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/lit/ - Literature

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19253638 No.19253638 [Reply] [Original]

post them you cowards

>> No.19254374
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>> No.19254439
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I really like the bugs, I'v been looking at TaxiBugs and Bugunderglass for a while now and Ill most likely get few for myself

>> No.19254449

Drive to your local library, my shelves will be waiting :^)

>> No.19254466

being a philosophy bug is unironically soulless
if you're not reading fiction, you're just a miserable cunt

>> No.19254472
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I have another small shelf which is only history and I forgot to place some books on the shelf before taking the pictures
I read very little fiction, never really interested me but I started reading more of it recently

>> No.19254502
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Fiction reader here (pic related). I admire philosophy/historybro for all the knowledge he's gained of real-world events.

Philobro, what do you think is the best thing that you've gained from reading mostly non-fiction?

>> No.19254519
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>> No.19254535
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>japanese whiskey
>no musashi

>> No.19254542

(I have it its on the bottom not pictured)

>> No.19254544

Cute cat

>> No.19254549

Immensely based. I just recently bought it along with Mishima (Confessions of a Mask), Soseki (Kokoro), and Dazai (No Longer Human). Ready to take the Nippill.

>> No.19254552

>keeping the dustjackets on everyman's library books
Why? They are 10/10 aesthetics without the dustjacket.

>> No.19254602

>Philobro, what do you think is the best thing that you've gained from reading mostly non-fiction?

You can gain a lot from reading history and philosophy (that isn't analytical), critical thinking, enjoyment, peace, beauty, even strength in my faith, and realizing and overcoming the idea that you're thrown into this world like a dog without a bone, a world that existed long before you and shaped you before you were even born

Those are some nice spines, Is the green knight from the folio society? I read most of them in school tho, like the great gatsby, Camus, Kafka, the decameron, heart of darkness, the Illiad and anna karenina. Joyce and Hesse are some of my favourite writers I recently read

>> No.19254618


>> No.19254634
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I need more shelf space D:

>> No.19254648

Hows 1491? Does it also have stuff on the northern indians or is it just mezzo?

>> No.19254655

>Is the green knight from the folio society?
Limited Editions Club
I'm a big fan of re-reading fiction

>> No.19254667

>Limited Editions Club
Damn those cost a few thousand, a true heirloom

>> No.19254674

Nice, Naomi is a good one too.
Honestly like the covers on the jackets except the modern ones that just have a picture of the author usually
Dont disagree

>> No.19254676
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This is my main shelf. I have a few other small ones with my Proust collection, some golden age Spanish lit, a Mexican writer I'm obsessed with and some Classic lit. These two rows in particular are Spanish-language authors.

>> No.19254681
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This is (most of) my European and English-language lit collection. I have a few stacks scattered through my room too.

>> No.19254684

Its pretty good, ofc it does focus quite a bit on mesoamerica but yeah it does have stuff about indians from across the whole of the americas

>> No.19254695

why are all your books by german authors in other languages but all the random stuff is german?

>> No.19254745

Actually, they can be found for absurdly cheap prices all over the secondary market. We're talking premium bindings (morocco, calf, pigskin, sheepskin, vellum), amazing paper (handmade, cotton rag, etc.), hand-set letterpress, new typefaces, hand-illustrated, hand-tooled, hand-gilt lettering for titles and drop caps, specially commissioned artwork & sometimes novel translations for like $50 on eBay or ABE.
If you aren't collecting LECs, you are behind the game. These same production values today from big fine press publishers like Arion and Thornwillow easily cost thousands. The LECs are truly a phenomenal, almost impossible bargain.
Of course, some of the most sought-after (Ulysses with Joyce & Matisse signatures; Lysistrata with Picasso signature; the Shiff era livre d'artiste editions) do end up costing a few or tens of thousands. But for the most part, it really is wild how affordable LECs are when you consider how exquisite the production values are.

>> No.19254775

I don't really care if its a translation so I just get whats cheaper, that's why I have Nietzsche and Kant in german, and Heidegger and Husserl in Croatian
And most of the random stuff were gifts/handovers from a friend

>> No.19254806

History looks cool, philosophy ruined it.

>> No.19254823
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>> No.19254856

anon, i...

>> No.19254862

Želim znati tko si.

>> No.19254869
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You won't steal my books

>> No.19254902
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>> No.19254903

I wouldn't steal all of them. :)

>> No.19254925

I only keep about 20 books at any given time and if I photograph my shelf everybody will know I'm the one who shills multiple specific authors here and hate me

>> No.19254929

I always had a hunch that the Bataille and Guenon posters are the same person

>> No.19255115

Penguin Classics chad

>> No.19255324

I wish there were more publishers who printed classic books in dual-language format. Like, when reading the Greeks, having the ability to actually compare to the Greek on the next page feels like something that should be more common. Or Hugo, and have the French on the next page.

>> No.19255483

Opinion on that blue hegel book?

>> No.19255515
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>> No.19255530

>that isn't analytical
seethe. cope. dilate.

>> No.19255541


>> No.19255552
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>only buying new books

>> No.19255559
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Needs some updating, but I've been lazy.

>> No.19255568

Up the fookin irons

>> No.19255697


>> No.19255704

Huh? There are literally 0 leftist books there

>> No.19255748

Its by Sebastian Ostritsch, at first I tough that it was hack since I dislike books written in the style of mimicking regular talk, "you get me?" but as an introduction and explanation of hegels works its good and easier to read than endless stanford encyclopedia articles

>> No.19255775
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I remember you from the previous thread, I found most of your books on libgen

>> No.19255778

I live my whole life avoiding people like you

>> No.19255795

Normal peoples personality isn't just the books they read anon

>> No.19255981

They are (mostly) good books. Worth reading.

>> No.19256855


>> No.19256919
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>> No.19256929

how much of your bookshelf have you actually read?

>> No.19256939


>> No.19256991

How the hell did the cat get up there..

>> No.19257104

One day you may anon

>> No.19257126

one day I'm gonna coom to Athena

>> No.19257559
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>> No.19257574
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>> No.19257704

peak dadcore

>> No.19257769


>> No.19257778


>> No.19258921

Based C-on anon

>> No.19258948

Nice pussy, bitch.

>> No.19259119
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a bit embarrassed about this but
>above the KJV is a Jerusalem Bible
>tiny black book on bottom left is a St. Augustine's Prayer Book
>in the cloth is the Holman KJV I read in bed
>small wooden box is a leather Cambridge Book of Common Prayer
>print on the left is >>19258631
My other books are all drawing books or books about anatomy or nature. I own very little narrative and the rest is college stuff that is collecting dust.

>> No.19259152

Ah, the anglo special

>> No.19259770

>actual knowledge-bereft biblefags
This is a meme, right? There aren't actually people in this world who think a bunch of simple parables offer enough intellectual and spiritual fulfillment right?

>> No.19259789

Wow, these Teddy Roosevelt books are really interestin-looking! What collection is it?
Have you read The River of Doubt?

>> No.19259800
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rate my shelf /lit/

>> No.19259813

Why do you need so many? Do they all offer distinct pleasures and sensations? I don't think your asshole has enough to sensory receptors to truly know the difference.

>> No.19259825

Guilty as charged

>> No.19259864

I'm willing to bet you got Berry-Dee in an airport.

>> No.19259881

>walk into girls bedroom, see this
wut do?

>> No.19259893

>Girl, We need a camera and a dog

>> No.19260143

those are some weird ass looking books

>> No.19260366

I was shooting more for holocaust denier, but I'll take it.

>> No.19260476

Am I lame for owning an e-reader?

>> No.19260615

No but I could advise against putting all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.19260644

do a 360 and run away

>> No.19260683

They're special braille books that you can read with your anus.

>> No.19260716
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I have a kindle

>> No.19260788

Dude are you me?
I just finished manhunt and I'm almost done with mayflower. I also own that Kissinger book. I bought Empire Express online. What did you think of it?

>> No.19260797

I've only ever gotten e-books for one-off academic stuff where I'm just looking for one passage or something for reference.

>> No.19260840

čitaš li uopće za zabavu brate

>> No.19260846

nice cover on that BCH book

>> No.19260955

Ti ne čitaš filozofska djela iz puke zabave?

>> No.19261082
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I am deeply based

>> No.19261109

No, you're not. Get an actual Catholic Bible.

>> No.19261114
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Čitanje je zabava po sebi

>> No.19261140

Comfy shelf
Good books tho, one day ill try the Land meme
The gayest part of this shelf is the Smash poster next to it
Skull bro
A mix of everything, 10/10
Also how Id imagine the average shelf of /lit/

>> No.19261143

got it for free from the local catholic church along with the catechism, can't justify buying a whole new one when i already have one and biblegateway exists

>> No.19261172

You mean run into the shelf? Or do you just like to jump in a complete circle before cutting scene?

>> No.19261207

kek even when they aren't there, they're rent free in /pol/'s head

>> No.19261251

There's a copy of Mein Kampf, Junger, and 3 books on the Third Reich
I guess he only read the first row and saw "Evolution" and "Socialism" even tho that's Schumpeter

>> No.19261331

In that case, at least look for a Knox in the wild, which isn't on biblegateway. The RSVCE (on biblegateway) is close enough to the RSV-2CE (not on biblegateway), but the 2CE has some more traditional renderings restored. If you got it for free, then fair enough, but ignore the footnotes as they were written by heretics in the 70s.

>> No.19261629
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>> No.19261639
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>> No.19261648
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>> No.19261669
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>> No.19261671

Based and Saganpilled

>> No.19261753

I regret that I have not read it yet.

>> No.19262590

You really are me

>> No.19262949

are limited editions club books really that good?

>> No.19262990

Is Metro 2033 good? I enjoyed the first two games but hated the last one. Does it have muh deep meaning?

>> No.19263007

this is a /lit/ thread you philistine

>> No.19263016

Its pretty good

>> No.19263225

>anon, i...
Anon, I...

>> No.19263373
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>> No.19263473
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>> No.19263844

>There aren't actually people in this world who think a bunch of simple parables offer enough intellectual and spiritual fulfillment right?
That and painting do the trick for me, anon.

>> No.19264421

>keeping the dustjackets on everyman's library books
>Why? They are 10/10 aesthetics without the dustjacket.
The bare unsized cloth tends to collect dust on the everyman’s books.
On the plus side though, the bare unsized cloth doesn't get sticky or messed up by humidity.
The dust jackets don't look bad though, particularly on the Contemporary titles.

>> No.19264584

I enjoyed it more than the game desu