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/lit/ - Literature

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19253779 No.19253779 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about Atheism related literature here.

>Suicide Prevention

>Richard Dawkins

>100 best YA books of all time

>Rick and Morty

>Complete Nietchee

>Reddit, the front page of the internet

Talk about
>The last Netflix show you watched
>What was the last drug you took like?
>When was the last time you had sex?
>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
>How do we cope with death?
>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?

>> No.19254106

>rennie, stomach acid balancer. i smoked weed once years ago.
>hume. has a fondness for good cheese. no.
>we already only think about it as an abstraction, people would make up death to cope with reincarnation if reincarnation was real etc etc...
>has happened throughout history to every group. i sincerely wish everything was good for everyone and hope things get better.
>"we" seem to prefer certain parts of the qualia field over others.

>> No.19254138

>netflix is for pedos
>I don't really like any of them, they all have hate-boners for religion
>why counter it?
>Evolutionary biology demands it. People who found meaning in life were more likely to procreate than those who didn't

>> No.19254314

>Netflix show
Forensic Files, years ago
Never done drugs
Never had sex
>Favourite atheist
The Epicureans
Only a problem if essences exist, otherwise death is a creation of the unquiet minds this universe throws up
The philosophical mind knows precious little about such strange things
We are cursed by fate

>> No.19254346
File: 107 KB, 504x656, Feuerbach_Ludwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather start a discussion about classical atheism. Reading Essence of Christianity by pic related now
>The last Netflix show you watched
Never watched any show
>What was the last drug you took like?
Never took any drugs
>When was the last time you had sex?
>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
Right now that's probably Feuerbach. Before that it was Graham Oppy and yes I've read his works
>How do we cope with death?
I don't, I'm content with the short life I have here
>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
We don't. Every honest atheist must also be an Antisemite. Imagine how easy our work would have been if we had to "refute" and point out glaring holes in religion if the dominant European religion had been something akin to Hesiod's Theogony
>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?

>> No.19254361

>Graham Oppy
Are you excited about his debate with Kastrup?

>> No.19254397

TJ the amazing atheist, I am illiterate so of course not
You dont, you can only seethe.
why do we need to counter it, i am not jewish so why would i care
I dunno, don't ask me.

>> No.19254430

Savage op

>> No.19254451
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>Retards whose only mental image of atheism is the 2000s neoconservative anti-islam movement in America.

>> No.19254457

>>The last Netflix show you watched
I don't have netflix
>>What was the last drug you took like?
>>When was the last time you had sex?
>>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
I don't read atheist literature.
>>How do we cope with death?
Don't think about it too much because you can't stop it.
>>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
it's not my responsibility. Jews have enough advocacy groups, I think they'll be fine without me
>>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
I give a shit because I like giving a shit.

>> No.19254462

>The last Netflix show you watched
>What was the last drug you took like?
edibles? i had a panic attack i think
>When was the last time you had sex?
>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
marx. i have
>How do we cope with death?
we don't
>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
not a real issue
>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
um idk

>> No.19254647

>>The last Netflix show you watched
>>What was the last drug you took like?
>>When was the last time you had sex?
Last night, with your mom
>>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
Christopher Hitchens, and yes, everything
>>How do we cope with death?
Eternal recurrence, everything is etched into time, no need to fear death if you live well
>>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
>>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
We're not nothing

>> No.19254697

Epicureans are not atheists, just materialists

>> No.19254722

>The naked director
>never done drugs
>5 years ago when I was 16, only once
>they all suck balls
>the soul is eternal
>I don't care about antisemitism
>because we aren't nothing anon. You're just depressed.

>> No.19254730

Still way better than the secular humanists and the marxists

>> No.19254777

>Right now that's probably Feuerbach
You should read "The Ego and its Own" so that your Feuerbach phase can be over

>> No.19255376

I love you OP (but not in a homo way because hell is real)

>> No.19255418

Breaking Bad.
I had some red wine with my meal this evening, apart from that, I microdose LSD a few times a month.
Haven't had sex since august, had a fat-assed colombian woman ride my face so hard my mouth started to bleed. Her pussy had a slight tinge of bitterness to it, and she was heavily tattooed. Nice big tits too, loved sucking on them.
Favorite atheist writer is Nee-chee.
I don't cope with death, for I do not fear it.
I think 99% of antisemitism could be solved if incels would take the advice I have given them repeatedly over the past few years, and just have sex.
It is profoundly misguided to believe that there is a need for a God for there to be values, and in practice, there is no such thing as a nihilist.

>> No.19255460
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Good post kind sir.

>> No.19256712


>> No.19256814

Why actively be an atheist? Why not just be indifferent?

>> No.19256845
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>>The last Netflix show you watched
Never used it. Watching DS9 torrent rn
>>What was the last drug you took like?
Lots of weed
>>When was the last time you had sex?
Not in this decade
>>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why?
Have you actually read them?
>>How do we cope with death?
I don't because subjective experience never ends and at best we end up in some kind of eternal locked-in state
>>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
Counter it?
>>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
We're obviously something but its meat.

>> No.19256887
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Lmao athiest nibbas actually taking this thread seriously.

>> No.19256918

Christlarper, please.

You go to CCD? You get confirmed? Have you made your holy communion? You wouldn't know a mass if fell on your mother. I, an agnostic, have more religious cred than you, baptized at birth and WAY tighter with the trinity.

You'd get thrown out by the priest for your /pol/-tier theology

>> No.19257072

>>The last Netflix show you watched
The new one about the bugmen.
>>What was the last drug you took like?
Evil and satanic.
>>When was the last time you had sex?
Never done it.
>>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
Nobody, because atheism is a cringe view. Only a true spiritual corpse who denies creativity can be an atheist and so they have nothing interesting to say inherently. I have read Dawkins.
>>How do we cope with death?
I know that Christ defeated it on the cross so I am not afraid of it, I am only afraid of not following Him with all my heart.
>>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
I think it is part of the covenant curses unleashed upon fleshly Israel for crucifying Christ and there is no way to counter it except for the Jews converting to Orthodoxy.
>>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
This is a cringe position. We should not hold to it, but if we do, then indeed any existence is meaningless and even engaging in any explanation for why the atheist nihilist does not commit suicide is self-refuting activity.

>> No.19257092

Lol im not even christian, but having a competely materialistic view of reality is 100% cringe. (Hint: most religious people are still stuck in this worldview.)

>> No.19257273


Aethism; or, How I learned to hate an entity I don’t believe exists

>> No.19257371
File: 50 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They claim he doesn't exist but they hate him"

>> No.19257978

Do you guys think he can still repent and convert?

>> No.19258024

>The last Netflix show you watched
never watched it
>What was the last drug you took like?
took a 5mg thc edible in the morning, perked me up a bit, got some good reading done and spent time with my loved ones
>When was the last time you had sex?
few days ago
>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
Probably Marx, his critique of capitalism has a really good grounding in logic and reason, and considering how awful the world is right now, I'd say he was spot on. Yes I've read a lot of his works.
>How do we cope with death?
hoping to have a family and write some good stuff some day so I can reproduce and help others
>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
not a big fan. I hope jews and goy can get along someday. It just seems like a pointless fight.
>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
why not? It seems self-evident that I exist and other people matter.

>> No.19258150
File: 734 KB, 2531x3018, 1567556466636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last Netflix show you watched
Queen's Gambit with my normalfag friend. Good power fantasy escapism like a shitty offset if becoming a Saint to yell at the silence of heavens up there that you're not insignificant and merely food for worms but you're significant and immortal because you have already filled the void fame and praises, you have solidified the delusion of being a God by forgetting that you have an anus that shits. Now you can even commit suicide like Mainländer waited till the publishing date of his book. Cioran said all mystics had the privilege to be forgotten in their lifetime and true mystics never left anything except the tales of their tears. Why should a mystic write? Why should expect recognition from any animal with an anus? What is the point of contemplating God if you're going to follow the petty ways of human beings? How could anyone sink so low by believing in animals with anuses? It's either God or Nothing. A mystical suicide is the most courageous act in this universe. The Being who face the void and negate everything, leave no traces behind and at last he negates the negation and transcend space and time and humanity all in one go like the lightening sigh of Satan breaking the Silence of God.
>What was the last drug you took like?
I never took any drugs
>When was the last time you had sex?
>Who's your favorite atheist/nihilist writer and why? Have you actually read them?
Cioran, it doesn't take much to read aphorisms.
>How do we cope with death?
God is the comfiest cope and opposite is doubt and contemplation. I simply stand in front of death and suffer. Death is my most extreme obsession and everyday I spend hours contemplating my death and birth. Void is sucking all vitality out of me.
>What are your thoughts on the rise of antisemitism and how can we counter it?
Not my problem
>Why do we give a shit if we're nothing anyway?
Why do believers give a shit if everything is nothing except God anyway? The answer is humans do things without asking why on everything so irrationality is the basis of it all. We do things without really believing in them.