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/lit/ - Literature

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19262227 No.19262227 [Reply] [Original]

How /lit/ is your city? My city is not very /lit/ at all unfortunately.

>> No.19262241

New Orleans used to be pretty /lit/ but now it mostly exists to sell grain alcohol to tourists and periodically take the full brunt of God's wrath

>> No.19262269

theres one street that could be considered /lit/, beyond that ists just an ugly 70s brutalist mess populated entirely by poos in the south and somolians in the north, basically unrecognizable compared to when i was a kid

>> No.19262286

i never lived in the city

>> No.19262303

Holy fuck it's bad. I read a book, tell my friends about it and they just insult me for reading, brag about their fantasy leagues and dabs...well, I still dab and that's basically our meeting grounds, but besides that, my knowledge gained is of absolute no use but my own interest and enjoyment.

>> No.19262305

Not /lit/ at all the north east USA sucks

>> No.19262323
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Easily the dumbest city I've lived in

>> No.19262367

Nietszche wrote Ecce Homo here

>> No.19262393

And you're the biggest homo there

>> No.19262400

>my knowledge gained is of absolute no use but my own interest and enjoyment.
Believe me, this is true for 99,99% of things in this life.

>> No.19262404

AHAH Great joke dude! Really amazing, let me guess, you're American, right? HAHAH fantastic!

>> No.19262407

>City dweller

>> No.19262505

You don't have to prove me right, fag

>> No.19262611

Like 90+% of all great writers of any genre or medium were primarily urban dwellers. Sorry inbred hicks don't know how to read.

>> No.19262687

The nearest city is not very lit, pretty indistinguishable from the other nearby cities.

Walking through French Quarter at night was nice when I visited.

>> No.19262693

>I can't do the impossible
Damn...how can I cope with that...

>> No.19262697

By Letting me fuck your eurotwink ass

>> No.19262700
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I applied to work at Waterstones in Birmingham like a month ago and fucking got rejected. Honestly insulting, probably because I didn't know anything about shitty YA fiction but anyhow I threw away my loyalty card and I will be buying my books from amazon in future.

>> No.19262704

that's literally the smartest corner of the country brother man

>> No.19262733
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>> No.19262749

please tell me new york is /lit/ and not the woke bourgeoisie type

>> No.19262773

You obviously don't live there Pennsylvania, New york, New Jersey, and Boston Mass all suck fat cock

>> No.19262787

sure big cities will behave like big cities but generally, it is the best part of the country. plus it literally has harvard, yale, brown, cornell, etc.

>> No.19262794

We weren't talking about Universities we were talking about cities

>> No.19262837
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You must've been drunk enough to not smell the vomit.

>> No.19262982

Rent free

>> No.19263391

I dont think australia is really very /lit/ maybe some parts of melbourne are idk

>> No.19263413

Lots of Australian writers out there. Active literary scene. But the only people who read them are other writers. When lockdowns are all over. Keep an eye on local publishers and any events they put on.
Random example off the top of my head: Giramondo Publishing.
Also not very /lit/ but Small Zine Volcano is a webstore that sells free zines where you only pay shipping. I bought a $20 box and came with a hundred rando zines.

>> No.19263439

Is nyc really lit?
I moved here recently and I feel its mostly hipsters and people not really into arts, same for nyu
I just wish I was better at making friends

>> No.19263448
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I live in Stephen King's hometown, in fact right outside the cemetery where he used to hang out like a faggot during college.

>> No.19263451

>Is nyc really lit?

it is literally the epicenter of the US publishing industry, like LA is to film, so yes lol. how do you not know this.

>> No.19263457

I just moved here, i just feel alien to the arts world or whatever even if i study something related to it

>> No.19263467

>i just feel alien to the arts world or whatever even if i study something related to it

that's because "the arts" have been an insular circlejerk of the privileged since prehistory probably. you will always be an alien unless you know the right jews or can buy your way in, but NYC is still full of wannabe bohemians and there should be a scene you can find bro. i used to live in fucking west virginia and hung around artist cliques in morgantown. i don't really know what to say if you are an autist, it's a tough world out there. but there has to be a billion groups online looking to meet up with likeminded individuals in NYC.

>> No.19263475

Thank you anon, I appreciate the comment. Currently I just spend time with people in my program, some of them have good connections, i just dont have enough energy to spend a lot of time socializing

>> No.19263515
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It was back in the day. I find a lot of rare books here. We had a massive book sale every year. A warehouse with almost 250,000 books. It supports the public library. A lot of people from the silent generation are dieing out. And their kids if they have them just donate their books. But good books are no longer written here.

>> No.19263547

You don't mind the homeless, and peddlers?

>> No.19264505

Damn, the fucked up city I come from isn't even known in our country or thereabouts sometimes I frankly doubt that we're kinda aliens lmfao...

>> No.19264511

My city should be used to test nukes.

>> No.19264520
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Let's just say that Stratford, Ontario is home to the Stratford Festival.

>> No.19264537

My city is officially defined as a lit city. I would say it's pretty lit. Lit as in two /'s? I don't know about that. There are lots of PC people here.

>> No.19265389


this looks like a fantasy manchild playground

>> No.19265412

my shit fucking town literally just got accepted for city status simply because an MP (who had been pushing for it) got stabbed to death here last week lmao
being alive is genuinely pointless in such a shithole

>> No.19265420
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>muh Ivy leagues

>> No.19265430

Art scene in nyc has died and it has been transformed into some pozzed sjw cultural scene for rich LARPers. Don’t listen to that faggot, American literary publishing is dead

>> No.19265444
File: 148 KB, 683x1024, edinburgh_castle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the first UNESCO city of literature.
plus the entire city centre, old town and new town, are both UNESCO world heritage sites.

>walter scott
>robert louis stevenson
>arthur conan doyle
>ian m banks
>JK rowling
>irvine welsh

just to name a few
meanwhile heres me, an abject failure.

>> No.19265449
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>> No.19265462

Seethe, Cope, Dilate and Sneed

>> No.19265474

pretty sure where I live only me, students and old russian people read books.

>> No.19265479

how's living there? been thinking of moving up to scotland lately

>> No.19265486


>> No.19265488


>> No.19265495
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also, slightly related, the cafe where jk rowling wrote harry potter burnt down recently

>> No.19265496

I wish I could communicate to you how sad and stupid smoking weed is, but weed seems to have some ability to cause the weed-smoker to recoil at the very thought that it's not good for him - and yet everyone who quits and tries to improve their lives ends up looking back on their marijuana days with nothing but contempt.

The reason you have these idiot friends is because they are ingesting literal moron oil, whose literal purpose is to lower every important threshold, so that they can enjoy things that would otherwise be worthless. Bad food becomes good food, bad jokes becomes good jokes, sitting bored with idiots becomes a "sesh with the boys". There is part of you desperate to become a man and stop with the nonsense. Will you listen to it?

No, you will listen to your retard friends, and become more and more like them. If only I could show you how you will look back on these days when they're over! You would either quit right now and never look back, or kill yourself.

>> No.19265501

NYC and Boston are completely anti /lit/. The world is in rough shape.

>> No.19265565
File: 394 KB, 1110x1663, edinburgh_castle3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived here my whole life so i probably can't give you a fair assessment.
I like it a lot. If you're into history and/or books you wont be disappointed. Lots of great libraries, book shops and sites of interest.
Probably the best looking city in the UK.
Greenest city in the UK (the most parks and greenspaces).
Lots of great pubs.
Relatively safe.
Rent/cost of living isn't awful (on par with most mid-tier english cities i think).
Good transport network (buses).
Gets a bit hectic during the fringe/festival in august. Population of the city doubles during august and it becomes a real pain the arse.

>> No.19265603
File: 587 KB, 1170x750, Edinburgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something i forgot to mention;
it's a very compact city.
everything in the city centre is easily walkable, which I love.

>> No.19265655

Probably one of the most /lit/ cities in the world. Lots of novels set in it/about writer’s experience in said city/title mentioning the city. Modernist masterpiece written about it, its title also including the city’s name. Nowadays it has good lit potential but it’s mainly overrun with hipsters, failed DJ’s and graphic designers.

>> No.19265656

not sure how /lit/ Rio de Janeiro would score in a worldwide scale, but pretty sure its the most /lit/ city in all of Brazil

>> No.19265772
File: 793 KB, 2048x1152, Frankfurt-Sonnenuntergang-Skyline-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very /lit/ traditionally. Many famous writers left their footprints here: Goethe, Schopenhauer, Erich Fromm, and literally the whole Frankfurt school obviously. There are many places named after them and lots of street art reminiscent of that school. It's barely possible to not notice when you're walking through the city or driving through subway stations.
The humanities department of the uni is very nice and also the key reason why I moved here. Lots of other unis in Germany focus more on STEM. Ironically enough Frankfurt is also one of the biggest finance hubs in Europe making it kinda contradictory to its marxist heritage.

Also there's this annual Buchmesse thing which is actually happening rn, though it's mostly cringe. I guess it's a big thing internationally but I personally do not care about it at all.
seems like a very comfy town. I can imagine myself living there

>> No.19265780

depends on who you know

>> No.19265788

I'll befriend you, anon

>> No.19265803

I live in a Kentucky town with one (1), stop light. It's not even comfy super rural though because I'm 20 minutes from a larger town that is literally just a Walmart, some abandoned buildings drive out of business by the Walmart, two dollar stores, some abandoned factories, a scrap yard, and a few fast food restaurants.

I loved in Katskill Bay up on Lake George in the Adirondacks but away from Lake George itself and that was kind of /lit/. Lived in Manhattan and Brooklyn to for a bit which have /lit/ areas but not really where I was.

>> No.19265816

>making it kinda contradictory to its marxist heritage.
capitalism and marxism are the same thing.

>> No.19265861

I live in Vienna so yeah, get fucked ameritard.

>> No.19265880

terrible, not only the city, but the whole country is literaly anti-intelectual

>> No.19265881

nice. I'm nearby in Fife.
Edinburgh also hosts the world's biggest book festival.
and the only train station named after a book (waverley station).

>> No.19265891
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1BA94E0E-ECC0-4087-9F50-733C35270A90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a suburban-hellscape city in the deep red American South. The most /lit/ thing about it is there are a lot of wealthy WASP boomers that fund “the arts and culture” scene (to get buildings named after them) and as a result we commoners get access to comfy independent bookshops, free art exhibits, multicultural events, outdoor symphony concerts etc. We also have a great public library system.

>> No.19265906

Boring medium sized Midwestern city

>> No.19265916

I live in Oxford, MS, where Faulkner lived. His house is here.

>> No.19266617

Look at a regional IQ map of America you fucking retard

>> No.19266630
File: 181 KB, 800x533, drunken-nye-photo-from-manchester-is-a-modern-day-renaissance-masterpiece-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related /lit/

>> No.19268064

You ever been? Is it cool?

>> No.19268138

Truth Serum Press is another one to watch but good tips anon

>> No.19268164

I'll be your friend anon. There's supposed to be a /lit/ meetup at Ulysses downtown in a week or so I think.

>> No.19268168
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Anthony Burgess lived not long from here for a while, until he was censored by the government and expelled.

>> No.19268170


>good library system with dozens of branches, just today I saw a young father with his kids literally carrying out a pile of like 20 books with his bare hands like he was looting the place
>multiple newspapers
>dozens of university libraries including specialty libraries (law, math, other science), some not really accessible to the public post-covid anymore but at least they exist
>a university press which publishes much of the gay commie French theory that /lit/ loves so very very much
>multiple specialty bookstores: a commie bookstore, multiple occult bookstores+ herbs'n'shiet, a mystery-only bookstore, a sci-fi/mystery bookstore until the niggers burned it because it was proximal to peak nigger territory
>events and stuff if you want
>and yes, multiple physical Barnes and Noble locations, for what that's worth
>people actually make use of these resources

It's pretty good. One of the stronger b-tier American literary areas I'd guess.

>> No.19268172

Sydney is not /lit/. I guess the only /lit/ part that could be considered is graffiti. But I havent seen a running panel in years.

>> No.19268343

Buy a factory.
Read books in it.

>> No.19268386

Is Salem, Ma /lit/? We've got 2 bookstores and they're both shit.

>> No.19268882
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At least you have a cute mascot and some interesting history.

>> No.19269385

imagine being /lit/ and giving up everything. everything you are, everything you have been, everything you will be. everything

its all gone now, for progress

>> No.19269427
File: 3.15 MB, 3463x2597, luxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120k inhabitants
>great public services and salaries
>a few good bookshops
>nice cafés
>city small enough to see all socioeconomic differences in a small radius
>lots of internationals
>good salaries and great work-life balance, lots of time to read and write

I mean, it's not like Luxembourg has a vibrant lit scene, but if you like to read and write in peace, it is a perfect place.

>> No.19269454
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Kent, Ohio is about as /lit/ as an Ohio city can git

>> No.19269492

how to move

>> No.19269514

My town (4000 inhabitants but you would never guess it) feels dead. It used to be 500 people max before ww2, but after the economic miracle his population skyrocketed thanks to a drill mega-factory. After it closed in the '90s the town began to age badly. Most houses are falling apart, the elementary school was inaccessible for 6 months once because they were scared it was going to collapse, and the ruins of the megafactory loom over the city, obscuring several buildings, including the public library. In ~2010 a massive supermarket opened nearby and every single family store failed in less than 3 years. It looks like a ghost town now.

>> No.19269546

Rilke wuz here. And some other highly marketet faggots nobody from outside knows or gives a flying fuck about.

>> No.19269558

God tight-fitting clothes on dudes who workout just looks so unbelievably faggy

>> No.19269628
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Easily the most non-/lit/ of this thread, a third world shithole

>> No.19269636
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Pinoy anon here.

Pic related below is the city where I live since I was born.

To perspective of the tourist, this place had the best night live in the island of mindanao, but only had few tourist attraction. This is literally a shitty located city. Everytime a monsoon season; foul smell from canals creeps everyone even to the point that it'll be normal for everyone to dismiss the smell, second - the canals also overflows so flood occurs due to bad irrigation system, to save money, they make it narrower and not wider so we had floods every small rains in some places.

Also, as a citizen here, don't ever come here. It's not really a /lit/ city, no known writers came from here other than the shitty most popular wattpad writer in the country born here and worshipped like a deity due to her works of shit, pedophilic, badly written books.


>> No.19269640
File: 2.12 MB, 3648x2736, Phantastische_Bibliothek_Wetzlar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My city has the world's largest library specialised in fantastic literature. I think that's pretty rad

>> No.19269672

I'm from Minneapolis. Not the most /lit/ city but I have met some interesting, well-read people here.

>> No.19269676

Are Americans allowed to move there? I've always loved Edinburgh.

>> No.19269681
File: 646 KB, 1367x2048, 245849582_3015248982098164_805235578972052001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sofia, Bulgaria is pretty /lit/

>> No.19269696

Nice photo. I didn't know Sofia was so hilly.

>> No.19269699

Left to right:

>> No.19269703
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It isn't, that's the big hill that's part of the central park, but the real treat is the mountain. Love the place

>> No.19269722
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To admit I hated this city but to tell you I hate the things that made me hate the city; floodings, smell, trashes. But the worst of will be inconsiderate scumbags, that's only nice when some tagalog/foreigners came up to them and try to have things to be on his own.

City speaking. There is some remarkable places you can't dismiss, like the St. Augustine church cathedral located near the river. It has been established since 1627 and present today, so this is the heart of the city. Another thing will be Divisoria, this used to be the shithole not far from the Church. But now it has been taken care of and no sights worthy of other than seeing whores at night desperate to catch a desperate foreigner to be fucked and get their money from. Everything will be clustered within, tight roads, worsening traffic, awful infrastructure.

Life speaking, you can't have shit here unless you find out after fucking it up. Poverty is still seen in some places, while some rich people have their houses away from the city but also close by whenever they have the need to come there. You could distinguish the poor, middle class, rich by the schools they attended to. Other than that, it's lonely here.

The worthy places to be is away from the city itself. Sure it's prosperous, educated, cheap lowering crime rate, etc. But what are you going to do here in this city; to live by. By what? Working. People here are only to work, school, and do your thing in rest days. But never to enjoy the city. I don't get why some people in other provinces come here and get a life. It's literally the thing you will for the rest of your life.

Yeah if you're living like this, go to other places for a while and enjoy the scenery.

Btw CDOC means Cagayan de Oro City. Cagayan just means river, and on that river in the city has an abundant gold that people used to get while in the river. Also CDO is also called 'The city of Golden Friendship' but there is nothing to be friendly here. You'll get mugged when you did something to others.

>> No.19269735

I've known a lot of Filipinos since they're all over America and they're among the least /lit/ people I can think of. That said, they're also among the friendliest.

>> No.19269744

>living in a city

>> No.19269761
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>not living in Paris

>> No.19269802
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>living in Paris

>> No.19269891


>> No.19269899

Small cities are fine, Anon

>> No.19269922
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boring ass 40k inhabitants Belgian city.
Literally could not be more anti-/lit/.

>> No.19270238

I, too, live in Italy

>> No.19270292

I’ve spent my whole life in distant suburbs of cities with less than 100k inhabitants

>> No.19270338

cities with less than 100k inhabitants don't have "distant suburbs" unless you're American, in which case I'm sorry for you

>> No.19270343


As America goes easily the most /lit/ No idea how to actually meet /lit/ people here especially since I never went to college

>> No.19270349

I am American.

>> No.19270367

I think it depends on what you want. I tend to subscribe to something like Spengler’s notion of the civilization world-city and he think he’s correct in that regard. So in places like New York, London, Paris, and I guess Los Angeles, you’ll find the sort of “creative” zeitgeist for this epoch. However, if you want a city resembling something more like a real art scene then you’ll be better off in smaller, more provincial cities. Unfortunately for Americans, I think there aren’t many of those and many of those which do exist are filled with drugs and crime or are particularly expensive.

>> No.19270379

I don’t see how any European town could not be /lit/ to be honest with you. I’ll grant you that it’s a little small but otherwise this appears about as /lit/ as it gets.

>> No.19270393

like this >>19268164

>> No.19270406

It’s not /lit/. Not at all. I really want to spend some time traveling around medium cities in Northwestern Europe but I have no idea how to make this happen.

>> No.19270715
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Considering it's the capital of the country, it's naturally a bit /lit/ but beyond that not at all.
I do not know any great book which uses it as a setting only edgy and depressing Gen X shit.
It's mostly the villages and smaller towns in my country that are /lit/

>> No.19270737

I live in Brussels, only 25% of the population is Belgian. People self-segregate. I live amongst French bobos and Eurocrats. They are all peak midwits.

>> No.19270748

Philadelphia is not lit at all

>> No.19270830

I chose Glasgow over Edinburgh for uni (I'm originally from Italy) and am still unsure whether I made the right choice. Edinburgh is for sure the more "/lit/" out of the two by miles, but I think Glasgow's working class roots and lower cost of living make for a much more vibrant scene..

>> No.19271086

Comfy womfy anon.

>> No.19271154 [DELETED] 

St. Louis is not lit. Never has and definitely never will be

>> No.19271250

glasgows good, i;d agree it's probably better for younger people.

>> No.19271262

maybe you can come study. I've definitely met/heard a few american students about the place.
or marry a local.

>> No.19271276

You don't realize how lucky you are flemanon, big cities are disgusting in Belgium.

>> No.19271291
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Relatively /lit/, i guess

>> No.19271292

shit tier Definition is usefulness

>> No.19271298

I don't know; I'm almost completely divorced from reality

>> No.19271319

The library is quite nice, 3 floors, cafe, no homeless, I mean we are technically not a city but we would be by American lack of standards!

>> No.19271326

If you dress like a gay prostitute then I'm not surprised.

>> No.19271333

Every writer I know in New Orleans eventually becomes a drug addict and stops writing. It still has some good book stores in the French Quarter though. Some people still read, but most of them just become depressed drunks.

My last serious girlfriend always made fun of me for reading poetry. "Nobody reads poetry".

>> No.19271342
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Do the seasonal Spider/Emu overlords let you read?

>> No.19271358


>> No.19271524

las vegas reporting in

>> No.19271530

Córdoba, Argentina. Very /lit/, in fact is called "La Docta", we had the fist university in the country, one of the first in Latin America. We have a lot of Catholic cathedrals and churches, beautiful landscapes and a good quality public university.

>> No.19271717

report tf out then

>> No.19271744

One of the worst cities I've ever been to. Is there anything to do here? Buenos Aires seems ways more /lit/.

I spent a few days going to Sarmiento Park, walking around the historical district, Museo de Bellas Artes -- anything I missed?

>> No.19271792
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Quito is not /lit/, but it could be

>> No.19271828

>My last serious girlfriend always made fun of me for reading poetry. "Nobody reads poetry".
I hope that was grounds for breaking it off with her.

>> No.19271843

C'mon man, Americans are supposed to be bad with banter not Euros

>> No.19271847
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I live somewhere Chrischan once lived so I live on hollowed ground where the modern Iliad was written clearly

>> No.19271878

I just moved to Toronto

Lots of nice used book stores, and the expensive residential streets are aesthetic

Anyone know if there's more of a lit scene going on?

>> No.19271888

well true I guess. But I sometimes wish I grew up in Antwerp or something. Grass is green on the other side and all that I guess.

>> No.19271909

Philadelphia fucking sucks getting out asap

>> No.19271910

>how /lil/
Apparently areas of Glasgow have among highest drug use and deaths in Scotland... and Scotland has the highest level of hard drug use in the EU so definitely /lit/ in that respect lol
But they are good places and i guess good areas and not so good areas. Edinburgh does have fairly low crime

>> No.19271914

I moved out of Philly years ago. I can’t recommend it enough. The city is awful even though many deny it for some reason.

>> No.19271957

Trust me you're telling me, I think my plan is join the navy see the world alittle then maybe move down to a sea side town in Delaware or up further northest

>> No.19271962

Northeast* sorry

>> No.19272000

>Edinburgh is still that beautiful
I've been getting heavy into crypto just on the off-chance that I might make enough money to buy a small house in the highlands. I visited Scotland just once for a month or so, and God damn do I miss it.

>> No.19272040
File: 15 KB, 471x357, frg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in NYC and I will unironically be your friend. Please be aware that I'm a 25-year-old retard NEET who dropped out of art school.

>> No.19272061

Not /lit/ at all but there's one thing /lit/ in it: a small bookstore, very cozy and rustic-looking. The owner is the only one that works there and he's a very intelligent and nice man who loves lord of the rings.

>> No.19272066

It didn't help her cause. But she provided so many great stories through the lockdown that I stayed entertained a while. Eventually she thought she was pregnant after a weeklong constipation, so I decided to cut my losses.

>> No.19272178

I dunno anon, poetry is pretty gay lol

>> No.19272331
File: 128 KB, 1200x755, Seattle-at-night-skyline-1200x755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle is where literature goes to die. Beautiful city, terrible people.

>> No.19272332

Sounds pretty based to me friend

>> No.19272352

The fair in Güemes, you can get lots of books very cheap there.
And yes, Buenos Aires is the most /lit/ city on earth

>> No.19272361


>> No.19272428

I've had such shit luck meeting interesting /lit/ people at nyu I've been considering transferring. Probably not what you want to hear and maybe you'll have better luck than me but jesus christ most of the people are so uninteresting if you want to talk about anything beyond a surface level.

How the hell are you NEETing with rent being what it is? Genuinely curious.

>> No.19272569
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x996, DSC_6120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty /lit/. The university has quite a lot of books and there is a silent pride in a centuries old tradition of intellect. Some of my friends tried starting a book club but the covid lockdowns fucked everything up.
We should have a meetup fellow /lit/erati. I suggest Leuven because it's easy for me hehe.

>> No.19273816

city pride is often bizarrely placed

>> No.19273822

Just moved to Miami from DC. It's not very /lit/ at all here, but still beats living in DC.

>> No.19273826

every city used to be pretty /lit/ and now is just another place amazon ships packages to

>> No.19273843

My ex was the type if bird you'd find in a pub preying on these kind of men, ten years older than her at least. I really broke the mould in her dating habits. I used to mock her ex's and people she hung out with as being low IQ so much. Probably were all actually smarter than me, I've been pronouncing 'cabaret' as "Cab-bAreT" for the last 24 hours.

Also, waterstones Birmingham probably needed their quota for being at least 97% Muslim and 3% trans with blue-green haired teenage girls.

>> No.19273853

No one cares apparently.

>> No.19273858

Arty types are soft poofters, how do you tolerate them unless you're one yourself?

>> No.19273878

Nice trips, never been to Scotland in my life, always wanted to, especially Edinburgh, Dundee (where my mother's side originate) and the Orkney Isles. Thing is, Scotland is also known for its huge drugs problems and isolation. My old flatmate lived in Orkney for a while (posh English boy) and told me all these crazy stories of people having false teeth at 28 (forgot the name he used for it), drinking till they were blind and just throwing money at the barmaid for more and still being served, drinking white and mckay daily and all having affairs and shit with each other's wives. Sounds fun, he was a drug taking smack head himself, literally bought some heroin home and a homeless dude to my house on new years day and smoked it whilst medidating (called the police on him for that). I don't think I could hack it and I'd just be as bored and isolated as I am on the beautiful South West Coast. Better than London suburbs at least, fuck croydon is disgusting.

>> No.19273881

NJ here. What you find goes down to the town and neighborhood you are in. Perfect example is the shore towns. Deal is filled with rich Italians and Jews, next town is Asbury Park which is fabulously gay, then Ocean Grove, which is a Methodist retreat with a huge church in the middle of the town.

>> No.19273894

Anybody from the University towns in places like Oxford, UK? /lit/?

>> No.19274167

I just moved to Washington state two months ago. There are lots of homeless, drug addicts, and petty criminals, often all three. I don't think any of these people have ever read a book.

>> No.19274198

i live in the woods

>> No.19274294


It sounds like living in that place has forced you to have some literary reflections.

>> No.19274926

I live in a drunken spice-ridden Lancashire town where a big chunk of the population is completely illiterate.

>> No.19275108

>Literally could not be more anti-/lit/.

*laughs in metro-detroit*

>> No.19275188
File: 429 KB, 1200x675, download (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orkney for a while (posh English boy) and told me all these crazy stories of people having false teeth at 28 (forgot the name he used for it), drinking till they were blind and just throwing money at the barmaid for more and still being served
never heard of Orkney or Shetland having drugs problems. no doubt there are some smackheads cutting about but i dont think it's notable. Orkney and the Shetlands have the highest employment rate in the UK and the lowest crime rates. aye, go to working class pubs during the day anywhere in the world and you will find alcoholics drinking themselves to death. thats not unique to Scotland.

Scotland's drug problems are overstated in my opinion. 15-25 years ago it was a big issue, especially in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Nowadays it's barely noticeably worse than anywhere else in the UK, or western Europe.

As for isolation in rural areas I'd say this is self inflicted. If you're mobile there is plenty to do. I spent a summer working on the isle of lewis and my social life was better than it's ever been living in a city. there is a wealth of activities and clubs and things to do in places like that.
You can just as easily be socially isolated in a city, and there the feeling of isolation is even more profound because you're surrounded by people.

>South West Coast.
if i had to live somewhere other than scotland thats where i'd go.
probably cornwall or devon.

>> No.19275220

Where were you guys from? I’m technically in the suburbs so I don’t have to live around the filth. It’s definitely a blue collar, Rocky Balboa type of city; which is good in some respects and terrible in others

>> No.19275230

basiert oida

>> No.19275341

My town has 4/5 of those little libraries. Aside from WASPs putting their shit and horny house wives putting their smut in there I've copped some decent stuff.

>> No.19275713

I’m from elsewhere Pennsylvania but I lived in the city after college. To call it a “blue collar Rocky Balboa type city” is misleading and the kind of thing I would expect a Philadelphian to say. In reality, it’s a crime and drug infested shit hole where the animals run the zoo. One can forget that it is in fact a Western city.

>> No.19275739
File: 3.49 MB, 2016x740, EscoSignWebBanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /lit/ at all desu senpai, but it is relatively comfy for what it is.

>> No.19276440

I don't use "/lit/" to describe things, that is the least /lit/ thing ever

>> No.19276476

But what major city doesn’t have sections of niggers and crime infested areas? You probably lived in the poor section

>> No.19276515

I'm in city limits, Philadelphia is legitimately gross the only saving graces are some of the people (meaning real people who are from Philadelphia not yuppies moving into the city) and old city, the city is expensive for no reason, crime ridden, drugs everywhere. I have a love for the city in theory but its not a good place to live. I said in the thread earlier that I think I'm gonna join the navy see the world get out of the city and not come back.

>> No.19276860

San Diego is basically Los Angeles without any of the grit and insanity. Those two ingredients made LA a pretty lit city but I am unaware of any great writers from LA probably because of all of the ESL immigrants. These days we don't get many Russian aristocrat or German communist ESLs in SoCal or anywhere in America for that matter. Chicanx literature is a joke.

Still, San Diego is a nice backwater to hang one's coat if one has the money.

>> No.19276967

Los Angeles may be gritty and insane, but San Diego has its own faults. Culturally it's a very 'new money' city that is obsessed with the 'rich' and things that are 'expensive' and therefore *must* be good because they represent so much money. It's an incredibly shallow way to look at things, but it's also the one that is predominant in SD. Outside of the wonderfully cantankerous Dennis down at DG Wills in La Jolla there is no real literary scene to speak of, and even with him, there's no local writers of any note. Restaurants are either cheap-o fast-food/mexican, or overpriced bougie spots that require an expense account to dine at while they serve you good but not great food.

I will say that San Diego's theater scene is probably the best on the west coast, but beyond that it really is pretty culturally vapid. Wonderful weather and unbeatable geography though.

>> No.19277017

Living in Edinburgh must be pretty cool desu. It seems underrated and overrated at the same time. I lived in the South of England for a few years and felt that the North of England is pretty much irrelevant. But then just across the border there's Edinburgh. The Scots are an impressive race.

t. Yank

>> No.19277111

What you said is certainly true, but I don't patronize restaurants as a general rule. Dennis has given me free stuff before so I am surprised to hear him described as cantankerous. Do you know Walter Pomeroy?

>> No.19277126

there has literally never been a good writer out of this extremely expensive hellhole. douglas copeland can get fucked up the ass.

>> No.19277139

nice trips
damn that looks lit

>> No.19277151

>if you like to read and write in peace
lucky, you literally can't read in my city without people harassing you because everyone's an illiterate subhuman animal

>> No.19277160

that's not technically a city anon

>> No.19277170

Oh man, checking my own triplets.

>> No.19277177
File: 16 KB, 480x360, iuther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I miss Frankfurt, lived there for about 2 years, easily the best and most interesting 2 years of my life. I left my home country as a country of adults and came back to a country of children. Always gonna have a soft stop for Frankfurt in my heart.
I'm getting teary just recalling. Fuck me I'll never get to relive those good days.

>> No.19277189

>Fuck me
>Fuck me
hard pass there bud, but yeah, fuck you

>> No.19277219

you don't understand what links me to Frankfurt, and never will buddy. Brings forth emotions I didn't know I still have

>> No.19277262

They all have sections but in Philly, that’s the whole thing. Trust me. Once you live in a few cities, you realize just how bad Philadelphia really is. It is just awful.

>> No.19277274

This is the standard Philly bro cope btw. It’s the only place where 80% of the city can be third world on dope and the people will say stupid shit like “oh it’s a good city if you can live in one of the nice neighborhoods”…

>> No.19277279
File: 954 KB, 839x531, spb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saint Peterburg. It doesn't get any more /lit/ than this place

>> No.19277339

I like Boston

>> No.19277374

I live in the whitest part of the city and mate when I tell you bums the city is full of bums every where, junkies just walk around on the streets, trash everywhere. If you go into town to go to a shop you either have to ride the piss smelling subway or drive and park in a garage that's almost 60$ for more than half a day. I will say we have a fine restaurant scene. The whitest richest parts of the city have nothing but homes in them, no nice stores, no places to eat. Philadelphia is a great dream horrible in reality

>> No.19277460

Lol at the self hating Philadelphians

>> No.19277487

It's a sad place that could be great. I don't want to die here

>> No.19277490

Based SPB fag
Wish I was born in SPB
t. Moscovite

>> No.19277495

It’s almost a cliche, like the curmudgeon Eagles fans who call themselves fans but do nothing but trash the team. A lot of misery likes company type of people

>> No.19277504

Used to live in London which is very /lit/ I read Down and Out and other Orwell books while I was there. Good times. Any good novels set in or about 21st century London?

>> No.19277505

That's one place where I'll disagree I think the sports fans do love the teams the problem is the teams fucking suck and are run by retards and the fans aren't afraid to tell you how much you fucking blow

>> No.19277512
File: 45 KB, 480x305, alexandre-nikolaevich-benois-view-of-nikolsky-market,-st.-petersburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saint Peterburg. It doesn't get any more /lit/ than this place

>> No.19277578

Bridget Jones

>> No.19277814

100% /lit/ because it's the city where Anon, a literary genius, was born in.
(Laugh as much as you want, but if you don't have this mindset and are still looking for "literary things" to write about instead of grasping the reality that's around you and all the small details that make it different from everything else, you're never gonna make it.)

>> No.19277823

Yeah I agree about ownership. I’m talking about the WIP caller type of fans

>> No.19277832

The irony of Las Vegas, by itself, makes it /lit/. Love books that deal with the emptiness of it.

>> No.19278102

Totally agree about WIP callers!

>> No.19278155

indian casinos

>> No.19278184

I live with my mommy :(

>> No.19278188

Anyone been to Oxford, MS (Faulkner's hometown)? Is it /lit/?

>> No.19278199

London is a cess pit, the only thing "lit" these days is drill and grime.

>> No.19278322

you must be poorfag then, get better friends and live in a nicer area and you will enjoy it much more i think

>> No.19278452

real life isn't torrents of spring novel faggot

>> No.19278461
File: 605 KB, 2048x1536, 1628646502334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good writers and poets used to live here during late 19th century all the way up to WW2 end, after which this nice huge swath of Brutalism emerged, but wasn't followed by anything worth mentioning in /lit/ sense. Considering the rest of the city is quickly morphing into a mix of Calcutta and Skopje thanks to unstemmed flow of drug money laundered via worst kind of investor urbanism it will at least be horrific enough to draw the eye.

>> No.19278477

drill is more literary than half of this board
>Scrap fights at Waterloo like Wellington

>> No.19278562

Stop it. It’s a dog shit place. Simple as that. It’s not self hating. It’s reality.

>> No.19278890

>indian casinos
Not sure what your point is unless it's to point out further how tacky and tawdry San Diego is excepting the weather and nature.

>> No.19278902

We have a statue of Ken Kesey in the downtown square, but the bookstores and libraries here all kinda suck, so idk. Everyone here reads lite esotera but not much else.

>> No.19278912
File: 515 KB, 720x888, 1633916570286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an amazing lyricist, honestly we must shower these black youth in praise and admiration, ignore all the other amazing works of music that is constantly created and has been created. Truly a genius to take something that is (and should be) well known in history, and apply it to somehow relate to his street life violence and thuggery.

>> No.19278915

Eugene Oregon? My aunt and uncle used to see him around.

>> No.19278916

>Dennis has given me free stuff before so I am surprised to hear him described as cantankerous.
Dennis is a good guy and nice to people who are generally respectful, but he'll call out bad behavior or carelessness when he sees it, which is great but often riles up those he calls out. His responses to critical Yelp reviews of his shop are priceless.
>Do you know Walter Pomeroy?
We met and spoke (very) briefly back when he was putting on an exhibit of his collection at the central library. Must have been 4 or 5 years ago. I doubt he would remember me.

>> No.19278953

yeah. nice weather for reading. none of the bookstores have a good used selection unfortunately. plenty of stuff if you want a guide to wild mushrooms or moon calendars and shit like that though

>> No.19278966

Kek, I have not been to his shop enough times to notice that. I'll check out the Yelp sometime. I met Walter Pomeroy because I was a docent at the old Central Library nearly 10 years ago and so he invited me to see his art collection. Pretty astonishing stuff in what would otherwise be an unremarkable apartment complex.

You sound like you know San Diego pretty well anon. You don't happen to be a UCSD graduate who rides a motorcycle?

>> No.19278967

Mine is unironically very 'Célinesque'.

>> No.19278970

I haven't been to Oregon in a really long time. Not surprised about Eugene though. My curmudgeon uncle with a huge gun collection doesn't seem to think well of the university kids.

>> No.19278985
File: 245 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2021-10-23 22-04-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. The highlighted text. Directing his attention to the man instead of his wife. Based.

>> No.19278996

i mean the university kids are by and large just portland burbs, californians, and washingtonians just going to a big state school for the parties/booze/drugs same as anywhere else. i don't find them any more or less detestable than they'd be near any other large university.

they definitely aren't contributing much positive though

>> No.19279004

I almost wish I had a Yelp so I could mark her review as "funny."

>> No.19279064

You cannot imagine how un/lit/ the colonies are.

>> No.19279674

holy shit, this mass of cars really fucking bothers me. Idk why exactly but it's just so bothersome to look at when contrasted with the traditional architecture. ruins the whole picture for me.

>> No.19279766

I feel like the guy in the white shirt is the worse. His hair takes the most effort and he sort of looks like he should know better.

>> No.19279919

for me the center-left guy is the worst. His face is already tiny in comparison to his head as it is, and yet he still chooses a haircut that emphasizes this huge empty space.

>> No.19280687
File: 220 KB, 828x1078, slaughterhouse 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is still my favorite of his responses.

>> No.19280831


>> No.19280940
File: 266 KB, 980x633, Innsbruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty neat, not that many parks though, but the uni is pretty great
Here is where goethe took a break during his italy trip and it's pretty obvious why, the mountains are really something else. Literature scene is pretty mediocre but it can be really comfy at times

>> No.19280998

Got a chuckle, anon. Yes, see the wild and crazy Billy Pilgrim go bomb-shelter hopping in Dresden in this classic YA series.

>> No.19281005

Austria has always struck me as comfy anon. Like Stendhal though I prefer German music to literature.

>> No.19281013


>> No.19281027

>all those cars

>> No.19281039

DC isn’t /lit/ either (which you would agree with me probably). It’s just a soulless bastion of retarded private school grads working in a, or toward a, soul crushing bureaucratic position. So many retards when the reigns credentials thanks to nepotism who think regurgitating the most recent white paper makes them intelligent as they go one their way to soul cycle.

>> No.19281061


>> No.19281312

I lived in DC. I agree with this.

>> No.19281669
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x2592, da68a14ea268bab6eacd4e297c2afe1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live on a Native American Reservation

>> No.19281688

I luve an hour away from Seattle and, based on the occasional trips I take there, it seems the city has deteriorated noticeably since Covid started

>> No.19281732

I don't really understand the appeal in it. I have some boomer relatives who got in there around the 60's or 70's and it seems they made out pretty OK. But I have looked at the real estate and it's insanely expensive and what on earth would actually be the perks of living there?

>> No.19282106

yeah it's really stupid. I don't know which brilliant mind came up with the idea to turn the middle of the market square into a fucking parking lot

>> No.19282984
File: 645 KB, 2560x1280, Dublin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dublin, pretty /lit/

>> No.19283141

Unironically this is the most /lit/ city in all English speaking countries

>> No.19283151

I doubt it.

>> No.19283193
File: 78 KB, 735x1050, e2720f0bc050d28062e9ba7eb5629209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine was gonna be /lit/ then they snubbed my short stories so

>> No.19283237


I walked to the local book store the other day and mostly saw books focused on turning kids into self obsessed tranny mental cases, and hating their own country.

Small section of penguin classics way in the back were the only "real" books I could find.

Fuck this clown world

>> No.19283276
File: 305 KB, 1400x933, Tampere1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tampere. Not that /lit/ desu

>> No.19283284

I’m probably going to move to either New York or Boston. I haven’t decided which yet. In reality, I’d like to go to Europe but that’s basically a pipe dream.

>> No.19283302


Forgot to name city. Los Angeles. Wokeism ground zero.

>> No.19283482


Soon none of them will be, anon. There's a war on books. Writing and poetry represent white privilege, remember?

>> No.19283579

I've usually been able to find good books at the Last Bookstore and that one place near The Echo that I can't remember the name of (on Sunset?). But I just read books off archive.org these days instead of wasting my money.

t. San Diegan who used to be a noughties hipster

I would pick Boston desu. NYC seems like an unlivable shithole. Yet even Boston you're paying Cali prices and the quality of life is miserable. Do you know anything about the traffic there?

As for Europe, don't even bother. I've lived abroad for 5 years and it's not worth it.

>> No.19283583

>Do you know anything about the traffic there?
Yes, but I don’t like to drive and would try to avoid doing so as much as possible.

>> No.19283593

I live in London and it is decently /lit/

>> No.19283609

Moving to Colorado after law school. Can’t wait to read and write in a mountain town.

>> No.19284068

Cudahy, CA most lit
move there and find out.

>> No.19284170
File: 138 KB, 1464x996, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My city used to be very /lit/ until around 1948. It was often called the south american Athens.

>> No.19284175
File: 388 KB, 1024x646, Bogota- Crime City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, it is the closest you can imagine to a cyberpunk nightmare.

>> No.19284180

There's a used bookstore I like going to in Toronto

That's all I can tell you

>> No.19284181

My city not very much. Bellingham, WA was really comfy though.

>> No.19284226

I'm in Ghent

>> No.19284324


>> No.19284368
File: 332 KB, 1100x550, digital-collaboration-HEADER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore. Earthquakes fucked nearly all the /lit/ architecture in Christchurch - what hasn't been replaced by ugly jenga buildings has instead been abandoned for the last decade, so half the CBD looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Most of the people are dumb as fucking bricks too, but that might be the homesickness talking.

>> No.19284390

Lol its nice here if you are a young guy, had some fun there but I never lived there (LA baby)

>> No.19284473

Why is there so much NZ-posting on lit? Feels like we're over-represented.

>> No.19284487

> working class roots
Codespeak for yuppie haven where you can go slumming and pretend you are working class.

>> No.19284492

i live in nyc and the history is there, and there are a lot of bookstores, but most people are nolits, and most of the "intelligentsia" are irksome Jacobin/n+1 reading lefty bourge-tards.

>> No.19284496

This picture is a total mindfuck.

Are there any others like it? This is really an image that would only be created with photography, good eye to whoever took this.

>> No.19284629

We're just built different. NZers are the most powerful people in the world.

>> No.19284634

>The Scots are an impressive race.
>t. Yank
Redundant to mention that you're american. The only group of people to be so autistic about ethnicities and nationalities.

>> No.19285034

Used to be pretty /lit/ being a sleepy comfy fishing village in Mexico a few decades back. Now it's a tourist city with stunning visages. I wish I was alive to see it. As it was growing, like my dad did, wasn't meant to be sadly. I guess it's kinda /lit/ now, in a way. A different way though.