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19252524 No.19252524 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books like this? I'm ready to embrace globohomo.


>> No.19252727

Globohomo is fascist.

>> No.19252729

what entices you about globohomo?

>> No.19252732

Imagine the endless threads if Schwab was Chinese.

>> No.19252745

Economic strength
Diversity through Unity
Moloch worship

>> No.19252746

i mean, it is kinda based if you are an elite yourself
otherwise it makes no sense

>> No.19252750
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Mark Fisher for grown ups

>> No.19252765

Bring back Keynes!!!! I miss him like you wouldn't fucking believe.

>> No.19252792

OP here.

I think that this book addresses problems that people don't want to acknowledge (people from /pol/ anyway, myself included). It's not a matter of manufacturing some crisis to propagate a narrative of control, the nature of markets/innovation/consumption are undergoing rapid paradigm shifts that we seem unprepared for and we need to wake the fuck up. This is happening right now, and it will continue to happen whether we like it or not. If not here, then in other nations which will exploit the benefits of these technologies.

A lot of people (on /pol/ anyway) write off Schwab and the elites as being bad actors who are determined to destroy humanity, but if you read what they write nothing could be further from the truth. From what I've seen they're pretty insightful, and point out real problems that will require real solutions.

The "new world order" isn't going away. It makes more sense to contribute to it and steer it in positive ways rather than falling to populism and shutting ourselves off from the rest of the world to placate our conscience. Doing that will only lead to us being weaker, and countries like China that take globalism seriously will fuck us in the end. It's lose-lose.

>> No.19252799

I also really like the concept of stakeholder capitalism.

What surprised me too was how open to the idea of distributed ledger tech Schwab and others seem to be. If we're going to have cashless societies, then we'll need distributed ledgers to maintain the trust of the people. This could also capture more tax dollars from the mega-rich who offshore their earnings and hide behind trust funds and holding companies.

>> No.19252898

If I said that in a Christmas dinner I would be branded a communist

>> No.19252901

I have been just like you in the past.
The main problem of stakeholder capitalism is that fact that it presupposes a plan. A group of people came together and made up something.
Guess what? It doesn't work. Never did. Never will. All our planing goes nowhere. God is laughing at us.

>> No.19252907

you are absolutely right, my man. It's that or a communist revolution. but commies are simply too lazy and too incompetent to stage one, so the great reset it is.

>> No.19252910

It presupposes the NEED for a plan, strictly speaking.

>Guess what? It doesn't work. Never did. Never will. All our planning goes nowhere.
So what's your solution, just give up?

>> No.19252921

Do you know how the Federal reserve works? That's theft.

>> No.19252931

Kind of, I looked into it a few years ago but I'm not sure I remember much. Why do you bring it up?

>> No.19252938

Because it's not a positive development of the past century's evolution. When they print money and give it to their friends your money depreciates, that is theft.

>> No.19252944

Alrighty then!

>> No.19252958

Yeah I expected you to have absolutely no response. You wouldn't be able to have your opinions without instinctively censoring yourself if you come too close to taboo.

>> No.19252974

>It presupposes the NEED for a plan, strictly speaking
I can agree. I do feel the need for a plan, it's just that all "planing" in the past ended with bloodshed.
What is my solution? I honestly don't know. Let's hope things just get sorted out by themselves, I guess.

Aside from my sceptical worldview I completely agree with Schwab and with you about the conditio humana.

>> No.19252978

I'm just not sure what you want me to do with this information, or how it applies to the topic being discussed in this thread.

I could bang on about muh bretton-woods, I could talk about how fiat is fake, yada yada yada. So what? Nothing short of a revolution will change it.

So since I have no opinions of my own, give me some constructive opinions of yours: how do we solve this problem, big guy?

>> No.19252991

You dont agree with Schwab, you slavishly repeat the ideas of his class and the class which directs him, because you're a willing slave. There is no agreement, it doesnt matter what you think, except in so far as being especially obsequious will spare you potentially ruinous attention. Faggot

>> No.19252997

Why dont you admit that the Federal Reseve is fraud which is funneling money into certain hands at the expense of others?

>> No.19253003

>you slavishly repeat the ideas of his class and the class which directs him, because you're a willing slave
The closer I am to Schwab and his class the less of a slave I am, right? Maybe I want to stand next to Schwab and not below him - being poor is immoral anyway

>> No.19253009

You accuse me of parroting opinions, so why don't you substantiate yours? I'm all ears. Teach me, oh wise one.

>> No.19253015

No that's the mistake of your class, you dont get their power by imitating them. You actually lose power by doing so because it's a kind of Ponzi scheme and you're not in on the upper levels, they rely on people like you to provide their wealth and power. Willing slave is what you are, rpresting what you're told because you have been deluded into thinking repeating random things will make you enter the upper class spits on you and laughs at you, who uses you. You're a cargo cultist serf.

>> No.19253020

What happens when they print money? Do you have a counter argument to the fact that it dilutes your currency?

>> No.19253021

Brutal and true

>> No.19253035

I don't disagree. What gave you the impression that I did? Even the federal reserve would agree with this fact.

Could you spell out how fed spending works and how it enriches elites? I'm too stupid to understand.

>> No.19253038

Can I somehow change class? Because they are the only moral class. I would like to be moral too.

>> No.19253040
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Yeah bro, undercut your quality of life and ply populism for the sake of destabilizing your country! Then China and the rest can gangbang us and we'll all be much better off!

>> No.19253045

They print dollars and give then to their friends, shifting wealth from you to them.

>> No.19253047

One in a million can change classes, probably not you. You will have to content yourself with sucking the dicks of people who see you a trash

>> No.19253049

Yes, you've already said this. Do you have anything to actually flesh it out/substantiate it though? I want to know. I want to know how it's done, and who it is benefiting.

>> No.19253057

You're not denying that they do that are you?

>> No.19253065

That's sad. Should I just buy my own land, build a house, have a wife and 3 kids? Is this the only way?

>> No.19253068

I never fucking did you fucking retard. All I know is that the fed is an opaque institution that prints money. This money is incurred as debt to be paid by later generations. This is basic knowledge, from what I remember. Like I said, I haven't looked this stuff up in years.

What I want YOU to do is substantiate the claims that YOU are making. I want to know how this system works, and who it benefits. Because right now, it feels like you're just parroting shit you've heard elsewhere. Which is ironic, considering you accused me of doing the same.

>> No.19253078

There is unfortunately no hope for you. You think because some rich person has your nationality that you will get rich too, you wont. You are the redneck fool thinking he is on top because Rockefeller is rich and maybe you can be Rockefeller.

>> No.19253084

Are you admitting then that the Fed shifts wealth from one people to another by printing dollars and giving them to certain people?

>> No.19253087

Again, I never did.

Now hurry the fuck up and answer my fucking question: shifts HOW and TO WHO? Who are these "CERTAIN PEOPLE"?

Stop wasting my fucking time.

>> No.19253090

Well they printed a lot of money and had it to BlackRock last year

>> No.19253096

Oh fuck off you are useless.

Thanks for parroting a bunch of meaningless shit.

>> No.19253100

You dont know what BlackRock is? You dont know who owns it?

>> No.19253104

In that case should I vouch for classless, moneyless society aka communism?

>> No.19253117

I know who fucking BlackRock is, I know about the Fink family. This conversation is a waste of time, you can't tell me things I don't already know. You're just parroting shit from /pol/.

>> No.19253118

You can whatever you like, it will have no impact. Do you think if you run out on the street right now with a hammer and sickle, swastika, or other symbol, it will change world history? You could die right this second and it would have zero impact oon history, you do not matter. do you really think you are the person who will change it all? Been watching too many hollywood movies maybe dumbass?

>> No.19253121

Why do you feel the need to hurt me this way? Tell me about yourself. What do you believe in?

>> No.19253125

Not that guy but the gist is this: Fed doesnt actually print physical dollars, rather it expands its balance sheet meaning it buys bonds from companies (usually their golf friends). Those companies get fresh money which they then use to buy back their shares making the share price skyrocket meaning the ceo gets a new yacht because the company is doing well in the eyes of the shareholders. Apart from stock buybacks the company buys real estate and does various other balance sheet tricks which cause inflation in the prices of general goods/homes etc which makes everything more expensive but doesnt correspond to salary increases. You used to be able to exchange 5 years of labor for a new house and now you need 30. They are literally robbing us blind.

>> No.19253128

So you admit the federal reserve gives them money to steal your houses?
I believe everyone is holy and can be saved anon, even you

>> No.19253129

And the bond buyers are kept secret right?

>> No.19253138

Also you got any good books on the topic?

>> No.19253143

No i believe its all public data and thats how we vaguely know these things. But these guys are good at what they do and unless you have a team of autistic accountants its very hard to trace the money with accuracy. Plus even if you do trace it its not illegal and most of the population simply doesnt care. Anyway save us the progression of what you believe to be a good use of the Socratic method and tell us what point are you actually trying to make here. Are you trying to defend the fed or what?

>> No.19253151

>I believe everyone is holy and can be saved anon, even you
You are lying

>> No.19253152

If I was Jewish or a nonwhite, I would fucking love globohomo. But instead it seeks to destroy me completely.

>> No.19253154

Absolutley not literally everything, even evil, I think can be saved. Everything. Universal forgiveness.

>> No.19253155

>Are you trying to defend the fed or what?
Fucking no, I have no idea what the fuck has given you and that other retard that impression. He brought up the fed out of nowhere, I asked him how it relates to the topic of this thread, asked him to elaborate (instead he talked in circles) and here we are.

I have not looked into this stuff for years, like I said. That being the case, do you have any books you'd recommend on the topic?

>> No.19253172

Cant think of any books to recommend, ive taken econ classes in uni and ive done a little bit of stock trading so it all clicks together after a while. Ofcourse im not an expert or anything. Im sure some anon can recommend you something fitting though

>> No.19253183

Wouldn't you say it's the imperative of developed nations to assist underdeveloped ones? Schwab even says in his book that the consequences of not doing so would lead to increased migration, which would be a bad thing.

A problem I hadn't considered is the re-shoring of manufacturing back to developed countries. As the cost of production decreases thanks to automation, it makes less sense for big companies to keep their factories overseas. Once they re-shore, these developing countries lose industry and then more opportunistic migration takes place.

The other thing to consider is that if we don't ply our influence in these regions, other powers will. That's obviously a problem.

>> No.19253190
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God I wish that were true...

>> No.19253209
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eating meat only on special occasions is the natural way of things you fat cow american . you need a burger? huh? a large meatlovers pizza??? double fist a few hot dogs? cholesterol levels getting too low? gotta get MC DONALD and WENDY and BURGE KING otherwise youre not free! this is a good life! this is a good life! this is a good life! this is a moooooo. fuck you cow

>> No.19253223

we've got literal third worlders on the board lmao

>> No.19253238

>Wouldn't you say it's the imperative of developed nations to assist underdeveloped ones?

Not inherently. "Developed" nations tend to do things with regards to other nations in order to gain hegemony, not for "altruistic" reasons.

>Schwab even says in his book that the consequences of not doing so would lead to increased migration, which would be a bad thing.

Nations, also, don't have to let others in. For some reason, people have the idea that you MUST acquiesce to migration when you can simply not. Of course, consumerists have quite the reaction to such a notion.

>> No.19253250
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cow moooo. americans are NOT people

>> No.19253406

The imperative of developed nations should be to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!
They’ve only made things worse by intervening where they don’t belong.

>> No.19253413

bug eating faggot

>> No.19253509

>You will own nothing and be happy
>Property is theft
hmm they kinda sound the same

>> No.19253586
File: 340 KB, 500x638, 4151C56B-6053-4E36-8A7D-B68CA81422BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, stakeholder capitalism, and inclusive capitalism are cryptonyms for a merger of communism and capitalism, as the elite (World Economic Forum, Bilderbergers, United Nations, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Davos crowd, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros, Brzezinski, Windsors, and the political dynasties and figures they pull the strings of like the Bushes and Clintons and Bidens and Obama and Macron and Sarkozy and Merkel and the like) want.

You can also see KGB whistleblower Yuri Bezmenov on how the Marxist infiltration of the United States was already complete decades ago, as well as KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s books like “New Lies for Old” and “The Perestroika Deception” about how the main players behind the KGB/the USSR never actually gave up, and only appeared to be disbanded so they could infiltrate Western society even more effectively. Wall Street bankers and the Warburgs funded the Bolshevik Revolution, remember. They also funded the rise of the Third Reich (including Senator Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s grandfather). This is verifiable historical “trivia”. The same select handful of overpowered political and banking dynasties (White and Jewish) has been behind fomenting wars and bankrolling politicians and political causes they like, and they are behind the movement of the world towards technocratic authoritarian communism. The New World Order, as it’s put in conspiracy literature as a cliched shorthand.

“You will own nothing and you will be happy.” They literally are openly promoting the idea of no property ownership, the abolition of private property (a tenet of communism). They’re doing it openly because they know the toilet paper sheep are too soft to do an uprising. They’ve convinced everyone that those warning about the communist takeover of America are either embarrassing Ben-Garrison-style boomers, schizophrenics, or dangerous John-Birch-society/Proud-Boys/far-right threats to society.

Cashless society, no division, the merger of nanotechnology and neuroscience (this is actually admitted by Schwab and the World Economic Forum as a highly likely possibility of the Fourth Industrial Revolution), eat the bugs. The memes are right. They’re so catchy and effective precisely because they’re right.

>> No.19253610

When I read this post I don't feel like I got anything out of it other than "/pol/ is wrong" and I still don't know any positions beyond their short videos on "what the world might be like in 2030" which I disagree with.

>the nature of markets/innovation/consumption are undergoing rapid paradigm shifts that we seem unprepared for and we need to wake the fuck up. This is happening right now, and it will continue to happen whether we like it or not. If not here, then in other nations which will exploit the benefits of these technologies.
What is the nature changing to? What technologies?

The new world order is the status quo, U.S. hegemony where the oil-backed dollar is king currency, and the US navy enforces and protects the continuous opening of international free trade. I want things to stay the same, while it seems like there's rampant attempts to tear the US down either internally or externally. There's a reason we changed to a service economy and why K-12 education has continually gotten worse over the last 50 years.

>> No.19253617
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2 of the 3 founders of BLM admit to being Marxists. Donations to BLM go straight to ActBlue, an organization which then disseminates it directly to Democratic candidates and causes. Crypto-Marxism (or cultural Marxism, as some people put it) is already starting in America. It will be based on the struggle for minorities’ rights this time. LGBTQ+, BIPOC, radical feminism. This is the new proletariat. White males are the new bourgeoisie. Globohomo is another good word for it (homo- both as in homosexual and homogenous — men are legitimately having a fertility crisis from all the xenoestrogens in water, plastics, foods, etc., and this is probably at the behest of this same handful of families and the regulatory boards and corporations they control).


The Council for Inclusive Capitalism seeks to address growing income and wealth inequality (in other words, the same massive wealth inequality the 1% fomented will be used as a pretext to get people to give up even more power, while pretending they’re actually being empowered). “Workers of the world unite” is a good slogan for slaves to chant.

The Vatican, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild are working on this Council for Inclusive Capitalism. Here’s Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (also a friend of the Clintons and who bankrolled Hillary’s 2016 campaign for presidency) speaking at the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism also discusses and backs stakeholder capitalism, as Schwab and the World Economic Forum does.


They also directly admit they are aligned with the World Economic Forum’s goals in this link.


John Kerry, Biden’s envoy to the World Economic Forum, confirmed at a panel discussion about the Great Reset that Biden is fully devoted to backing the ideals of the Great Reset.


The World Economic Forum uses the catchphrase of “Build Back Better”. “Build back batter” is a fundamental idea of the Great Reset.


The Build Back Better agenda is officially being pushed by Biden’s White House. The phrasing is taken straight from the World Economic Forum, and it has been used by several world leaders in speeches about recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the same select handful of entities, again, is advising all these Western leaders.


>> No.19253658
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Biden with “Build Back Better” proudly displayed behind him.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is subtly pushing wealth redistribution as an idea (to “address growing income inequality”). Reparations for slavery (as race-based Marxism, already being pushed in some towns across America by legislators and protestors, and by some Senators) might also play into this at some point.

>The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. **These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril.**

They admit and talk about “the merging of our physical, digital, and biological worlds,” which could include implants and the merger of neuroscience and nanotechnology. Technocratic authoritarian communism.

Soros, by the way, bankrolls BLM groups, and his Open Society Foundations also supports immigration reform in the West. This is, again, the globohomo anti-White agenda — leveling all races, using third-world immigration as a hammer to smash Western society then reshape it as the elites want. As a crude reaction to this, /pol/, Charlottesville, and the “alt-right” (a slur used by harpies on CNN) arises. They have a point, but the neo-Nazi/Stormfront faction of them is rather crude.

If you take the legendary apocryphal definition of fascism as the merger of corporate and state power, then yes, you could ironically also see it as neo-fascism. In practice, fascism and communism end up being similarly oppressive (target dissenters, authoritarianism). Horseshoe theory. Have some good quotes from the provocateur and infamous horse rancher, Chris Langan, saved about this.

>> No.19253679


>> No.19253708
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You ever hear of the 2017 SPARS Pandemic scenario document written by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security?


It’s a report written (a hypothetical scenario or “war-game”, if you will) about a SPARS-CoV (St. Paul’s Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus) pandemic, treated with a quickly made Corovax. The Corovax has terrible side effects that show up en masse months to a year later, precisely after the MSM, politicians, health officials, and celebrities spent months censoring and belittling anti-vaxxers and urging everyone to get the vaccine. They then have to apologize and make restitutions to the victims. Written in 2017. See related picture.

Coronavirus vaccine

The same Center for Health Security then worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum on the 2019 “Event 201” simulation of a coronavirus pandemic, a few months before world governments and the WHO officially declared the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Economic Forum with the same chairman, Klaus Schwab, who’s saying we can use the COVID-19 as a pretext for what he calls the “Great Reset,” which is like a socioeconomic re-ordering of Western society after the COVID-19 pandemic.


Specifically, Event 201 was held on October 18, 2019. It was a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic held by these elites. The first COVID-19 case was detected in Wuhan, China, in December, the same city with the Wuhan Institute of Virology Fauci authorized the NIH to fund coronavirus research at while Obama was President.


Dr. Charles Lieber, Harvard researcher on stuff like the interface between neuroscience and nanotechnology, was arrested on Jan. 28, 2020 for making false claims and covering up his ties to and funding from the Wuhan University of Technology in China. 2 other Chinese researchers were charged with him, one of whom was found to have been bringing vials of biological materials into the United States.



The pandemic was made as a pretext for the Great Reset. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab to study coronaviruses years ago. The World Economic Forum was involved in doing the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation. The Center for Health Security was involved in this same Event 201 and a SPARS coronavirus scenario/Corovax that hurt people and how politicians had to respond to it.

>> No.19253759
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Soros at the World Economic Forum.

Imagine Schwab, Biden, Fauci, and Gates as the leaders of a new Jonestown cult. Then imagine Soros and the Rothschilds as (ironically) an inverse of Hitler, working from the shadows to genocide the White race and push anti-White-male sentiment, not openly like Hitler targeted the Jews with camps and chambers, but more like making the entire Western world into one big McDonaldized open-air concentration camp, because they know better than us, and what’s best for the planet. Imagine them as deluded, evil egomaniacs who justify themselves by saying the depopulation agenda, the censorship, and the normalization of anti-White violence and sentiment is a valid means to push their ends, just as Hitler viewed the ethnic cleansing of Gypsies, Jews, the physically and mentally disabled, etc., as a valid means of preserving the Aryan race from extinction and upgrading its genetic fitness.

Imagine the Fourth Reich as the homogenizing of the human race, the Kalergi plan, turning everyone into androgynous microchipped mulattoes and targeting all dissenters as “alt-right” and “Nazis.”

It’s good that America stopped Hitler from taking over Europe, but it’s not so good that the American-Israeli coalition is now putting an end to Western civilization and heritage so that we can all be ruled by the United Nations.

>> No.19253763

so basically, leddit: the ideology

>> No.19253777
File: 27 KB, 660x481, 5F70F23D-193E-4609-AD59-51FFEF076BD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Langan, infamous horse rancher:

>In the comments on my last post, I see that some people are confused about the distinction between capitalism and monopoly capitalism. The latter does not function like true capitalism, and is therefore not capitalism. Rather, it is that into which capitalism is transformed when superrich capitalists are allowed to conspire and collude to control markets and governments. Once this transformation is permitted to occur, it eliminates economic competition and opportunity, and thus ensures oligarchy by means of (e.g.) communism or "socialism". This, in fact, is why communism was developed and promoted by the World Megabanksters. As a communist peon, you will be much less dangerous to them and much easier to control, or should you complain, to eliminate.

>Monopoly capitalism is a predictable attempt by the rich to control their environment, including you, on every level. It is a pathological transformation of true competitive capitalism that eliminates free-market competition, which is essential to capitalism itself. It seeks to create a 2-tier society in which the underclass has a superficially communistic government with a corporate-fascist (overclass) “shadow layer” which conducts its business secretly by either excluding the press or controlling it. By "shadow", I mean secrecy and deceit like that practiced at Bilderburg and Davos, and by "shadow layer of government", I mean shadow government.

>Communism, adopted by the financial overclass in the mid-19th century (nearly 200 years ago) as a foolproof strategy for sociopolitical-economic domination, can be reduced to little more than a dialectically rationalized but nonetheless transparent semantic transposition of “the rulers” with “the people”, designed to fool the ignorant masses into thinking that they are self-ruled. The result is 2-tier neofeudalism with an oligarchical ceiling over a “democratically” layered one-party bureaucracy providing a veneer of egalitarianism. This is all part of the process called "parasitic divergence", in which we are already deeply immersed and by which we are terminally endangered.

>Once this stage is reached, the underclass has been morally and intellectually debilitated to the point at which it is unable to democratically make rational decisions. This leaves it nowhere else to go but anarchy. The best for which it can hope is an intermediate layer of benign despotism to insulate it from the raw self-interest and ruthless predation of the overclass. Otherwise, neofeudalism is intolerable and can only be achieved by lockdown, in which case it is unsustainable and inferior to enlightened monarchy, or rule by a philosopher-king who simply sweeps the overclass aside and replaces it.

>We need to get rid of monopoly capitalism at any cost before its ongoing communization stage is complete. The monopoly capitalists have gone bad, very bad, and must now be interdicted by any means necessary.

>> No.19253778 [DELETED] 
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the only "real problems" here are those either too obtuse to counter with real solutions other than those arbitrarily crafted for pr spins (usually filled with sentimental rhetoric) or solutions offered for problems created at the hands of these would-be controllers. both of which serve to undermine democratic values and seek to instate beneficial arrangements for unelected technocrats., usually in the form of more control over the people
>K-12 education has continually gotten worse over the last 50 years
not many people point out the educratic direction our learning institutions have been maneuvered towards, so thank you for mentioning it somewhat, it is a dire situation and it wasn't done by mistake for its in the classrooms where conditioning is a guiding force towards institutionalizing the mind binding it to the system which explains why it has been blended indistinguishably from the private sector conglomerates such as the Rockefellers, IBM, Microsoft, and other NGOs.

>> No.19253782


Are you aware of the book 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand?

>> No.19253786
File: 269 KB, 475x373, 3DB245A5-2430-4C8A-88BB-6DCC692A04BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Langan, famous horse rancher, once again:

>Comment: "Here is how money works in reality. The top 10% of salary earners are 99.9% psychologically inclined to fall in line with those that print the money. Everything is biased towards the top earners. Everything that you see in movies, magazines, on your smartphone. All of it points towards spending more, not less. Everything in life is about upgrading."

>Response: I'm afraid you're a little behind the times.

>Those who print the money have now performed a slick turnaround that you needed a clear mind to see coming. They now have a "new" strategy in mind. It's not about constantly upgrading to something newer and better. It's about downgrading to communism.

>Klaus Schwab isn't kidding when he says "You will own nothing and be happy." That's called "downgrading", economically speaking, and it is the devolution of society into neofeudalism. "You will be happy" not because you are actually happy happy, but because you're a shitty little North Korean peasant who is afraid to voice anything that sounds like discontent.

>No, it's not utopia that they're promising you, kids. That would require a thriving economy. In fact, they've spent the last year and a half destroying the economy, and that's just a little taste of what they have in mind.

>Their profiteering has largely wrecked the planet. So now, rather than owning up to it, they're pretending to be its "protectors". But instead of protecting the planet from themselves, they're protecting their own exclusive control of it from you, just as they'd planned from jump street.

>Snap out of it. Wake up and smell the soma.

>> No.19253800
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the only "real problems" here are those either too obtuse to counter with real solutions other than those arbitrarily crafted for pr spins (usually filled with sentimental rhetoric) or solutions offered for problems created at the hands of these would-be controllers. both of which serve to undermine democratic values and seek to instate beneficial arrangements for unelected technocrats., usually in the form of more control over the people
>countries like China that take globalism seriously will fuck us in the end
they're all in on it dude buying into nation state vs nation state propaganda is akin to believing in the two party paradigm
>K-12 education has continually gotten worse over the last 50 years
not many people point out the educratic direction our learning institutions have been maneuvered towards, so thank you for mentioning it somewhat, it is a dire situation and it wasn't done by mistake for its in the classrooms where conditioning is a guiding force towards institutionalizing the mind binding it to the system which explains why it has been blended indistinguishably from the private sector conglomerates such as the Rockefellers, IBM, Microsoft, and other NGOs.

>> No.19253827
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Yeah, Charlotte Anne Iserbyt who wrote the great book, “The Dumbing Down of America,” popular in conspiracy circles, talks about stuff like this. Stuff like Skinnerian conditioning in the US education system, details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day, and legitimate communist-style teachings in the US education system which are being ramped up. She worked as a former senior policy advisor to the US Department of Education, so she got to know it well enough She sounds a bit schizo (she has a very emphatic way of writing on her websites), but you can legitimately see what she was warning about decades ago happening today with stuff like hardcore diversity training and vaccine mandates being pushed, and outspoken parents at school boards being targeted as domestic terrorists.


>Regionalism (Cuddy research above) which is being implemented nationwide under the phony/deceptive/innocent (?)-sounding labels related to “consolidation of services, including education”, “public/private partnerships”, “efficiency” and “fiscal accountability” does away with elected officials, merges counties, towns, small government units, departments, education, city services, etc., in order to CREATE A STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT WITH NO REPRESENTATION (VOICE) FOR THE GOVERNED. (THIS IS COMMUNISM).

>For proof that regionalism is communism, scroll down for Part II: “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” by Maurice Zeitlin, published in Communist Daily World, 11/8/75, which discusses Soviet Union’s use of regional government.

>EIGHTY-YEARS AGO the above agenda was referred to unabashedly by the Carnegie Corporation as “planned economy”/“socialism” (See below). The benign label “regionalism”, had not yet been concocted.

>The Carnegie Corporation’s Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, 1934, is what this writer refers to as “the smoking gun of the tragic political and economic catastrophe facing America today”.

>Conclusions blatantly calls for using the SCHOOLS to change America from a capitalist economy to a socialist/communist planned economy and in some cases to “take our land”. You can read this extraordinarily important book, by going to www.americandeception.com [type “Conclusions” into search engine]

>A socialist planned economy requires Carnegie Corporation’s lifelong workforce training (Soviet polytechnical education) being implemented through legislation such as S1177 and bills passed in ALL states. (Refer to President Reagan-USSR President Gorbachev Education Agreement to merge the two nations’ education systems, and to Carnegie’s Agreement with Soviet Academy of Science, 1985, related to development of computer software for early elementary education in Marxist critical thinking.)

>The goal of S1177 is to create the perfect worker (aka The New Soviet Man).

>> No.19253852
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>iT's dA kOmMuNiSTs aNd Da LiBUruLZ
>YOu nEeD jeZus MAn
lol, go back to Telegram

>> No.19253871

"Killing the Host" by Michael Hudson

>> No.19253872

Good posts in this thread.
The elites (the actual ones) are all Marxists and utopian idealists.
They’ve long realized the essences of Capitalism and Communism.
Capitalism is the best system for efficiency and wealth creation but it’s undesirable because by its nature the wealth concentrates into fewer and fewer hands at the top.
Communism is the best system to redistribute wealth but it’s rare of economic growth is vastly inferior to Capitalism.
The reason Communism failed in all the countries it was tried is because they were backwards feudal/agrarian societies and there was little wealth to redistribute because they tried to skip all the historical development necessary and jump straight to Communism.
So when the bureaucrats realized they couldn’t fulfill the material conditions they had promised the proletariat human nature took over and they decided to keep the little wealth there was to go around for themselves.
The international financial elites that funded Communism realized that you can’t skip steps in the historical dialectic, the progression HAS to be
>Feudalism -> early stage Capitalism -> late stage Capitalism -> Communism
Thy decided to use Capitalism to build up a lot of wealth and technology even if this causes economic inequality, accelerating the transition to late stage Capitalism (the stage we are at now) to bring the transition to Communism faster.
Without the correct material conditions of prosperity and advanced technology Communism simply cannot come about.
The technocratic elites are actually deeply empathetic and altruistic, they dislike the inequalities produced by Capitalism but see it as a necessary step to bring forth international Communism.
But even thought their intentions are noble, they are still human (no matter how much David Icke says to the contrary) and flawed.
In their pursuit of a prosperous, classless and egalitarian society they’ve ignored that people value more than just wealth and prosperity, people want immaterial things like religion, community, family, tradition, culture and art.
They had to dissolve those things in order to bring about late-stage Capitalism so we could transition to Communism but even if they succeed and we do live in a post-scarcity, classless, private propertyless, egalitarian society the damage to the social fabric and the cultural diversity of Earth might be severe enough to need multiple generations to fear.
And that’s if they succeed, their efforts have produced understandable backlash from people that aren’t 100% on board with the project, citing the erosion of the above things as worth preserving and not wanting to let them go.
If they had just revealed their plan to the masses a sort of compromise and consensus could have been reached where everyone agrees to work towards that vision gradually, so we could live in prosperous, classless, egalitarian society WITHOUT having to give up art, culture, family, tradition, religion

>> No.19253876
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***response to your bit about K-12 education being dumbed down.

The New World Order is already here and it’s out in the open. It’s just that the masses are so dumbed down they can’t see it when it’s right in front of them, or just barely hidden (in relatively “obscure” websites and groups like the World Economic Forum). Ask the average person who Klaus Schwab is, the Bilderberg Society, the Great Reset, or the World Economic Forum, and they’ll look at you and blink stupidly. Fish in water who don’t even know they’re in water.

>>countries like China that take globalism seriously will fuck us in the end
>they're all in on it dude buying into nation state vs nation state propaganda is akin to believing in the two party paradigm

Yes, exactly. The elites are a coalition who sometimes can disagree and have factions and fight against each other, but ultimately agree they’re superior to the masses. China has Chinese interests that it wants to safeguard at the expense of American interests and America has American interests that it wants to safeguard at the expense of Chinese interests, but Chinese politicians then go to Jewish Wall Street bankers to use them as a Trojan Horse to get Biden to do what they want for them. Also, Hunter Biden then does shady business deals in China, Ukraine, and Russia and most likely gets some kompromat (Russian for pornographic blackmail) on him through which these powers pull the strings of him and his dad.

>A Chinese professor named Di Dongsheng told a domestic audience how the CCP has corrupted America’s political and business elites. Notably, he euphemistically disclosed that there were, “buy-and-sell transactions involved” with Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

The Chinese Professor also made a joking remark to “those with big noses in Wall Street, yes?” in the original footage of him explaining to a Chinese audience how Biden is better for China than Trump was, because they have these people they can use to influence Biden. Tucker Carlson did a clip about it (“Our elite’s collusion with China is real”) but couldn’t mention the Jewish part without the ADL really getting on his ass. Also, a lot of the American homunculi view Tucker as a “dangerous far-right White nationalist”, so these simple facts aren’t even heard by most.


>> No.19253912
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>phone poster

>> No.19253915
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Retard, I legitimately gave all the sources. The World Economic Forum legitimately is pushing the idea of the abolition of private property within a few decades. The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is there to address wealth inequality.

This is not classical communism, but a merger of tenets of it with authoritarian technocratic control of the masses. “Stakeholder capitalism,” “inclusive capitalism.” Monopoly capitalism, meet communism.

Once again, Wall Street bankers (monopoly capitalists) verifiably funded the Bolshevik Revolution. Why do you suppose that is? Because “communism” and “capitalism” are just labels for them to use as needed. The new “communism” will not be like classical communism, but it will be — already is — reminiscent of the USSR.

I am far too sophisticated and intelligent for you, I see. You see me quoting a sensationalist writer and making a few remarks about how this is similar to communism, and your robotic brain churns out a meme making fun of “da far right Alex Jones rednecks who think it’s da communists!!!”

Educate yourself on these posts before sending this idiotic riposte to me.


>> No.19253946

multi-polar geopolitical situation w/ China and Russia > current US/Israel worldwide domination. If we have to balkanize the USA to make it happen, fine by me.

>> No.19253947 [DELETED] 
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People brainwashed by White AND Jewish bankers and the ADL have a dramatic overreaction to being told this is the truth.

I will not return to /pol/. Many sufficiently intelligent people (Bobby Fisher, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Ezra Pound, Henry Ford, Celine, Dahl, me) see that some Jews are legitimately evil and use accusations of antisemitism to cover up their crimes. Don’t get your booty too blasted, I don’t hate the average Jew on the street.

>> No.19253956
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Yes, it is some Jewish bankers responsible for this (Sumerian-Khazarians, “the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and are not”, as Christ referred to them in the Book of Revelations), Amerimutt.

>> No.19253980

>Many sufficiently intelligent people (Bobby Fisher, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Ezra Pound, Henry Ford, Celine, Dahl, me)
You insufferable smug moron, the fact you uploaded a childish imagemacro as a way to win over a useless Internet argument doesn't change the fact you're an antisemite just like the "personal heroes" you have cited.
>I don’t hate the average Jew on the street.
Yeah sure thing, bigot. Like the other scoundrels of your kind, you use the Internet to fight over useless arguments with a lot of bad faith and pseudo-detachment. In real life, spounting this rhetorical porridge can get you hurt.
>I will not return to /pol/.
Yeah sure thing, bigot.

>> No.19254225
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Fuck off retard

>> No.19254287
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Leftism needs to die.

>> No.19254574

>So what's your solution, just give up?
Yes. Embrace inevitably. Surrender to entropy. Attain repose in oblivion.

>> No.19255835

I'm gonna check this out thanks.

>What is the nature changing to? What technologies?
"Platforms" are disrupting traditional business models. Thanks to shit like TaskRabbit/AirBnB/Uber/Amazon etc, demand is being matched with supply within ecosystems that see huge profits and stupendous growth thanks to low marginal utility costs. As these platforms grow, the popularity of their ecosystem and the data it generates becomes the asset. Schwab's book points out that there are very few standardized rules and regulations for how this data is managed, and that could be a big problem in the future.

Another problem is the "circular economy". Fuck automation, shit like graphene, 3D printing, new thermoset polymers etc. etc. will completely obliterate traditional subtractive manufacturing and value chains. Whole industries will be wiped out once this shit can be manufactured at-scale. Even stuff like IoT integration will fundamentally change how certain goods hold value over time.

More IoT also means more sensors mining us for more data. I'm repeating myself, but once we consider the biological implications it becomes obvious how unprepared we are for these shifts. We need systems of regulation in place to reign in rampant transhumanism, and these regulations would have to be global. Otherwise, rogue nations could pull some Star Wars shit and build a master race of invincible stormtroopers on steroids. Conceivably.

An atomized workforce "partnering" with platforms like Uber who have no real "employees" on their books and thus no obligations re: minimum wage/health benefits, combined with digital disruption models that benefit near-endlessly from a network effect generated at little cost means more monopolization in the future. Add to this new advances in gene editing and an alienated low-skill workforce competing with AI for jobs in a shrinking market, and it's a recipe for disaster. The only way to even begin to account for these problems adequately is a global approach.

>> No.19256314

"monopoly capitalism" just sounds like the natural conclusion to capitalism

>> No.19256366

>The international financial elites that funded Communism realized that you can’t skip steps in the historical dialectic, the progression HAS to be
>>Feudalism -> early stage Capitalism -> late stage Capitalism -> Communism
>Thy decided to use Capitalism to build up a lot of wealth and technology even if this causes economic inequality, accelerating the transition to late stage Capitalism (the stage we are at now) to bring the transition to Communism faster.
Holy cow, this is literally what I've been thinking this whole time. Am I on the globohomo side after all?

>> No.19256513

You should read Schwab's books if you haven't m8

>> No.19256531

>Embrace inevitably. Surrender to entropy. Attain repose in oblivion.
This is good. A mantra I can appreciate and live by.

>> No.19256567

this is quite true

>> No.19256628

governments should never have allowed individuals to become more powerful than them