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19245287 No.19245287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Talk about Catholic-related Literature here.

>The Vatican website

>The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

>Catechism of the Catholic Church

>Catholic Encylopedia

>Catholic Resources

>Catholic News Service

>National Catholic Reporter

>The Jesuit Review

Talk about
>The last Catholic related book you read
>What was the last Homily in your Church about?
>Who's your favorite Catholic writer and why?

>> No.19245298

I read Ratzingers book on Jesus this year, it was pretty decent. I have the sequel as well.

>> No.19245300
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First for become Anglican

>> No.19245308


>> No.19245309

Does anyone have any reccomendations for a good Catholic study Bible?

>> No.19245320
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>relations with the Rothschilds
>idol-worshiping pope
>excessive mariolatry
>Vatican II
Explain why I should be a Catholic and not begome Orthodox.

>> No.19245337
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Because the Book of Common Prayer is really cool and the 39 Articles are the greatest summary of the Christian faith and we had George Whitefield. :DD

>> No.19245339

Orthodox think Vatican II was a good idea. The Western Rite is small and I think they prefer Middle English over Latin anyway.

>> No.19245343
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>Orestes Augustus Brownson (September 16, 1803 – April 17, 1876) was a New England intellectual and activist, preacher, labor organizer, and noted Catholic convert and writer.
>Brownson was a publicist, a career which spanned his affiliation with the New England Transcendentalists through his subsequent conversion to Roman Catholicism.
>Peter J. Stanlis has pointed out that "In the generation following the founding fathers of the American republic, Orestes Brownson, together with John C. Calhoun, was probably the most original and profound political thinker of the nineteenth century. Woodrow Wilson considered his most important book, The American Republic (1865), the best study of the American constitution."
>Additionally, Brownson was held in high regard by many European intellectuals and theologians, including Auguste Joseph Alphonse Gratry, who called Brownson "the keenest critic of the 19th century, an indomitable logician, a disinterested lover of truth, a sage, as sharp as Aristotle, as lofty as Plato." Lord Acton visited with Brownson and later wrote that “Intellectually, no American I have met comes near him.”

>> No.19245362

My grandmother (RIP) was British and a Catholic, im not sure I should insult her and convert. If she was English and didnt want to go Anglican for whatever reason, I shouldn't

>> No.19245376
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>George Whitefield
bruh look at this dude

>> No.19245396




>> No.19245404
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GF wants me to come to an FSSP Latin high mass, I think I'm going to either make her feel bad by not faking interest or implicitly make a false confession of faith by pretending to take it seriously - hope a middle ground is possible but I guess it remains to be seen. Can tradcaths ITT explain why the TLM is supposed to be significant / preferable to a vernacular mass?
t. discerner

>> No.19245415

i think the idea is to reclaim the term. like blacks have done with nigger. if we use it ourselves then no once can use it against us.

>> No.19245422
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>> No.19245423

Yeah, he had a lazy eye. But he was able to preach to tens of thousands in the open air and his voice could reach them, pretty based.

>> No.19245428

Relax, it's a tongue in cheek acceptance of 4channers' term for Catholics.
Are you a fellow Cathlarper?

>> No.19245445

i'm just telling you how it is, man

>> No.19245447

She's gonna age really badly really soon.

>> No.19245462
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>> No.19245469

I'm telling you bro she's already starting to hit the wall. It's her nose. It's gonna wreck her face

>> No.19245602

It's a lot more aesthetic and mystical than vernacular. The latter places emphasis on it being approachable, whereas TLM is much older and more reverential.

Just go and see what happens, I'm not sure what you imagine is expected of you other than be present. If you aren't baptised then you in theory need to leave before the Mass of the Faithful though

>> No.19245708

If that's the case then why does only around 2% of the population of England attend weekly

>> No.19245728
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I'm struggling to cope with the fact that Catholicism might only survive if the most pious and the most devout migrate to a remote part of the world, create the ideal Catholic society and isolate themselves from the modern world.

>> No.19245739

sounds pretty nice, let's do it

>> No.19245741

Most Anglicans are in Africa though.

>> No.19245750

I think St.Helena would be a good location.

>> No.19245766

That is what St. Mary's, Kansas is.


>> No.19245774

I pray their project will be a success.

>> No.19245777

holy shit somewhere in the united states a new catholic church was built? usually they just get converted into luxury condos.

>> No.19245784

St Marys is a shithole known for domestic abuse and underage drinking. There is absolutely nothing to do other than gossip. The women all look dead inside with their 8 kids and the men work like negro slaves in the countertop factory for minimum wage. The young girls dont wear their prairie dresses when they go off to Manhattan on Saturday night or on their instas but when it comes Sunday morning they all think they are St Therese of Lisieux. People there will disown their family for going to the other FSSP latin mass in Maple Hill.
t. local

>> No.19245796

There was some shit about this recently, that some locals hated the influx of SSPX larpers, and that SSPX covered up some abuse or something

Kind of sounds like they should have just built their own town somewhere instead

>> No.19245805

>Kind of sounds like they should have just built their own town somewhere instead

Yeah, like the Old Believers of Orthodoxy.

>> No.19245809


>> No.19245818

Did you live there before SSPX set up shop?

What do you think of them turning it into this trad larper town? Or was it always like that?

>> No.19245824


This was the abuse thing. I honestly do not understand why this bullshit keeps happening

>> No.19245840

Sounds kind of based.

>> No.19245854

>vatican attempting to bully Discalced Carmelite nunnery into not doing a heckin traditionalism anymore
>nunnery currently attracts a lot of vocations from young women

Have they not learned their lesson from the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate?

No one gives a shit about joining V2 communities, monasticism is in freefall. The only places attracting young catholics are traditional communities, who benefits from them getting shit on?

>> No.19245860

>The only places attracting young catholics are traditional communities

Not enough to replace the amount that are leaving the faith every year.

>> No.19245876

sspx parishioners gradually made up most of the town
>Doyle Pearl tells the story differently. A longtime St. Marys resident, Pearl is the last “townie”—as non-SSPXers have taken to calling themselves—to have served as a commissioner. In the early days, he said, Society parishioners disapproved of the town swimming pool, the first concrete-bottomed pool in Kansas and a source of pride for old-timers. Society members were worried about seeing girls in skimpy bathing suits; their kids would try to swim in jeans, which left behind fibers that taxed the pool’s filtration system.

>> No.19245877
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Can any Sudaca here explain if Vatican II really saved the Church in South America?

Here in the Philippines, the Catholic Church was slowly losing to the thousands of Protestant Denominations popping up all over the island until Vatican 2 allowed us to have mass in our own languages.

There's also a small chapel here handled by the SSPX, I haven't been there yet but it's gaining a following.

>> No.19245884


American catholicism was a mistake

>> No.19245893

>American catholicism was a mistake

They're sadly the most powerful Catholics in the world though.

>> No.19245895
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I'm in HK and we get a lot of flips here

Why do they do pic related during the Lord's Prayer? It's like something out of a megachurch

>> No.19245957

No, Germans are the most powerful because of the way churches are funded there. It's why they aren't being punished for the gay marriage thing.

>> No.19245965

Do you think Catholic Germans will form a schism eventually?

>> No.19246032

Different guy here

Why would they? V2 and their current impunity regarding gays shows that they can influence the church rather than the other way around.

If anything the Church needs to excommunicate them to avoid contagion, but they'll never do it as long as they keep the cash rolling in

>> No.19246042

Does anyone else get a kick out of whenever they need to calmly and politely correct people who just assume certain protestant beliefs are universal? For me, it's usually about the deuterocanon. Something that usually starts with someone preparing to explain to people "Why aren't the Maccabees in the Bible?" to which the easy answer is usually something like "Did you try looking at page 803?" It's never about being argumentative; it's always just stating something as a fact that they're wired to believe isn't one. "All 66 books of the Bible" is another--"You mean 73."

Aside from the deuterocanon, my other favorite thing is noting how often they either just partially quote verses to support their position ("something" [non-Biblical joiner] "something else"), add explanatory words that aren't in the text, or when they suspiciously jump between verses (eg. They quote 12:40-45, 12:50-53 of a book, and then you check why they skipped 12:46-49, only to realize it's because it runs contrary to the point they're trying to make).

Anyone else got any favorites of their own?

>> No.19246063

>does anyone else like scolding people online?

Back to twitter please

>> No.19246067

A huge problem in american protestantism is the influence of John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren. I looked a bit into Dispensationalism and it's fucking retarded. This is why so many evangelicals take the imperative to bless Israel as meaning they have to be zionists. American protties today don't realize that the Church is Israel

>> No.19246083

The Didache Bible (RSV-2CE version) for the entire Bible. The complete Ignatius Catholic Study Bible is currently set to be released in Fall 2022, but they've been saying "it's gonna release this fall" every year since like 2014, so that's never certain. However, the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament already exists if you don't want to wait and see if next year really is the year or just want to focus on the NT. Technically, most of the Ignatius OT Study Bible books already exist in individual form with the material that'll be in the eventual complete Study Bible, though I'm assuming you want everything together now and not in a bunch of stray paperbacks. The Navarre Bible commentary series is another, older possibility you might find useful, though it's not a "Study Bible"--it's a commentary series, hence the name--though people have gotten use out of it nevertheless.

>> No.19246091

>he doesn't actually engage people in person
Weird, but you do you, I guess. I just had a talk with a colleague about the deuterocanon in the break room at work this past Friday, hence why I brought it up. And the matter of the verses in what I recall from a conference I attended back in 2019. Just using examples from my own life.

>> No.19246242
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I like Orthodox's greater emphasis on mysticism and lack of an infallible pope, but I'm not Eastern European.

>> No.19246316

>Mmm, excuse me Jesus, but by multiplying the fish and bread you have actually debased the price of those items and made the labor of those fishermen and farmers next to worthless.
Judas, will you shut up man!?

>> No.19246337

Just steal the book if you want anon, why do you need us to justify your sin

>> No.19246415

I've fallen down the rabbit hole and now my entire YT homepage is Counsel of Trent and How To Be Christian. Please send help. It's too much information and now I'm regretting not taking notes.

>> No.19246435

There's no upper limit on doctrinal autism, just relax and practice Catholicism as best you can, don't wrap yourself in knots trying to learn about what a Pope demanded in his letter Dickus Fuckus from 1056

Therese de Lisieux had a good attitude towards what actually matters in Catholicism, read Story of a Soul sometime

>> No.19246513
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>tfw the illuminated manuscript tradition died out

I wish it could be revived

>> No.19246555

Apparently this was one of the motivations behind the Word on Fire Bible, by including a bunch of classical art and beauty in it. Its creator was similarly longing for a return to illuminated manuscripts. I haven't yet purchased the Word on Fire Bible, but I can't say I'm not tempted, because it definitely looks nice.

>> No.19246605

I'm considering buying the first one of the trilogy.

>> No.19246636

Also, a Church offering TLM is usually an indicator that you are far, far less likely to receive watered down Catholicism from the Priests.

Your GF sounds like a very nice young lady. I'd strongly recommend going with her with an open heart.

>> No.19246670

The linguistic-therapeutic approach (quietism, olp, etc.) to philosophy seems like it could be helpful to Catholic philosophy with what the Bible says about the importance of speech and shutting your mouth.

>> No.19246684
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>The young girls dont wear their prairie dresses when they go off to Manhattan on Saturday night or on their instas
no... not the prairie dresses

>> No.19246724

>going to Manhattan for a night out from Kansas


>> No.19246819

>Orthodox think Vatican II was a good idea.
Yes, because it destroys Roman Catholicism.

>> No.19246828

>But he was able to preach to tens of thousands in the open air and his voice could reach them
It seems like demons amplified his voice so that his heresies would reach further. It is a known quality among heretics, Nestorius was a very good orator.

>> No.19246837

CŒMGENVS finally spitting some truth

>> No.19247354


>> No.19247449
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It’s a meme you dip

>> No.19247490
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>There was a time where the Son was not;
Source on this quote, miss?

>> No.19247557

>another numbered general
Stop this. If anyone has a Catholic post, they should post it anywhere but here.

>> No.19247567
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Catholicism is growing in Africa

>> No.19247578

>bearing false witness

>> No.19247719

>>There was a time where the Son was not;
Any history pros here? Why did the Arians believe this?

>> No.19247739
File: 243 KB, 827x700, E95hBHyXEAAhZoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author of the benedict option got butthurt when the pope didnt recognise him

>> No.19247755

>apostasise from the Church
>expect the Pope to suck you off for writing a book about running away and forming le based trad town

I hate dreher

>> No.19247758

Benedict basically said that Catholicism will drop dramatically in numbers over the next century or so, but those that remain will be very devout and cause a revival of the faith.

>> No.19247768

SSPX just still confuses me. They are not in schism, but not licit, but valid, but don't go, but you can if you must...
Seriously wtf

>> No.19247771

It's still around, but practiced only by a few people. Check out iampeth.org or look up the works of Jake Weidmann for modern examples of illuminated pages - sadly, an entire manuscript in that style hasn't been produced in quite some time, not since the St. John's Bible as far as I'm aware, and that one isn't nearly on the same level as medieval manuscripts.
t. calligrapher

>> No.19247774

Manhattan, KS, dummy.

>> No.19247780

at least it's not reactionary bullshit like Voris or outright sedes

>> No.19247791

what is these mumbo-jumbo tier language?

>> No.19247800

It's the orans posture, or at least a semi-imitation of one

>> No.19247808

licit means that something is allowed to take place
valid means that the intended result of an act (say a sacrament) actually occurs.
So for SSPX, their sacraments are VALID (meaning real presence, real priests, real confessions, etc.) but not LICIT, meaning they haven't been officially sanctioned by the Vatican.

>> No.19247820

I think they're considered acceptable if there's no other option, but in terms of hierarchy of options before them you need to rule out:
>Vernacular Latin Rite
>Tridentine Latin Rite
>Eastern Catholic Rites
>Orthodox Rites (I think)

>> No.19247825

Do you know what the status of other groups with apostolic succession is according to the Vatican? Like Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox. Would the SSPX not be the same as those using this metric?

>> No.19247839

>Like Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox. Would the SSPX not be the same as those using this metric?
I know that Anglicans are considered to no longer have valid sacraments, but Orthodox do. I'm not sure about licit(ness?), but feel like its implied to not be a relevant issue since they are not in communion anyway.

I think that's correct, but it just gets confusing when that's the official position, but then they allow a mega church/parish to be built in Kansas. It sort of sends conflicting messages, at least to me.

>> No.19247859


Orthodox are valid but illicit to the best of my knowledge, as while they are validly ordained, they are outside of papal authority

>> No.19247958

Are the church of the east and oriental orthodox also technically valid?

>> No.19248036
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Are there any books you'd recommend (preferably not modern) about the sanctity and importance of marriage?

(I guess I'll just repost this to both larper threads)

>> No.19248249

Ego truly is a frightening thing

>> No.19248291

Absolutely. That's like if I wrote a book or paper and just so happened to quote from an Ignatius Bible and some of Scott Hahn's commentary from the ICSBNT and then acted offended when Scott Hahn didn't recognize me when I ambushed him on the street and said, "Hey Scott, I'm the guy who quoted you in a paper!" Does that Rod faggot realize just who many Catholic books are written every year? Does he assume the Pope has read all of them and is intimately familiar with all the authors?
>His team trashed the book when it came out in Italy in 2018.
Like, has he considered the possibility that his book sucked?

>> No.19248360

>Like, has he considered the possibility that his book sucked?
I found the broad (read BROAD) takeaway was pretty good from Benedict Option, namely that the world as it is is no longer truly hospitable to Christianity and that merely thinking the next politician or judge or law will fix it is delusional at this point.

>> No.19248402

Down to the last book of the OT, guys. I'm actually gonna do it. Just 15 pages left.

>> No.19248417
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Is it sinful to waifu a Saint

>> No.19248436
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Can anime characters become Catholic?

>> No.19248515
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Only humans can be baptized. An anime is a drawing.
I would like for anime girls to be baptized in their animes though. It saddens me to see them die in an unbaptized state if the anime has death.

>> No.19248547

is it sinful to idealize a woman?

>> No.19248760

You should it was a good read.

>> No.19248780

How the fuck do I deal with protestants calling me out all the time hahaha. I tell them they are cut off from the tradition of Christ but they always spit back some nonsense about if the pope isnt infalliable then our entire doctrine falls flat on its face. What the fuck do we do about how corrupt and fucked up the pope is?

>> No.19248790

Watch Counsel of Trent and How To Be Christian videos. They have a lot of videos on common bad arguments protestants make. So just watch and take notes. And always note the passages they cite, because those can probably help you in multiple other discussions.

>> No.19248819
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Define “waifu” in this instance

>> No.19248864

Going off >>19248790, here's a short list of some key videos you might find useful. Be warned that some are very long, and I intentionally am not posting ones that last way too long just because I don't want to scare you. The one re: Catholic authority is over 2 hours long, but I'm posting it simply because you said that was a key issue you want help explaining.

>> No.19248877
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What is the Catholic view of the orthodox church?

>> No.19248890

Curiosity and general respect, usually. Many of the Catholic apologist e-celeb types like Trent Horn and Scott Hahn actually admitted they considered going Orthodox prior to becoming Catholic. In both of their cases, they were put off by the ethnic nationalism that is readily apparent in Orthodox circles. As in, neither of them are Greek or Russian/Slavic, etc., so they felt the disconnect was too pronounced, whereas there is no such stumbling block into Catholicism.

>> No.19248952

Thank you both. I will watch these.

>> No.19248980

I would increasingly agree. Although I do think it is very possible to carve out a tolerable life by following Christian principles, it also seems to me that the world is trending towards being hostile to people who practice Christian-like tenets. Of course, all of that is already written about in the Bible, but it just keeps getting worse. Sometimes the world makes you feel stupid for trying to practice virtue. There is hardly any "logic" left in the world anymore, you do someone something good, they consider you an idiot. You are humble, they consider you weak. You don't step on other people's throats, you get no respect. Our society mostly responds to ruthless ambition devoid of moral concern. So it seems that to a Christian or to others who follow those kind of principles, there is absolutely nothing left in the world except of the hope for the "next one". And such alienation from the world is depressing. The only recourse is to humble yourself even more and train yourself psychologically to not feel too down about the fact that your "present-world" needs aren't being met. If you are not psychologically strong, that can be quite a load to carry and it makes the daily grind seem just a bit too grim. I wouldn't even say it's self-pity as much as it is a general discontent about the direction our world is heading and then sometimes I wonder whether it is not just me who is being stupid and other people are actually thriving and enjoying this, but the feeling I get is that almost nobody seems to be happy, although the majority don't necessarily harbor Christian-feelings and direct their discontent into socially utopian ideas, which the elite and capital are more than happy to accept since they are almost completely material rather than spiritual in nature. You can excite people with the idea of a revolution that will restructure the distribution of wealth, but nobody will get excited about praising God since there does not appear to be any clear connection as to how that would make our lives better right now. Rambling a bit, like you said right now I just don't see that we are in an era that is hospitable to the idea of God. Perhaps in private you can have a discussion about it, but society-wide it just can't happen and even when it is a private discussion it always remains at the level of basics and interlaced with crazy simulation theories etc. people have in mind. It feels like we are almost back to square one with confused theories, and an increasingly dictatorial and hostile world order, except Christianity isn't "new" this time around but there is an ossified institution behind it with plenty of problems. I guess God will need to do something about it, otherwise this will just keep getting worse. Not just for the Church and Christians in general but to anybody who has a decent character, as the world seems to increasingly to select for personality traits directly opposed to that. Who the hell wants to live in a world like that?

>> No.19249003
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What about manga bibles?

>> No.19249011
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>> No.19249037
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The BEST Catholic Study Bible is the HAYDOCK DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE.
>[Haydock's] edition of the Douay Bible with extended commentary, originally published in 1811, became the most popular English Catholic Bible of the 19th century on both sides of the Atlantic. It remains in print and is still regarded for its apologetic value.
It is currently published in a high-quality edition by REFUGE OF SINNERS PUBLISHING (pic related).

>> No.19249090
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They don't think we are damned (inconsistent view, but okay) so there is zero reason to be Roman Catholic.

>ethnic nationalism that is readily apparent in Orthodox circles
If this is really such a big problem, why does it not stop other people from their same ethnicity and similar (or even "worse") life circumstances coming into the Church? Seems like the saying about loving Christ more than your mother and father is very applicable here. If the only living people worshiping Christ were Jews doing it in Aramaic, I would still join the Church as a Russian because I know it is the only way to be saved. Thankfully the situation in the world isn't like this and if Africans in Kenya can join it and even become priests and bishops, then there is absolutely zero reason an educated American living in the comforts of the USA cannot do the same.

>> No.19249115

Damn, thats gorgeous. Think ill get one for Christmas.

>> No.19249133
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Post based scenes from it.

>> No.19249206

probably the most important thing to do is to not overdose on the black pill. I found myself getting dragged further and further into reactionary things on youtube, twitter, etc. and was getting horribly depressed and agitated. One day I decided I was destroying myself and just deleted all social media and stopped watching people like Tim Pool or Taylor Marshall. It has done wonders. I'm also almost through with City of God which has totally changed my perception to my country (USA), and I no longer think of its existence/survival as vital to everything.
The most we can hope for is to live the faith as best we can, and if you have children to instill the faith in them to provide them with a good foundation. Who knows, their children may inherit a truly devout world if we are faithful servants.

>> No.19249207

I've always questioned the value of the various Bibles and more broadly, literary classics repackaged "for the youth". First, I think it waters down the text. Second, it can't compete. A readaptation of the Bible, just like a readaptation of the Divine Comedy or Moby Dick will not compete on the same grounds with the market-oriented comic books or videogames or what have you. It's stuff that is designed for immediate excitement, so all you end up with is a crappy comic that they will hate. Third, kids aren't stupid and they don't need everything to be candy-coated to appreciate it, the basic requirement for this is just to avoid giving them brain rot from overdosing on consumer media 24/7 but I imagine that in 2021 this is basically impossible unless you want them to be treated like pariahs.
I wonder if this stuff actually works.

>> No.19249239

I think it presents a false picture of Christ.
For example, what is that emotion in your pic trying to describe? I find it hard to believe Christ would make such an anime specific stance and expression, it seems kind of prideful too and if you watch anime you imagine the type of character this picture can portray. Something is off and I can't quite tell what, it's the uncanny valley feeling you don't get with traditional iconography with more subdued emotions which still have incredible depth to Christ's humanity.

>> No.19249291
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While it was first published in English, the actual Manga Bible was originally intended, unsurprisingly, for a Japanese audience, funded and produced by the Japanese Bible Society, and illustrated by actual manga artists and not just western copycats. Seeing as manga is the most popular form of reading among both kids and adults in the country, it makes sense why they did it.

I know some black dude made his own "Manga Bible" in the mid-00s. That one's intentions were probably not as culturally valid.

>> No.19249339

I hardly consume black pill material online. For me I'd say "real life" was a much bigger black pill than any online content. I don't consider myself a defeatist, I personally do not care much for nationalism or put much hope into any political solutions. It is just hard to be optimistic when you see the trends around you and the state the world is in, it makes one feel isolated and alienated from society. Maybe I should do a better job integrating myself into Christian communities, still it is troublesome to see the way the entire world seems to be going and I don't want to just retreat into a cave and hope for better times either.

>> No.19249362

I have a similar criticism of "tradcath" or similar trends. In my opinion it is too focused on aesthetics. But of course it could draw in people who feel strong emotions due to the aesthetical attachment but then grow their faith into something deeper. I just had this thought when youtube algo suggested to me "Chad Orthodox Chant" with a meme image of an orthodox monk. Are we really going to use memes? Maybe I am being too pedantic, but this seems to be degrading faith to a level of cultural war. I am probably older than the average age of this board now but still relatively young, I wish I could see something radically authentic, new religious orders, a new St. Benedict or St. Francis or whatever, rather than just another cultural war. Someone who is not enamored by the aesthetic or cultural experience of Christianity but someone who would just believe the Gospel as radically as the Apostles believed in it.

>> No.19249443

Is a Catholic really supposed to ditch the KJV? It's so beautiful.

>> No.19249460
File: 52 KB, 760x507, Banner_for_Saint_John_Henry_Newman_Daniel_Ibanez_CNA_Size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return to Rome

>> No.19249466

You're welcome. This one might be of use, too.

>> No.19249482

I think this might be relevant to people on the fence. I first visited this guy's website years and years ago when I was learning to sketch, and this manga Bible conversation got me thinking about him again, since he's a Westerner who lives in Tokyo. I had ignored the whole section on religion at the time, so it's kind of ironic that I'm now linking to it.
>I have a similar criticism of "tradcath" or similar trends
What is "tradcath"? I always thought it referred to reactionary Catholics.

>> No.19249539

I read it and enjoy it, but its not for study.

>> No.19249554

>It's so beautiful.
We have the Knox and the Douay. Ronald Knox actually had an interesting point about the KJV's "beauty."
>Certainly there is no official translation of the Bible known to me which does not abandon, from the start, the dream of preserving its native idiom, which does not resign itself, from the start, to being a word-for-word translation. It is no use objecting that the Authorized Version is good English. The Authorized Version is good English only because English writers, for centuries, have treated it as the standard of good English. In itself, it is no better English than the Douay; Professor Phillimore used to maintain that the Douay was better. Only the Douay was written in the language of exiles, which became, with time, an exiled language. Lately, a generation which has revolted against the domination of the Old Masters has shown signs of revolting against Authorized Version English; Mr. Somerset Maugham, I think, led the attack. But whatever comes of that, it remains true that the Authorized Version is essentially a word-for-word translation, no less than the Septuagint, no less than the Vulgate.
Knox's "On Englishing the Bible" is a good read. Despite being a Catholic, he has no problem pointing out translation issues with the Douay, or the KJV, or any other.

>> No.19249624

don't curse

>> No.19249641

Fuck off :)

>> No.19249691

this a Catholic general. try that in church and see what happens. condemn yourself if you please.

>> No.19249704

Im really, really, going to need you to stop.

>> No.19249712

The textus recepticus was based on faulty xii century manuscripts which weren't even complete; Erasmus had to "translate" the Latin back to Greek to make up for it. As a result it has several passages that are either altered or don't exist at all on older manuscripts. The Vulgate never had this problem.

>> No.19249724

if you consider yourself to be a Catholic then you really, really need to act like one.

>> No.19249747

Again, im really, really going to need you to stop, basically right now. Can you do that for me ?

>> No.19249861
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Gonna have to pass on that offer.

>> No.19249896

I've done some research and it turns out, you're not really considered heretical or whatever by the Church if you read the KJV. It's still the Bible. Most Christians I know have never even touched one.
I do have Catholic Bibles so it's not a problem of which one to choose, I just really like the KJV.

>> No.19250106
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What do those Catholic Orders actually do?

>> No.19250184
File: 124 KB, 695x899, 530F2EF7-DE3B-4D2F-9E97-18A2ECEE5AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have apostolic authority

>> No.19250186
File: 347 KB, 1024x768, KJVsamples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an interesting project done by a Catholic who wanted to create an easy bridge for Anglicans to Catholicism. Note that it's not a KJV-CE, but rather a KJV for Catholics. The reasoning is that--aside from 8 occasions of revising "Jehovah" to "the LORD", each of which was noted by a footnote with the original "Jehovah" word--he made no actual changes to the text itself. All he did was place the deuterocanonical books from the KJV's original "Apocrypha" section into the Catholic order found in the Douay, NAB, RSV-CE, etc., so that it'd be familiar to Catholics, and add a few footnotes on contentious (in terms of Catholic vs. Protestant translation) passages like Lk 1:28.
Here is their homepage with their explanation as to why they created this:
And, for Catholics who believe that the KJV is "full of anti-Catholic errors," they assembled this list of counters:
I have no real opinion on this project, but I think it's worth mentioning in Catholic discussion whenever the KJV comes up. For what it's worth, here's a famous list of Catholic problems with the KJV, which might be useful to compare with the above list of counters:

>> No.19250197

Says you.

>> No.19250204

Can't I just use a Vulgata? I have it.

>> No.19250270
File: 139 KB, 675x833, KJVcontents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolutely can. I'm just mentioning this project for any Catholics who might have a "forbidden desire" or whatever in the KJV but feel squeamish about actually owning a copy, or rather owning a fancy leather copy that grants it too much respect, given the very tense feelings many Catholics instinctively have whenever it comes up due to its legacy from being used by anti-Catholics. Personally, I don't have it, but I've considered it just to have copies of the Prayer of Manasses, and 1 & 2 Esdras from the Eastern Church without getting the OSB.

>> No.19250318

This is really cool. This /general/ has been so much fun lately.

>> No.19250335

Yeah I love these threads and i'm hoping they stick around.

>> No.19250357

So which one.. bros?

>> No.19250409

Both. In all seriousness, they serve two different purposes. The chief plus of the Didache RSV-2CE is that all the footnotes explicitly cite paragraphs of the CCC. Whereas the Haydock is a commentary Study Bible. So, it depends on what you want now from the Study Bible. The Didache for direct citations to the CCC so that you can see exactly where actual Catholic doctrine comes from or the Haydock for its rather unflinchingly traditional commentary but without the direct CCC citations.

>> No.19250414

haydock. the douay translation is the english standard for Catholics and the commentary is based on that of the Church Fathers. it's best for understanding the Scriptures.

>> No.19250450

Protect Jerusalem.

>> No.19250496

Be Catholic.

>> No.19250574

Guess ill pick up both, thanks bros.

>> No.19250668

How difficult is it to get into the Catholic Church these days? The Priesthood and what not. I imagine theres room lol.

>> No.19250730

If the Trent Horn comments on recent priests coming out of seminary are anything to go by, it's too easy to become a priest. Too many young, new age-type, modernist priests are coming out doubting the New Testament as history and seemingly having scorn for their own religiosity, which sounds like a big red flag. The whole point of having legitimate priests is that they actually believe in the religion.

So, if you're serious about becoming a priest, it's seemingly (and unfortunately) not as hard as it should be and if you do it, you should do a lot of extra research and education on your own outside of seminary.

>> No.19250743

catholicism teaches a full blown work salvation that leads people to hellfire. watch this gospel video if you are not yet 100% sure of going to heaven


>> No.19250758

Im legitimately thinking about it yeah, some stuff happened to me thats lead me to believe that it might be the path. Interesting, thank you for the response. If it is the path I take I will take your advice here.