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File: 451 KB, 1256x2063, winesburg ohio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19268628 No.19268628 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books you've only discovered through /lit/ or that've been fallen into obscurity over the ages?

>> No.19269184

Pic not related I assume. But it's a great book, yeah.

>> No.19269240

Hey I live by that farm. It's not in Ohio. Or a farm. The view is much better facing the other way.

>> No.19269383

>good books you've only discovered through /lit/
Someone here mentioned the poet Geoffrey Hill. I took a look and he might be worth spending a little time on.

>or that've been fallen into obscurity
I got hold of Burton's "The Anatomy of Melancholy" recently & have been dipping into it. It's a pretty impressive display of erudition (he basically quotes about 200 authors every page) and when you read it you realise lots of famous people have stolen from it. (Samuel Beckett supposedly liked it, and I found a couple of things he lifted almost word-for-word.)

Are you that girl? Post feet please.

>> No.19269418

El Nuevo Tesoro de la Juventud
Historia del Movimiento Obrero
Cuadernos de Historia

>> No.19269421
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picrel. still grateful to the anon who reccd it

>> No.19269423
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>> No.19269435

thanks m8

>> No.19269446
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Read this masterpiece

>> No.19269453
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someone recommended this back in like 2016

>> No.19269459
File: 135 KB, 601x900, 2021-10-22-11-34-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will continue shilling russian postmodernists.

>> No.19269889


>> No.19269906

Sorokin isn't obscure.

>> No.19270811

moss - klaus modick
gilda trillim - steven l. peck
the tidings of the trees - wolfgang hilbig

not sure if obscure, but they're contemporary and not widely read. wolfgang is probably the most read out of the three, he was tipped for a nobel if he hadn't died i think.

>> No.19270823
File: 2.57 MB, 3024x3024, rings of saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this because someone posted a thread thanking an anon for recommending this. Now I want to thank the anon that thanked the anon for recommending this

>> No.19270842
File: 57 KB, 445x589, heliogabalus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to recommend that all the time (and still do from time to time), i wonder if that was me
wonderful book, perhaps my favourite

some anon recommended me this in a thread earlier this year and i really loved it. part of me thinks maybe they were trolling by recommending an especially weird book full of gay sex and blood and schizo ramblings and endless dismembered penises in a "you must read what the anon below you posts" thread but after i managed to acquire a copy at a reasonable price i was very happy

>> No.19270932

Sebald is absolutely not obscure you fucking midwit. You need to lurk way more

>> No.19270950
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Good for halloween time too

>> No.19270951
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>> No.19271306

I'm willing to bet you that 85% of Americans have no fucking clue who Sebald is, so yeah, I'd say he's somewhat obscure.

>> No.19271374
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>> No.19271405

Sebald is obscure in a similar way to how someone like Knausgaard might be obscure. Most people would have no idea who they are, but anyone who follows literature at all would have seen their name mentioned. It would be way higher than 85% btw, more like 95% maybe even if it was the general populace that was asked.

>> No.19273095

What do you y'all like about him / that book?

>> No.19273122
File: 47 KB, 464x661, images - 2021-10-22T194030.384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican novel set in France
>Built around the i ching and the contemplation of the photograph of a Chinese man being tortured
>Inspired by Bataille
>It mostly revolves around a single instant, narrated at the beginning of the novel, from different point of views and different ways it could have happened
>That instant is sometimes confused with other instants that took place in the past
>Nothing is certain, a character might be another character or a reflection in a mieror
>Metafictional at timed

>> No.19273138
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Discovered here but i don't know if it is obscure

>> No.19273146
File: 14 KB, 285x445, images - 2021-10-22T194912.934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck excuse my typos, I'm a phoneposter. Here's another book.
>Light surrealist uruguayan writer
>Proust but the objects themselves are sentient and hold the memories themselves
>A girl falls in love with a balcony
>A man becomes obsessed with a doll, ruining his marriage
>A fat woman pays a man to ride her around her fake pool (an amazing and beautiful short story btw)

>> No.19273149

reminds me of Days of Heaven
>Or a farm
yeah, looks like one of those godawful american country houses

>> No.19273161
File: 74 KB, 430x712, images - 2021-10-22T195752.794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.
>Lyrical short stories about the Mexican revolution in a Northern town
>Told from the perspective of a little girl desensitized to violence
>Inspired Pedro Páramo

>> No.19273969
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A series of four Guyanese novellas all of which are fantastic, but particularly The Palace of the Peacock.

>> No.19274005
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A wonderful book set in missionary hospital in decolonialising Africa. The main character is very similar to Lydgate from Middlemarch, and the story mirrors his, but the whole book is centred around him.
Based on 20 years of research, it shows what a mess decolonisation was, but it's not really a white man's burden type of story either.

>> No.19274035
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>> No.19274042

Hi Evan