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19254536 No.19254536 [Reply] [Original]

The Israeli psychologist Professor Sam Vaknin has some tough and pretty terrifying things to say about young people in his latest book, Silence When We Are All Gone:

Professor Vaknin, who specialises in psychopathy and narcissistic disorders, and also has some interesting things to say about the deleterious effects on humanity of the Internet and, in particular, social media, had been doing some preparation for his 2021/22 academic year syllabus, reading the ‘literature’ — international studies and reports ‘comprising a few million people’, talking with young people and investigating under-35 and under-25 activity online.
He has emerged ashen-faced from this rabbit-hole, declaring: ‘I must say that I’m shaken to my foundations.’
He found that the post-millennial generations live in a personal hell-on-earth, having rendered redundant every existing psychological understanding about human beings...
‘People under age 35 are walking dead who live in a dystopian hell, a psychopathic landscape… They have no higher functions, no intellectual life, no interests or hobbies. They are incapable of meaningful conversation. Their speech is flat, comprising dismissive one-liners with no depth or background.’ They are, he says, ‘as dull as drying paint.
‘They are zombified, the walking dead.
‘The people I talked to, the people I read about, what the studies show — these people have sex without commitment, without emotion. They openly admit that the sex is perfunctory, fast, meaningless. In 20 per cent of the cases they don’t know the name of their sexual partner. They regard the partner’s body as a masturbatory tool — a dildo or a sex doll. Many of them abstain from sex altogether.
‘The rate of relationship failure is mind-boggling. First of all they have an average of nine relationships before they reach 30. And what they call relationships is also in great doubt and question, but even these exact fake imitation relationships don’t work. All of them fail, with no exception.
‘It’s an absolutely psychopathic landscape. Devoid of empathy. Devoid of connectiveness. Devoid of emotions. Devoid of meaningful sex. Devoid of meaning — at all. Rates of anxiety and depression among these age groups have quintupled, and this was three years before the pandemic. We know that the pandemic has tripled this rate. . . . More than half of young people binge drink to the point of alcoholic blackout every single week.
>‘These people are atomised completely. . . . Their main mode of communication is online, and then they chat. A textual analysis revealed that 91 per cent of all chats are comprised of one-liners and emojis. And the average length of the one-liner is three words. They have lost the capacity of language, which had distinguished us as a species from animals. Luckily they still walk erect, on two legs.’


>> No.19254586


>> No.19254807 [DELETED] 

Boomers be sussin.
It's geriatrics and jews who made this hell-scape in the first place, and now they want to blame young people and the internet. But in the end it will only be used to shut down and monitor the few avenues of free expression (such as 4chan) left open, while the totalitarian system of institutional barriers, tone policing, and progressive nihilism will continue to dominate unabated.
Fr, baka.

>> No.19254813
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I've gone back to university for a second degree. The kids are obviously autistic but they're hyperverbal, a good deal of it current academic language. Even the ones I would've pegged for idiots speak like they're reciting Chantal Mouffe (whom they've surely never read) leading an HR seminar on racial sensitivity. They're ridiculously sheltered and probably social idiots (who knows, there is barely a social world to participate in outside the internet. Some of these kids sacrificed prime social entree into adulthood by not attending actual schools these past few years protecting old Jews from the sniffles) but they aren't linguistically inept (though they may be conceptually retarded, I don't actually listen to what they say very closely.)

>> No.19254832 [DELETED] 

>Jew complains about consequences of kikery
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.19254858

The only solution is the outlawing of social media and all social media-esque platforms. That includes all online multiplayer video games. Ideally we'd outlaw smartphones too, but I doubt anything like any of these prohibitions will or can ever come to pass. I'm unsure about the standing of anonymous boards like 4chan. In summery: RETVRN TO FLIP PHONES AND LETTER-SENDING.

>> No.19254884

>omg they write using emojis and 3 words sentences!
>the horror! The horror!
Lol at the technologically inept Boomer
This is how text messaging is supposed to be used, you send short messages to coordinate real life meet-ups, not write autistic walls of text no one bothers to read.

>> No.19254896
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And what happens when half of the kids don't meet up IRL, but instead communicate entirely online?

>> No.19254898

At the very least he's right about the complete dysfunction of male-female relations and the overwhelming rate of relationship failure/sexual dysfunction among the young.

>> No.19254899

Pasolini said the same 50 years ago

>> No.19254906

I feel nothing but joy knowing this old cunt will die ignorant of the world, smugly breathing his last breath in a state of delusion, thus dying in an inferior state worthy of mockery. Hopefully nobody corrects him before then

>> No.19254910
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>‘The people I talk to they have no emotions. They think they have emotions. They do emotions. They simulate emotions. They have no emotions.
>‘They go through the motions. They participate in all the right victimhood movements and they spew out the slogans, and they march and everything. But even this feels very fake, narcissistic, imitative. It’s like mimicry. It’s not the real thing. I witnessed the real thing in the Sixties. This is not the real thing.

>‘I can’t find a single point of light in this picture. Even the levels of literacy had collapsed completely. About 40 per cent of these generations cannot properly read a label on a bottle. That’s how bad it is. Well over 50 per cent of them hadn’t touched a book ever. The average number of books was 1.3. Okay — forget books. What do they do? About five hours, video games. The rest? Surf the internet. What do they surf? Do they educate themselves? No. You know what they’re doing. Their heads are filled with trash. It’s terrifying, actually. If these are the custodians of the future of the human species, it’s terrifying.
>‘In matters of critical thinking, and analytical thinking, in tests, they have no idea how to think critically or analytically. They don’t know the most basic syllogisms. They don’t even know what is a syllogism, of course! They don’t know how to think. They have lost this part, this faculty. They regurgitate. They emulate. They imitate. They follow, like a herd of lemmings, gurus, dating coaches, business coaches, all kinds of mystics and . . . that’s it.’

>> No.19254936

Haven’t heard of him, what book of his talks about this?

>> No.19255008

I think the psychologist's point wasn't that they weren't linguistically able, but more that their conversations (Mostly online) were pretty vapid and made up more of one-liners, emojis, and buzzwords than actual words. I've seen this behavior, I've partaken in it, quite a lot. Though I am capable of a semi-high level of language, much like them.

>> No.19255013

If you want kids to go outside and socialize lift the restrictions already, Boomers want us cooped up inside because they’re afraid of dying.

>> No.19255015

The start thinking in buzzwords, post-ironic memes, and one-liners, which has somehow affected me, ever more I notice.

>> No.19255027

He was a film Chad, watch Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom and then his interviews to understand what he was talking about.

>> No.19255048

OK boomer

>> No.19255050

>’The Boomers I talk to they have no emotions. They think they have emotions. They do emotions. They simulate emotions. They have no emotions.
>‘They go through the motions. They participate in all the right civil rights movements and they spew out the slogans, and they march and everything. But even this feels very fake, narcissistic, imitative. It’s like mimicry. It’s not the real thing. I witnessed the real thing in the 1890s. This is not the real thing.

>>‘I can’t find a single point of light in this picture. Even the levels of literacy had collapsed completely. About 40 per cent of these generations cannot properly read a label on a bottle. That’s how bad it is. Well over 50 per cent of them hadn’t touched a book ever. The average number of books was 1.3. Okay — forget books. What do they do? About five hours, television.The rest? Reading Sports Illustrated. What do they read? Do they educate themselves? No. You know what they’re doing. Their heads are filled with trash. It’s terrifying, actually. If these are the custodians of the future of the human species, it’s terrifying.
>‘In matters of critical thinking, and analytical thinking, in tests, they have no idea how to think critically or analytically. They don’t know the most basic syllogisms. They don’t even know what is a syllogism, of course! They don’t know how to think. They have lost this part, this faculty. They regurgitate. They emulate. They imitate. They follow, like a herd of lemmings, gurus, dating coaches, business coaches, all kinds of mystics and . . . that’s it.’

>> No.19255058
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Then what's the detriment? If I work out four hours a day it means very little if I eat a high calorie dinner and have a sedentary evening. Yet he's implying it's apocalyptic, giving no context or nuance (perhaps because he had none, and was crunching metrics without context. His article could equally be titled 'aging boomer reads his impending demise into civilisation like tons of old farts who find themselves dying and outmoded.')

>> No.19255073

The problem is this incredibly cancerous culture that encourages this sort of antisocial behavior.
Zoomers are the victims here you fucking Boomers.

>> No.19255074

The truth is than Normie's have always been vapid and functionally illiterate, its just that now we have a written record of their retardation.

>> No.19255090

Let me give an apt response:

>> No.19255107

I don't know. I was just trying to help clarify.

>> No.19255108

>born from monke
>develop religion to cope/try to understand reality
>religion is deboonked
>return to monke

boomers think their norms weren't a brief abberation in the hundreds of thousands of years of human experience. too bad stinkie, the fever dream is over. i hope you enjoyed my degenerated and meme-filled explanation;^)

>> No.19255109

>Normie's have always been vapid and functionally illiterate
Yes, but the point is they're even dumber than they were.

There is a distinct lack of humanity in people nowadays. It used to be you'd have your petty fights and greivances, but something serious happens and you put it aside, and come together as humans. Or you'd see someone in need, someone who has nothing to do with you and doesn't benefit you even slightly. But you help them, not because you want social media clout or to look good, but from the goodness of your heart.

That's what's missing. And it doesn't seem like much, but it's integral to society functioning. Now you see people act like absolute scum, mimicking their favorite sitcom characters (Seinfeld, Always Sunny, HIIMYM, etc.) without realizing that they were purposely created as entertaining representatives of the worst of humanity.

Functionally, people now behave both as if they'll live forever, and that there is no tomorrow. Paradoxical, but it makes sense if you think about it. Complete lack of restraint coupled with an extreme fear of death.

That's why I dub them, "Unhumans."

>> No.19255174

I married into a family where the only source of humor is imitating lines they heard on the television. Also applies in dramatic, emotional situations. It's not good

>> No.19255206

>born from monke
>develop religion to cope/try to understand reality
>religion is deboonked
>return to monke
Books for this feel?

>> No.19255207

Whinging aside, of course he’s right. Just look at a topic that should be near and dear to people’s hearts on this board, and that’s the state of contemporary literature. If you think the books that come out now are bad, you haven’t seen nothing yet

>> No.19255233

everyone knows this shit already

>> No.19255261


>With no strings attached sex freely available from multiple women, men no longer feel the need to invest in relationships or commit in any way. One night stands (including on first and only dates) and hookups have become the dominant form of sexual practice in the West and beyond.

>Agentic (usually drunk) women now pick up men for casual sex the way men used to pick up “easy women” well into the 1960s. Such emancipation and equality among the genders is liberating and laudable.

>But women then proceeded to adopt a masculine self-identity, erasing differences in gender roles and upending sexual scripts. They descended into dysregulated and defiant promiscuity. Faced with such anarchy, men completely withdrew from the scene forcing women to become more manlike, narcissistic, and even psychopathic.

>Militant radical feminists espoused precisely such an outcome: a world where men are sex toys, women are empowered and self-sufficient, and “patriarchal” institutions such as marriage and the family are gone.

>Oddly, their agenda accomplished, anxiety, depression, suicide rates, and substance abuse among women have skyrocketed. Women are not too happy in a world without “real” men, it seems.

>Lisa Wade describes in her studies how young people feign and signal casualness in sex also by getting intoxicated. This had become the hegemonic sexual script and by far the most dominant and widespread sexual practice among the young.

>Most of these youths - boys and girls alike - crave intimacy and want to have relationships, but these are considered bad taste, faux pas, and signifiers of revolting and ominous clinginess and neediness. So, no one dares to communicate openly.

>The alcohol, casual sex, and inevitable self-trashing serve to numb their emotions and drown their disappointment, frustration, and pain as well as resolve ego dystonic cognitive dissonances and disinhibit.

This guy is more than a little based as far as I can tell.

>> No.19255269

I believe UBI would fix this.
Humans are being pushed to the brink and have lost what it means to be human.
If they gave us time to foster other interests outside survival, and let’s admit that is what we all are forced to do even in the affluent west, we would have young people who are interested, connected and hopeful for their futures.
You can’t get kids leaving school between 15-17 and shove them into the work force, into an economy where they will never own a home, never have a family and struggle week to week and expect them to be engaged, happy and hopeful.

>> No.19255271
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>> No.19255281

Yep. Millennial here, in my experience the zoomers have been totally destroyed psychologically.

>> No.19255290
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>Most of these youths - boys and girls alike - crave intimacy and want to have relationships, but these are considered bad taste, faux pas, and signifiers of revolting and ominous clinginess and neediness. So, no one dares to communicate openly.
Which is exactly what marriage is. He's correct about this though. Practically everyone in my generation (Zoomer) is deathly afraid of showing affection, to either partner or friends. For good reason too, people are untrustworthy as hell now.

I'd need more than two hands to count the amount of times I've been stabbed in the back, usually right after showing someone I *gasp*... Care about them. Brotherhood is taken as a sign of weakness, and apathy is taken as a virtue. The end result is our dysfunctional society.

Fuck this, I'm off to read the Classics again. Get away from this nonsense.

>> No.19255295

younger generations have less and less sex dumb boomer faggot

>> No.19255299

>but they aren't linguistically inept
there's a report that says the vast majority of them is functionally illiterate

>> No.19255307

Vaknin is probably one of the best living experts on Narcissism, I remember reading him like a decade ago and he's still fucking going kek

>> No.19255309

We have collectively abandoned all morality in favor of nihilistic materialism, so it only makes sense that people just see each other as a resource to use. This also happened in the past but at least it was condemnable, now it's the official textbook way to go about it.

>> No.19255318

How can people get together when everyone is in their little cliques?
What exactly ties people together nowadays?
Religion? Society has never been more secular.
Race? We live in multiculti pluralistic hellholes where everyone self-segregates into their little ethnic enclaves.
Morality? Relativism has destroyed any sense of shared mores, everyone has their own definition of what is or isn’t moral behavior and this inevitably makes people into conflict.
Art, culture? Art and culture has become completely commercialized, it now comes in the packages of products delivered straight to your Netflix feed, ready to be consumed and promptly forgotten afterwards like so many meals.

>> No.19255321


>that little robotic change in direction of his hand toward the bottle at the last second

>> No.19255323

>Many of them abstain from sex altogether.
Illiterate zoomer faggot detected.

>> No.19255328

I've got one good friend who reached out to me after us not talking for 2 years. I find that when I try to get "heavy" or just genuine people run for the fucking hills like they're incapable of being anything other than their profile.

>> No.19255337


It makes me very happy to think that some human beings are finally in the truth on this one, as you describe. This attitude ought to be extended to every muslim, every communist chinese, but there I go with imperatives and valuing something.

>> No.19255338

I won't read a post that someone hasn't even bothered to correctly format

>> No.19255342
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>> No.19255350


You do realize that by your act of escapism you only further the problems you are observing? It's odd, because we all do that to some degree, I include myself when I say this. We see the problem yet remain in a state of abeyance, never actually putting forth the effort to make the changes we want.

>> No.19255353

>correctly format
>wall of text

eat my shit

>> No.19255355
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>More than half of young people binge drink to the point of alcoholic blackout every single week.
This is complete bullshit

Don't listen to this demoralising Jew

>> No.19255363

Fighting against it won't work. It's already over. Take care of your own and let the beast bleed out.

>> No.19255372

Where is this from?

>> No.19255381

>find that when I try to get "heavy" or just genuine people run for the fucking hills like they're incapable of being anything other than their profile
Usually for me I have a facade of being aloof and indifferent, as a means of protecting myself.

Every once in a while talking to "friends", I stop with the one liner bs as described in the OP and pour my heart out on something meaningful, that is near and dear to both of us.

You know what I get? Dismissals, puns, or they just ignore it entirely. It's like I'm pouring out my soul here and you just act like this is that one time on Seinfeld. That's what really gets me. I could cope with this shit reality if there were others who could just admit "IKTFB", rather than give endless bullshit about this or that media garbage they consoomed recently.

And yes I'm fucking mad about it. I have a soul and being that as it is I desire to form meaningful connections with other human beings.

>> No.19255390

>American stats
Why are Americans like this?
Not every little bit of research hinges on a graph from a limited survey in America on 2017.
There is a while world out there, millions of people, all studied.
The University of Michigan is not the final authority on youth drinking.

>> No.19255409

The good news is that zoomers being dumb and dopamine-addled probably makes it easier to fuck them - both figuratively and literally.

>> No.19255416

>You do realize that by your act of escapism you only further the problems you are observing?
I messaged this to my friend on steam the other day when we were talking about China. This is the logs

I've spent time in China which alters my view on the matter
I think the degenerate whites of Europe and especially America will be in for a major wake up call if and when China supercedes us
The Chinese are Machiavellian, and they have no remorse. They'll genocide us if they can because they feel it'd be beneficial to them. There is no humanity or emotion in that decision, just pure, cold, rationality
My prediction for the coming century is this: Either whites will learn to fight once more, or they will be annihilated and cast into the dustbin of history, as all weak specimen are. All of our achievements will be for the benefit of other, more uncreative races, and those with the stomach to rule over them

[11:01 PM]
(my friend)
if it werent for the US government wed be on top

[11:12 PM]
To undo the damage would take generations
If I recall, the obesity rate in the USA is 40%, overweight 35%
With a third the population, there's not enough fighting men. Only nukes and an armed populace prevent invasion. Even despite the technology advantage.
Not that there would need to be an invasion in the first place. The USA is already defeated. It's men do not wish to fight but instead engage in endless escapism and gravitate towards whatever little pleasures they have left. Nobody wants to acknowledge it either, which makes the situation that much more serious. And if the vaccine truly is meant to sterilize, we are seeing the greatest genocide in all of history play out before our eyes.
[11:16 PM]
(my friend)
you really are a doomer

Which IMO, perfectly illustrates what OP is talking about. Nobody gives a fuck, and even if you try to talk about real shit, they'll complete ignore you or shut you down with bullshit dismissals. Same thing IRL. Nobody wants to do anything about it. I could very well have been a leader in past days, but today the will of the people is sapped, and there is no fight left in them.

>> No.19255419

There are reports that say more people are literate than ever before, increasing 20% in the last 40 years alone. So...

>> No.19255420

i'll buy it. vaknin deserves some time in the limelight.
narcissism has completely lost its meaning thanks to pop-psych clickbait catering to women who get dumped after gaining 30 pounds and want to feel like the victim because their ex has boundaries.
vaknin and schwartz-salant are the only people with theories of narcissism that aren't drenched in solipsism. fuck ramani.

>> No.19255421

Fucking them is part of the problem.

>> No.19255424

Might sound cliche, but you should find smarter friends.

>> No.19255431

Well, I always wanted to be a part of something...

>> No.19255445

It's a strong trend in both Western Europe and America

Drug use is going down among young people. They're losing their virginities later and have fewer sexual partners

This Vaknin guy seems like a fraud

>> No.19255450

>dude i swear i would have been napoleon if i was just born two hundred years ago

>> No.19255451

He used to be a very intelligent individual. In fact, I've had multiple friends like this.

They all seem to decline and degenerate into this sort of behavior. There's a significant brain drain that happens when people use the internet too much.

>> No.19255454

Ok, boomer.

>> No.19255461

but you will type up your retarded irrelevant comments about the text you refuse to read

>> No.19255469

>aren't drenched in solipsism

Is this a joke? Vankin literally started studying narciscissim as a pivot as a result of being declared a narcissist multiple times by court appointed psychiatrists after a psychopathic reign in the banking word that was so over-the-top corrupt he got prosecuted for it in Israel.

>> No.19255497

Ah yes, being surrounded by incapable gangs of 30 year old feral zoomers while being 50+ years old ourselves will do wonders.

>> No.19255523

A 3% decrease over a 10 year period is a drop in the bucket.
Also prescription drugs use has been skyrocketing and show no sign of stopping.

>> No.19255540

>Drug use is going down among young people.
That's debatable. Perhaps it's that less people are using drugs casually (think the 60s, 70s), but far more people are abusing drugs by comparison.

I also think that's a crock of shit because 1/3 of American women are on antidepressants. Practically everyone is therefore on drugs and medicated. The only difference would be the sloppy way drug usage is applied, as I'm sure it excludes the pharmaceutical drug abuse pandemic.

>> No.19255554

It's a somewhat recurrent thought but not very common so the anon is not worth being singed for that. It only happens with people who read something about the past to begin with.

>> No.19255565

I didn't say I'd be Napoleon faggot.

But it's a simple fact that I have all the prerequisite skills to be a leader. I'm great at giving speeches, lectures, and attracting people to my cause. I could easily convince half the mouthbreathers out there to vote for me, simply by copying what other politicians do. Make false promises that cater to people and their dumb sensibilities, engage in corruption for the benefit of lobbyists, and upon re-election blame someone for the lack of progress (blue or red team, take your pick), and promise I'll truly see it through next time. Hire people to shill for me online, and make it look 'cool' to vote for me.

Always cater to the lowest denominator, as the stupid people are the majority of voters. Create slogans and pay lip service to various groups of mouthbreathers, like Trump did with Pepe and 4chan.

I considered myself to have principles, however, so I would never engage in that behavior. I would be an honest representative for honest people. And that's the problem. There are, now, few honest people.

>> No.19255634
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Thoughts on pic rel. I thought it was a pretty good book on the topic.

>> No.19255670

>current millennium
he doesn't couch his opinions behind the emotionally tinged language of psychopathology and expect you to fill in the blanks. when you say "psychopathic reign" you only say that because the behavior is "over-the-top" or "corrupt" by your own standards or the ones you subscribe to. you might appeal to the law or the greater good, but whatever approach you take to ascribing pathology to someone is an a priori assumption that everyone shares your (obviously objective and true) ethical foundations.
tl;dr he's based and you're cringe

>> No.19255684


>> No.19255700

Blah, blah, blah.

We as existants have bigger worries than outmoded values.
This guy can suck a cock. These next generations are light years ahead.

>> No.19255709

Vaknin nailed it.
It was caused by the Internet becoming the dominant communications medium.
Nerds got tired of being picked on, and turned everyone else into a nerd.
Revenge, bitches!

>> No.19255738

Oyyy veyyy such a tragedy... how could the evil white men that control the media and music industry have done this to the youth?

>> No.19255749

Orson Welles considered guy in the gif to be greatest actor he ever met.

>> No.19255764


>> No.19255846

stop shilling your shitty book Sam

we know you have severe narcissism

>> No.19255856

>nobody has sex
>the few people that are having sex are doing it in the most unhealthy ways possible
>women are not women and men are not men
>nobody engages with each other because they don't know how
>the few men that are engaging with women are pumping and dumping them
>women must engage with that in order to find someone
>Everyone is depressed
>nobody is having children
>everyone is poor

zoomer life is hell, feminists were wrong about nearly everything, nobody grows up in a home

>> No.19255864

>120 Days of Sodom
No! That is doomer Pasolini directing. The Canturbury Tales and especially Arabian Nights are way better

>> No.19255957

When I saw that he drinks from a Minnie Mouse coup I've instantly dropped my guard and trusted this person entirely.

>> No.19255993

Does this guy present any solutions? Books with a programme to work through?

>> No.19255998

as Exactly predicted by Jean Baudrillard decades ago...

>> No.19256023

make your bed bro

>> No.19256038

Followed by washing my penis, I presume?

>> No.19256042

He's completely correct about everything.

>> No.19256051

He has some videos where he talks about these things. The guy basically just explains how humans are built to behave and all the ways that we don't and why. The "solution" basically being the remove the factor causing dysfunction. If you're asking about societal systems? Not really, but he explains a lot about what the individual person should be doing to live a healthy human life.

>> No.19256065

Also predicted by a pop song in Romanian from early 2000's.

>> No.19256075

I'am 26 it's too late for me.

>> No.19256089

Yeah, i'm more interested in individual solutions and trying to work and implement them myself. Even as a leftist i'm sick of tired of shit being blamed on "the system" and people using that as an excuse for shitty behaviour. Literally had peple justify their binge watching of television shows by saying "capitalism makes me do it."

>> No.19256091

you put in all that effort just for me to say

>> No.19256098

>bigger worries
yeah like being groomed on discord or committing suicide. light years ahead indeed

>> No.19256142

Based Numa Numa nostalgiafag

>> No.19256148

>We as existants
kill yourself pseud.

>> No.19256168

Kids don't go outside and meet up IRL because of fear culture mixed with shitty helicopter parenting. The media keeps pumping dramatic news articles about kids getting kidnapped/killed/raped/injured/doing drugs, which along with societal pressure placed into parents and the view of children as "pure innocent things that must be protected from the cruel outer world" inspires parents to restrict their kids from going outside.

>> No.19256194

Yes but there are real threats outside, especially in poor areas. Imagine if your kid was nerdy and you lived in a place full of minorities, hooligans, douchebags etc.

>> No.19256209

>Imagine if your kid was nerdy and you lived in a place full of minorities, hooligans, douchebags etc.
That happens even more often in public school.

>> No.19256230

old good new bad
Boomers have blinders on that only lets them see others, they don't realize that all generations are mostly composed of retards that have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.19256241

Yes that's a massive problem. In my country we have a legacy thing for grade school - Communist elites/cadres schools that still manage to pick the students manually, it results in an overall normal atmosphere with least amount of problems.
As for high schools, the similar can be achieved by the high school only admitting the high score students (on the national standard test). The ones that take in the lower score ones end up as chimp-out factories with hooligans and fights and all the crap you see in American movies.

The alternative to make this all work on all levels is iron-grip control of all education like Communists did, then even the low IQ people get to develop in a normal atmosphere and have comfy memories later in life. But we won't see that anymore.

>> No.19256242
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Dhammapada or Heart Sutra

>> No.19256280 [DELETED] 

>The alternative to make this all work on all levels is iron-grip control of all education like Communists did, then even the low IQ people get to develop in a normal atmosphere and have comfy memories later in life.

Just remove the nigger and beaner parasites from the populace and everything goes back to normal.

>> No.19256283

>Yes but there are real threats outside, especially in poor areas. Imagine if your kid was nerdy and you lived in a place full of minorities, hooligans, douchebags etc.
It's still better than locking your son away from the real world and watching him slowly grow up to become a simulacra dwelling manchild with no social skills or connection to reality (like most Zoomers)

>> No.19256321 [DELETED] 

That's just the little niggers not taking responsibility for how they choose to spend their time. I work retail and I shit you not a young nigger's card got declined and "that's racist" shot out of his mouth at light speed. I told him to get in touch with his bank. He did and the transaction went through 5 minutes later. What was shocking to me was the speed of his automatic response. When that little nigger encounters any resistance in his day to day life he is primed to ejaculate "that's racist" thoughtlessly. It's this behavior that scares me about zoomer paychology.

>> No.19256331


>> No.19256372
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In Constantinople they had a sort of secret service that documented everyone entering in the city then followed them around - if they ended up slacking they would employ them by force in a state business, if even in that new situation they failed to integrate to the city life they would simply kick them out - this is how Constantinople kept clean and had no homeless people.
Also everyone lived in comfy homes and it was all glittering and projecting luxury. It was multi ethnic but mono cultural.

>> No.19256413

I would say the lack of labor has contributed to this as well. Not labor as in labor forces. But labor is in, things necessary to ensure survival.

Our immense prosperity and wealth has led to a fat and dull populace with too much time on their hands. Used to be, activities would be based around survival and that related to it.

Sports was about physical fitness, creating physical specimen worthy of fighting another tribe. Women's role as childbearers and cooks was necessary to insure the stability of the population, and to cook for the weary fathers who are out doing real labor, labor a woman couldn't do/could only do with extreme hardship.

Frankly, everything that has defined us as human has become obsolete. So instead we fall victim to the curse of royalty en masse, we engage in frivolous, meaningless pursuits in chase of pleasure and pleasure alone. But pleasure does not bring happiness, or even contentedness. It is a waning thing that becomes more dull as the novelty wears off. When these activities are exhausted, you are left with empty husks. That is what has happened to our youth.

>> No.19256418

>Yes, but the point is they're even dumber than they were.

they were mostly actually illiterate until a century ago bro

>It used to be you'd have your petty fights and greivances, but something serious happens and you put it aside, and come together as humans.

people loved a good war and it was acceptable for soldiers to commit war crimes and rape against their enemies, actual chattel slavery was legal in many cultures to the point that slaves outnumbered citizens

>Or you'd see someone in need, someone who has nothing to do with you and doesn't benefit you even slightly. But you help them, not because you want social media clout or to look good, but from the goodness of your heart.

a greater percentage of people can afford to and do engage in charity now than ever before. one minor hitch is that nowadays, especially in developing countries, people are wary of helping others because they are afraid of scams. whenever you see those videos of chinks just walking by random injured people, a lot of it has to do with liability. they don't want to get scammed, or help somebody then they turn out to be a deranged retard who actually turns around and fucks them in court or something. but overall people are more empathetic, in fact to a fault in certain demographics.

people are psychopaths nowadays but it's just a more sophisticated psychopathy. a century ago they did evil and retarded shit because they were dumb apes, now they do evil and retarded shit and then rationalize their behavior as good. just because people are more plastic and alienated doesn't mean their ancestors were models of (especially not primitive peoples who were next level violent and barbaric, see: native american warfare, tribes in africa burning tires around childrens' necks on liveleak etc.) you are buying the noble savage meme but for normies before modernity. humans have never deserved such optimism.

>> No.19256459


>> No.19256466
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The only people who are spared from this deterioration are those who have managed to find hobbies that bring sustainable contentedness. Ones that are not prone to burning out.

And on this topic, we should understand that it is not normal to become so desensitized. Not in a million years could our ancestors become so apathetic as we do. But we have technology, technology that allows us to go far beyond our natural means in the search of pleasure.

In a videogame you can be a hero who saves the world, or a general leading an army into battle, an Emperor or King ruling over vast land, a soldier fighting in great battles, a builder who creates his own estate, the list goes on.

You can do many many activities that would be reserved for a once-in-a-lifetime event as if they were just daily occurrences. You're a soldier in Stalingrad who can experience the battle any time you so please. The significance wanes and the pleasure decreases as the novelty wears off.

Or another epidemic, pornography. In a single session you can see more naked women than an Emperor of Rome could in his entire life. Not only that, but you can find material to fulfill each and every desire you have or create. It is an absolutely certainly, unless you abstained from pornography all your life, that you will have seen more naked bodies than ALL of your direct ancestors combined.

Not only that, but you can edge to the porn, and to many different girls at once. Ever had a dozen or more tabs open of porn? Your unconscious brain can't differentiate the screen from reality. From your brain's view, you are having sex with a new woman every 30 seconds, before you finally find one you want to finish with.

Real life will never, ever compare to that experience. Your dopamine reward system is fried because of this, which is exactly why it's promoted everywhere. To make you docile.

Men historically have fought and conquered to gain land, women, glory, wealth, etc etc. What does any of this matter, when we already have greater wealth than medieval kings, women enough to outdo all our ancestors combined, glory in our many (digital) conquests, and land as far as the eye can see in our (digital) realms?

Real life cannot compare. It will never compare so stop trying to mesh them together. You must pick a side. The many people in the OP are doomed to a life of digital slavery, because of what I mentioned in these posts. Do you want to be like them?

>> No.19256469

Niggers have been conditioned to get their way by barking “raycissssss” whenever they do the get what they want immediately.

>> No.19256488
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Ah yes, the classic
>it was always this way
posters. The ones who dismiss our obvious decline into absolute degeneracy and proclaim that everything is fine and it always was this way.

>> No.19256490 [DELETED] 

It becomes a lot easier to understand when you train your mind to see them as 10-13 year old kids, not particularly bright ones either, the kinds of kids who have behavioral problems and do cruel bullying shit and never really sort themselves out, just kind of plateau as a dud human being and get stuck in their small town forever.

If you can train yourself to see average niggers as preteens intuitively, not at a secondary level like "this nigger is acting childish!" but just see it directly as a matter of fact, things make a lot more sense. For example, a 12 year old boy can learn to hunt or use a gun, or drive a car, pretty well. You wouldn't be all that surprised to learn that a 13 year old boy out in the sticks somewhere had been driving his hillbilly dad's pickup 10 miles into town and back every few days, and nobody caught on or cared. It's not that hard to drive a pickup, you can teach a kid to do it.

The sensation of the story comes from a more nuanced understanding of the dangers of driving - the kid probably won't get hurt every time he drives, but he will eventually get hurt, or hurt someone else. A preteen just can't have the same responsibility behind the wheel as an adult, but that responsibility level is really only crucial in emergencies or other exceptional situations. Same thing with a gun. You wouldn't be too surprised to hear a guy taught his 13 year old kid to hunt, and then let him hunt on his own. Irresponsible, risky maybe, depending on your view of guns. But it's not like a kid can't learn to point and shoot, or even maintain the thing well, in principle.

That's niggers. They can drive. They can pay rent and buy groceries. They can sort of clean their own domiciles. 95% of the time, these tasks "run themselves," just point and shoot, or point and step on the gas.

It's that 5% of the time where things break down that you have to worry about. 95% of the time, a preteen kid or a nigger whipping around a corner "because he didn't see anybody at the crosswalk so why should he have to slow down?" isn't going to hurt anybody, because 95% of the time, he'll be right. But traffic laws and stop signs exist for the other 5% of the time. White people know this - white people are adults. 13 year olds don't know it, which is why they don't generally drive, but can in exceptional or negligent circumstances. But we class niggers as adults, so niggers drive, and they kill people.

Now extrapolate this to everything else. Could a 13 year old live alone and even pay rent? Yeah sure if you taught him to. But he'd have no higher understanding of it, that's the key. Once things start to "go wrong," once his surface level understanding meets a 5%-of-the-time scenario, he needs an adult. And he will cause these scenarios himself through immaturity, like desire for instant gratification.

Niggers pay their rent, operate machinery, manage their finances, and simply walk around, in the same way a 13 year old would and could.

>> No.19256493

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.19256496

did you even read the post.

>> No.19256505
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I recommend you watch the Free Documentary: Deadliest Roads series in Africa. It perfectly illustrates what you're talking about.

Niggers are completely incompetent, and even in the deep jungles of the Congo, they're blaming whitie for being unable to maintain simple roads.

See https://youtu.be/yJ7xGYBI6PQ?t=821

>> No.19256508

Man i kind of agree with you, but theres been so much shit in america in terms of combating status quo that the question of "what level of self actualization can be considered outside programming?" still applies.

>> No.19256536

Yes I read it and it seems you either don't know much about history, or you're hyperfocusing on the bad humanity has done.

The 1800s-1910 era would be a terrible example of this, as it might be considered one of the moral high points of humanity as a whole.
>inb4 muh holohoax

Yes, there were a lot of institutions that may be considered unfair in the past. Such as slavery, class discrimination, etc etc, but the systems were actually really fair in most cases. It's only the exceptions that are focused on, those are headlines because people like hearing bad news.

But did you know African slaves in America ate better than Medieval Royalty? Or that serfs had legal rights to their lands and paid a pittance in taxes compared to what we pay?

>but there were a lot of wars and death!!!
People lined up to fight in those wars because it was considered honorable to die in battle. It wasn't a sadistic cage fight like we've seen in WW1 and WW2. You have a very myopic view of humanity as a whole

>> No.19256568

>Yes, there were a lot of institutions that may be considered unfair in the past. Such as slavery, class discrimination, etc etc, but the systems were actually really fair in most cases.

>But did you know African slaves in America ate better than Medieval Royalty? Or that serfs had legal rights to their lands and paid a pittance in taxes compared to what we pay?

4chan moment

>> No.19256584

This was very unnerving.
I am adding a second line.

>> No.19256604

Nietzche was wrong. He assumed that the death of "God" (a centralized narrative that gives people a sense of meaning), people would be free to confront the void and become ubermensch.

Instead, most people just destroy themselves without guidance. Even the intelligent, strong and willful find themselves lost in the post-modern world. Humans don't seem to be made out of ubermensch material.

>> No.19256642

>This guy is more than a little based as far as I can tell.
>>Agentic (usually drunk) women now pick up men for casual sex the way men used to pick up “easy women” well into the 1960s. Such emancipation and equality among the genders is liberating and laudable.

yes so based

>> No.19256643

Religion is a great organization for death cope. Once that system disappears, it's erroneous to think that the fear of death that imbibed it would disappear rather than shift.

Narcissism is, clearly, one of the replacements for God; the second is the creeping in of consumer culture. It's quite the mix that's become manifest more and more with each generation.

>> No.19256655

I completely agree with you

>> No.19256704

he's setting the premise for the video, that's one of the parts of the premise he dismantles as being unhealthy

>> No.19256748

He was saying that the women view it that way

>> No.19256813
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I agree with Adam Curtis- Anti depressants being the norm are used to alter how we are supposed to feel.

It’s not normal to feel happy when life has no purpose after globalisation.

>> No.19256822

Name of this mad lad?

>> No.19256888


>> No.19256917

the ubermensch is a notion without content, even for nietzsche. the separation from the last man (the totality of humanity) will come in the form of technological singularity

>> No.19256923

okay you are right, apologies

>> No.19256938

Too bad teleological narratives are bunk.

>> No.19256946

>Humans don't seem to be made out of ubermensch material.
Yes that was the point. Anti-humanism. Any humanism you smell today is the odor from god's remains and the secularized Christian religion that has carried on dutifully in his absence. I take it you didn't actually read N or you'd have noticed the whole thing about the last men or the overman being like a devil to them, so I hereby declare
>another thread for people who haven't read N to debate people who didn't understand him about whether it is based and redpilled to agree with him or not

>> No.19256954

I’m not the guy who you’re talking to. But If I’ve read human all too human what do you recommend next. I figure I may as well ask.

>> No.19257044 [DELETED] 

>Professor Vaknin, who specialises in psychopathy and narcissistic disorders,

Sounds about right for a Jew.

>> No.19257105
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This kind of stuff horrifies me. How do you fix a problem this enormous? Young people are nearly ruined. I don't even know where a hypothetical state that cares would start if it wanted to help the healing process begin. And what about us on an individual level? What can we do in our day to day lives to resist this? For a more cynical approach, what can we do to take advantage of the decline? If everyone else is a zombie, are there advantages to refusing to give in to the irony-drenched, nihilistic norm?

>> No.19257140

underrated post.

The biggest question I have on this topic is how to benefit from these retarded zoomers? Zoomers lack of critical thinking is the most shocking to me, yet i'm not sure if it's the truth or just me getting older.

Can they even be blamed? The internet these days outside of 4chan has absolutely no opening for critical thinking. Just algorithms brainwashing for clicks.

>> No.19257190

>we live in an era where you can whip out your dick and masturbate while 'hanging out' with your friends

what a time to be alive

>> No.19257216

The one good benefit is if you manage to rise above the filth and become Chad you could literally have any women you please.

>> No.19257223 [DELETED] 

Seethe cope dilate suck and fuck nigger janny cuck tranny

>> No.19257233

If the chinese can do it, we can do it

>> No.19257248

Kids werent going outside even before the pandemic. A lot of young people have told me that they actually really enjoyed the lockdown because they dont like going outside

>> No.19257262

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.19257268

>how to benefit from these retarded zoomers?
If you intend to profiteer off of them I can't give any advice. I've long since decided I'd rather be set apart from the madness, rather than king of the dunghill.

>Can they even be blamed? The internet these days outside of 4chan has absolutely no opening for critical thinking. Just algorithms brainwashing for clicks.
I've thought about this for a while and in a way, I think they aren't at fault. While they aren't entirely blameless, as humans have free will to go against their animalistic instincts, which I believe defines us as conscious beings, they are victims of a gross conspiracy meant to turn humans into little more than animals. When a human is broken down and atomized, he no longer functions as a unit of something greater. But rather, he -- and his life, are turned into a commodity. To be bought and sold by the highest bidder. In essence, we've returned to slavery and we don't even know it.

Some might say this process is inevitable and necessary in the process of globalization, but the means of which it is done clearly betrays it's malicious intent. We are all victims of this system, and it is whoever has devised this system and consciously carried it forward to completion that is to blame. And we all know who that is.

>> No.19257269

would she be loyal tho


>> No.19257282

I'm so socially isolated that I read posts like this and am unable to know if they're mere anecdotes or actually representative of a trend

>> No.19257302
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>> No.19257313

Genealogy of Morals, Beyond Good and Evil, Gay Science, Twilight of the Idols. All solid works. TotI is also very short and sums up most of Nietzsche's points.

>> No.19257318

I often get long, unsolicited texts from people talking about something I'm already either aware of or just don't care about. I'll get these messages while I'm really fucking busy and send an acknowledgement reply because I dont care to get into it. You endlessly making speculative posts about the state of affairs isn't acheiving anything

>> No.19257345

Why would you work out four hours a day and eat a low calorie meal? It would be anabolic suicide.

>> No.19257348

>long, unsolicited

Excuse me faggot, were you in the conversation or not?

I'm demonstrating how people will ignore every possible opportunity to talk about something real. Which I clearly demonstrated. Same goes for everything real that people don't want to discuss. And it's not because I'm going into an autistic tirade. I know the difference. It's because people are allergic to facing their issues. Escapism is the norm.

>> No.19257364

youre doing it right now

go out and fight you faggot bitch

>> No.19257367

We need a Great Depression and a big war. A nice heavy dose of reality would help a lot

>> No.19257368

Your friends don't wanna talk to you because you're a retarded /pol/ack with nothing intelligent to say.

>> No.19257381

Yeah dude not everyone wants to spend literally all day speculating about whatever you think is "deep."
And texting all day about it for sure isn't facing your problems. Ironically it's a mode of escapism itself.

>> No.19257408

Really hit a nerve huh samefag?

>> No.19257424

keep telling yourself youre important

every asshole thinks the world is gonna end because hes special or reads it in the cards
life is gonna go on without you and youll fade away to dust you miserable cunt

>> No.19257427

How does one do that? I assume working out and resisting the ususal pleasure poisons (drugs, porn, netflix, alcohol) is on the list but there has to be more to becoming a Chad than that. I once read someone say that living in modernity is living in a world where 90% of potential rivals are nerfed but this is only possible if you know what to do and what not to do.

>> No.19257435

>life is gonna go on without you and youll fade away to dust you miserable cunt
You sound like the miserable one here. To make a series of posts attacking me for calling out you apathy and allergy to the truth.

You know little about me and the conversations I have. You make a rash judgment about my character based on a snippet of a conversation. You put yourself into the role of my friend and imagined him as someone as dull as yourself.

Frankly I don't even know why you're on this board. It seems above your intelligence to be frank.

>> No.19257438

Impossible if you're not already conventionally attractive. Worldly hobbies and Renaissance skills supplement, they don't substitute.

>> No.19257440
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Lol pseud

>> No.19257475

this, a drug-addicted subhuman with conventionally attractive qualities will always be more attractive than a man with less than conventionally attractive qualities no matter his supplemental qualities. think of bill gates. despite being one of the most powerful men on earth and based on his public image, a good man, he is not attractive at all and the vast majority of young women would choose a piss poor retard with no redeeming qualities other than his facial bone structure over gates.

>> No.19257480

the experts of the time said the same thing about his generation

>> No.19257486

>is an incomprehensible dullard

The picture is much clearer now.

>> No.19257526

Just dropping a link.

In the second half he talks about it's really HOW young people complete an action, not what the action is, that's really concerning. As best I understand it, he means to say that, increasingly, young people have no positive motivation or agency to drive their choices. Instead, lacking a real driving force, they ''put the cart before the horse''. Making choices and undertaking actions to feel something, not making choices or undertaking an action because they feel something.
This was his main point, and is missing from the OP.
At he start he says..
>Either everything we think we know in psychology is wrong, or there's a new subspecies of humanity.

>> No.19257530

kys loser

>> No.19257546

Ah yes you must be our best and brightest with such revolutionary insights such as "The Chinese are Machiavellian." Who else could ever have crafted such a hard hitting analysis of the world. All the unimpressed are just dullards.

>> No.19257549
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who's the pseud now? i have conclusive evidence

>> No.19257555


>> No.19257563
File: 1.74 MB, 991x1287, you have to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit. It's over there.

>> No.19257566

In case I wasn't clear, in regards to the last quote. It should be obvious that it's the former, that everything we think we know in psychology is wrong. The claim that young people know have a qualitative, not quantitative, difference in cognitive function is stupid.
There are still very good points being made, but his overall outlook feels wrong.

>> No.19257570

And tomorrow you'll be jacking off to tranny porn and wondering why the West has gone to shit when it's produced apathetic cowards like yourself.

>> No.19257578

stay mad

>> No.19257583

You're a real brave guy by texting your uninterested friends surface level politics all day. You are the hero we need anon.

>> No.19257593

>chain-replying as two alternate personalities to gaslight someone

I'm literally too smart for this shit good day

>> No.19257599

take your meds

>> No.19257607
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You're not smart at all

>> No.19257632
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You're a shill sent here to degrade the quality of discussion in this thread with gaslighting and insults.

Judging by how your types seem to enter every thread I'm in, they probably got shills for this IP specifically as well.

Let me tell you something lad. I'll never, ever quit. I'll say the truth and get banned from every possible forum. I'll just make new accounts. Again, and again, and again. My ban count on 4chan alone exceeds 1000 on my different IPs. Rest assured, I will continue.

>> No.19257642

youre a coward that has never faced anything worthwhile in your life

>> No.19257645

>Judging by how your types seem to enter every thread I'm in,
Lmao you get laughed out of every thread you post in

>> No.19257672

Go ahead and fill me in on the worthwhile endeavors of the meaningless world OP has described.

You clearly don't read any literature at all. You're here for one purpose: Collecting (you)'s.

>> No.19257675

I read every day :)

>> No.19257679

why are you still here then? you wont kill yourself because you are a bottom feeder that just exists

>> No.19257697
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To be honest, you're a shitty troll. Quality trolls know how to bait properly. They get a large number of (you)'s from a large number of people. You have to be subtle, and act like you're genuine in whatever outrageous premise you're peddling.

You are a bottom-grade troll. You're obvious, which offends no-one, but rather you serve only to annoy. You're a gnat, a true bottom feeder that would call others that.

It'd be embarrassing to be you. Devoting so much time to trolling but being so unbelievably bad at it.

>> No.19257700

says the guy that keeps replying we are both here doing the same thing dumb ass

>> No.19257707

I dont know man, I've kept you going for an hour and I've been laughing my ass off the whole time. I'd say mission success. See you tomorow.

>> No.19257717

capitalism my friend

>> No.19257733
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So he admits defeat and tries to exit gracefully. Pathetic. Laughing right now
I seem to command a lot of attention for being a pseud, don't you think?

As I stated before, I could have a lot of political sway if I wanted. You and your girlfriend are the same dullards that I'd sway with lip service to win an election. If you had greater intelligence you'd be out making OPs for (you)'s, rather than bottomfeeding.

While I see you're trying to flip the script. You criticized my post about the conversation because it evoked feelings of inferiority in you. You know you can't understand what I said, even though I laid it out in perfectly clear terms. You're the fat, potbellied white trash I spoke about, who would rather die as apathetic wretches than dare to lift a finger against your Jewish masters. Your insults is a way of deflection and cope, ironically, that's exactly what I outlined you'd do in prior posts. I'd pity your kind, if you weren't responsible for ruining the planet. Enjoy your fruitless lives of videogames, porn, and pleasure-seeding you Godless hedonistic worms.

>> No.19257741

you are online shit posting right now with me youre the same trash you hate so much

hide behind your photos or your self proclaimed wit you cant even distinguish between separate people talking to you

youre disgusting gutter trash and you wont do a single thing but die unaccomplished and rot in your own self inflated ego

>> No.19257744

will you faggots get a room already, nobody cares

>> No.19257777


>> No.19257782

Blah blah blah.

You're angry that I'm more intelligent than you. You go on /lit/ and feel threatened when people use big words to describe things you don't understand.

May I redirect you to
Where you belong?

>> No.19257793


Shalom 2

>> No.19257800 [DELETED] 

What is it about Jews that make them want to devote their lives completely to evil?

>> No.19257811

Their unique dynamic with Satan tbqh.
Consider for a moment in case you're not a Christian that Jesus is truly God incarnate and what that implies once you study the history of what Jews did to him.

Since we are on /lit/ I suggest you read the Zohar. I was interested in Judaism and their mystical thought before I read that book. It cured by Jewish interest entirely!

>> No.19257813
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>The Israeli psychologist

>> No.19257827

I am indeed a Christian. I have been very sinful of late and desire to repent, but I have done some monstrous deeds that I feel can only be repented of with many days of fasting and prayer. Preferably in isolation.

>> No.19257829

I'm a Christian as well.
What have you exactly done? You should confess to a priest but go ahead and tell me as well, that would be a good start and I'll definitely pray for your aid.

>> No.19257833 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19257836 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19257840 [DELETED] 

>What have you exactly done?
It's bad enough that I can't divulge to any living soul. But it wasn't against anyone else, it was only myself.

>> No.19257860 [DELETED] 
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That's correct. It's the jews,

>> No.19257870 [DELETED] 
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Dilate, Jew-trannies. I can see straight through your deception! Keep it up, never let go of the Jews control of your mind! Let the Jew course through your veins dark ones!

>> No.19257874

whoa, the power of lefty memes...

>> No.19257878

This post glows hard

>> No.19257889

Nah, I’m just trying to go schizo. The News are the least of our worries. Same with governments, CIA etc.
I mean, you are the guy calling anons troons. Sounds about warped, maybe invest in some meds to ease your tocd

>> No.19257901

You're a bit nutty anon.

>> No.19257910

>an Israeli professor is blaming the Jews
Well, I guess he would know, wouldn't he?

>> No.19257933

Watch The Gospel According to St.Matthew, way more interesting and a better film than Salo.

>> No.19257945
File: 1.36 MB, 200x204, 626703759156fa6bb42d5e0c4ce9ca9f_w200 nod of approval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he only has himself and people like himself to blame

>> No.19257957
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>Brotherhood is taken as a sign of weakness
not to me

>> No.19257962

>More than half of young people binge drink to the point of alcoholic blackout every single week.
Young people drink less than any other generation.

>> No.19257965

Have you noticed that people in the least reputable fields are the ones most likely to cling to honorifics like Dr and Prof?

>> No.19257975
File: 16 KB, 961x77, napoleon the great by andrew roberts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could very well have been a leader in past days, but today the will of the people is sapped, and there is no fight left in them.
If you have no charisma, you are not a real leader

>> No.19258060

Don't worry. Fascism is coming soon to wipe the earth with a fire. We will all suffer a terrible hell, but, there are so many that desire it, it can't be stopped.

>> No.19258116

We'll all suffer for the sake of greater Israel but it'll be worth it - you'll own nothing and be happy!

>> No.19258550

bussin no cap

A lot of zoom humour is just reacting to something by referencing a meme. Literally cannot interpret the world without a layer of irony

>> No.19258894
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>First of all they have an average of nine relationships before they reach 30

>> No.19259182 [DELETED] 

A Jew complaining about the work of his people. Also, what's his obsession with sex? Why is that the one thing he focuses on? Fucking kike.

>> No.19259240
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>Force kids to wear facemasks everywhere

It profoundly jogs the noggin.

>> No.19259308

Unfathomably based

>> No.19259385

>kikes = 1 person

>> No.19259400

He mentions that himself, that he took part in the behaviors when he was young in the 60s and 70s that lead to the disastrous situation today. He's pretty all around based, making the most of his hindsight.

>> No.19259420

>interesting thread devolves into shitflinging
Many such cases.

>> No.19259451 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure whether many Jewish people recognize how their actions deteriorate society or even fully understand why they're doing what they're doing, sort of how like an animal doesn't understand its own pathologies. While you could argue that they simply behave like parasitic organisms undermining the integrity of their host, the consequences of their actions have also hurt them in some regards. For instance: though people spend a lot of time talking about whites miscegenating, something like half of Jewish marriages in the U.S. are to non-Jews, so you could argue that they're actually going away at a quicker rate than Anglo or Germanic Americans.

>> No.19259495

That's a video, not a book! Fucking retard, where is the BOOK!!!?!?!?!?!

>> No.19259509

It's worse than the Jew realizes. My ex girlfriend and her friends mainly "communicated" strictly by sending each other pictures of their face with no commentary whatsoever on Snapchat, ostensibly in order to maintain their streaks.

>> No.19259522

Western society has been undermined. Even if people deny this, they are still dealing with the deleterious effects of it.

>> No.19259552

A little digression but honestly, I don't understand why so many Americans complains about Jews. Jewish immigrants basically built USA so no wonder many of them are affluent and take high offices today.
> For instance: though people spend a lot of time talking about whites miscegenating, something like half of Jewish marriages in the U.S. are to non-Jews, so you could argue that they're actually going away at a quicker rate than Anglo or Germanic Americans
What? How is expanding your genetic pool a bad thing?

>> No.19259581

He's got 2 videos specifically about women turning into men and the disappearance of "good" men from the dating pool and what should be done about it("Men we miss you", "Women we miss you"). Beyond that he has an entire playlist about the ills of modern sexuality and modern relationships.


I find his presentation about the impossibility of maintaining monogamy for most in the modern day because of the easy access women and men have to each other. Basically this guy's entire playlist about relationships is him coming to the realization about the ancient wisdom concerning the nature of men and women and their relations being nearly entirely correct.

>> No.19259645 [DELETED] 

Jews brainwash people and then say "why are you like this?"


>> No.19259657

If it wasn't jews who'd be your go-to scapegoat for your infantility and weakness?

>> No.19259667

there are reports that one out of two anons are a faggot and im straight. So...

>> No.19259671

>Why do they persecute me so?

>> No.19259687

Whomst've your quoting?

>> No.19259721

>I don't understand why so many Americans complains about Jews.

It's a few reasons. First—while people frequently complain about how blacks and other minorities are underrepresented in academia, politics, business, and publishing—Jewish people are grossly over represented in positions of this nature. For instance, both my state assemblyman and state senator are Jewish. What percent of people in my area are Jewish? Perhaps two percent. Why does 100 percent of my state legislative representation comprise people from a demography than is only two percent of the local population? It's a question worth asking. There's also the topic of banking, but that's too large of a subject to get into here.

Secondly: frequently when you observe politicians who are in the midst of pushing legislation that erodes people's freedoms—or journalists who write articles advocating such things—often times you start to observe a pattern: many of them are Jewish. Similarly, when you hear about politicians, journalists, or academics pushing open border policies, they're frequently Jewish. (Immigration has progressed mostly unimpeded into the United States for close to 60 years, and has done so without the permission of the country's legal residents.) By most observable metrics the quality of life for people in the United States has gone down since around 1965 (this is what Putnam's book "Bowling Alone" is famous for detailing). Since that time, people have become more isolated, more suicidal, poorer in real dollar terms, more in debt, and less likely to get married. 1965 was the year that the Hart-Cellar Act was passed, which greatly opened up third world immigration to the United States. Since that time, the country has been changing. And when you talk about society-wide ennui on the part of young people, it's not hard to figure out why (unless you're a progressive boomer and can't imagine how the causes you advocated are actively destroying the country). Why would young people feel optimistic about having careers and contributing to a society when they now have less and less in common with others? There's also much that could be said about the effect of third world immigration on the economy and government spending, the latter of which robs legal citizens of money to pay for services for illegal immigrant families.

>Jewish immigrants basically built USA so no wonder many of them are affluent and take high offices today

You could say the same thing about Anglo-American men, but they're now actively being impeded while attempting to enter industries such as publishing or academia simply because of their race. Meanwhile, practically no one is asking why Jewish people are over represented everywhere.

>How is expanding your genetic pool a bad thing?

If you're trying to preserve your ethnic identity—which I would suggest that Jewish people are—then expanding excessively outside of your own ethnic pool would likely be detrimental to that process.

>> No.19259727

>Points out social problems caused by Jewish people.
>"Why are you blaming Jews for your own failures?"

So this is the power of Zoomer logic.

>> No.19259733

>In summary: excellent job so far my fellow chosen, but the work continues

>> No.19259741

>First of all they have an average of nine relationships before they reach 30

Ha ha...

>> No.19259760

>boomer platitudes but in a funny accent

>> No.19259762

Incels have 0 relationships even at 30 but chad drags the average up by having at least 18 relationships before he hits his 30s.

>> No.19259780

I read posts like these and it feels like I'm just completely disconnected from the reality of the average person because I lack interest in a lot of these behaviors. That said I've gone on a lot of dates and have rarely continued to like the woman I took out, and the women I do like are already in relationships (and I don't wanna be a homewrecker)

>> No.19259791

>Not only that, but you can edge to the porn, and to many different girls at once. Ever had a dozen or more tabs open of porn? Your unconscious brain can't differentiate the screen from reality. From your brain's view, you are having sex with a new woman every 30 seconds, before you finally find one you want to finish with.
gonna need a source on this

>> No.19259817

you react to visual stimuli from a screen as you would react to visual stimuli if it were real and in front of you. just google

>> No.19259819

>I considered myself to have principles, however, so I would never engage in that behavior. I would be an honest representative for honest people. And that's the problem. There are, now, few honest people.

If you don't use the tools that allow you to manipulate humanity, someone worse will. So do it faggot. Do it and save us.

>> No.19259828
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>> No.19259829

The Chinese only ban Western internet platforms/apps, or otherwise those that aren't state-approved. They are smartphone/internet dependent as much as the rest of the civilized world, if not more. They're a surveillance dystopian hellhole after all

>> No.19259832
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I know you're trying to tear me down, as everyone does. But what you're saying is nonsense.

Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Lenin, Castro, practically any revolutionary figure in history would be endlessly mocked and called a schizo in today's world. Hitler would unironically get called a glow(censored) 24/7. And it's not just me. Time and time again, practically every time I see something with wisdom or truth, it's ignored entirely. You know what I see getting mass-replied to? Pathetic bait, 1 liners, puns, and other meaningless garbage. Exactly as in the OP.

Please tell me how you can electrify what is already dead. I would love to hear oh wise faggot

>> No.19259846
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Also, to the undoubtedly Israeli mods of this board.

Are Jews a race or a religion? Why haven't you banned the 14+ mentions of
>the N word
But single out a comment on Jews? Hmmmm?

>> No.19259849

> emerged ashen-faced from this rabbit-hole
Don't you mean "rabbi hole"

>> No.19259854

Wow, based CATO

>> No.19259857


>> No.19259879

He's a narcissist himself so it's interesting to listen to him talk about it

>> No.19259886

>all the /pol/ shit ITT
I thought you people hated to read anything that's not jpeg infographics

>> No.19259888
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>kikes pervert and destroy every cultural facet and traditional moral values of their host country
>complain why everything has gone to shit

>> No.19259911

Jews are essentially parasites that consume their hosts whole then die with the host.

Right now they're trying to transplant themselves over to China but the Chinese can't be manipulated through empathy like huwhites. Any loyalty China has with connections through the banks is tenuous at best.

>> No.19259970
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The Torah will continue to guide my actions and those of my family. It is a life raft in a sea of chaos and evil, and the only way for man to ward off the problems Vaknin is so alarmed about. The fact that we still hold the Torah in our hands after 2,500 years scattered in Galut, and that we were able to rebuild Eretz Yisrael is testament to its wisdom and strength. If you are Jewish your mission is to go to Shul, learn Hebrew, study Torah, perform the 613 Mitzvot as a regular practice, and I promise that you and your loved ones will be blessed with happiness for all time. For non-Jews, abide by the Noahide laws laid out by the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe and I promise your societies will improve. All of these problems will be alleviated.

>> No.19259976

A few months ago I was talking to a fellow grad student from another university. She's older than me, married (to a guy ~20 years her senior) but what struck me was that she told me she met him when she was just sitting on a bench and he struck up a conversation with her. Shortly after, the semester started and the university was actually opened and I would see girls sitting by themselves on benches all over campus. And now every single time the thought pops in my head, "I wonder what would happen if I spoke to her?" I haven't acted on it yet, but I wonder if I should just for the sake of it. I don't know what I would say, I would have to rush in headfirst without thinking and play it all off blind instinct, probably falling flat on my face the first few times because I don't really cold approach women. I've started talking to strangers who live in my apartment complex on the shuttle to campus though.

But if dating is just a numbers game than yeah just talking to girls and stop being in the background is a step in the right direction. Every rejection is a step forward in learning social interactions even if it might be at the cost of your own reputation over time (she also told me about some guy at MIT who practically asked out every woman on campus, to the point he was infamous among the women there because he was very direct unlike 99% of MIT autists who have to spend a few months to build up the courage to ask a girl out by the time she's already mentally removed him from her mental dating pool. She then predicated it with, "He got laid a lot though"). It's a bit sacrilegious to say this but ask yourself what would Chad do?

>> No.19259984

The chinese are bigger jews than the jews themselves.

>> No.19259990

just make small talk

>> No.19259994

>The Torah will continue to guide my actions and those of my family. It is a life raft in a sea of chaos and evil
It's part of your culture to slice the foreskin from your son's penis and drink the blood from the wound.
The hell we are living in is directly caused by this type of insanity.
You and your demon god can suffer forever in the hell you are creating for yourself.

>> No.19260006

I'd disagree with that assessment, but I would caution that the Jews don't seem to understand the history of China.

The history of China is filled with plots and schemes that would make Imperial Rome blush. The problem was so widespread and terrible that it came to a point where only eunuchs were allowed near the Emperor, and even then they conspired. Look at what happened to Qin Shi Huang's son.

The primary weapon of the Jews against Europe has been guilt and shame for our past actions. I can assure you the Chinese feel neither for their many atrocities and never will. The Jew also cannot easily blend in with the Chinese people. If he intermixes with them racially, he loses his own integrity and his descendants will lose their genetic religious fervour.

The Jew has three weapons to subdue China with. 1 is money. 2 is the communist system it forced on it. 3 is the social credit system.

Even with all of these factors, the Jews are forced to rely on the good will of the Chinese rulers, since they cannot blend in amongst the racist, unsympathetic Chinese people. Interesting times ahead.

>> No.19260008

>"I could be the next great leader, I'm insanely charismatic and great at giving speeches and winning people over to my side"
>ok then do it
>"n-no I'd have to betray my principles in order to do it by catering to the least common denominator"

If you're really charismatic, you should be able to do it without compromising yourself

>> No.19260015

>Hitler would unironically get called a glow(censored) 24/7.
And he would've deserved it.

>> No.19260021

>The primary weapon of the Jews against Europe has been guilt and shame for our past actions.

and in contrast, the primary weapon of the Chinese to motivate other Chinese is their guilt and shame of past humiliations from the whole world gangbanging China during the "century of humiliation" and saying "never again."

>If he intermixes with them racially, he loses his own integrity and his descendants will lose their genetic religious fervour.
That worked with the jews who became white though (e.g. "hello fellow white people!"), why is that a problem for black and asian jews? The entire narrative that Jews don't belong in Israel is because so many of them are genetically European after a thousand years of diaspora.

>> No.19260034

>kikes pervert and destroy every cultural facet and traditional moral values
You don't seem to be aware that 100% of your precious "traditional moral values" were created precisely by jews. Were the jews good guys once?

>> No.19260036

Textbook response that I would expect from this website. You have added nothing new to this conversation. Real Jews do not circumcise their sons.

>> No.19260040

Christ, what a fucking pseud

>> No.19260050

>That worked with the jews who became white though
There was a study done on Semites showing they have specific genes that makes them prone to extreme religious zealotry. I think that's pretty obvious if you've seen how Muslims, Israelis, and others act in their own countries. Look at MemriTV for example. I'm speaking mostly of Sephardim. The Ashkenazis are indeed genetically European. They've even found they're Sicilian in origin, with only an abysmal amount of Semitic DNA. They also tend to be fairly irreligious and only use the Jew moniker for it's vast in-group benefits. Compare them to Orthodox Sephardim and see a gigantic difference in behavior.

>guilt and shame of past humiliations from the whole world gangbanging China
And the Jews think they will just waltz into China and proclaim themselves their new masters. I recall they even remarked how they wanted Asians because they're so docile. This shows to me that Jews really aren't as smart as they think they are. People in power, whether in China or Japan were constantly under threat of Damocles sword.

>> No.19260061

wtf is this /x/-tier discussion
I thought this board was named /lit/

>> No.19260071

Same idk whats even going on anymore

>> No.19260074
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Your entire religion is a ripoff amalgamation of Hittite and Mesopotamian/Sumerian myths and legends, as well as some Egyptian mysticism and Zoroastrian flavour mixed in it, and the deity you worship is a blood-thirsty wargod that is also a ripoff of other Middle Eastern deities. Most of the events in the OT didn't happen, such as the Exodus for which there are literally zero substantial evidences. Your whole religion and culture is based around racial/ethnic supremacy over non-Jews, as well as around usury, schemes and deceptiveness. You hate manual work and always want the goyim to do it for you. You are also the only people that have been expelled from more than 100 countries throughout the millennia because you are nothing more than parasites who don't have the slightest respect and regard for the nations you reside in and their people. And what's most funny of all is that you're a genetic hodgepodge and have almost nothing in common with the old Israelites +2000 years ago (even your scriptures say how you've intermarried with other peoples such as Canaanites, Edomites, etc.)


>> No.19260108

Based zoomer. I look forward to the psychopathic and illiterate future.

>> No.19260113
File: 328 KB, 766x1185, 0D6B8DA8-FF33-44B3-ADCE-1338FE99BE63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What few people realize is that we were the first people to break the wheel of time. Before this mankind was held in the stranglehold of cyclical thinking, that life was a series of growth and decay, repeating infinitely, and therefore nothing mattered. It’s why the Cannanites and other surrounding tribes sacrificed their children to idols like Baal, filling the bellies of these idols with coals so that their hands burned before placing their children upon them. It was always about the present for them. Their cruel rituals are why we slaughtered them all, and why God promised us their land. This is the reason that the story of Abraham and his dilemma to sacrifice Issac is the most important story for the Jewish people. For the first time in history we decided that life was not a cycle of growth and decay, that things in this world have a beginning middle and end, and that we had a part to play in this story. For the first time ever, human life was sacred, and we were the only ones in the Levantine region who did not engage in child sacrifice. This is why God never spoke to Abraham again after he failed the test and moved to kill his son. We were the first people to truly love our children, and I assure you we will be the last.

>> No.19260120

>With no strings attached sex freely available from multiple women, men no longer feel the need to invest in relationships or commit in any way.
There's no way this is true. Unless your an absolute chad, sex is not freely available.

>> No.19260136

my ugly, retarded friends get regular sex from ugly, retarded girls through tinder or bumble. it is as simple as putting yourself out there, everyone else(male and female) are not having any sex at all because they completely retreat from the market or society

>> No.19260139

>You don't seem to be aware that 100% of your precious "traditional moral values" were created precisely by jews.
Sure thing, rabbi

>> No.19260157

>nobody is having children
>everyone is poor
low iq humans closer to animals are having children

one of the problems of the enlightement and the leftist dogma is the idea that what makes us "human" is being from the human species.

What makes us "human" is a very specific and arbitrary aesthetic and moral choice. Being human is having empathy, honor, justice, being capable of sacrifice, solidarity, compassion. Wanting to learn, self-actualize, etc.

The reality is that those characteristics only emerge in very specific set of genes under very specific conditions and only when correctly socialized.
Most humans that are going to born in the next decades are going to be completely subhuman.

>> No.19260159

>Militant radical feminists espoused precisely such an outcome: a world where men are sex toys, women are empowered and self-sufficient
I've noticed this. In one breath they complain about chauvinism, how men have dominated women throughout history. And so they advocate for the exact inverse--men's voices and sexual experiences become invisible and unimportant, and the ultimate goal is "empowering" women making them better than men. While it's in vogue to talk about women's sexual experiences, it would be frowned upon for me to bring up men's unique sexual experiences and their differences to women. The double standard and complete myopic narcissism of it all baffles me. These feminists never tire of reducing all of literature down to how it reflects on women without once considering the other half of the population.

>> No.19260178

>Not really, but he explains a lot about what the individual person should be doing to live a healthy human life.

> All human ethnics groups are the same
> The same sense of ownership, justice, empathy, compassion, aesthetic values and need for individualism.

This retarded idea is exactly why we are going to crash and burn our society.
There is no "one size fit it all" for humanity because different ethnic groups have deep differences with each other.

Africans don't have the ethics or aesthetic value of europeans.
Hindus don't have the need for space that europeans have.
Asians in general don't have the same sense of duty toward other life forms.

>> No.19260180

I define humanity, as quite simply, the ability to make decisions that go against your animalistic impulses via rational thought.

>> No.19260184

You can get sex but if you're ugly, you're going to really have to work to get it. So no, not "freely available" as claimed.

>> No.19260192

Lobotomite anti-semite. If by traditional morals you mean Christianity, then yes you share a large part of your morality with the Jews.

>> No.19260207

lol, freely available in relation to previous work necessary to obtain sex you fucking dullard. he doesn't mean literally free

>> No.19260211

>I define humanity, as quite simply, the ability to make decisions that go against your animalistic impulses via rational thought.

You are describing an automaton, a turing computer or a sophisticated statistical model.
The a computer with a set of axioms to derive conclusions is human.
Can reason and don't have animalistic impulses.

>> No.19260266

Don’t bother, he probably thinks he’s an epic Viking pagan or some shit.

>> No.19260267

The lack of animalistic impulses is what makes it not human anon. Sentience is the ability to go against your programming (instincts).

>> No.19260284

but Jews contributed the most in building American economy power...

>> No.19260293

Your whole post reeks of the same Jewish supremacy mindset that I mentioned earlier--being delusional enough to think that your religion is the cradle of civilization and spirituality and acting as though it's the only way humans can live a fulfilling life. Hilarious. Your people are a menace to society and in order to achieve your main goal, that is, worldwide Jewish dominion while all the goyim are servants to you, you try all possible tricks and deceptions such as central banking/usury and institution infiltration with the sole purpose of destroying every single foreign culture and belief system, thus imposing your own fake and materialistic one under the guise of something advantageous for the societies.

>What few people realize is that we were the first people to break the wheel of time. Before this mankind was held in the stranglehold of cyclical thinking, that life was a series of growth and decay, repeating infinitely, and therefore nothing mattered.
You are obviously very ignorant of other religions and belief systems. Your whole concept of the afterlife is heavily borrowed from the Ancient Egyptian religion (Osiris, Underworld, The Fields of Reeds). Like I said, a ripoff religion.

>It’s why the Cannanites and other surrounding tribes sacrificed their children to idols like Baal, filling the bellies of these idols with coals so that their hands burned before placing their children upon them. It was always about the present for them. Their cruel rituals are why we slaughtered them all, and why God promised us their land.
I don't care if some sandniggers at the other end of the world made human sacrifices, and I couldn't cafe less about some semitic fairytales about promised lands and a 'covenant' made through dick mutilation.

>We were the first people to truly love our children, and I assure you we will be the last.
Yeah, of all people around the world and across various different cultures and nations Jews were the first one to exhibit a universal biological human trait. Do you even read the shit you write before posting?

>> No.19260304

It's hilarious how Jews always seem to boast about how Christianity has influenced Western civilization while at the same time they themselves were the ones who killed Christ and hate everything about Christianity in the guts. The irony

>> No.19260334

Jews love to take credit for things, even those they hate. See how they promote Bobby Fischer being a Jew

>> No.19260363

>while at the same time they themselves were the ones who killed Christ and hate everything about Christianity in the guts. The irony
Please go back to /pol/ you people are such boring shriekers. Christ was a Jew.

>> No.19260379

>Christ was a Jew.
How does that invalidate what I said, Schlomo?

>> No.19260385

He depicts it as though young people are having a lot of easy sex. I'm saying this is not the case. Statistics are simply not on his side as the rate of sexual activity has actually declined significantly relative to past generations at the same age.

>> No.19260400

You're quoting one line from an hour long video completely removed from it's context. I am trying to give you that context fucktard.

>> No.19260414

>only /pol/ hates jews
lmao touch grass you smelly kike

>> No.19260424

I am in fact superior to you because I understand how cartoonishly incorrect your assessment of Judaism is. Your hatred of Jews stems from the fact that during our time in Galut we refused to confirm to the religious power structure of our captors, and were therefore seen as a threat. I recommend you read the book I posted. I think you’d actually find it interesting.

Christianity is a perversion of Jewish philosophy and practice which minimizes human beings into sniveling cowards and creates an abusive relationship between god and man, and I hold no qualms about calling it exactly what it is.

>> No.19260425


>> No.19260433

"Christ was a Jew" isn't really very meaningful, since Christianity has historically been the greatest source of antisemitism. So obviously worshipping a Jew doesn't do anything to curb hatred of Jews.

>> No.19260457

literally me

>> No.19260511

>I could very well have been a leader in past days
how? you couldn't even get your dumbass friend on side, how were you going to inspire and dominate Johnny T Peasant


>The USA is already defeated. It's men do not wish to fight
>It's men

>> No.19260534

Poor urban kids are socially better off than suburban middle class kids. Living within walking distance of your school and all your peers and not being able to have things be just handed to you does wonders. Even when they are playing videogames, they usually have to meet up in real life to do so, as not every family (I use the term loosely) can afford multiple consoles.
They're still fucked, undereducated, poisoned by the worst food in human history, and set up for failure, but socially, they're healthier.

>> No.19260544

What you just described is that Nietzsche was right, just not about what he wanted to be.
He always thought the death of God would lead to societal destruction IF not for the ubermensch. And, well, he was right about that

>> No.19260578

seek help sweaty

>> No.19260611
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You may find that the majority of scholars in history who are not directly allied with the Jews despised them.

>> No.19260621

>is unironically the zoomer Jew psych in the OP is talking about
>proceeds to attack using 1-liner strawmen and grammar nitpicking

You're* ancestry is that of coal miners and dung shovelers. Get away from me you filthy peasant!

>> No.19260693

This is the most misguided and stereotypically 4chan things I’ve real all week.

The way you effeminates talk always makes me wonder, look at a relationship in the streets and what magical thing do they have? You honestly think you’re the exception? Once you’ve proved to yourself you can ‘pick’ someone up the rest will just fall into place. It baffles me that people waste their life without looking at what others did and what they have.. and drawing conclusions that nothing magical is contained within ‘muh girlfriend makes me happy’. Do it yourself - walk up to a big group of happy couples and then ask them what life’s really like under the social niceties. Or even better just realise that no amount of approaching will change your personality and give you the experience needed.

>> No.19260707
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>> No.19260708

>Christianity is a perversion of Jewish philosophy and practice which minimizes human beings into sniveling cowards and creates an abusive relationship between god and man

Could you expand on that? Never really talked to a (practicing) jew about Christianity and would like to hear your take. Your posts are pretty interesting too since I've never heard anyone say Abraham was good for obeying God to sacrifice Isaac, and "it was just a test" is about as deep as the conversation ever seemed to go.

>> No.19260717


>> No.19260720
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Personality is overrated for attracting a mate. The only things that really matter are, in this order:

>social status
>looks (can be #1 on case-by-case basis)

That's it. Looks ensures healthy offspring. Wealth and social status help to ensure the offspring will have a stable environment to grow up in.

Women are NPCs and their behavior really does boil down to genetic code. Genetic code which selects for these factors.

The reason for the incel epidemic is because our people are fat, sick, and weak. Women won't reproduce with these animals so they go for Chad. Same goes for women as well, so men go for porn.

If the men looked like they did in the past, such as in this High School swim team photo, things would be different.

>> No.19260726

Nah all my sex is meaningful.

It means I'm having sex.

>> No.19260769

This guy just gave up and copes by protecting his own unhappiness onto everyone

>> No.19260775

Yes that’s why divorce is more or less guaranteed. And yet guys obsess over the ‘approach’. As if all they’ve been doing wrong is not being confident hahahahhaa

>> No.19260799

>Or even better just realise that no amount of approaching will change your personality and give you the experience needed.

If you want to get better at something, you have to do it over and over again. If you want to get good at math, you do math problems over and over again. If you want to be more comfortable in social situations, you talk to people over and over again. If you're trying to get a girlfriend you have to meet and engage with girls, you don't do it by sitting on 4chan all day masturbating to tranny porn and complaining about youtubers and bitching about why you can't get a gf.
"Changing your personality" has nothing to do with it. Your habits aren't your personality. Getting a gym membership and lifting 3-5 days a week doesn't change your personality, but it might change your body.

the rest of your post was gibberish about magic and i couldn't understand it.

>> No.19260808

>And yet guys obsess over the ‘approach’. As if all they’ve been doing wrong is not being confident hahahahhaa
More like they are obsessing over their inaction, and blame their lack of confidence as the cause.

>> No.19260822

Women aren’t adapting fat enough to the new environment and finding fat, sick and weak men, which is why they die childless spinsters.
The women who do find neckbeards attractive are unironically more fit than the rest.

>> No.19260829

I have nothing against the idea of being a social being.
What Im saying is that you can’t focus only on inner improvement without looking at the culture. If you were to start a business tomorrow you would research who your market is right?
The idea of observing others happiness and imitating it makes me view you as some sort of android willing out a social life through determination. What I’m trying to do is give you hope that you’ve already got happiness in front of you. Any woman who grows up im western culture is going to be racing through partners and you have the opportunity to get needs met through work, being above herd morality (and of course escorts). Don’t make the mistake of thinking a woman is waiting for a boyfriend, it’s very dumb. They aren’t single for long.

>> No.19260873

God I hate baby boomers.

>> No.19260888
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>> No.19260890

>go back to /pol/
>says christ was a jew
sounds like you belong more on /pol/.

>> No.19260908

Oh, that's what you mean, I get that. Like yeah people have told me to go to bars to meet girls but I don't really like going to bars and the kinds of girls I like aren't going to bars so I'm not gonna do that.

At a certain point you just gotta stop "trying" and just focus on your own happiness. A girlfriend isn't gonna fix all of your problems. I'm trying to be a more social person because over covid most of my irl friends graduated or moved and I need to make new ones.

>> No.19260921

The entire point of social media is to make other people and social interactions more and infitinitely replaceable.
That's eventually how you end up, a mean bully crying for sympathy whenever it suits you, total conceit and disregard for other peoples differences.

>> No.19260925

>blame their lack of confidence as the cause.
The confidence meme is partially true, but it can be overrided, which if you go on /fit/, is unironically what the majority of them are trying to do.

Women was masculine men. Men who can defend the tribe and will fight. Why? Same as before, their genetics select for those who prefer men like this. Those who preferred weak men would die off if their village got raided. Ironically, even with mass media pushing weak men = cute and sexy angle (Justin Bieber, Korean faggots, etc), women still default to this pattern. She might settle down with a beta provider, but she's getting rammed by chad on the low.

All this being said, I know the confidence meme is silly because if you're ugly, everything you do will be seen as disgusting to a woman. There was a meme a while back comparing actions with an ugly dude vs chad. If you approach a woman as an ugly man, you're creepy. If you approach as a chad, you're confident, etc. It's true.

I'm not in great shape now, but I was in top-form in High School (inb4 HS boomer meme). I wasn't particularly popular but I got along with everyone. Girls would literally find excuses to touch me. I've had girls grab my arm before, or move their desks closer to me. I wasn't interested.

Anything I did was considered attractive, sexy, confident, etc. But guess what? I injured my back on a deadlift one day. Was laid out for a while, stopped exercising, started gaining weight. 50 lbs later, and no woman wanted anything to do with me. Now do think this was all because I was suddenly less confident? Fuck no. I never gave a shit. But the simple difference in looks was enough to change the way I was perceived to them all. Whereas I would be confident before, now I would be creepy.

Hope you enjoyed my blog.

>> No.19260949

How was he not a Jew? Pretty sure at the time he would've identified as Jewish but whatever not sure what you're even trying to say.

>> No.19260963

>So obviously worshipping a Jew doesn't do anything to curb hatred of Jews.
Ik and you're right I'm just pointing out the contradiction of saying "Jews killed Christ"

>> No.19261015

>an old man dont understand the younglings and think it´s the end of the world.

>> No.19261032

To other lit anons: The start of this thread is a bit interesting, the remaining 2/3 is drama and schizo pol garbage you can safely ignore.

>> No.19261089

Why is the physical world superior to the digital world? What exactly makes it better to be those things in reality? The added work and skill required? Many would consider those negative conditions. What are the fruits to be borne from such added labour? A better world after you have died? A secured future for your descendants you will never meet? Am I meant to be a slave who toils for humanity and then dies?

Tell me. Why should the digital edition be rejected?

>> No.19261121

Good idea. That definitely won't lead into the exact same shit 90 years down the line and it definitely will never ever go so far it dooms our entire species because we're so good at controlling ourselves. Right?

>> No.19261253

Excellent, now we’re getting somewhere. I appreciate your civility and genuine interest.

Regarding my first point about the story of Abraham, it’s important to realize that the goodness of his actions and wether or not he failed God’s test is a topic that is still hotly debated in the halls of Yeshivas and among Rabbinical scholars to this day. In my annual reading of the Mazor this year on Rosh Hashanah, I contemplated it as I always do. I do t think it’s quite so simple to say that Abraham failed or succeeded in God’s test, choosing his love of god over his love of his only son. Clearly, we know that the commandment caused great paint to Abraham. Clearly we know God wanted Issac to live given that there are two interpretations of the climax in this Parshah: One where God physically restrains Abraham’s hand before Issac is killed, and another where Abraham kills Issac, but God brings him back to life immediately after. I think the key in this story lies in the fact that after this incident on the mountain, God never again spoke to Abraham and left his life completely. My personal interpretation of the story is that it is a larger metaphor for how parents will ultimately be faced with cruel decisions in life regarding the welfare of their children, and ultimately the proper thing to do is to put their lives above all else, even God himself. A cruel lesson, but one that could only be taught in this way. That’s my take.

Regarding your second question on my belief that Christianity is a cruel perversion of Judaism, allow me to explain. First we must understand Judaism through a Jewish lens, and what exactly our relationship with God entails. Long ago God came to Abraham and offered him the covenant, that if Abraham and his children were to devote themselves to doing good in the world and obeying God’s commands, he would protect us for all eternity and help us find our home in the promised land of Israel. The key word here is offer. Abraham had a choice as to wether or not he would enter the Covenant with God, and he did so because he saw that God was good, that his mission was noble, and that he would be true to his word. Our relationship with God as Jews is one of mutual respect, and one of mutual love and reliance. Tell me, why does God ask me to wrap Teffilin on my right arm, to face Jerusalem, and to pray every morning? Why does God ask me to obey the laws of Kashrut? More fundamentally, why does God command me to rest on the Sabbath, to spend time with my family, to eat, to sleep, and to enjoy my life? Because he needs these things from us. Why we do not know, but he made us this way because he wants a mutually respectful and loving relationship with us. My job as a Jew is to show up for him, to perform all 613 Mitzvot, to do the things he needs, and that gives me agency and purpose in this life.


>> No.19261257


In return, he celebrates our connection and provides for me and my family. Many Rabbis will tell you, the relationship between God and his people is like a happy marriage, one of mutual love that we both chose to engage in, and something worth celebrating.

Christianity on the other hand does not have this idea of choice. God is all there is, and you either obey him or you are inflicted with pain. You are indoctrinated from the beginning of your life that your own mother is a sinner and so are you. It is completely alien to me. From what I understand of it, you are to obey God and he is to provide you your strength, because fundamentally he sees no strength in you. You offer nothing to him in return except your complete and total submission. How is a human being expected to have any agency in a relationship like that? You submit or else, he throws you into a lake of fire. In Christianity and Islam there is no focus on what good we can do for one another in this life, because ones morality under these systems is governed by fear of pain and punishment in the afterlife. Ones good actions are driven by fear of consequence, and therefore are not good at all. That does not sound like love to me, that sounds like an excellent way to build an empire. History shows us that this is true. I feel sorry for people who are forced to live like this, and I wish they could realize that there is a better way.

>> No.19261294
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If you'd rather life in a comfortable lie than a uncomfortable reality, you're already lost.

>> No.19261439

We don’t control it. We just witness it.
Any spenglerbros on this thread? What comes after winter?

>> No.19261499

Yeah this thread got really retarded really quickly

>> No.19261504

There is no permanent solution. Cultures decay over time and a good war gets the wheels turning again.

>> No.19261511

Read Fear and Trembling

>> No.19261542

>have a nice thread
>shills come and ruin it


>> No.19261598

You got me. Now I'll lose all the moneys worth of posts I made this thread

>> No.19261966


>> No.19262047


>> No.19263153

No, I am a zoomer and people constantly just talk in memes

>> No.19263160

Religion was never deboonked, only the surface level understanding of it

>> No.19263171

This is much more of a thing in Christianity though, not how it’s practiced today, but if you actually pay attention to the myth of Adam and Eve, how the children are closest to heaven, nudity in the apocryphal Gospel of St.Thomas, read the gnostic texts like thunder perfect mind and peace things all together the point is to return to the innocence of consciousness that animals have at least partly.

>> No.19263179

Hard to say one way or the other, but I'd bet they're just anecdotes. The people who are fulfilled and loved don't go to 4channel to vent about how degenerate the world is, about how everyone is so cold and retarded and autistic (except them), about how the world is awful. I don't mind wading through post after post written by lonely disillusioned autists crying about alienation and then bitching and moaning about multiculturalism, about how it's the spics or the niggers or the jews, about how they crave brotherhood, because eventually I'll be exposed to a book that I'd never heard of. I have a group of 5 very close lifelong friends and about 8 more genuine friends I talk to occasionally. With my close friends, we talk about our girlfriends, go to concerts, we talk about what we're reading and what movies we've seen recently, about politics, we hug and express our gratitude for each other. 2 of us play small concerts in our city on weekends. I'll go backpacking in the woods sometimes with one of them; with another, we'll go out to eat at a place we've been wanting to try for a while. Just recently I was able to show one of them the art museum in our city, and we talked about it for the next couple of days. We all call each other, we do big get -togethers a few times a year. I'm writing this diary entry to say, that's my experience and the experience of my friends. It's the experience of most of the people I've met throughout the years. It's true that the world is shitty right now and Ellul was right about the dizzying number of tensions modern man has to contend with. Overall though, people here are less retarded, but more autistic