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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 474x664, Genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19254983 No.19254983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unironically a modern day Socrates, without a doubt the most influential thinker of the 21st century.

>> No.19255016

wash yyoure dick

>> No.19255026

Callicles > Socrates
Fuck Plato

>> No.19255030

the worse thing this retard ever did was get into politics

>> No.19255043

I think you possess an incredibly misguided opinon on Peterson. When he says stuff like 'Clean your room' he's simply advising you to order your life.

The room is a clear representation of your being, of their mental facility, of your stability. A dirty room is much like an uncleaned penis, or an uncleaned mind. It is cluttered, messy, a beacon of chaos and disorder. That's what an unwashed penis is, pure chaos.

Before you go out to change the world, make sure that you can atleast change your room, or wash your penis.

>> No.19255076

Drug addicted
Inappropriate homosexual relationships
Never says anything
Trivially stirs shit
Writes nothing of importance
Fanbois insert him saying what they want to say into their fanfiction
Allied to fascists who cut penises off


>> No.19255089
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>> No.19255106
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>Inappropriate homosexual relationships


>> No.19255153
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IRL Ned Pointsman lmao

>> No.19255162

Retarded and dumb just like Socrates.

>> No.19255185
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>> No.19255187

hahaha, remember when this happened?

>> No.19255202

Context is important. In that very stream someone asked him about the mess behind him and he said that he had just moved, which is why things were scattered everywhere. If you look at the next stream afterwards in the same room, everything is tidied up.

>> No.19255210

Hey, at leas Socrates knew he was retarded. Peterson is a sophist in comparison.

>> No.19255220

yes, i do. this is when he lost me.

>> No.19255289

Socrates in Platos writing plays the coquettish boy (ironically) and also pursued that fascist. Peterson’s homosociality has been coded gay for the last 70 years “a mans man, manly men” etc.

Socrates won a free gym membership off the Athenian people but chose to suicide before he got to work out. If you don’t understand this meme fucking read the Greeks.

>> No.19255485

"I can't answer this without getting killed"

He's not wrong, you know.

>> No.19255731

He's literally Jesus Christ, Buddha and Marie Kondo in one.
Praise the Lobster God Rug Salesman

>> No.19256859

Peterson himself is worthless but the causes and he's speaking to are very, very real and important to consider

>> No.19256943

His only real value is getting people to read Jung and Dosto

>> No.19256990

Name one original idea of his. I'll wait.

>> No.19257001

Wash your winky

>> No.19257008

huuuuh postmodern cultural Marxism and lobsters

>> No.19257238

did Jesus have any original ideas?

I think he helped a lot of young people by introducing them to more rigorous thinkers, and then helped them again by becoming an obvious retarded sellout, thereby dissuading his audience of faith in ideological leaders. he may be a pretentious bumblefuck but it's undeniable he's had a net positive effect on our culture

>> No.19257266

>did Jesus have any original ideas?
Of course, what kind of question is that

>> No.19257274

>introducing them to more rigorous thinkers
Such as? Nietzsche and Dosto aren't exactly "rigorous" thinkers.

>> No.19257335

He's gotten really flanderized since coming out of his benzo vacation tbqh. He used to be able to string together really complex and coherent thoughts that integrated a lot of different sources and different fields, but if you listen to his newer stuff it feels more like just another dose of trite boomer conservatism.

>> No.19257344

I think you're misunderstanding 4chan's criticism of him. They understand what you're saying, mostly. The issue they have is that in telling people to fix themselves before going out to change the world, the people who will actually take the time to do this are good, white, well-meaning people, and the people who will ignore it are the rioters and perpetrators of chaos. So while all the "good" people are at home improving themselves, citing laws and appealing logically and rationally to people, the "bad" people don't care and are murdering in the streets.

>> No.19257355

He's literally just parroting Jung, as >>19256943
mentioned. What's weird is he freely admits this but people still criticize him for it.
He said the other week in an interview that his "Maps of Meaning" book has been written 4 times now, and that the other ones are "exactly the same book". Anyone paying attention already knew that.
He's just a great professor. I would love to have had him as a teacher, but I don't consider him an original thinker. He's a teacher.

>> No.19257432

you guys complain that no one reads nowadays and finally someone comes along and introduces zoomers to great thinkers and you're mad. make up your fucking mind.

>> No.19257434

>/lit/ is one person

>> No.19257469

Yes. You and the AI generated posts that you argue with.

>> No.19257485

>most influential thinker
What did he influence? Genuinely asking

>> No.19257488

you're amongst many retards who spew the exact same shit.

>> No.19257495

>What did he influence?
A bunch of larpers on twitter, at best

>> No.19257510

>petersons recommended book list
>not a single thing written before the 18th century
Top kek. And I thought he was against modernism? Oh right hes only against post-modernism, which is a critique of modernism. Hes a fucking bugman who thinks society after industrial revolution is the natural state of man.

>> No.19257519
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presented without comment

>> No.19257851

I really dislike that he’s part of the crowd that just like to see people “destroy” sjws or something. The kind of people who watch videos entitled “Jordan Peterson DESTROYS insane SJWS with FACTS and LOGIC”
Like, I’m not saying he doesn’t do what the title claims, but I think it’s unhealthy to glorify these things.

>> No.19257869

I'd rather people not read than read because an e-celeb told them to, the former is at least honest. Interest in literature should come out of spontaneos intellectual curiosity and love of the artform, not as a result of following the gospel of some flavour of the month anglophone pseudointellectual. I mean, jesus fucking christ, look at the retards in >>19257519 and tell me this is good.

>> No.19257877

>murdered by sam harris on his own shit

>> No.19257896

>fight the dragon of chaos
>dominance hierarchy
>wash your penis
>without a doubt the most influential thinker of the 21st century
uhhhhh yeah, no

>> No.19257898
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Sock rates.

>> No.19257903

>>wash your penis
Where does he teach this deep teaching?

>> No.19257909

I wouldn't say "genius", but on the top of the demand of progressism criticism. Progressist are ruining everything, no one seems to have the actual courage to stop them phisically so we're stuck with having to argue with them, and Peterson, even while being a status-quo intelectual, is a good source for arguments against progressist autoritarism.

>> No.19257918
File: 2.71 MB, 480x262, jordan-peterson-wash-your-penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 rules for life and a bunch of his lectures. luckily i'm cut so my penis is always clean :^)

>> No.19257920
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dude is legit dumber than half the people on this board in many respects

the power of north american academics in 2021

>> No.19257954

>tfw he's canadian
god i hate this country

>> No.19257970

Really true sadly. Then again a true sage wouldn't have made such a foolish move.

>> No.19257971
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This is how I pronounced it IRL. Was I wrong?

>> No.19258117


>> No.19258131

it's soo-CRAG-eets, the G is in there somehow due to greek autism

>> No.19258136

This can't be right, anon.
Will people think I'm autistic if I pronounce the G?

>> No.19258163

I don't think he's the most influential but he probably should be. I think most of today's people would rather listen to a brain dead celebrity regurgitate motivational posters from social media. Certainly Oprah has a bigger audience than Peterson.

Not shit talking peterson, I really like him and I think he's a positive influence on the world.

>> No.19258166

dude the zizek debate was like two years ago get hip

>> No.19258173

>il y a 4 jours
>he here has 4 days
French is such a goofy language.

>> No.19258181


>> No.19258183

the S is silent. so the name is pronounced cock-tease

>> No.19258218

Maps of meaning and the biblical lectures are great. Peak comfy schizo rambles. Anything besides that is watever.

>> No.19258864

This penis does not bring joy

>> No.19259296


>> No.19259372

He needed the bucks.

>> No.19259387

kekistani brothers...

>> No.19259618


>> No.19259626

his biblical lectures are nonsense you are better reading works of actual theologians and not running the risk of adopting heresies and burning in hell

>> No.19259628

Man by nature is a social creature and the greatest sin is that of living for oneself and oneself alone. Seize the mantle of responsibility and recognize the ways in which you influence the world around you, and master them.

>> No.19259648

what is "natural" to man in his fallen state is of the world and therefore itself sinful

>> No.19259656

Jordan is based, he's right about everything and makes everyone seethe

>> No.19259673

Didn't Zizek say something along the lines of "what if your room is in North Korea?"

>> No.19259677
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>> No.19259720

He’s a rather dopey man. The fact he didn’t push back on Zizek’s “where are the marxists” line was just embarrassing.
That debate made me realize that all psychoanalysts are frauds even if, like Zizek, they can sometimes be insightful.

>> No.19259786

It's more like it had been 4 days, but yeah french is sometimes retarded

>> No.19260161

Literally who?

>> No.19260821

You little dimwit parrot

>> No.19260839

the face of unwashed dick

>> No.19261078
File: 952 KB, 540x960, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After devolving into a fit of muttering about how cool he was in 2016, Peterson began shaking uncontrollably, then broke down crying in front of his interviewer.

As the interviewer tried consoling Peterson about how great his accomplishments were, Peterson began crying even harder, then began describing how important of a person he is because he reminded a generation of buckos to regularly rinse their phalluses with water and soap.


@ 14:45 he begins breaking down as he describes the relentless bullying he receives on twitter, saying he can't even sign into his account any longer.

Between 24:00 and 27:00 his eyes overflow with tears and he begins sobbing as he explains how important his penis washing advice has been for the world.

The interviewer, Rex Murphy, looks on in confusion and mild panic, clearly thinking to himself "what even is this shit", then begins trying to talk Peterson down from the ledge by telling him that his cousin enjoyed his book.

It's over.

>> No.19261147

Is there anyone on earth who can be more accurately described as “sophist” than him?
Reminder that if you like this pathetic neocon shabbos goy, you do not belong on this board. He’s right that you should keep your room/house tidy though.
>t. Bill and or Ted
Aristo Tellys