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/lit/ - Literature

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19248484 No.19248484 [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of American young adults (18-25) do you think are literate enough to read/comprehend a relatively simple book (ie Animal Farm)?

>> No.19248493

Hopefully not many. Widespread literacy is a tool for government control

>> No.19248502

Not enough. It’s a depressing thing.

Genuinely the dumbest post on /lit/ right now

>> No.19248520

No you're right, the CCP promoted literacy so their people would be more difficult to control

>> No.19248524

They promote literacy so they can be more productive and less prone to commit crime retard, it's why they're mogging us right now

>> No.19248528

We should return to the medieval/antiquity age with most peasents being illiterate art isn't for the plebs.

>> No.19248531

>Widespread literacy is a tool for government control
I 100% agree with this sentiment but am unable to explain why.

Books for this?

>> No.19248532
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Bout tree fiddy

>> No.19248534

rephrasing what I said

>> No.19248560

>Widespread literacy is a tool for government control
You are right. Mass education is inseparable from mass indoctrination. You learn to read so you can read the bible, the U.S. Bill of Rights, Mao's Red Book, the UN Charter, propaganda posters and administrative instructions.
The only reason mass literacy became the norm is because the modern national state needs not only passive acceptance of it's rule - like old empires needed, but active engagement of citizens as soldiers, industrial workers, followers of bureaucratic demands and consumers.

>> No.19248591

The less people that can read tbe better. My freshman English comp class at Austin community college was very eye opening. I think only 5% of the class had a grasp of elementary grammer. I was shocked at how bad they wrote. Can imagine grading that shit

>> No.19248598

If you can teach the unwashed masses enough words you can send them daily text messages to their phone "White people bad", "Trans rights", ect. It would be harder to control the masses if they couldn't read anything.

>> No.19248622

amazing thought process there retard

>> No.19248639

okay then why is widespread literacy a good thing? why does the average person need to be able to read and write?

>> No.19248654

In Ontario, to graduate from high school, you have to pass a literacy test. To pass, you must achieve 70% percent or higher. A frighteningly large number of my friends had to retake the test. These are people who were born and raised in Canada.

>> No.19248657

i can't imagine a task more unpleasant than trying to teach you how to think so i'm just going to call you a retard again and bounce. retard

>> No.19248680

I think everyone knows how to interpret this answer

>> No.19248692

they're repealing that literacy test because it "oppresses the marginalized" as well now.
Tim Hortons is gonna have to have a "pictures only" menu soon

>> No.19248814

Like 40%

>> No.19248910

18-25 year olds have read harder books in high school, so I would say pretty much everyone.

When they get older, then it drops until it gets up with the 70 year olds that have nothing to do.

>> No.19248925

What percentage of that demographic is white? Because that's your answer.

>> No.19248971
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Most poor white trash are also functionally illiterate, chudcel

>> No.19249237

Maybe 2-3% can produce their own take (i.e. they're thoughtful and creative). Another 7-8% can be guided enough to internalize someone else's criticism and apply it as if it were their own (i.e. they can "get" it). The next 10% can memorize what they've been told and reproduce it verbatim but sans any insight at all (i.e. upper level of what you'd consider midwit).

The bottom 80% will be a mix of people who just don't care, but some can probably justify why (to each their own), and illiterates.

>> No.19249370

there's a direct correlation between sóy consumption and the enjoyment of reading, every sóyboy has a favourite book.

>> No.19249379

anyone that has a job in the united states can read the book
this would require a basis of historical understanding that they are likely crucially lacking. until youngboy drops a tape centered around the bolshevik revolution it will simply be a book about animals wylin out

>> No.19249436

I taught remedial English in a community college, designed for students who scored 14 or lower on the ACT. Truly nightmarish, glad I quit.

>> No.19249748

apparently blind acceptance of received wisdom is /lit/'s idea of critical thinking

>> No.19249770

25% are functionally illiterate
25% can read essential texts to get by
25% can understand what a relatively simple book says literally
25% can understand subtext in what they read

>> No.19249781

this also applies to /lit/ users

>> No.19249820

Roughly a quarter of adults, maybe a little over. Less for the coming generations.

>> No.19249831

More than you'll be willing to acce-

>> No.19249833

Absolutely based and correct take.

>> No.19249845

100% don't be a fag

>> No.19249844
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>2-3% genuine creatives
>7-8% grad student level
>10% undergrad level
>80% cope: bugmen at best, illiterates at worst
This one checks out.

>> No.19249854

erik von kuehneldt-leddihn. i forget the book, it's either liberty or quality or leftism revisted. probably leftism revisted. they both cover similar topics.

>> No.19249865

This. Monke don't read

>> No.19250020

I AM THE 10%

>> No.19250023

>25% are functionally illiterate
Guenon posters
>25% can understand subtext in what they read
Gardner Chads

>> No.19250031

OTOH being illiterate all but guarantees permanent marginalization in modern society. while literacy makes you susceptible to greater control, you are going to be controlled regardless. literacy at least gives you some tools to understand that control so you can try (with varying levels of futility) to resist it

>> No.19250085

Wrong, it's just niggers. White Americans perform better than most of Western Europe in not just literacy but all areas of education as measured by international standardized tests.

>> No.19250105

Lmfao sure kid

>> No.19250117

Based and Ellulpilled

>> No.19250121

Kek you're so desperate to own le chuds that you'll deny objective reality acknowledged by even the most liberal sociologists. Blacks' low performance in education is the entire basis for leftist (cope) claims of institutional racism

>> No.19250162

Lol, cope ameritard

>> No.19250172

You cannot compare white Americans to entire western Europe. If you were honest you would compare white Americans to white Europeans, but it would make ameritards look bad so you don't.

>> No.19250175

OK Cletus, so what if your "average IQ" is 100, most of yall are sub90 IQ poor white trash enslaved to your 130+IQ white masters, good job bro

>> No.19250187

Ah and I’m sure your aristocracy born and bred. Just on lit to see what the riff raff is saying about your precious art eh?

>> No.19250196

Asian people: 95%+
White people: 85%
Black people: 40%

>> No.19250216

Why do the larpers on lit think they’d be the ones making and sharing great art with their aristocratic friends.
Your untouchables in today’s society so imagine how low you’d be under feudalism or something equivalent.

>> No.19250224

That kinda proves his point though.
Where do you think y'all comes from?

>> No.19250272

Wouldn’t be surprised if Americans were the worst performing white people on the planet

>> No.19250284

99% it's not that complex

>> No.19250361

>Filtered by a simple question
>Dunning Kruger (or bait)

>> No.19250389

My untouchables?

>> No.19250400

>Misuses dunning kruger.
dunning kruger

>> No.19250425

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.19250432

>That kinda proves his point though
That you think that only shows that you are another uneducated American.

>> No.19250444
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I work as a CNA for the elderly and I can tell you for certainty that only a handful of HUNDREDS I have cared for over the years actively read. They all sit and vegetate on the boob tube now. It's actually disgusting and I say this with no exaggeration.

>> No.19250493
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>less people
>how bad they wrote
>Can imagine

Outstanding bait

>> No.19250521

>Thinks 99% of people are comprehending literature
>Implicit that he must not actually comprehend it if that's his take
>It was used correctly
Either truly retarded or stepped up bait.

>> No.19250546

>calling it bait because he doesnt want to admit that he misused Dunning Kruger.
Holy Dunning Kruger.

>> No.19250558

The frightening fact is that you have a lot of retarded friends when most of us have normal friends.

>> No.19250563

shit anon I’m forced to go to community college because poorfag what am I in for

>> No.19250577

If the people read the collected works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, George Chapman, Philip Sidney, John Donne, Ben Jonson, John Milton, William Wordsworth, William Blake, Lord Byron, Keats, Shelley... they'd be lugubrious

>> No.19250598 [DELETED] 

Source? You really need to source your claims.

>> No.19250663


>> No.19250688

I somehow agree and disagree with this at the same time. probably fit the braindead normies who love to consume

>> No.19250749

Retard confirmed.

>> No.19250917

Yeah seems more like a tool for corporate control rather than government

>> No.19251095

>>19248493 being able to read whatever and not critically process what you read i.e subject it to a logical process i.e apply the Trivium then yes literacy is a form of control.

>> No.19251108

20% much less as the country is overtaken by esl retards

>> No.19251111

Nice prose.

>> No.19251139
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>> No.19251239

Checked quads. One for each 'that.'

>> No.19252255
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Truthfully more probably could but the education system really didnt seem to care if you ever read books, just read summaries and were able to articulate and write a short essay about them

Im speaking for Australia but i think that young people in general have had a more difficult time reading because of ADD from screens

>> No.19252596

look on the bright side. you will be a giant among mental midgets.

>> No.19253681

Propaganda by Jacques Ellul

>> No.19253694

based quads

>> No.19253931
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>> No.19254039

Widespread literacy PLUS a lack of critical thinking ability.

>> No.19254178

>resorts to calling people retards to make himself feel secure in his tiny intellect.
How can he possibly get any dunning kruger-er?

>> No.19254295


>> No.19254622
