fallen state of humanity.

>> No.19274370

if god good why do i do bad thing

>> No.19274374

Should I tell him that the souls of most people decompose after death like the body does?
He wouldn't understand the maxim, "as above, so below."

>> No.19274383
File: 359 KB, 1078x1076, 1632756084911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should tell him you're a cringe freemason lmao

>> No.19274391

You are right. Freemasonry is cringe. But so are you.

>> No.19274396

>You are right. Freemasonry is cringe
Then you should leave :^)

>> No.19274409
File: 17 KB, 406x596, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I hwurt the wittle Christians fee fees by telling him that his pwomise of an afterlife is a lie?

>> No.19274415

>T-t-there's no afterlife b-b-because THERE ISNT OKAKY!!!

>> No.19274425

Can you even read? Or are you crying so much the tears are in the way? I never said there wasn't an afterlife. It's just that the vast majority of people won't experience it.

>> No.19274429
File: 424 KB, 817x599, EYYE9nyWsAUkC5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I hwurt the wittle Christians fee fees by telling him that his pwomise of an afterlife is a lie?
>pwomise of an afterlife is a lie?
>"Dude I never said that the afterlife wasn't read! Re-read my post!"
You really are a freemason you manipulative asshole.

>> No.19274433

>what is the difference between promise and reality
confirmed retard

>> No.19274438
File: 98 KB, 440x513, 440px-John_baptist_preaching_in_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>souls of most people decompose
That is a common satanic belief made to somehow free yourself from Christ's judgement. It is not going to work because the Creator did not create death or decay, everything will be restored when Christ comes.

>> No.19274445

Christ did rise from the dead and empower His martyrs to not be afraid. Death has been defeated at the cross, it could not hold Christ down and He will grant this participation in His victory to all of us.
You literally worship the father of lies if you think something like death has a real power over what Christ created, namely the human body and soul.

>> No.19274449

What are your views anon? How can you believe in an afterlife if the soul can decay?

>> No.19274451

Why do christians want their G-d to be all-knowing, ever-present, and all-powerful so much? This sound like a playground roleplay kid nobody liked
>m-muh God is cooler than your God he's like hypermega 1000x times powerfullerer!
Whats wrong with God having limitations?

>> No.19274453

>Whats wrong with God having limitations?
Because that wouldn't make him God.

>> No.19274458

God has only limitations He undertakes voluntarily, like Christ in the incarnation. Because He is powerful over these limitation by His very nature. It does not make sense to speak of an ignorant God because 'ignorance' is something proper to a different nature.

>> No.19274463

If one can practice separating the soul from the body and become initiated, then the soul can continue living after the body has perished. Very few can achieve this. But anything worthwhile is always difficult.

Normally, a person's soul decomposes into its vital elements. I.e. their spiritual unity does not survive and so they do not survive. Hence the blessing in certain traditions, "may you survive the second death."

>> No.19274476

How does one become initiated in this practice?

>> No.19274484

I was not trying to give a christian answer. The contingency of the free will on fallenness doesn't convince me, and the problem of the free will subject to time prompted my answer after having considered it on here before with a calvinist.

>> No.19274487

I cannot answer this since I am only just beginning to look into it and haven't done all the reading. But if you want to try like me, read Guenon and Evola.

>> No.19274488

>erson's soul decomposes into its vital elements
literal materialistic nonsense. the soul is not composed of material parts.

>> No.19274490

They don't believe in free will, neither are they Christians.
It is not free will that is contingent on fallenness, but the corrupted free will which allows us to choose between good and evil, and not just between multiple goods like it will ultimately be in paradise.

>> No.19274493

How is that materialistic? I am not speaking of material things. Also do you deny that your self or being has parts or characteristics to it? Though I don't really like Jung, his idea of archetypes is similar.

>> No.19274498

They seem like crypto-satanists to me as well. I don't have a problem with that explication, I think Anselm says the same.

>> No.19274499

>just between multiple goods like it will ultimately be in paradise
Then how did Lucifer fall?

>> No.19274506
File: 332 KB, 921x611, temptation-of-christ-921x611-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>separating the soul from the body
Also known as death. Anyone can achieve this. The only problem is having an intact and strong will after death to will the good, and this is what gets attacked by the demons the moment you die. The so-called disintegration was believed by the pagans because the soul of the unrighteous does become less alive when in the state God did not originally intend it to be in, i.e. without the body.

There is separation in reality only due to the fall. In the original state, the body and soul are only separated by contemplation, and are one unit and act in perfect unity with no tension between the flesh and the soul and spirit.
It is materialistic because decay is attributed to something impervious to decay, since it is not made up of separable parts. The only separation that occurs is between the body and soul, the soul itself does not separate itself into something because it has no divisible parts. Multiplicity in faculties of the soul is not a real splitting into pieces like it is in the material world. Jung is just a demonic distortion of the Orthodox Christian idea of uncreated logoi of God as real patterns for the created world.

He choose the good of becoming God, but decided to circumvent the path God laid out, thus falling into evil which is nothing more than disobeying God's will. It is the same as Adam really. The Satan could not tempt Adam with an evil act like he can us (fallen humans), but chose to tempt Adam with what Adam was always destined for, i.e. divinity. The only problem was that there is no obtaining this divinity without obeying God perfectly and becoming like Him. It is the same with Christ too, Satan saw that he needed to repeat what he did to Adam and could only tempt Him with the good because there was no evil in Him.

>> No.19274640

These fucking Christians man. It's like reading fanfic.

>> No.19274646

I don't know, makes sense to me

>> No.19274652

>Also known as death. Anyone can achieve this. The only problem is having an intact and strong will after death to will the good, and this is what gets attacked by the demons the moment you die. The so-called disintegration was believed by the pagans because the soul of the unrighteous does become less alive when in the state God did not originally intend it to be in, i.e. without the body.
This makes sense to you?

>> No.19274667

It does. What's your problem with that statement?

>> No.19274671

Some proof or reference would be nice. I'm almost 100% certain that everything he wrote is headcanon. But he attached a picture of Jesus to the post like that makes it look more authoritative.