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19247017 No.19247017 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ recommend to a 19yo boy with no father figure (or a bad one)?

>> No.19247036

Treasure Island,Also carrying yourself without a father is very harsh but you'll ultimately be more manly.

>> No.19247039

starting strength

>> No.19247042
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>> No.19247046
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Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra
t. 19 yo w/ no father figure

>> No.19247055

Spinoza's Ethics.

>> No.19247056
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learn ww2 german --->

>> No.19247061

>Also carrying yourself without a father is very harsh but you'll ultimately be more manly.
not when you were surrounded by your mother and sisters for most of your life

>> No.19247066

>t. 19 yo w/ no father figure
We can tell

>> No.19247067

At least you know how to be around women.

>> No.19247070


>> No.19247152

No books will replace that op, I have no advice but good luck and try your best.

t.lost 21 year old with no father figure

>> No.19247201

Correction: You know how to behave in order to appease female family members. When it comes to dating, you're gonna be completely lost.

>> No.19247329

12 rules of life for a new father figure.

>> No.19247370

Does therapy really works? I'm down to anything tht prevents me from offing myself in the near future desu. 00dab

>> No.19247377
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I suppose that would make mr Peterson daddy would it?

>> No.19247391


t.fatherless 27yr old

>> No.19247421


>> No.19247432

Papa Peterson

>> No.19247503

The Big Red Book for Adult Children of Alcoholics.

>> No.19247583

based /fit/

>> No.19247601


I don't think there is any specific book for it, but Linkin Park and later stoicism helped me cope. I have a son now and I am doing my best to be there for him.

t. Absent father, grew up with mom & much older sis.

>> No.19247644

I've had exactly the same op. Don't listen to these faggots; growing up without any masculine influence for a boy is a dreadful sentence which he shall carry for the rest of his life.

>> No.19247837

It’s worse when you surround yourself with anonymous misanthropes, so watch out.

>> No.19247843

Idk militaristic stuff Hitler and the state can be your new father esque figure great men of the past and mythological figures

>> No.19247846

He sucks fuck him if you faggots were just quasi normal he'd have no traction a clean room comes naturally to a higher consciousness fuck off

>> No.19247861


>> No.19247864

nothing. you lucked out, stop complaining like a bitch

>> No.19247867


>> No.19247883

>carrying yourself without a father is very harsh but you'll ultimately be more manly.
exactly the opposite

>> No.19248094

>stop complaining like a bitch
I literally just asked for a book or something

>> No.19248130

says the transvestite that grooms children into hedonistic nihilism

>> No.19248142

you're are asking for too much, just look at where you're at... if any of us found a book that "helped" us do you think we would still be in this hell hole?

>> No.19248458

I Don't remember that guy now but he had a quote saying he didn't need a mentor father figure to get much through life.

>> No.19248476


>> No.19248539

Nichomachean Ethics

>> No.19248619

What about books for guys for whom all the male members of their family were either abusive or inept and only the female members of the family actually were actually decent?

My dad basically just tried to teach me that violence was a noble and honourable thing and basically kept shitting on me for not being “manly” enough. Then he sexually assaulted me as a teen. I’m convinced he had some kind of undiagnosed mental health issue. All his gaslighting mentally scarred me.

>> No.19248865
File: 112 KB, 500x388, i-wont-be-wronged-i-wont-be-insulted-i-wont-18592402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson, unironically. Lift weights and train boxing. Get in tune with your natural aggression; it's not a bad thing. Go into nature. Get away from the feminine influence in your life as much as is possible. Look for strong male virtual role models in books and movies and sports heroes. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood.
I know it's hard, OP, but it's not impossible. You can do it. You've got this.

>> No.19248928

can't recommend books for this one. a father is supposed to be the ideal man for every boy to strive to become. you may not have a personal father figure to guide you into becoming like him, but there are were plenty of men who have left records of what it was to be a man of higher consciousness.
Stuff like hitler's speeches and mein kampf is a good place to start.

>> No.19248941

The New Testament.