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19259008 No.19259008 [Reply] [Original]

Today some youtubers are celebrating Julius Evola today all day.

Currently: Julius Evola: Book Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvL8BuYdFo

Past: Julius Evola: Key Influences https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QxGqMnu2us

Julius Evola: Key Concepts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34ffMAl6_B8

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6h3jU90tgo

>> No.19259112

>Academic Agent

Isnt this guy a turbo libertarian?

>> No.19259114

He’s full blown reactionary now.

>> No.19259124

This guy is a faggot. It doesn't surprise me that he has moved to this mystical-reactionary drivel after seeing the libertarian ship was sinking. It was a choice between that and converting to Orthodoxy.
He will do anything to avoid entering the danger zone of anti-Zionism and actual resistance to the system.

>> No.19259156
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Ask me anything about Evola.
Take your meds schizo.

>> No.19259169

>believes his favourite eceleb switched from libertarianism to being a 'reactionary' out of a sincere change of heart

>> No.19259172

What does Evola think of the concept of Faith in the Christian tradition?

>> No.19259174

How would Evola respond to nihilism and philosophical pessimism?

>> No.19259231

I haven't even looked at the youtube links so I don't know who you are talking about anon, I called you a schizo because of everything else in your post.
Evola did not like "faith" as such, he acknowledged that it is a necessary thing because most people cannot obtain direct knowledge of spirituality and Tradition, but he still saw faith as only a semi-acceptable proxy. If we look at the idea of faith specifically in a Christian context, what he disliked is that Christianity affirmed the idea of faith as the ONLY possible option and denounced any attempt to directly know the spiritual as "demonic".
Ride the Tiger chapters 6-11 deal with precisely this topic. Essentially, Evola affirms the premises of nihilism and in fact takes them even farther than Nietzsche, because he sees that as the only option to authentically overcome nihilism. His solution, however, is considerably less universal than Nietzsche's. To Evola, only people imbued with a specific nature and sufficient inner strength can overcome nihilism, not through "thought" per se, but through a combination of a natural transcendent (overcoming) attitude with something similar to existentialism. His solution is ontological - life equals meaning when it is affirmed as such by a central, autonomous, self-confident and self-controlled inner power. The aforementioned chapters describe this in much more detail than I possibly could here. Of course, he also believed that other factors can instantly solve nihilism, but those are less accessible. Those factors are initiation and/or spiritual awakening.

>> No.19259250
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Why are people into Evola categorically losers?

>> No.19259258

>what he disliked is that Christianity affirmed the idea of faith as the ONLY possible option and denounced any attempt to directly know the spiritual as "demonic"
And therein lies the problem with Evola, and Guenon actually. For all their supposed rigorous scholarship on alternative “Traditions” they failed, no didn’t even try, to rigorous analyze the one they had inherited. Whether or not Christianity is “good” or “true” is not the point here. Rather, the idea that Christianity is opposed to “knowing the transcendent” directly, or any Evolian terms, is simply, as a matter of fact, not true. Thus, their scholarship cannot be trusted.

>> No.19259287

Also, his ridiculous “aristocracy” and his anti-bourgeois (everyone is bourgeois in his view and everything is bad by association with them) sentiment totally undermines everything he ever wrote.

>> No.19259293

why was he a faggot ?

>> No.19259305

Are you satisfied with life anon? Do you need help?
If you are referring to the mystical experiences of monks, that is addressed rather well by Evola. I have no knowledge of Guenon to comment on his views, but Evola frequently differentiated between initiatic spirituality and "mystical" spirituality, which, it should be noted, is very different from the original mystical spirituality of the Mysteries that formed yet another form of Classical initiation.

For Evola, the issue with Christianity is that it never goes beyond its extremely rigid human-God dualism. Even when we look at Islam, an otherwise similar religion to Christianity, in its esoteric and monastic branches the Sufi can and should eventually identify with Allah. Not so in Christianity. With some singular exceptions like Meister Eckhart, Evola sadly notes that even at the very peaks of Christian mysticism the fundamental gap between the human condition and the pure divine element cannot be bridged. Even the Orthodox Theosis, which goes far beyond the limits of Catholicism, the line is drawn at "becoming one with God's enegies, but not with his essence". This splitting frustrates every attempt at achieving true enlightenment.
Sorry you can't buy mass produced spiritual enlightenment off the shelf at the local Walmart yankee, I am sure if Eckhart Tolle goes on enough visits to Oprah's show eventually something will click in your heart and you will now the light of divinity.
He wasn't.

>> No.19259311 [DELETED] 

he was gay and never had child

>> No.19259345
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>I have not given much thought to it, but it has struck me that especially among the Latins the mother complex is combined with a strange kind of strong but sterile intellectualism, a tendency to discuss heaven and earth and God-knows-what in a kind of sharp intellectual way and with complete uncreativeness. It is probably a last attempt on the part of the men to save their masculinity. That simply means that certain young men who are overpowered by their mothers escape into the realm of the intellect because there the mother, especially if she is the earth type and a stupid animus kind of woman, is not up to it. They can slip out from under her skirts into the realm of the intellect, where she cannot follow. Therefore, since it is an initial attempt to escape the mother's power and the animus pressure by getting into the realm of books and philosophical discussion, which they can think mother does not understand, it is not altogether destructive. Such a man has then a little world of his own – he discusses things with other men and can have the agreeable feeling that it is something which women do not understand. In this way he gets away from the feminine, but he loses and leaves his earthly masculinity in the mother's grip. He saves his mental masculinity but sacrifices his phallus – his earthly masculinity and his creativity. The vitality of action, that masculinity which molds the clay, which seizes and molds reality, he leaves behind, for that is too difficult; he escapes into the realm of philosophy. Such people prefer philosophy, pedagogy, metaphysics and theology, and it is a completely unvital bloodless business. There is no real question behind such philosophy. Such people have no genuine questions. For them it is a kind of play with words and concepts and is entirely lacking in any convincing quality. One could not convince a butterfly with such "philosophical" stuff. Nobody would listen to it.

>> No.19259398

metaphysics of sex is his best work

>> No.19259404

cringe term

>> No.19259409

I want to have sex so bad bros. But only with anthro women.

>> No.19259416

why was he so ass hurt over freemasonry?
imagine his reaction when Guenon wrote to him saying that Freemasonry was the only legitimate initiatic organization in the west.

>> No.19259436

You’re not even worth engaging with it. Right off the bat with the name calling and ad homs. Yankee? Walmart? Really? This is the problem with Evola, and his readers. It’s exactly the resentment that Nietzsche described but in reverse. It’s a petty position and one which is anti-bourgeois or anti-popular alone doesn’t make the position “good” or “true”. Evola would’ve affirmed anything he saw as “anti-Bourgeois”. As a matter of fact, he made quite a lot of progress in that direction. And you’ll affirm anything he said because you fancy yourself an aristocrat I suppose. In the end, he leads nowhere and you’ll find that sooner or later.

>> No.19259492

there are two types of people in the world:
those with degrees and nobles

>> No.19259506

Because he believed that Freemasonry has degenerated and embraced antitradition.
I merely returned the favour and responded with a polemic, only mine was much better than yours, judging by how butthurt you seem.
> Evola would’ve affirmed anything he saw as “anti-Bourgeois”.
This is completely untrue, he critiqued the bourgeoisie from a positive ideal, that of aristocracy and high spirituality, not as an end in itself. He subjected "anti-bourgeois" leftism to the same critique he subjected the bourgeoisie to. You are simply uneducated on the topic.
>And you’ll affirm anything he said because you fancy yourself an aristocrat I suppose.
I do not fancy myself an aristocrat at all, but I do affirm truth wherever I see it.
>In the end, he leads nowhere and you’ll find that sooner or later.
I believe this is where I am supposed to respond with "Cope and seethe".

>> No.19259526

Rama Coomaraswamy thought the same thing about Freemasonry. Counter-tradition through and through, according to him.
Are you familiar with him at all?

>> No.19259576

I am not sure about the first name, but I am familiar with a Coomaraswamy who was a member of the Traditionalist school. From what I have gathered, he was a really brilliant writer, though I have not personally engaged with his works.

>> No.19259600

yes that's Ananda Coomaraswamy, I would recommend just reading the 'Essential Ananda Coomaraswamy', no need to dive into his books unless you are really interested... his style is academic af

Rama is his son, who is American and decided to take up the Catholic tradition. His writings are based af and came to the conclusion that Sedevacantism is the only /trad/ position available.
If you want to learn about the Catholic tradition, I recommend him and Malachi Martin (his Art Bell interviews are a good starting point as it's interesting and schizo)

>> No.19259650

I am not a Christian but I appreciate the new information. Thanks anon. The image of a Sedevacantist Coomaraswamy is entertaining in a warm way.

>> No.19259664

he's as based as Guenon and Evola in his own way...
>I am not a Christian
regardless, if you want to understand why the current Catholic Church has devolved into a counter-traditional organization, he provides the answers...

what other /trad/ topics interest you?

>> No.19259690

One thing I really like about Rama Coomaraswamy is that he's let people put his father's books online for free. I know people would upload them anyway these days, but it's a nice guesture.

>> No.19259708

>AA is Evola pilled now
Pretty cool.

>> No.19259735

>regardless, if you want to understand why the current Catholic Church has devolved into a counter-traditional organization, he provides the answers...
Wait, is this his actual position? That's a bit extreme even for me, I must admit. Evola laments the decline of the Church but he doesn't go as far as to call it counter-tradition...
>what other /trad/ topics interest you?
Honestly, right now I am trying to find a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment. I am going to attempt to awaken kundalini but I am not sure if that will work. Trying to figure out a way to prepare and achieve that has been taking up a good deal of my efforts lately. Other than that, I have just been reading more of Evola's works. I am trying to see how I can translate Evola's values to something I can act on in my personal life and also find a way to do that on behalf of others.

>> No.19259740

What was his opinion of suicide?

>> No.19259748

He's become basically Moldbuggian NRx recently, which is more like post-libertarian.

>> No.19259814

what's your race/nationality?
>Wait, is this his actual position?
yes... since Vatican II...
the sedevacantist tradcath position is an exciting one, I must say. there are probably a million or so real catholics in the world right now according to them.
>right now I am trying to find a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment
have you read Guenon? he says in East and West that we should seek an eastern tradition, study it, and come back to a western tradition (he said Catholicism).
have you read Evola's Doctrine of Awakening?

>> No.19259820

Evola said that Hitler killing himself in the Führerbunker was a noble move and approved it.

>> No.19259863

Like a lot of things, he saw it as being about whether you were doing it with detachment or for sentimental reasons. Active vs passive.

>> No.19259868

He covers that in one of the later chapters of Ride the Tiger. According to Evola, every man has right over his own life and may be justified in terminating it if his mission here is truly over, but he still believes that we are all born and allotted our full lifespans for a reason.
>what's your race/nationality?
Balkan Slav, currently living in the West.
>have you read Guenon? he says in East and West that we should seek an eastern tradition, study it, and come back to a western tradition (he said Catholicism).
I am looking for any functional form of initiation and/or awakening right now, but I will be honest. I have no intention of returning to a Western tradition. Christianity was never my thing and it seems to be headed for dissolution and degeneration anyway.
>have you read Evola's Doctrine of Awakening?
I did. I think it is one of his most inspiring books. I don't think I have what it takes to triumph with the method in DoA, though. It is far too ascetic and it's hard to gauge progress. This is why I prefer kundalini, since it is more "dramatic", I suppose. Alternatively, I have also experimented a bit with Evola's Hermetic method, but I have not had luck thus far. I think I need a much better spiritual foundation before I will be able to make something happen with that.

>> No.19259942

>I have no intention of returning to a Western tradition
then why are you still living in the West? if you are serious about it, move to the East...
What interests you most out of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam?
>I think I need a much better spiritual foundation before I will be able to make something happen with that.
My advice would be to study sanskrit and Vedanta. From there you can go deeper with Hindu or Buddhist traditions, depending on your interests.
>I have no intention of returning to a Western tradition
to come back to this again, remember that Evola felt this way too.. He wanted to move to India, as he felt the West could not offer any more spiritual advancement. However, he overcame this and laid the foundations for a renewed Roman tradition...

>> No.19259962

please give some youtube/podcast reccomendations
what is evolas thoughts on prometheus/technology being part of aryan primordial tradition

>> No.19259998

>then why are you still living in the West? if you are serious about it, move to the East...
Because my life and destiny is here, and also because I am poor lol.
>What interests you most out of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam?
If I could find something kundalini related, Hinduism. If not, then some type of Vajrayana or Zen practice would be good.
>My advice would be to study sanskrit and Vedanta. From there you can go deeper with Hindu or Buddhist traditions, depending on your interests.
That would be good to have, but I am referring to actual spiritual qualities. So, I need to do more meditation IMO.
I haven't seen anyone talking sense on Evola, so I just read. I think Keith Woods has a couple of videos on Evola, but I don't know what else to suggest. Also, his Sufi of Rome video is kind of bad, not because he is a bad speaker, but because the book he discusses is fake stuff.
>what is evolas thoughts on prometheus/technology being part of aryan primordial tradition
Prometheus symbolises a purely material human intelligence, forethought. Very practical and conniving, but ultimately non-spiritual. The only way to rectify it is to put it at the service of an Olympian divine principle, reflected in Hercules saving Prometheus from his punishment. Evola did not have a very high opinion of Promethean themes conceived unilaterally and of their products, including technology.

>> No.19260024

how hoes he square this with aryans using technology(bronze age weaponry, first wheeled chariots, animal domestication) in order to conquer and spread their tradition? The Prometheus myth as well as perhaps ahura mazda and similar figures throughout indo european mythology.

>> No.19260037

>Because my life and destiny is here
ok well your best bet is to find some guru - pajeet or tibetan
>I am referring to actual spiritual qualities
but how do you know what to meditate on if you don't know the metaphysical realities that /trad/itional practitioners understood?
You should really study the core books before diving into practice, it's borderline LARPing. Imagine if some chink participated in Catholic sacraments, like the Eucharist, without understanding Jesus or Catholic doctrine...

Evola taught himself how to read Sanskrit and Pali, there's no reason you can't either

>> No.19260058

Okay so, in metaphysical terms Evola wasn't strictly anti-technology. The job of technology is to act as an expression of the will of its user and to amplify it. This is the symbolism of the Olympian redemption of Prometheus, who on his own is nothing better than food for the birds. Evola thought that modern civilisation was in many ways created by a Promethean revolt that has now collapsed in on itself, illustrated by how technology changed from a tool of "liberation" to something which controls and conditions every aspect of man's life, from industrial capitalism to social media to the nuclear bomb. Evola obviously did not object to premodern technology, when it performed its proper function. In fact, I am pretty sure that at one point he also covers the symbolism of the rider and the horse, where the horse represents precisely a power and a material force which serves as the vehicle for a divine intelligence which assigns superior purpose and meaning to it.
>ok well your best bet is to find some guru - pajeet or tibetan
I know, unfortunately I am going to have to go without one, unless something really convenient happens.
>but how do you know what to meditate on if you don't know the metaphysical realities that /trad/itional practitioners understood?
Meditation itself helps with this. Some of the meditations have a really straightforward meaning. Shamatha strengthens concentration, Vipassana develops an awareness of the true nature of the body and samsara, etc. You also mentioned Doctrine of Awakening, which describes the meaning of various meditations quite well.
>You should really study the core books before diving into practice, it's borderline LARPing.
I disagree. It is true that theory is very important, but once you have a basic understanding, unless you start practising, your knowledge will not become living knowledge. It will remain dead and theoretical. That is my opinion, at least.

>> No.19260127

>I know, unfortunately I am going to have to go without one, unless something really convenient happens.
okay, okay, there is one alternative: YouTube
just please make sure it's not new age bull shit...
>The core books are just theory
dude this is a cringe opinion and quite frankly lazy. what are you even doing on /lit/ if you aren't gonna read?
Imagine trying to teach yourself the Kabbalah without knowing Hebrew or having read the Torah! Unthinkable!
Evola taught himself how to read in Pali so he could read the entire Pali Canon... Which led to strengthening of his various meditative or yogic practices...

You just gotta realize that this will be a 3-10+ year journey and will have to lay down the foundations sooner than later... And by that, I mean you have to read the core texts in its original language.
Do you want to be some new age fag who knows meaningless esoteric secrets or do you want to practice the real Aryan /trad/ition?

>> No.19260142

Like attracts like

>> No.19260216

>okay, okay, there is one alternative: YouTube
I don't use YouTube for that kind of thing. I think you are too outward looking, anon. It is possible to discover a lot of wisdom inside yourself, if you are willing to look and practice.
>dude this is a cringe opinion and quite frankly lazy. what are you even doing on /lit/ if you aren't gonna read?
I have read plenty, but I am not convinced that continually reading more and more without any qualitative change is going to result in further spiritual growth. Living knowledge is spiritual knowledge.
>Do you want to be some new age fag who knows meaningless esoteric secrets or do you want to practice the real Aryan /trad/ition?
I am sorry to say this anon, but I actually know a handful of New Age fags who have reached considerable spiritual heights simply by practising valid esoteric methods. They have achieved this despite having wrong and often times completely inverted views of the tradition they subscribe to. Experience matters, anon. This is why Guenon spoke so much of initiation and why Evola spoke so much of methods.

>> No.19260243

new age is utterly bourgeois!
I gotta run, but i'll try to answer your post if the thread is still alive in a few hours

>> No.19260264

That's okay. I am not sure if it's possible to go much further with this. To be clear, I do not endorse New Age stuff. It's just my observation that some of them have achieved objective spiritual accomplishments.

>> No.19260448

Happy Evola Day!

>> No.19261477

To do it as a means of conquering life, not surrendering to it.

>> No.19261484

Who I can read like Evola but without Magic or Islam

>> No.19261500
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>> No.19261506

Something like this but without the word Jew on every page

>> No.19261518

Nice joke

>> No.19261527

Evola doesn't spend much time talking about either magic or Islam and when he does he's perfectly coherent and interesting, if those are the dealbreakers for you then I am afraid that you will be losing out. The only person who comes even remotely close that I can suggest is Ernst Junger but even he is very far off from Evola.

>> No.19261532

I've had multiple run-ins with AA. I can say with absolute certainty that he's a thin-skinned pseudo-intellectual cuckold bastard that takes it up the ass when he isn't misreading and misunderstanding half the people he reads. Woefully larpy and woefully cultish in how he treats and wants to control his fans.

>> No.19261560

I'm running out of content to consoom and AA puts out a lot of stuff regularly, so I've been listening to him lately. He's pretty clearly well read, but he also is sort of running into the
>20 years of illuminati research
>it's literally just the jews
problem. He's also a britbong and on youtube, so while he's certainly farther Right than he's allowed to go, he's constantly holding himself back. This isn't unexpected of course, you can look at people who are leaps and bounds farther Right than AA is that are also Britbongs, like STJ, and see that they do the same thing.

However, he also ends up courting the le ebin BASED traditionalismisticalist orthosedevacantist Latin mass crusader LARPer types. In one episode, he has as a guest a zoomer who, while podcasting from a highschool classroom, argues that the reason for tomboy abs is the youth of today attending Donatist churches. For those unaware, Donatism was a 4th century Christian heresy arguing that people had to be born Christians and undergo theological training in order to be bishops, instead of just converting and paying the Pope for a seat. He's friends with a lot of "romanian orthodox despite being british" types. You know, the types that believe that everything Europe has ever produced actually came from Byzantium, which was just carrying the torch from Jerusalem, so actually the Renaissance is actually Jewish and as such is based because there were no White people involved.

It's the problem that you run into when you don't point out that it's literally just the Jews: it doesn't matter how many academic texts you discuss on Power when you can't name the people who actually have power.

>> No.19261574

I couldn't find any nonfiction Junger wrote that interested me.

>> No.19261583

He not only holds himself back but also yells at people who shared the same opinions about the jews. He's gone so far as to ban a number of oldtimer fans over the JQ. This was in private, insider environments mind you, so it's not like it was going to leak.

>> No.19261594

Yet he still hangs around with Morgoth

>> No.19261607
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>> No.19261632

Which makes his choices even more baffling

>> No.19261641

And Keith Woods.

>> No.19261654

Yeah, I'm not saying that he isn't aware of Jewish power, because he clearly is. If you look at how people who actually deny Jewish power act, they don't tiptoe around the idea of it, they just openly deny it. AA clearly knows what's up, and he doesn't want to get nuked off of youtube for it. I can't blame him for that, but at the same time, you shouldn't put a fucking political podcast on youtube in The Current Year. Again, using STJ as an example, there's a reason he's moved off of it and only uses it for his really big (and apolitical) stuff.

AA also makes money off of youtube, and again I can't blame him for this. I'd love to get paid to just ramble about politics and philosophy all day. This is literally how philosophy works. Academia is for training scholasticucks, actual thinkers only teach for a paycheck. But that's a weakness because racism is an actual crime in the UK, and "I'm half Iranian so I'm a POC" doesn't fucking cut it when you're pointing out Jewish power. He's trying to save his income. I don't blame him for it, but he's tied his income to being a right-wing talking head, and that means that he's going to flap in the breeze for it.

>> No.19261656

t. adam

>> No.19261662

>because the book he discusses is fake stuff
What parts of the book do you think are fake, and how do you know? I'm not disagreeing with you. It's more than likely a book of table talks written 40 years after Evola's death will contain some misremembered facts.

>> No.19261685

No idea who that is, or if I did I don't remember them. I just remember AA for being a faggot and a pseud a couple years ago, especially in private.

>> No.19261721

Not even Storm of Steel?
Because I've read almost all of Evola's works that are available in English and this random fellow who wrote the Sufi of Rome - whose name I have never seen mentioned in Evola's work - makes bizarre and outlandish claims that I could never possibly imagine being reconciled with reality.

>> No.19261726

Kinda boring. I don't really give a shit about some guys war experiences

>> No.19261736
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oh are you that weird Asian tranny he had on for a while

>> No.19261739

You need Keith Woods.

>> No.19261744

Really? Did you read the gimped version or the actual one? I really enjoyed my read of Storm of Steel, it's an insight into the heroic perspective on war. It was a stunning experience for me.
>TFW Keith's twitter is more fun than his channels since he tweets more than he posts videos
Not that anon btw.

>> No.19261749

I highly doubt that there is anything that Keith has to say that will be new to me; having said that, everything I've seen of him on TRS and such is pretty good. I have thought about it in the past, however, because again I'm a contentcuck and have to consoom to keep me from going crazy at work. Looking at his channel, I see that he's done some longer videos, so I might check his stuff out.

>> No.19261759
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Did anyone else get a tat to celebrate?

>> No.19261767

That's the dumbest fucking image I have ever seen.

>> No.19261770

Nah. AA and Rei actually seemed to get along behind the scenes. Fun fact: Rei was blackmailing AA for awhile.

>> No.19261797

absolutely based

>> No.19261806

you might as well have had him tattooed on your delt, huffing your stinky pits

>> No.19261856

What was the blackmail material? Or did that never come out? Only been watching AA for half of this year.

>> No.19261884

It's been awhile but I think it had to do with the JQ and AA's ownership of one of the discord servers. Said discord is deleted cis AA and his goons don't like us talking about his and their self-doxes, so they reported the server for take-down. Anyway, Rei was disliked in the AA community for being a cunt, so when she was on the discord no one really liked it with how much she derailed conversations and was just being her grand self. We later learned It was a blackmail thing since the loophole was to transfer ownership from AA to one of his biggest simps and his lieutenant JGreenriver. Thus, Rei was banned.

>> No.19261895

Jesus Christ I hate internet dramatics.

>> No.19261899

Ah thanks.
Anything else I should know about him or his past as a viewer? It is difficult when most of his previous videos are behind a paywall.

>> No.19261940

It's funny at least. Imagine getting angry at a discord for sharing images you yourself linked and accusing the server of underhanded tactics. All we did was look your name up on youtube cus your fucking discord name is the same as your real life fucking name. There's also how he talked about his business and shit but we can't talk about that either, apparently.
Last I heard, the story he told his sped fans was that we totally doxxed him and his paypigs and he didn't do anything to reveal his info at all and he was really careful! We're just dastardly hackers and we were rightly banned for doxxing him and not because of the JQ or criticisms of him.
He likes running psychological experiments. He tries to pull some Donald Trump-Scott Adams shit on the servers when he doesn't do something else to push some experiment he had cooked up. If he, at any point, told you that he believes in free will and choice, yadda yadda. That is not true. He tried to establish some power words where if he said it, you have to submit cus you'd ruin the 'contract' or experiment. He really liked 'skin in the game' back then, idk now.

>> No.19261955

imagine thinking anyone gives a shit about years old discord drama. fuck off tranny

>> No.19261963

most evolafags are total frauds
the only ones worthy of respect are the ones who have read Guenon too

>> No.19261964

probably not wrong. he's become kind of a meme for internet "alt right" reactionaries.

>> No.19262013

>That would be good to have, but I am referring to actual spiritual qualities. So, I need to do more meditation IMO.
That's the problem, that you fail to see it, and separate the study of the Vedic and Tantric literature from meditation, and even from actual spiritual qualities. You are not supposed to meditate one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening, go on meditating day and night, don't stop watching your breath, watch in sleep, even deep dreamless sleep.

>> No.19262021

>I know, unfortunately I am going to have to go without one, unless something really convenient happens.
There is absolutely no way without guru.

>> No.19262029

besides Evola's niche books (Doctrine of Awakening, metahpysics of war, etc), I don't see how any /pol/tard can truly grasp his work without understanding Guenon's Traditional worldview.

>> No.19262034

>I disagree. It is true that theory is very important, but once you have a basic understanding, unless you start practising, your knowledge will not become living knowledge. It will remain dead and theoretical. That is my opinion, at least.
Kriya yoga is not possible without jnana yoga, just as jnana is not possible without kriya.

>> No.19262048

>I think you are too outward looking, anon. It is possible to discover a lot of wisdom inside yourself, if you are willing to look and practice.
In a positive way, yes. But not at all in a negative way as in simply neglecting the sacred texts, that is not discovering wisdom inside yourself at all.

>> No.19262057

I know that's the goal anon, that's really hard though and especially so if I am trying to do anything mentally intensive. Either I retain awareness of my movements or I read a text. It's one or the other. As soon as I start reading or talking to someone, I get "sucked into life" and that's that.
There is, it's just very hard. Some paths are also more conducive than others. I am going to be trying out kundalini and there's really no way to quit once you start, so assuming I can activate it then I will have to be fine with or without a guru. Or I will go insane/die. One of the two.
I can't disagree with you if that's what you want me to do, but at the same time I do not see how this impacts what I said in any way. I am very mentally centred and I can doubtlessly say that I need more spiritual practice and realisations rather than mental reflection.

>> No.19262085

Are you looking for an interminable hair-splitting bore-fest, but OUTSIDE ACADEMIA? I have just your ticket.

>> No.19262102

Damn Evola seems to be getting more and more well-known

>> No.19262127

I simped for Philosophicat and I enjoyed it.

>> No.19262133

Bro it takes forever to decipher a paragraph of Evola. There's no old folks reading this.

>> No.19262155

Von Franz was great, what book or article is this an excerpt from?

>> No.19262166

Gracias, mami.

>> No.19262225

Have you studied/practiced intro to magic?

>> No.19262293

I have achieved a few Siddhi powers from martial arts. I have proven capable of mending gruesome of wounds if cheery and spiritually nourished yet too pathetic to pull a splinter if my mind is perturbed. Converting pain into pleasure taught me that gross forms of pleasure themselves are truly harmful pain. Anyways cheers supaman magic monk. I dont know what the other siddhi powers are besides levitation and mantak chia mega multi coom.

>> No.19262317

Because they revolted against the modern world (-$$$)

>> No.19262327

Dont hate the playa hate the game son

>> No.19262373

>he's found a way to make reading about chivalry and holy war boring
Sucks to be you anon.
Depends on the paragraph and how many times you've read it. RtT was a tough read for me at first. Essays are super comfy tho.
A bit. I've spent anywhere between 40-80 hours over the past 2 years trying out the various exercises. Admittedly, this isn't very much at all and I need to work on it more. I've read almost all of the book and some of the other two volumes, but I have not achieved anything spectacular. Most of my effort has gone towards attempting to achieve Silence. I think I have gone as far as successfully withdrawing myself from my body but I have not managed to go any further and complete the Black Work.

>> No.19262457

One of the worst tattoos I've ever seen. Too much shading. He looks part nigger.

>> No.19262507

It says that Evola was a secret muslim and personally knew Omar Amine (Johann von Leers) and other sufi shayks from Egypt which I will never accept because fuck muzzies, I don't believe that evola was potentially a sufi from the malamyya order and even if he was I can never accept islam because it's europe's mortal enemy, and I will never accept a non-european religion.

>> No.19262518
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Why ya'll into this corny penguin looking nigga

>> No.19262528

Why not homie? Nothing corny about him.

>> No.19262535
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*inhales* over ten thousand years ago the luminous monadic godhead emanated holy mantras through the aether into the minds of wise Aryan sages living an idyllic existence with their noble but fierce people in arctic Hyperborea, it was the last golden age, usury was banned; men conducted themselves righteously, women were chaste and loyal to their family. In the absence of maleficent psychic influences all well-meaning people as they approached the end of their lives successfully attained liberation and union with the monadic Supreme Being, the "Solar Self of all that is in motion or at rest" - (Rig-Veda I.115.1). Being subject to the same cyclic degradation as the rest of manifestation however, eventually the unique climatic conditions that allowed them to live in Hyperborea ended and the land was encased in a permanent blanket of ice and snow, driving the Aryans south where after mingling with several peoples they eventually formed and arranged themselves into the various Indo-European tribes of the Black and Caspian seas; the original expulsion from Eden.

Before long, destiny called and the wanderlust of the Aryans answered it with a relish. Successive waves of Aryans ventured out in their fearsome chariots and gloriously conquered most of the world in their vicinity, stamping their imprint and legacy upon Europe, Anatolia, Persia, India and western China. The eternal truth revealed by the Source was disseminated across the globe, where it was gradually woven into the fabric of almost every major religion and culture according to varying degrees of secrecy and esoterism. Even Taoism comes from the Tocharians. Western culture sprang from the intermingling of Indo-European esoterism and the antediluvian wisdom of Egypt that occurred in ancient Greece when the Aryan-derived mystery cults existed alongside and interacted with the dissemination of Atlantean knowledge that occurred when Plato and others studied with Egyptian priests; flourishing in the eventual culmination of Neoplatonism which during its heyday represented a return to the golden age of Hyperborean wisdom.

>> No.19262537

>There is, it's just very hard. Some paths are also more conducive than others. I am going to be trying out kundalini and there's really no way to quit once you start, so assuming I can activate it then I will have to be fine with or without a guru. Or I will go insane/die. One of the two.
Try that one practice in Intro to Magic 3. I forgot the name of the chapter, but it has a picture of a man's head in it. It's a series of practices to unlock your occult energies or something like that. The first is to picture a coin After you mastered that, you do something a certain action at a certain time of day. Eventually, you develop defenses against occult forces.

>> No.19262540
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The Israelites were originally an unremarkable Semitic tribe existing alongside many others of a similar ilk all with their own basic tribal cults; Herodotus makes no mention of them despite having had traveled through the area. When Babylon conquered Palestine and deported all the Israelites to slavery back in Mesopotamia, the cultural memory of the Israelites was wiped clean. Soon the Aryan Persians conquered Babylon and the magnanimous Cyrus freed the Israelites and sent them back home, remaking the shattered remnants of their primitive tribal beliefs into a system resembling Zoroastrianism, for which he was praised as a messiah in the Jewish holy scriptures. The pain and ignominy of enslavement during the Babylonian captivity was too much for the Israelites to bear though. Even though Zoroastrianism preached a dualism involving a universal beneficent Father culminating in the esoteric non-dualism of Zurvan, the Israelites twisted what they had so graciously been taught and retconned Ahura Mazda as the sole true God of Yahweh with the Israelites as his "chosen people", in their vindictiveness they turned to narcissistic self-worship as a form of catharsis. All the ancients were astounded at their hostility and ill-character, Plutarch wrote about how the Egyptians believed that the Israelites worshipped the bringer of discord, Set.

The Dharma characterizing the lower, conditioned aspect of the monadic Supreme Being caused the incarnation of Jesus Christ to bring righteousness and truth to the region and its peoples. Christianity was originally an esoteric initiatic ascetic order open to all those with the courage to abandon everything to join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now in this life. When a man asked to join Jesus on the road, Jesus warned him of what it entailed, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" - (Luke 9:58). The Gospel of Thomas and its 'Q source' are both real, they are the words of Christ. The Israelites harbored a special hatred for Jesus because in his preaching of the true, universal father and his openness to everyone Jesus was confronting the Israelites with the wickedness of their own perversion of the eternal truth. Shankaracharya and Jesus were both too good for this world, which was why they were destined to die before the full span of their lives were over. The partial subversion of Christianity into the dogmatic limited-hangout of Paulism sowed the seeds of the West's eventual downfall into nihilism, hedonism and apathy after a long holdout against them during the middle ages. Christianity still offers a valid path through Theosis, but to get there and be ready for it westerners have to battle the multi-headed hydra of modern society and the values that it inculcates.

>> No.19262541

absolutely based

>> No.19262546
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The conditioned aspect of the Supreme Being eventually descended again as Gabriel to disseminate to the Prophet the last revealed religion of this stage of human existence, Islam. Its absolute and all-encompassing nature which totally penetrates into every aspect of Islamic societies being appropriate to its role as an Ark against the flood of modernity. The conflicts between Islam and other religions being an unfortunate but ultimately irrelevant side effect of its coexistence alongside them; the revealed religions being equivalent to God tossing pebbles in a pond, when the ripples caused by each splash meet each other there is conflict as well as opportunity for learning. As the great Ibn Arabi correctly notes, Islam is the continuation of the previous revealed religions and does not invalidate them, compare 40 Hadith Qudsi 25 narrated by Abu Hurayrah and Brihadaranyaka 3.8.11. Non-conditional multiplicity is Shirk. Islam is an ally of the West in their struggle against the usurers and in the search for spiritual meaning. Islamic societies will always offer a second chance for westerners fed up with their culture who want to shed their identity and seek something new, but the eventual destiny of the West writ large is to rejuvenate western spirituality in an organic way and not to adopt something foreign.

The Russian Empire was the last chance for humankind to be guided into the modernity by a Traditional continent-spanning empire but the agents of darkness prevailed over it. The 20th and 21st centuries are the legacy of the collapse of monarchies and the spread of secularism, materialism, scientism, nihilism and so many other poisons. Post-scholastic philosophy stems from the need to fill the gaping hole in the heart of western society left by the absence of the transcendental Ātma-jñāna originally revealed to mankind at polar Mount Meru and again later by subsequent prophets. East Asia fared moderately better, the Buddhism it fell under the sway of was originally a crypto-egalitarian and proto-materialist subversive psyop, although later Buddhists who were initiated by Hindus and Taoists were able to salvage some of it. Heidegger and Debord exemplify man waking up to the emptiness of modernity and realizing something has been stolen from him, but without knowing exactly what it is. Marx also understood there was a problem but didn't realize the correct solution, a consequence of his alienation from the primordial Tradition like so many others. Evola was torn by the inner contradictions of having a heartfelt yearning to understand the primordial Aryan knowledge but at the same time being afraid of the total liberation from all name and form that this knowledge entailed; he couldn't accept that in the end multiplicity wasn't real, desiring to still retain in transcendence some form of permanent superiority or lasting individual achievement like a kid who can't put down a videogame.

>> No.19262552

There is a global struggle and metaphysical battle occurring between truth, harmony and justice and the opposing forces of darkness, ignorance and usury. The key Elite of NATO countries are mostly controlled by the Cabal through forced participation in pedophiliac human sacrifice ceremonies and the ensuing blackmail this allows, their antagonism towards China and Russian is motivated by their fear of Eurasia eventually becoming a global refuge from the usurers. There is an ongoing race to privatize everything so that from the moment you are born you are incurring massive debt simply for existing, this is how they mow the grass of the masses. You can do your part to prevent them winning by living virtuously, and by raising a family and instilling in the next generation Traditional values. Don't let materialistic and shallow obsessions become obstacles in the spiritual path. Allowing your time to be occupied by electronic entertainment makes you a metaphysical cuckold and a victim of psychic vampirism. When one conducts themselves in an exceedingly depraved way they are given one last chance in the form of rebirth as a black person before they lose human status and are reborn as animals. Time isn't real, only Now exists. If the forces of evil win humankind will be enslaved by machines and forced into manual labor to finance the hedonistic lifestyles of the usurers. Even this will come to pass though and the just and unjust alike will reconstituted into the primordial essence, those without Knowledge being eventually spat out again in the form of intelligent life. Humankind is just a flash in the pan of the abiding tranquility of the Supreme Being, the eternity of phenomenal existence just froth on the surface of the shoreless ocean of the immutable Divine. Wake up.

>> No.19262553

Can you be more specific anon? Both with the chapter/how to find and with what the practice does? As far as I know, there is a significant difference between unlocking the occult energies and developing defenses against occult forces.

>> No.19262654

"America … has created a ‘civilization’ that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantitative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate."

— Julius Evola

>> No.19262812

>Converting pain into pleasure
Can you give me a quick rundown on how you do this? Do you not identify with it an let it come out as much as possible? Then what? As to pleasure, definitely yes, the bipolar pleasure-pain complex, the same for many other things

>> No.19262833

>because it's europe's mortal enemy,
No, that would be (((them))). Islam draws a lot or influence from the Aryan Persians. The concept of Jihad for example probably comes from them, and this same concept is present in Nordic Valhalla or the crusadades. True Islam is based, but muslims need to fuck off back to their homeland and the average muslim is retarded. Still, we should team up with those of them who are authenitcally Traditional at this point.

>> No.19262849

He is referring to the essay called "liberation of the faculties" in chapter 7, the title in english may be slightly different.

>> No.19262859

>and a victim of psychic vampirism
This is very accurate, please everybody be aware of this. I read an article awhile ago by a Templar talking about intel agencies creating tulpas with AI

>> No.19262926

>a Templar talking about intel agencies creating tulpas with AI
WTF please point me somewhere I need to learn more about this. Please?

>> No.19262948

Yes, that's the one! My apologies for not specifying the chapter since I'm on my phone and away from home. Also, keep in mind going through all the steps will take many months of dedication.

>> No.19262951

Achieving silence shouldn't be that hard though, don't overthink it. As far as I know it is just sinking into a certain (deep?) meditative state, either through the holding thoughts outside of your head or eliminating all thoughts and keeping your mind empty (which it seems to me basically functions the same) until you eventually reach "silence," which they describe as a feeling of freedom of the spirit. The successive phases of sinking seem to occur but don't always appear as vividly inside of me. Achieving the black work is a great accomplishment in and of itself, if anybody here as accomplished it I would be surprised and like to hear from them. Although we may have different understandings of what it actually is.

I know this is too basic for some people, but one thing I learned starting off is that it is important to stay "active" during meditation; keeping yourself present if you know what I mean; awareness of you being aware; conscious of your consciousness; otherwise you can drift off into semi-sleeplike states like mystics, where you follow random images popping up into your mind and lose the sense of self, which is the opposite of what you want to achieve. I think all people who practice meditation should be aware of this, in my experience the signs of this after getting up are drowsiness, brainfog and feeling lazy, as opposed to a superior sense of clarity and being at ease/relaxed.

>> No.19262994
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I was sexually assaulted in my bed by an entity. I think it wanted my sex energy, because I was doing nofap and it clapped my front and back at the same time through my sheets, on the front where my guy is and on the back on my bum. I assume it was sleep paralysis or something, because I came out of a dream, and I remember the dream abruptly being filled with "negative vibes" before I woke up to the feeling of what seemed like somebody gradually kneeling on the end of my bed before the assault. I want it to happen again so I can capture it and torture it like a sick little freak then send it after donald drumpf and other white supremists.

>> No.19263029


>> No.19263070

btw this guy the leader of the templars and is insanely redpilled, he has articles talking about adrenochrome and interdimensional aliens making pacts with elites to feed off of human energies and stuff, if you can't read italian just translate the articles, they are short.

>> No.19263183

>otherwise you can drift off into semi-sleeplike states like mystics, where you follow random images popping up into your mind and lose the sense of self
This can be fun sometimes. But yes its important to stay focused on awareness. Same happens with silent prayer. Your mind starts to run images in the background and before you know prayer has been stopped for 10 minutes yet feels like only a second.

>> No.19263261

To your point about mystical experiences, I believe Evola got his views on this from Guenon, who distinguished between legitimate spiritual knowledge and individual and inner mystical experiences and knowledge. He talks about it briefly in East and West.

>> No.19263270

>It's exactly the resentment that Nietzsche described but in reverse.
What are you even trying to say here

>> No.19263284

Just a heads up that Guenon explicit said that book learning an eastern tradition is not enough to gain sufficient knowledge to apply it and form a genuine western tradition. He said that since there is continuation in eastern tradition since inception, such as with Hinduism, the western seeker will need to be aided by an authorized representative of the eastern tradition chosen.

>> No.19263309

I prefer to use the word “virgin”

>> No.19263310

I mentioned in a prior post how you need to find a proper guru desu, but good looking out
I think there are some interesting opportunities within Tibetan Buddhism. what do you think about eastern traditional paths for westerners?

>> No.19263320

Yeah that evola guy was good in dragons dogma, he wrote a good game.

>> No.19263326

i basically agree with evola but he doesn't appeal to me. maybe it has to do with his face or maybe it's all the yoga stuff or maybe it's his odd relationship to mussolini. i know that he is very popular but i don't see a future for the right with him. carlyle is the better way to go.

>> No.19263328

I would say that Hinduism would is the most accessible to most westerners. However, I don't really know enough about Tibetan Buddhism to judge how difficult it is in comparison with Hinduism.
Guenon did say as well that Hinduism is a good path for westerners to follow, as he thought that Islamic tradition was too close to the west and Chinese tradition was too far detached. I don't believe he said much about Buddhism though, but I would imagine that it is similar to Hinduism in terms of accessibility

>> No.19263332

That word, along with "cuck," more accurately characterizes marxists and communists tbqh. Leftists are known to be creepy rapists.

>> No.19263350
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>> No.19263388

He who craves extinction, craves extinction, craves exinctions, I say that this man does not know extinction.

>> No.19263474

I guessed this without even watching his videos. He only dropped libertarianism because no-one is interested in it anymore >>19259124

>> No.19263513

>Christianity was originally an esoteric initiatic ascetic order open to all those with the courage to abandon everything to join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now in this lif
Osirus trapped in the coffin floats down the Nile, washing upon the shores of Byblos, a papyri making center, becoming lodged in a tamarisk tree until found again by Isis. Those fish that ate his member, the Ichthys. It's not for nothing the Essene mystics could claim lineage out of Egypt.

>> No.19263594

oy vey!

>> No.19263601

she forgets that this type of discussion will eventually lead to violent revolt, which will slaughter everyone like her, she should think twice being this smug.

>> No.19263622

For the same reason most marxists are. They're mostly people who are unhappy with the status quo who have been convinced that under some different societal structure, they would be happy and successful. What they miss is that people who excel under one system excel under most systems and people who are losers under one system are losers under most.

>> No.19263650

Why are you

>> No.19263702

i got recommended evola because stoicism and the eastern beliefs tendency to vilify passion does not click with me
where should i start what should i know

>> No.19263745

Is she the perfect woman?

>> No.19263777


isn't this the guy who got triggere dby womenhaving abs and being fit?

>> No.19263781


this, please provide sauce, i wanna read the whole thing

>> No.19263795
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Devastating nuclear truth

>> No.19263855

It's from The Problem of the Puer Aeternus.

>> No.19263934

Not really

>> No.19264099

Thank you so much anon I will be reading this with the help of my Italian friend on discord.

>> No.19264139

>dude the real Übermensch is actually trying to fit in
Please kill yourself

>> No.19264156

This is so fucking accurate it hurts to read.
t. Italian

>> No.19264162

Still better than being an anglo, I forgot to add.

>> No.19264508

Evola isn't concerned with social structures. He also discusses the unique possibilities that this degenerate civilisation offers to men of Tradition today. How about instead of trying to appropriate the high ground for your enlightened centrist self, you admit that you haven't read Evola or the Marxists and that you just want to look smart without doing any of the necessary work?
It depends on what you want. Evola has works that focus on overcoming the passions, such as for example the Doctrine of Awakening. If you want to work with the passions instead, you can read Ride The Tiger which contains a more "Dionysian" method. This would probably be the most applicable one to modern men. Metaphysics of Sex is also a good book if you like sex, but it's rather dense IMO. The Yoga of Power presents the methods of the passion-related Tantric Yoga system. If you prefer more historical and political works, start with his essays which are quick and fun to read.

>> No.19264519
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female abs turned him trad

>> No.19264717

>Achieving silence shouldn't be that hard though, don't overthink it.
In both Introduction to Magic and The Hermetic Tradition, Evola refers to the Black Work as the hardest operation to achieve and that failing while far enough along into the operation can result in madness or death. You are the second person to tell me that achieving Silence is easy and not to be overthought, but in my experience this is not the case, at the very least when it comes to achieving this state for the first time. In my understanding, achieving Silence implies dissolving the unity of the soul and recomposing it from scratch without the habitual, enslaving connections - this is what I got from the Hermetic Tradition. The practice is fairly straightforward, but applying it and verifying the results has not been as straightforward for me. Even though I spent many hours attempting the Black Work with the first two methods of Introduction to Magic, I did not get far at all. Towards the end of Introduction to Magic there is another supplementary practice given which assists in actively withdrawing from the body and I got great results with this as soon as I found it, but have been unable to practice it much yet for other reasons. This practice takes me about 30-60 minutes to apply and still pertains to the early stages, prior to any sinking sensations or the liberation of the spirit. Perhaps about 80% of the work and all of the dangers of the Black Work still remain at this point. I plan to resume my attempt to clear the Black Work as soon as is appropriate, but it does not seem like an easy thing to me at all. The previous person I spoke to who claimed it was easy was actually an accomplished esotericist, so I am sure that it is easy for some, but I think in your case it is inner predisposition that would be the result of this ease, rather than the operation itself being easy. If you have the capacity to perform and observe the results of the later practices in IoM, then you have successfully cleared the Black Work, for sure. For me, I want to know in my heart that I have gotten it right, since otherwise practicing the next operations without the foundation would just be wasting my time.

>> No.19264911
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All this shit goes away when you consider that most Evola readers have lived most of their lives wandering in search of inspiration of a higher ideal which would allow one to selflessly focus on the essential.

One thinks this way because it's correct and good for everyone and everything not because they are a selfish louse, if they were a selfish louse they'd love the modern world and probably be a redd¡t onions leftist content with mediocrity.

Most reactionaries due to their lack of sight simply hate the things they think are the problem with the modern world but too often forget the lived veneration of something positive and thus more important. Evolas world of tradition is just that, it posits "heres what you really want to see in the world" in a way that highlights the lackingness in other perspectives. As much as Evola is telling you "f*ck the bourgoise" like a communist he's explaining a deeper angle of the issue to the point where the sentiment is not essential anymore and infact even a hinderance to your understanding and you're also an anti-communist because you've seen far beyond the issue. He points out that hating the bourgoise because they have more than you is the mindset that causes the bourgoise to begin with, it's a greedy selfish comfort seeking mentality that values comfort and ease too much. Instead Evola would have you throw away the comfort seeking mindset for the brave/heroic mindset and watch how things actually change for the better, how the bourgoise life of comfort and ease is then irrelevant and the higher values are now within reach.

Evola's work has many preventative measures that ensure that you know what you're seeking and in relation to what he's saying. This is why imagination-lets and materialists are utterly unable to read him, because he goes beyond something selfish and materialistic(and even personal) every time in every way. The usual words they put down the books with being "how does this benefit me?" or "what does this have to do with me?" or "why should this be important to me?" It all presupposes that their immediate interests matter more than the potential in ideas that a book could hold in regard to anything outside of themselves. Theres no material or social benefit to being in evolas world of tradition that could possibly aide anyone with selfish intentions, it's always bigger than that because it's always bigger than you, even when the subject happens to be personal. The little picture obeys the big picture, and Evola is a big picture kind of guy.

So no the selfish loser wanting a better world because he's a selfish loser couldn't be more incorrect, it's a selfless person wanting a better world because he sees beyond himself and that's just how he sees things.

>> No.19265173

>Black Work
what's the quick rundown here?
i've read nearly all evola except for hermetic tradition and intro to magic

>> No.19265280

Those two books are the only relevant ones to the Black Work. The Black Work is a Hermetic operation. As the name implies, it is associated with death. The human being is a composite of various material and immaterial elements which, in a normal human life, dissolve upon becoming exhausted. The Black Work involves a controlled, active dissolution of this composite that stops short of actual death and prepares the ground for a recomposition of these elements in a superior and perfect form before they have become exhausted. In the Hermetic system, the Black Work is the operation which frees the spirit from its enslavement within the soul-body complex, with the natural implication of this being the development of an awareness and control of the spirit within the person. This is the theoretical aspect of it. The practical aspect consists in attaining such deep relaxation - without, at the same time, losing your awareness - that all forces in the body become sufficiently quiet and calm to allow the spirit to manifest itself. After this operation is successfully accomplished, the spirit can be used to perform various other operations. I have not gotten that far so I have not researched what comes after too diligently.

>> No.19265325

The black work is essentially to strip everything away from the consciousness until there is nothing and one is free from everything, even the ordinary self.

Then follows the white work, to bask in the raw power and potentiality of consciousness which lies beyond everything you've stripped away.

Then begins the red work, to return to the world and restore the primacy of fire and the will that wills all.

The black work is the easiest to dip your toe in because even alittle makes immediate changes although some may be hazardous if you aren't able to handle it responsibly.

>> No.19265363

Should each ritual and technique be attempted and completed before moving on to the next in the ITM?
Or is it fine to read through it completely then start performing these techniques "out of order"

>> No.19265403

>Towards the end of Introduction to Magic there is another supplementary practice given which assists in actively withdrawing from the body
Which one is that? Also, is achieving silence the same as completing the black work? I dont think so

>> No.19265411

very interesting, thank you
i've spent the last year or two extensively reading about Tradition and have saved these types of books for last. can't wait to dive in...

>> No.19265457

Some of them need to be completed in order, but definitely read through them all first, there are other practices (which don't have an order) and bits of info that will help flesh out your understanding as you continue to practice. Btw the first half of intro 1 covers the fundamentals as far as "initiation" goes (yes I know it isn't actually initiaion), but there is definitely a lot more important stuff included in the rest that you need to know. If you are really serious about these they need to be studied and re-read, along with hermetic tradition.

>> No.19265469

The funny thing nobody mentioned yet is that the black work and achieving silence functionally can be accessed by zen meditation and achieving zen, where you withdraw from everything and focus on nothing. The only confusion there is terminology and doctrinal context but the processes and effects are identical.

Start with zen meditation to get a feeling of this stuff. No matter what you choose to do, be patient and balanced and focused, never become impatient or frantic or unfocused or it stifles or even reverses the process.

>> No.19265471

If you liked the esoteric side of evola i think you will probably love these.

>> No.19265497

I'd suggests taking the essays by Luce, Abraxas and Leo in Vol. 1 as three people's ways of approaching the same kinds of experiences. They're in order for each author but not necessarily within the chapter structure of the book. So you have "silence" before "fire" for Luce, or two kinds of mercury in Abraxas' "preparation of the hermetic caduceus" which are really the same thing.

>> No.19265506

The black work corresponds to initiatory death, does it not? The mortification.

>> No.19265514

sweet, I remember getting filtered hard by Hermetic Tradition when I first read it. I made it like 10-15 pages deep.
have you read guenon at all? big fan of King of the World

>> No.19265519

I don't the black work and achieving silence are the same. But yes silence is just reaching a state meditation.

>> No.19265545

Yes I've read him extensively. Hermetic Tradition is quite complicated, I had to read it slowly, not reading too many chapters at a time, re-reading chapters, etc. I've read it back-to-back twice but there are certain areas I've definitely read 5-10 times. Some stuff didn't make sense until later, some of it I thought I understood but realized it meant something else later, and then I had inuitions about what some things were which were confirmed later. Intro to magic makes things more explicit at times.

>> No.19265553

I'm the first two tags. As I understand it, many of the rituals may be performed even if you have not successfully performed the earlier ones, but Evola notes in the book that they're arranged in an appropriate order. Some of them will certainly be impossible without completing the earlier rituals. Others, however, help a lot with the earlier ones. For example, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, towards the end of the book there is another technique to arrive at Silence which is way more powerful and active IMO.
>Which one is that?
Chapter 9. "Conscious thought - Relaxation - Silence".
>Also, is achieving silence the same as completing the black work?
As far as I am aware, it is.
IoM is nothing like Evola's other works, if you liked his more existential texts IoM will rock your world.
If you are talking about Zazen, you are completely wrong here and AFAIK the Zen methodology does not follow the Hermetic line at all as far as practice is concerned.
It's a very dense text. Not one of my favourite but it's got important information there if you are interested in Hermetic operations.
>t. not that anon

>> No.19265558

so you've touched on a few things in previous posts, but do you have any advice for engaging with the black work?
you think parts of it are compatible with buddhism at all?

>> No.19265598

The goal of the "black work", going from the relative to the absolute and back again, sounds like tantra to me. Is there a lot of correlations between hermeticism and tantra?

>> No.19265609

>so you've touched on a few things in previous posts, but do you have any advice for engaging with the black work?
Yes, my advice is to cut straight to the Silence technique in chapter 9 and not bother with the other two methods of stilling the mind in the early chapters lol. If you follow the instructions, you'll immediately feel a shift. After that you'll still have to go through the sinking process but I am yet to make it there myself so I can't advise you on that.
>you think parts of it are compatible with buddhism at all?
Buddhist practice won't hurt. The bit which I would consider "compatible" is the concentration element. Certain Buddhist meditations, like Shamatha, develop concentration and will be useful. General Buddhist practice does not aim at the goals of the Black Work, however. Certain Vajrayana techniques might be applicable, since Vajrayana utilises more "magical" methods, but I am not well read enough on Vajrayana to comment.
Depends on what you mean by Tantra. My answer would be no. Both methods are a part of the perennial Tradition, but the approaches are quite different. If you're interested in Tantra, you can read Evola's Yoga of Power.

>> No.19265621

thank anon
one final question related to the black work...
any must read books on the subject? or videos? or anything else you have stumbled across?

>> No.19265624

why is this thread still up if jannies are supposedly cracking down on philosophy threads?

>> No.19265630

I spoke with an actual magus about this just recently, he said they are the same thing and that zen meditation is the training wheels for the same thing in the bigger work because you escape from everything that restricts you, even yourself.

Don't get tripped up over a bunch of the doctrinal shit. It's the same thing.

>> No.19265633
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>> No.19265640

>anyone (let alone anyone that matters) cares if some losers read this gibberish
im laffin

>> No.19265661

I limit myself to reading Evola's perspective on this and asking other Evola readers about their experiences, because I do not trust other sources. Once I am enlightened I will be more open to looking elsewhere, but for now I want to stick to what I know is true and functional.
There's a difference between having fifteen million threads on monism and discussing actual philosophers and philosophical works. Moreover, Evola is mainly an esoterist rather than philosopher.
Zen can lead to the ultimate goal and Zen can also help with the concentration part of the smaller goal (the Black Work). That much I can agree with.
Apparently you care. Cope and seethe?

>> No.19265663

As far as I'm aware it has to do with killing the ego/the outward personality or the "mask," completely mortifying it. I don't know enough about other traditions to make any valid comparisons. It is to the extent that, let's say, when you are falling asleep or are startled by something, you are unperturbed by it and can consciously react. You have killed desire and attachment to the world.

>> No.19265664

i only care about the double standards on this board

>> No.19265676

Did he say that successfully completing the black work was the same as achieving ritual silence? Because I can achieve silence but definitely have not completed the mortification

>> No.19265684

>Depends on what you mean by Tantra
Traditional systems dealing with Shakti used in mainly Buddhism and Hinduism. I have the book and read some pages in it, but found it pretty tiresome.
I thought I saw some parallels, going from mundane reality/personality to the divine absolute and then rebuilding/updating your personality. What are some of the practical methods used in hermeticism?

>> No.19265686

Ya but evola threads that were on topic have been deleted as well

>> No.19265691

Hermeticism doesn't really talk about practical methods, unless there may be some hidden in the coded texts that I can't identify yet.

>> No.19265702

Well, how do you practice it then? Is there a fundamental need for a guru/teacher to show you the ropes?

>> No.19265706

>As far as I am aware, it is
Do you have a discord or something to talk about this stuff more in depth?

>> No.19265738

I've just been following intro to magic (I don't know if these are from hermeticism or not) and some other semi-related works which draw influence on practical methods from other traditions or just tell you other practices that, like intro, don't seem particularly unique to hermeticism. I've also been heavily immersing myself in the philosophy to alter my state of mind. Yes, having a master would be ideal but probably not possible until you've already made considerable progress. I would say immersing yourself in the philosophy is very important and a practice in itself.

>> No.19265746

Spam Guénon, at least he's intelligent. Evola? lmao

>> No.19265750

Evola draws an explicit comparison in the relevant chapter of Hermetic Tradition (26: Death and the Black Work)
>We can say, then, that the power at work in this phase is the same as that which is called forth in the phenomenon of death. It is clearly expressed by an Arab text: "The Dragon, that produces the various colors [symbols of the successive phases of the Work], is the very one that would have been fatal to your existence and would have separated your Soul from your Body."14 Here is a comparison, also found in the esoteric Hindu teachings: Aum is the mantra15 of the serpent power (kundalini) used by the yogins to open the "threshold of Brahma" and to cause to flower the "centers of life" in regeneration—it is also the mantra of Martya, the God of Death.

>> No.19265781

Yeah that sounds like a case of "cope and seethe".
Hermeticism certainly does not deal with Shakti as such. There may be some equivalents but I am not confident enough to comment on that.
>What are some of the practical methods used in hermeticism?
Generally, ritual operations.
Hermeticism is strongly practical-operative art based on rituals. I do not know what texts you are reading, but they are not Evola's.
No, but it would be convenient.
No. If you have any questions on this topic I can answer them here. If you really want the best I can offer, then I recommend that while you undergo the Black Work you remain aware and lucid without straining. The last part is important. Be aware but remain open - you need to shift your lucid awareness to a new centre of being and experience, not to overstrain it and lock it inside a hyper-aware body. Remain calm, confident, concentrated and follow the instructions.
>I've just been following intro to magic (I don't know if these are from hermeticism or not)
A lot of it is Hermetic, yes.
Cope and seethe.

>> No.19265790

In which chapter do I find the other technique?

>> No.19265806
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>> No.19265826

>you will own nothing, and you will be happy

>> No.19265853

Chapter 9 "Conscious thought - Relaxation - Silence" is the more advanced method. The standard two methods (i.e. waiting thoughts out/"pushing" them out of the head) are listed in the first chapter on the topic, which I believe is called "Concentration and Silence".

>> No.19265869

Thanks. From the title, I assume it refers to something very similar to Zen training (preceded by samatha, concentration training).

>> No.19265888

Not to my recollection, if I recall correctly that chapter describes the nature of thought and then gives an operative method to arrive at Silence through the use of thought and imagination.

>> No.19265956

Would it be fair to say that generally Zen training wants to remain in a state of equilibrium, Theravada wants to use that state for insight practice, and hermetic magic wants use it as a medium for projecting the will?

>> No.19266000

Insight practice is mostly a modern misconception.
Protip: sati, which means mindfulness, also means "memory".
In theravada, samatha/concentration training is of utmost importance

>> No.19266014

No, I don't think that view has terribly much in common with Traditionalist thought. As far as I understand it, the difference is such: while all three traditions aim at the ultimate goal, Zen achieves this by tempering, exhausting and exasperating the intellect, Theravada achieves this by following the operative premises of the Buddhist system and Hermeticism achieves this through the ritual practices of the Hermetic system.
You can read more on Zen and Theravada in Evola's Doctrine of Awakening.

>> No.19266116

For the first part, Conscious Thought, did you try the system of following each of the 6 steps for a week progressively? If so, how did it go?

>> No.19266153

Oh yeah I remember there was something like that, but no, I did not follow it. I was reading up on anything that might help with Silence so I just took what I needed and only read the rest in order to not miss out on necessary context.

>> No.19266266
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>I can never accept islam because it's europe's mortal enemy, and I will never accept a non-european religion

>> No.19266283

Well that was more controversial than I expected.

The idea of samatha and vipassana as separate techniques might be a later development but either way I think you have quite a different emphasis between the suttas and "sudden enlightenment" Zen. Also, trips.

I'm honestly not sure how this contradicts what I said. Three approaches to a single 'state of the being'.

>> No.19266311

>I'm honestly not sure how this contradicts what I said. Three approaches to a single 'state of the being'.
At a general enough level this applies to every tradition since we are approaching the issue from a perennialist perspective. It is the specific content of what you said that I don't think reflects reality very well.

>> No.19266345

Specifically what, then?

>> No.19266387

Samatha is part of zen too, m'lord. it's one of the first steps.

>> No.19266406


do midwits really?

>> No.19266421

>generally Zen training wants to remain in a state of equilibrium
Not sure what this means. In either case, Zazen, koans and Zen monastic practices bring to mind a totally different methodology. Calm awareness is indispensable, but I don't know to what extent it is appropriate to describe that as "training to remain in a state of equilibrium".
>Theravada wants to use that state for insight practice
Theravada passes through multiple stages (one of earlier ones involving insight meditation) with the end goal being nirvana, not just insight.
>hermetic magic wants use it as a medium for projecting the will?
This is the most ambiguous statement. The ritual system of Hermeticism does accomplish self-modification through the willful performance of rituals, but I am not sure if that's precisely what you were saying.

>> No.19266423

The books are organized, but you don't have to follow it strictly linearly. As Evola says, they are meant to be experimented, and if one operation does not work for you, try another one. See which ones work and which don't

>> No.19266472

He said that "silence" was the same as Zen

>> No.19266507

>Not sure what this means.
What I'm getting at is that Zen sects tend to trust the same methods of zazen they begin with to be sufficient for enlightenment where, as you said, Theravadins are more apt to change their object of meditation at a certain level. From metta to infinity, for example. Zen doesn't really have an explicit equivalent to the hermetic red work unless you count something like walking meditation or calligraphy as implying it. Nevermind ceremonial magic. Hakuin would just tell entities to go away.
>the end goal being nirvana, not just insight.
But I'm not talking about the end goal, I'm talking about an intermediary stage which we agree is indispensable. Maybe that's the issue. Remember I'm talking about this in the context of someone asking if these things were interchangeable because they seem to converge *at a certain point*.
In chapter 12 of Doctrine of Awakening we have the model of the practitioner moving through the four rupa jhanas toward increasing states of equilibrium. Evola directly equates this with the alchemical tradition:
>The term jhāna is translated by some as "deepening self-examination" (Selbstvertiefung), a rendering that should be remembered: indeed, in the disciplines of which we shall speak, we shall be dealing with a descent through successive purifications and simplifications into the deeper layers of one's own being, where, in the common man, we find the kingdom of the subconscious. We then tread the very same path that is marked by the hermetic and alchemic maxim: Visita interiora terrae, rectificando invienies occultum lapidem, veram medicinam.
Zen, of course, is literally the word "jhana" rendered into Japanese. We appear to be dealing with one thing which goes on to form a basis for quite different techniques later even if the goals are the same.

>> No.19266588

was that the guy who unironically believed in magic?

>> No.19266602


>> No.19266679

And you also.

>> No.19266697

What is zen exactly? a state of deep meditation?

>> No.19266735

I cannot say that I have a clear image of what your ideas are so I will refrain from further comment.

>> No.19267063

>I limit myself to reading Evola's perspective on this and asking other Evola readers about their experiences, because I do not trust other sources.
What about reading books that were cited by Evola?

>> No.19267087

Depends on which ones and why he cites them. This might sound ironic but he tried to be "inclusive" with his sources and cited some very self-contradictory thinkers every now and again. The Ur Group based their methods on Eliphas Levi, though, so he's definitely a safe bet as far as esoterism is concerned. So are the rest of the Traditionalists like Guenon etc.

>> No.19267183

sorry bro 125 iq+ requirement maybe read some harry potter if he is too high brow for you

>> No.19267239


>> No.19267316

Are you interested in this thread anon?

>> No.19267338


>> No.19267483

being a Romaboo is cool and all, but I like da Vikings more

>> No.19267529
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Why are a jew posting a jewish caricature?

>> No.19267704

I already explained this.

>> No.19267989
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Yeah he criticized the anime tomboy thing.
They are always incredibly feminine with big tits and wide hips to go along with their physically fit bodies, if not then they are small and tiny like Makoto from Idolm@ster.
How can this old man think that it's a problem for young men to want to have sex with this?

>> No.19268315

where you douche?

>> No.19268334

Based as usual, /thread

>> No.19268353

what about the feeling of having been able to prevent it if you were there and knew

whats the difference

>> No.19268475
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missing the point this hard

>> No.19268617

Evola liked the Vikings too, anon.