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19254701 No.19254701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19254708

wtf I love atwood now

>> No.19254709

Malekind will rise again.
F*males have had it good for too long

>> No.19254717

Will trannies reimpose patriarchy?

>> No.19254734

Yes, and that's a good thing (unironically)

>> No.19254736

on her twitter she is pathetically trying to back away and explain herself to the mob.

I don't enjoy conflict, but feminists eating their own does put a smile on my face.

>> No.19254766

Why can't Canadian and American radfems stand their ground like British TERFs do?

>> No.19254784

The modern day tranny movement is literally just a Silicon Valley conspiracy to play the diversity game without losing profits (since women engineers and coders aren’t as good)

>> No.19254788


>> No.19254792

but...this isn't a twitter screencap

I'm pretty sure they remove any thread about this topic though

>> No.19254794

Americans have guns
Bongs have sporks
Leafs are just inherently pussies

>> No.19254801

Good, because that isn't a twitter screencap.

>> No.19254811

North Americans are far more under thr sway of mass media and marketing, owing to the lack of a solid grounding in traditional culture.
We’re bred from birth to be consumers of product and ideology. Settler culture is shallow and consumption driven

>> No.19254822

it’s so funny that all these age 50+ shitlibs are now being hoist by their own petard
you guys wanted this perfectly tolerant and inclusive society that would bend the knee to any identity group, and now it’s here, and it’s going to leave you in the dust because you just can’t keep up with the accelerated currents of change.
i just hope that these authors all get ignored and forgotten by the next generation.

>> No.19254835

I'd guess JK Rowling is already set for life moneywise while Atwood still relies on the media to make money. Might be wrong though. I'm sure culture plays a part too. American culture is so conformist even so called 'non-conformist' movements are gayops to serve the establishment.

>> No.19254844

Idk about America, but in Canada globohomo is proudly supported by our government and institutions. Canadian Council of the Arts basically requires institutions to celebrate "diverse voices" in order to get funding, and house niggers like Harsha Walia get moved from one cushy job to another (now working at center for Canadian Policy Alternatives) while journos trip over themselves to frame the narrative in a sympathetic manner.

Short of griefing these people in minecraft behind multiple VPNs there's not much that can be done to oppose it. If you're white, straight, and conservative you're basically a persona non grata within most of our institutions of power.

>> No.19255229

Live by the progressive sword, die by the progressive sword. Who gives a shit.

>> No.19255230

To be accused of transphobia on twitter, all you have to do is breathe.

>> No.19255246

I'm moving to Russia sorry guys
There are far fewer men than women in these places so the dating game will be stacked in my favor. + no globohomo/lgbt propaganda
It's clear who won the actual culture war

>> No.19255316

First and foremost, Atwood's cultural strength is self-promotion via simplistic “hot” takes that appeal to midwits. Her credibility as a heavy-hitting literary figure is based on marketing and the fact she's a master of contrived takes that ape their depth from contemporary/fashionable -isms--rendering her work accessible and just enough to be mistaken as thoughtful by normies. That's all there is to this “controversy.”

As a writer, there's no depth or thoughtfulness in her work. Sure, Atwood is talented on a technical level, she's good at pacing and the ideas she expresses come through clearly, but the tradeoff is that she doesn't actually say anything unique or interesting. The complete lack of any ambiguity in her work services her clarity and makes her broadly accessible; but she doesn't challenge or explore anything so much as she tricks a reader into feeling like they're thinking via her clear formulating of a very basic idea.

As a person, Atwood is thoroughly unlikeable. I'm not sure if this TERF stance is intentional controversy or just a product of her general lack of nuance as a “thinker” and being a standard boomer. It's probably both—she likes to project that she's a radical thinker that doesn't care about offending people and the TERF stance is relatively safe/simplistic compared to actually producing a thought-provoking take.

>> No.19255374

>on Twitter
Fucking delete Twitter already. It is the most despicable hive of mentally ill trannies and queers and holds an outsized corrupting influence of society. I’m seriously considering voting for Drumpf in 2024 so he can take out his personal grudge against that shithole and break it up.

>> No.19255415

The suicide of liberalism is the most fascinating thing to happen in our lifetimes. It reveals how broken the modern system really is in its premises, and transgenderism eclipsing feminism is the best example. Imagine your ideology being so shit that you allow women to get BTFO by men in wigs

>> No.19255430

The only hope sits with the TERFs

>> No.19255433

Explain what qualifies an idea as "deep" without referencing contrarianism to pop culture

>> No.19255440

There are far fewer men because the men die at 50 due to alcoholism. In the age range where men/women ratio is relevant in terms of sexual dynamics, you're up against just as many men as anywhere else (105 men to 100 women) who know they will die at 50, and hence engage in sexual dynamics with a tenacity that a doughy western söyboy cannot even begin to keep up with.

Unironically, the best bet to bed an eastern european woman is to be a soft westernized man, and hope to catch one of the ones who genuinely hates machismo and conservatism. But that would defeat the purpose you have of going there, of escaping the globohomo, feminism, and such.

No escape for you my friend.

>> No.19255457

The access to historical records, as well as the theories and observations of recent thinkers, allow us to appreciate this collapse in real time with a reasonable approximation of how these mechanisms will spin themselves out. I have an almost Noldorin weariness.

>> No.19255463

Idiots. She has been supporting trans rights since forever.

>> No.19255467

The apsolute state of the profile pictures in her Twitter responses rn.

>> No.19255490

He did.
>The complete lack of any ambiguity in her work services her clarity and makes her broadly accessible; but she doesn't challenge or explore anything so much as she tricks a reader into feeling like they're thinking via her clear formulating of a very basic idea.

>> No.19255493

Why the hell does anyone care about Twitter

>> No.19255499

Kek, I noticed this too. Why are they so fond of picrews?

>> No.19255525

A nuance in thought that challenges an audience to explore a given theme regardless of a prior or existing ideological schema. Obviously, there are different levels in doing this (e.g. iceberg meme) but Atwood doesn't do what she does honestly--her writing is characterized by simplistic personal convictions and that's why I say she lacks real depth and appeals to midwits.

Surfacing is probably as close as she got to actual depth but it was accidental--it's unintentional meta-fiction (i.e. the protagonist is a self insert Mary Sue survivalist and the other characters are cartoon chavanists, faceless Murican interlopers, and a woman who is characterized as weak because she's in a relationship).

>> No.19255557

cat's eye is a great book

>> No.19255562
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>Margaret Atwood has taken to Twitter to defend herself after writing a controversial op-ed in which she wondered if she was a “bad feminist” for questioning the tactics of the #MeToo movement.

>She wrote in the piece that women are increasingly using online channels to make accusations of sexual misconduct because the legal system is often ineffective.

>But she expressed misgivings about the movement going too far, writing of the dangers of “vigilante justice” which she said can turn into “a culturally solidified lynch-mob habit.”

>Some of Atwood’s fans said they were upset by her characterization of #MeToo as a dangerous “witch hunt”, which her piece connects to movements that arose to deal with issues that weren’t being addressed by the legal system and evolved into politically-sanctioned violence, like the early days of the Cosa Nostra mafia and the beheadings during the French Revolution.


She was already on their shit list and this is the perfect definition of getting eaten by one of their own

>> No.19255564

She might be a millionaire with social status but I get to type "nigger" on 4chan, so who's really free?

>> No.19255569
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>> No.19255574

Where do these TERFs get off on acting like chuds?
Sista, you are seriously hurting the movement by refusing to accept trans women as women.
We’re not gonna tolerate that bigotry from the moids and we’re certainly not gonna tolerate it coming from you.

>> No.19255585

Yeah, this isn't new. I didn't mention it in an earlier post because I wanted to characterize her writing in the light that she's a celebrity author.

For the record, there are better Canadian female authors out there (mostly francophones). Marie-Claire Blais and Mavis Gallant are both as good as Atwood on a technical level (Gallant is way better actually) and they come by their themes and ideas more honestly. Canada even has a superior Margaret (Laurence) to offer but Atwood, ever the arrogant and shameless self-promoting twat, has a much wider audience.

Here's a lecture from a good prof at U of T. He actually likes Atwood (and supports the feminist narrative) but it's still impossible to come away from the talk without having thought "holy shit, this woman is a total cunt" multiple times. https://youtu.be/gfhLjuX-Qt0

>> No.19255591

It's kinda like 4chan but they are dumb enough to sign their posts

>> No.19255601
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Has anyone read her first book "The Edible Woman"? I'm wondering if I should give it a try or just sell it

>> No.19255618

The difference is when somebody advocates for domestic terrorism or ethnic cleansing on twitter they get a pay raise and job offer at their local university/journalist rag, whereas when you do it here you get put on a watchlist.

>> No.19255633

nigga I'm not going to watch all of this but I'll try

what's the tl;dr

>> No.19255644

>4chan but everyone is a tripcoder

>> No.19255652

Rent free.

>> No.19255665

Hello I am a leaf.
All non leafs, please ignore all Canadian media and entertainment. Please ignore any Canadian who attempts to speak with you.
Please pretend Canada does not exist. Do not consume products exported from Canada.
Encourage your government to treat Canada as a rogue state
Encourage your government to launch nuclear attacks against Canada.
Canadians live wholly apart from God. We are subhuman wretches. We only serve to pollute the Earth with neoliberal bullshit. As a nation we embody "Ultimate Man" that Nietzsche forwarned of. End our suffering. Destroy us so utterly that only the strongest will avoid the final raking.

>> No.19255669

Atwood is fucking 81. There's no way she isn't set for the rest of her life.

>> No.19255686

>getting eaten by one of their own
Except they're not on the same side, and most older feminists despise this third wave shit

>> No.19255689

Twitter accusing anyone of anything is neither new nor newsworthy.

>> No.19255695

The only heads which Canadians live rent free in are their own.

>> No.19255705

fucc, those pics and stories from the beat cafe early on in that vid look so comfy

>> No.19255708


>> No.19255713

Why does this happen? It's perfectly reasonable that some people have religious beliefs and dont buy into trans dogma. Why must they be constantly martyred on social media?

>> No.19255714

Because anything is better than their real faces.
The picrews are just a trend I’m guessing (they look like typical cal arts style that trannies love using).

>> No.19255722

She's worth reading because of her writing skill. Other than that there isn't much depth or nuance to anything so her novels are fairly quick reads. Like I said before, she's great at things like pacing and clarity and her second novel I mentioned (Surfacing) is worth reading if only because of how well she ratcheted up the protagonist's mental state throughout the story.

She's popular with literary types outside of 4chan so if you don't like her and talk about literature outside of a board like this it's best to be able to fall back on her work so you can make your focus your criticism on that. That's especially true if you're a leaf. Part of her personal marketing is based around goading non fellow travellers into an attack where she comes off as more thoughtful and dignified (i.e. she's a master of womanly passive aggression); if you don't want her fans to assume that read her writing and tell them they're midwits.

However, if you want to read something that's worthy of a lit label check out Blais or Gallant...the prof in the video I posted has short lectures on them as well >>19255585.

He's a good lecturer so it's worth a watch. It's basically just a bio of Atwood and an overview of her career. Whenever he tells biographical anecdotes of her she comes off like a cunt. (Aside, he has talks on T.S. Eliot and Lolita as well--but they're boiled down from university lectures that are twice the length and dumbed down a bit for mass audience. They're still good to put on if you're doing housework or something but it's a shame his actual course lectures aren't online anywhere).

Pretty much everything Atwood wrote in the 70s and 80s employs Americans as thoughtless interlopers. We Canadians had a massive Napoleon complex when it came to the US, which hit its crescendo with the boomers, but Atwood wrote an entire book about Canadian Literature (Survival) where she characterized our output as being a response to their cultural hegemony. (Before you think that's a based take, she puts it out there as if it's honourable and not just a cope).

Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver are comfy cities if you can get passed being in the heart of libtard land. It's not really worth it though--even Atwood continues to larp the idea she's rural.

>> No.19255739

Thank you for conveying this important news to us.

>> No.19255744

I know this is pointless to point out here but neither JK Rowling or Atwood "leftists." Atwood if I recall is a Tory. Rowling brags about being a neo lib. All this culture war stuff rots your brain.

>> No.19255774

>Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver are comfy cities
Stop talking about something that you don't know and Vancouver is outrun by chinks

>> No.19255842

I unironically root for trannies if it's versus radfems. Trannies are disgusting but realistically what they do is damage a few kids and make you join their gender larp, but radfems literally aim to make life unlivable for men and are as such more dangerous to me if they have their way.

>> No.19255865

Toronto has awesome bookstores and great parks. Aside from just the parks, the overall city planning is, and has been, great and you have a wide option of neighborhoods to spend time in (not all of which have gentrified to the point of being boring...Corso is pretty solid as far as cafes and hotplates go). You hate chinks but the Chinese food in the city is great and you don't have to worry about cleanliness if you know where to go. Aside from all that, you don't have to worry about being stabbed or robbed at 1am.

It's not like it's the armpit of Ontario (i.e. Oshawa), captain contrarian. I'll admit that Vancouver is the shittiest on the list and I wouldn't suffer to live there just for mountains.

>> No.19255869

Trannies = based
Women = cringe

>> No.19255909

Lmao that Toronto Star op-ed was pretty fucking funny. Reads like a /pol/ bait post, but for old people.
Atwood is booming out hard, but based nonetheless.

>> No.19255912

Maybe, but it’s still funny seeing them yap at each other.

>> No.19255915


>> No.19255919

When did the idpol lot decd trannies take precedent over women?

>> No.19255924

What surprise will Atwood have waiting when they arrive at her compound?

>> No.19255939

Sometime around 2015-2016.

>> No.19255976

This >>19255939. Womyn were weakened by the gamergate proxy war which also galvanized fringe idpol reactionaries and boosted their prominence. Acceleration.

>> No.19256060
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>> No.19256073

Reminder that you literally CAN NOT consider yourself a feminist if you disagree with my work to make the amazon woman small man master race.

>> No.19256110

It's a good excuse to reject that label of feminist that doesn't just make you look like a special snowflake who defies categorization.
But for the most part, labels suck and crush creative thought and ruin conversations.

>> No.19256136

this nigga lit

>> No.19256139
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>They're winding down from thei bookclub meeting (discussing Atwood) and discussing future plans to take the manlets to see Wonder Womyn 13 (but, as you can see they're misbehaving and it's unlikely to happen)

>> No.19256212

Whenever I hear about these old faggots who lived through the baby boom and fordist era of infinite wealth and productivity, with its hippie-yuppie optimism, and then went into hiding in their suburban bunkers during the subsequent contraction of the economy while GenX and millennials turned themselves into hyper-consumerist prescription drugged deracines, I wonder if they are even self-aware enough to understand this is their fault.

Old pieces of shit like Atwood, who could write absolute pablum shit like "The Handmaid's Tale" in their haze of vague progressive liberalism and endless back-patting for 50 straight fucking years and not feel ashamed of it, are they even capable of understanding that what they did was bad? That you can't siphon the lifeforce from a living culture to fund a mere "lifestyle," even a posh bohemian Martha's Vineyard lifestyle, and not eventually drain the lifeforce dry?

At least when you look back at the Bloomsbury set or the Jewish theater queers of the roaring 20s all you see is naivete, emptiness. Atwood's generation knew better, or should have known better. They were contributing and creating nothing because they were sacrificing nothing. Did they really think they could live in a Coke commercial version of '60s campus culture FOREVER?

Now that their halfbreed transvestite goblin children are turning on them, do they even so much as step back and think "wait, wtf, is this because I turned the entire culture of my entire civilization into a zombie version of the Bloomsbury set for me and my well connected friends". Or do they not even notice when they want to vanity publish another unasked for collection of musings, or they feel like going on TV to babble about Trump instead of just harassing family members over facebook like a non-"connected" person does, that their nepotistic industry connection is a psychotic man in a dress.

>> No.19256213

There's nothing wrong with praising terrorists except when the establishment applaud them.

>> No.19256219

Knew a bitch who looked just like that, never picked me up naked like a baby though.

>> No.19256277

Well said.

>> No.19256286

Upper Canadians are just Lower Americans. They seethe about their own.

>> No.19256297

>first we took harry potter from liberals
>now we take handmaids tale
haha ouch

>> No.19256302
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>> No.19256307

since you epic rant guys at least want to appear as if you're sitting on all the answers, what would have been the correct non-atwoodian postwar course for our "entire civilization" then

>> No.19256340

The anti-boomer poster is based and the other guy was on point and specific. Add to the conversation or fuck off retard.

>> No.19256388

What's going on now isn't "third wave shit", it's "fourth wave shit". The third wave was in the 1990s and early 00s, mostly contained to academia, and ended up splintering the feminist movement probably forever due to intersectionality injecting identity politics into the heart of feminist scholarship. The "fourth wave", then, isn't really a singular movement like early ones. It's a bunch of different feminist factions each vying for influence and power, trying to sway public discourse. See, once third wave feminism's intersectionality discourse filtered down to the general public near the start of the '10s, it became a race to see who could sway discourse to their own branch of feminism first.

Imagine of the TERFs had won that race. Just imagine.

>> No.19256519

This feels a lot like the message I got from atomised. In fact this is something I can imagine Bruno musing on if he wasn’t so obsessed with sex and niggers.

>> No.19256535

I hate Boomers too, but when we pretend they are uniquely evil and we ourselves wouldn't have done the same thing - that's where it becomes naive

>> No.19256540

Just make T.S. Eliot your litmus test. If T.S. Eliot feels sad when he sees your culture, you are headed for the turlet. T.S. Eliot was neither blind and spiteful reactionary like Yeats or Lawrence nor utopian dreamer like Pound. He just knew what would grow and what was already in a state of decay. He wasn't partisan either, he wrote letters to Kirk telling him that his conservative "movement" had foundered before it had even begun.

Eliot had his eye on the right priorities. He was a preserver and not a destroyer by nature, but he also wasn't such a sopping pussy that he was blind to the necessity of vigour and occasionally even destruction. He didn't want totalising omni-solutions, requiring a total global assault on civilisational decay in and of itself, and a corollary weaponised inversion of modernism and modernity. He just knew that he didn't want the wellsprings of authentic humanity to dry up or be plastered over so Margashit Shitwood could vacation nearby and never feel inconvenienced again.

>> No.19256574

How tf is this news

>> No.19256590

Jeez, it's just a soft-lit book about patriarchy and paternalism, not a repudiation of whatever big-idea bullshit you happened to have picked up after scouring Wikipedia. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.19256611

>Jeez, it's just a soft-lit book about patriarchy and paternalism
way to miss the point

you want to read 2-3 generations worth of "soft-lit" books about how being nice is good and being a meanie to faggots and not letting them be faggots is bad? how about we do that while everything else about the world rots from the inside out, and then take the money from that and go to parties at obama's house

>> No.19256616

He barely said anything about the book you absolute crybaby. Try reading the posts you want to chimp out at first so you can get an idea of what they’re actually saying.

>> No.19256633

He didn't say shit. That's the point, mong.
>I don't Like Thing
>Thing Bad
There's nothing there, no real point.

>> No.19256769

I suspect a faction of liberal elites will try to force an ideological realignment within leftism along female supremacist lines to squelch the threat of men co-opting women's spaces. AWABs (assigned women at birth) could be a major political coalition that draws from centrist and right-wing circles as well as left-wing ones. Don't underestimate how much the elites want to phase testosterone out of the human animal. It's always been the biggest threat to power.

>> No.19256829

Is it true she based her Patriarchy state in HT on Quebec's culture prior to the Quiet Revolution? Because if so that's some kind of new crazy...

>> No.19256830

>He didn't say shit.
It's always a pleasure watching ideologues get filtered and have to resort to obvious midwit mode. "I'm NOt TriGGEreD! He DIdN"t SaY ANyTHinG!"

>> No.19256880

>Did they really think they could live in a Coke commercial version of '60s campus culture FOREVER?
Yeah, this is meaningless drek, the equivalent of Peterson-tier pomo pomp, followed by /pol/ passion policing. I'm not impressed and reiterate: he didn't say shit.

>> No.19256886

>he hurt mah feefees
>he be like
rent free lmao

>> No.19256903

Bitch, we're on /lit/ - I don't have real feelings. I'm annoyed enough to be baited, but that's about it.

>> No.19256936

thank you. people here are such drama queens with their "reddit but make it slightly dark" jeremiads over muh cultcha and litrachur and civlysayshun

>> No.19256948

>cultcha and litrachur and civlysayshun
Don't do this, adds nothing

>> No.19257255

That was actually a pretty funny take. I'm also noticing that you're still not actually critiquing what he said but just aping the fact you think it doesn't have merit (i.e. you're confirming you're a filtered midwit with nothing to say).

Aside, Peterson is based (I had him as a prof back in the day). You're a moron if you think talking head media personality JP is the same as university professor, research scientist, clinical psychologist JP. Besides, as far as talking heads go I'd rather have people listening to his takes than paying attention to Margaret Atwood (at least he has 30+ years personally working with and affecting change for those inflicted with mental illness prior to selling out on the internet whereas Atwood has spent her entire career figuring out ways to get attention and remain relevant).

Does it make you feel like a contrarian big boy to dunk on public personas? Pretty sad if so...but again, that's the level you expect from midwits.

>> No.19257264

Yeah it's like holding up some born-upperclass black immigrant as african representation. They want people they control or are useful. The problem with women in tech isn't that they aren't as good, but that there isn't enough in it to begin with. Women don't want to do it. So they have to hire basically just anyone and stick them in a useless role making them understaffed or nonfunctional.

>> No.19257275

>Stans Peterson
Bro, I'm not interested. Move on.

>> No.19257276

>inb4 you said 'inflicted with' instead of 'afflicted by'
Sorry, pseuds usually start focusing on grammar and word choice when they're getting BTFO'd. (Also, to be clear I was talking about his take being funny...not your contrived opinion of it).

>> No.19257290

Then fuck off and stop messaging me pseud. You're literally not adding anything to the discussion.

I'll mention that this is usually the last step for a pseud who has been BTFO'd. Even though they started the argument by being a contrarian retard they'll back away from it pretending they don't care with extra points if they can totally ignore everything and deflect off via a side point (e.g. JP).

>> No.19257291

>Peterson is based (I had him as a prof back in the day). You're a moron if you think talking head media personality JP is the same as university professor, research scientist, clinical psychologist JP.
They're the same person, you idiot. He is a good psychologist, but he made the same mistake every "expert" does, thought being good at one thing means you're good at others without putting any effort. He made a fool out of himself. Idiot hardly read any philosophy but pretended to have read everything.

>> No.19257293

I would still say American culture has more potential left in it. British/commonwealth outlook is extremely fatalistic and pessimistic. Almost everyone genuinely believes that anything the gov/media says or does is pure nonsense or lies, yet they still conform. Americans genuinely believe in their factions and righteousness. Or are at least are proactive in making use of it for their own ends.

>> No.19257294

this whole strange trans inclusive movement has unironically turned me into a male feminist

>> No.19257304

>The Handmaid's Tale is cancelled
>Harry Potter is cancelled
bros barnes and noble has lost like 80% of its revenue with these two

>> No.19257305

I've heard that before but in all honesty I don't know enough about that period in Quebec's history. My guess is that whatever connections are there are pretty superficial and they're there to be points of reference to make her work seem more literary. (Disclaimer that this could be unfair, I'm just going off of what I know from reading Atwood's work in general).

>> No.19257332

>I can't tell the difference between a media personality and someone in real life
You're a retard. How many of his academic papers have you read? I read quit a few and even asked him questions about his addictions research? inb4, He's a drug addict! (You're such a midwit it's fucking unbelievable).

>> No.19257338
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It just means trans aren’t going to buy them.

>> No.19257349
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Adult males are having a discussion. Leave.

>> No.19257363

You're purposely missing the point.

>> No.19257395

What is it you're after? I'm not going to "critique" some negatively-valenced assumption about fringe-building, there's no evidentiary threshold.
Im not the anon you're responding to, moron. I don't give a shit about Peterson (I have read the work he coauthored, yes). Can't differentiate style, huh? I'm not surprised.

>> No.19257399

>Adult males
This retardation? Read a book, dipshit.

One of Nietzsche’s finest.

>> No.19257406

>I'm watching this video
>I'm looking at this thing wearing a wreath
>"Speak. I need to hear your voice. I know what's coming."
>Four seconds pass. A man's voice comes out.
>I kek
>My sides fly up to the sky

>> No.19257407

>This retardation? Read a book, dipshit.
Here's one thing not to do if you want to be respected:
> avoid tumblr gifs
thx bai

>> No.19257422
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>> No.19257423

You're definitely not Butterfly, she wouldn't use this kind of language.

>> No.19257429
File: 2 KB, 91x153, 19B3ABEF-1E3C-4B1A-9265-2044606B11D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, really. This thread is shit.

>> No.19257437

Hnnm...I thought you were team TERF? Shouldn't you be more female authors are coming out as TERFs?

>> No.19257443

No, it's quite clear you are (because you're a midwit and easily filtered). You think that the person you see on TV, the one with a simplified and refined message that goes over the same talking points endlessly, is the same as the person in real life. You ignore any prior credentials he has (i.e. someone who has personally worked with people facing mental health issues alongside being a university professor) and made a dumb point that he isn't good at being a media personality based on prior accomplishment (which is pretty retarded as you should notice he literally counselled and instructed people as a career).

As far as him being a philosopher goes he isn't and doesn't pretend to be. He's a philosophically-minded psychologist whose window into that area comes from people Kantian modelled phenomenologists like Kurt Koffka/Wolfgang Kohler and Daseinanalysists such as Medard Boss/Ludwig Binswanger.

You don't need credentials to be a social critic and that's what his talking head personality does. If you're triggered by those opinions and want to slog around there that's fine--it's there specifically for midwits. However, don't involve me in your personal narcissism; just continue to have private discussions in your head where argue with a the message of a media personality to feel smart.

>> No.19257447

I don't care which midwit I'm directly messaging right now. This >>19257443 and fuck off.

>> No.19257450

I come to /lit/ for the writing like this!

>> No.19257453

Yeah. I support her. I’m against this blue fascist cancel culture shit.
Sick of shit threads and well sick work and this addictive pastime really. Have a nice evening

>> No.19257459

You're defending Peterson...anonymously. I hope you're a larping adolescent, otherwise this is just incredibly sad.

>> No.19257460

Please never come back.

>> No.19257470

I'm not defending him so much as pointing out you're a retard. If you want to frame things that way to feel better about yourself...go ahead. (Also, if this is a different person read the last 2 sentences of this >>19257290...if it is the same person learn your lesson and just fuck off).

>> No.19257556
File: 124 KB, 750x1000, Pépé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bothers me is the time frame. Quebec *right* before the Quiet Revolution was really tame, the QR was more a cultural-artistic movement that broadcasted to the elites how society had already changed.
Quebec *did* have a very dark point in time, but that was earlier, between the 1880s and 1930s, and the cause was very obviously not the patriarchal structure of society, but the insane disparity in wealth amongst the populations. At one point in the 1880s, more than 98% of the private wealth of the province was owned by people living in the Westmount quarter of Montreal (the Anglo part). Another part of the issue was that the Catholic Church had only so much resources from the government to educate the population, which led to relatively low alphabetization rates.
None of it was related remotely to women. In fact, I'd say (but obviously anglo feminists would disagree with me) that the French-Canadian culture leads to a more respectful stance toward women in general, as we have always understood that they were a required partner in the establishment of a successful household. I was raised in a Catholic boarding school, one of the last one of the Province, by nuns. I have nothing but respect for everyone of them.


>> No.19257659
File: 452 KB, 2048x1644, 1480891432107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based post anon.

>> No.19257820

terfs are our team