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File: 3.44 MB, 1200x1666, 1200px-John_Calvin_Museum_Catharijneconvent_RMCC_s84_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19245517 No.19245517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>The Gospel

>Historic Creeds and Confessions

>Reformation Church History

>Free eBooks directory

>Saint of the Week
Ioannes Calvinus de Geneva

>> No.19245557
File: 493 KB, 937x528, DSC_8636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Asians love dumb megachurch Christianity so much

>> No.19245565
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, protestants.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All protestantism is a LARP bro

>> No.19245572

Please can someone explain to me once and for all why people dance and over-emote on tiktok like this and how widespread it is

Is it just like a minority of ultra-fags with theater kid genes doing it now that they have a venue? Or are lots of young adults on tiktok now dancing like insane cringe faggots making goofy faces?

>> No.19245586

Attention is currency at present

>> No.19245590

What I want to know is, if this facial type that keeps popping up isnt something like mongoloidism. The s.o..y look is so distinct.

>> No.19245599

Anglican here, should I use the Catholic larp thread or this one?

>> No.19245613
File: 13 KB, 301x167, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stay in your protestant containment thread thank you

>> No.19245616

Did Jesus Christ dance like this?
Is a priest not supposed to be a representation of Christ, who is the High-priest of the New Covenant?
Seems like daemonic activity. Especially the hand crawling on the wall.

>> No.19245622

If 39 Articles believing Anglican stay here.

>> No.19245629

essential /protlit/?

>> No.19245631
File: 2.64 MB, 540x960, luther this is your mindset.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you heard?
Christianity is supposed to parrot whatever memes the eternal anglo is pushing apparently

>> No.19245633
File: 46 KB, 400x280, swedenborgian_church_2_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh cool, there's still a Swedenborgian Church
>look up video
>just generic globohomo dancing pastor christianity

Honestly a shame

>> No.19245654 [DELETED] 

Book of Concord
Loci Communes by Melanchthon

Reformed (Calvinist)
Westminster Confession of Faith
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

>Book of Common Prayer
>Books of Homilies
>Apology of the Church of England by John Jewel

>> No.19245662

The Pilgrim's Progress

Book of Concord
Loci Communes by Melanchthon

>Reformed (Calvinist)
Westminster Confession of Faith
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

Book of Common Prayer
Books of Homilies
Apology of the Church of England by John Jewel

>> No.19245674
File: 176 KB, 736x1141, s953s5ubyulj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the guy literally a monoenergist/monothelite? Since He denies the human will as having real subsisting power in Christ. Which kind of destroys everything Christ did in His incarnation and makes it no more than an act of being human.

>> No.19245684

Post the version with sound. I want to cringe like never before.

>> No.19245718

What do Lutherans think of the prospect of a personal ordinariate to allow them to re-enter communion with Rome if they want?

>> No.19245733

I would not be surprised if they get tricked into this, Rome wouldn't even care if they venerated Martin Luther as a saint at this point as long as they are in communion with the Pope.

>> No.19245740

>The Pilgrim's Progress
How good is this?
Should I bother if I'm not protestant?

>> No.19245752
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, 1200px-Lovefeast_at_Bethania_Moravian_Church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no Moravian gf to celebrate the agape with

>> No.19245753

Bloom included it in his Western Canon list.
Is bretty gud. Characters being named after their traits is pretty fun.

>> No.19245768
File: 235 KB, 325x433, 1557625816780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bloom included it in his Western Canon list.

>> No.19245780


>Pope apologises to Waldensians for persecution
>they tell him to fuck off

>> No.19245798

Great book. Make me cry.

>> No.19245812

What does /plg/ see as the future of Protestantism?

>> No.19245822

Falling to the antichrist's deception, and then eternal hellfire.

>> No.19245832

>the antichrist'
and who would that be?

>> No.19245836

Death of the mainline churches while the Evangelical (read "Confessional"; meaning adhering to one of the Protestant confessions of faith) survive. For example the mainline Presbyterian church PCUSA dies while the confessional churches PCA and OPC thrive.

Wheat is separated from chaff. This will be good for Protestantism.

>> No.19245848
File: 104 KB, 655x457, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangelicalism is Christianity's last hope

>> No.19245870
File: 108 KB, 1000x600, RTR1Z7WD-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evangelicals are the wheat

Wow you guys really are in trouble

>> No.19245886
File: 189 KB, 600x770, Second Coming of Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A jew from the tribe of Dan who will build the third temple and proclaim Himself to be Christ and God, including by using false interpretations of the Old Testament to trick if possible even believers. Since prots don't have a correct view of St. John's Apocalypse, they will get tricked into worshiping him or leaving any belief in Christ altogether when they see the tribulations.

>> No.19245897

This. It's just fleshly Israel worship. They will literally applaud when the Antichrist reestablishes the temple and its sacrifices for the Jews, since they do not believe in the Eucharistic unbloody sacrifice.

>> No.19245901

Smoothbrain. I used the theological term Evangelical which is synonymous with Confessional.

>> No.19245904

If they're not the same guys then they really need a rebrand

'Evangelical' to me is boomers praying for drone strikes in Iraq

>> No.19245905

>including by using false interpretations of the Old Testament
Don't protestants give primacy to the Masoretic text with a gutted canon? I can see the Antichrist using this to his advantage with all the altered prophecies the Jews have in their text.

>> No.19245915

It's difficult to change. It is pretty much ingrained now.
500 years ago the Lutheran church was just called the "Evangelical Catholic Church".

>> No.19246014

why do Americans do this?

>> No.19246047

>Especially the hand crawling on the wall.
What is that even supposed to represent?

>> No.19246069

His 'roommate' wanting to be involved

>> No.19246101


>> No.19246128

This has to be an elaborate joke.

>> No.19246132

>Why Christians Should be Pro-Choice
>"""right""" to abortion
>Bible never mentions abortion, so it is not a big deal!

>> No.19246194


>> No.19246209

Redpill me on Protestant mysticism

>> No.19246214
File: 2.23 MB, 576x1024, demon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19246218

Protestantism is Christianity minus mysticism

>> No.19246234

This is literal demonism.
>"yoda" demon figure
This tik tok "pastor" really is something else.

>> No.19246294

If only it was that interesting. He presumably means LaVeyan satanism which is just libertarian atheism as a religion, they don't believe in the devil.

This is presumably why he thinks it's actually heckin valid

>> No.19246308

It still is very demonic, anon. It is not very Christian to use confusing/evil-sounding names for clickbait.

>> No.19246315

>libertarian atheism as a religion
So the same thing as satanism.

>> No.19246333

Protestantism feels too austere and homely to warrant the title of "larp" the way Catholicism and Orthodoxy do.

>> No.19246340

Proper satanism usually involves actual devil worship. Order of Nine Angles are an example of what you imagine satanism to be

LaVeyans are just atheist basedboys

>> No.19246347

>So mystical it doesn't need to exist in the real world

>> No.19246349

It just has no substance so there is nothing needed to be protestant, you can just remain the same person and it's all fine since there is a sect which accepts you.

>> No.19246372

Protestants don't consider themselves "Protestants" except in a vague sense, they would consider themselves Baptists, Reformed, etc. It's not a monolithic entity like you are treating it as. That being said though, what you said equally applies to Catholicism, etc. You can easily find a pro-LGBT parish and bishop to exist under who will let you do whatever the fuck you want and even praise you for it.

>> No.19246384

I'll add that the only communities that actually apply church discipline in a meaningful fashion today seem to be Protestant ones.

>> No.19246385

Yes I would say modern Roman catholicism is just another variation of protestantism. Even some protestants I respect more because they at least do not try to larp as following the historical Church established by Christ.

>> No.19246388

If modern Catholicism is heretical, then there is no Catholicism. The "church established by Christ" cannot fail.

>> No.19246391
File: 15 KB, 189x266, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Protestants think of megachurches?

>> No.19246410

>You can easily find a pro-LGBT parish and bishop to exist under who will let you do whatever the fuck you want and even praise you for it.


In the Catholic example, if you go to SF you'll get
>Normal vernacular mass where the old priest rants about Trump and the music is done with a guitar
>Tridentine Church where the less old priest rants about the state of the SF city government and how shit things have got

Culture can vary between individual churches, you just need to find one that suits

>> No.19246423
File: 876 KB, 1440x757, Connor-CIY-Team-02A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American youth groups coming to Ireland to do street preaching

Please stop sending these fags, everyone hates them

>> No.19246424

Modern Catholicism is the Orthodox Catholic Church which didn't fail, the Roman Church is a sect like Protestantism.

>> No.19246425

Regarding the amount of people in membership, there isn't anything that would forbid that, though it would become an issue of practicality and there's no way you could minister to and disciple that many people in any real way. So the issue becomes execution, in which they are often formed around money worship, feel-good pablum preaching, etc. It's hard to say it's 100% wrong in all cases but I've never seen or heard of one that was not like this.

>> No.19246431

>do street preaching
I wonder which apostle sent them.

>> No.19246434

This is at least a defensible, logical position, unlike the sedevacantist nonsense you often find here.

>> No.19246436
File: 758 KB, 608x1069, 20211013_153408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.19246438

Their local (Protestant) church elder is an apostolic successor and has such authority.

>> No.19246440
File: 199 KB, 1114x739, Missionaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, we're gonna keep sending 'em 'til kingdom-come.
We have a never ending supply where those came from.

>> No.19246441

>though it would become an issue of practicality
I think the Hagia Sophia had a very large number or worshipers too. They even did processions from different churches in the city and met at the Hagia Sophia for the liturgy itself.

>> No.19246446

>the greatest argument for why Heretics should be put to death in 10 seconds

>> No.19246447

When you've equated Christianity with state citizenship it doesn't really matter if you disciple people.

>> No.19246458

This guy is possessed by demons.


>Christianity isnt the only way
>All lives dont matter
These faggots haven't even read the Bible. DEMONS!

>> No.19246460

Yeah those guys show up too

They really jar with the culture, they must leave very demoralised when they realise how different our conception of Christianity is

>> No.19246461

I literally go to church with a Moravian girl lul. She's great for a boomer.

>> No.19246471

I wonder if he's against the vax mandates lul.

>> No.19246472


>> No.19246480
File: 34 KB, 512x512, Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ordained him? Was he also "self-consecrated" like this Indian guy who created his own church?

>> No.19246484

Assuming he is part of any normal orthodox group, he would have a chain of ordination stretching back to before the Reformation.

>> No.19246495
File: 657 KB, 551x945, vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no, anon! Vaccines are different! Please support them! Christ wants it! You are evil if you do vaccinate yourself!

>> No.19246496

He'd just refer you to number 5.

>> No.19246507

>Satanism is exactly the same as the ideas pushed on you by every political, economic, and cultural institution in the western world.
Take note.

>> No.19247082

> I'm a Christian Witch Who Loves God and Neighbor. Is That Alright?
I really do wonder what he says.
>you can practice witchcraft to love Jesus!


>> No.19247239

what do they even do with that many people? Shout "I love jesus!" and the hundreds of people just cheer?

>> No.19247257

Yes, this is what basically all Christianity in Asia is

>> No.19247290

This guys account is absurd holy kek

>> No.19247320

It's like a collection of everything evil in our world in a single tiktok account.
You can just name any disgusting modern idea and it seems to be there

>> No.19247335

I'm speechless... but not really surprised either, absolutely boggling.

>> No.19247340

Woods meant to link this particular video, dunno how tiktok works

>> No.19247346

His retardation has spread to me my bad

>> No.19247360

He also says scripture disagrees with itself and that Jesus Christ never taught the fear of God, He choose the prophet Micah over Deuteronomy somehow.

>> No.19247388

>"bigender" Jesus
>Jesus "our mother"
>Christ's wound on the cross pouring out blood and water is a "C-section"
>Sophia (Christ pre-incarnation) is an "aspect" of God and is the "divine feminine"
>It is through Sophia, the "feminine" of God, that God gives "birth", and so Jesus had "two moms" - Mary and Sophia

Makes me sick even repeating these things.

>The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)
>But no, you should not fear God!

>> No.19247410
File: 697 KB, 576x1024, cringe heresy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revelation already happened
Prime material for being deceived by the Antichrist.
This. I can't even imagine the sorrow these types of people will feel when they see Christ and He says to get away from Him.

>> No.19247434
File: 259 KB, 571x763, pure evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I genuinely don't understand is if they are actively cooperating with the demons or if they are simply being tricked because of sins which open the door for demons. It can't be that he is completely clueless.

>> No.19247439

>we all know how birth takes places
Paul didn't speak about virgin birth, bros! It all came a lot later!

>> No.19247451

Are prots unironically turning towards gnosticism now?

>> No.19247455

>Could Satan be a misunderstood being?
>Is Satan Misunderstood?
>"I want you to think of Satan as something human"
you can't make this up.

>> No.19247486
File: 534 KB, 581x993, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon did not like that! #fatherlee #demondog #demons #dogtricks #dogtok #mypet #pettok #dogsound #dogsoftiktok #comedy
These people worship demons.
He literally has a representation of a demon in his video and think it's cute.
No other way to explain it.

>> No.19247496

this is my least favorite trend in old literature, thanks for letting me know, will avoid!

>> No.19247501

This, especially TikTok

>> No.19247508

It has to be with how widespread it is getting, only immaterial beings would have the power to push this platform so hard

>> No.19247512
File: 278 KB, 1889x873, 0007D511-1301-4EC5-B150-E998838EF5BF_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would he say about TikTok?

>> No.19247514

UFO full of demons, same as everything else

>> No.19247523

Has to be a troll.

>> No.19247529
File: 40 KB, 640x436, binary41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would he be wrong though?

>> No.19247536
File: 17 KB, 210x300, 72-210x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the reformers the situation appeared simple enough. The papal Catholic tradition had appropriated the true word to its own uses, had traduced the truth to its own ends. In a public garden at Geneva there may be seen stone statues of these dour religious radicals. There they stand inappropriately enough behind a pretty artificial pool with their grave grim faces : Luther, Calvin, Knox, Zwingli, Melanchthon, and the rest of them. I have seldom looked upon a more imposing group... what majestic moralists, what surly whoreson moralists, and yet it never struck their laborious, over-serious minds, no, not for a moment, that Christianity itself, in its primary origin might not accord with fact.

Tenaciously, blindly, they held now to the Book. The writers of the Bible, John Calvin asserted, had been “sure and authentic amanuenses of the Holy Spirit.” To an outsider it seems extraordinary that the damaging reasoning faculties of these men went no further than they did. How is it that they saw so easily through the acclaimed miracles of their own day and yet never for a moment doubted the validity of such palpable fables as the story of the Virgin Birth and of the Ascension?

>> No.19247539

Honestly I'm starting to think he got it exactly right

>> No.19247560

Does he talk about this in his books?


>> No.19247581

Getting "Likes" etc on social media results a huge dopamine release plus reaffirms acceptance by peers. These people are addicted to this.

>> No.19247736

read Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, he talks about it extensively

>> No.19247807

Can any protestant answer this:

From history. Christ started a church and declared that Peter is the rock upon which his church is built.
Peter goes to Rome to start his ministry and is succeeded by every Bishop of Rome all the way through the current day with pope francis.
The Bible was written by members of the Church christ started
that church was not Lutheran, Presbyterianism etc.

>> No.19247835

That wasn't a question

>> No.19248024
File: 69 KB, 888x888, E-IsvGKXoAYwFwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books you'd recommend (preferably not modern) about the sanctity and importance of marriage?

>> No.19248053
File: 73 KB, 751x799, c648b9b74dad73dec8f0b5526389bafac3e35dd9v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. John Chrysostom wrote about it.

>> No.19248054

By the birth projections, America will be almost entirely Anabaptist within a few centuries.

>> No.19249138
File: 132 KB, 693x775, Portrait_of_John_Knox_(4671577).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19249148
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my homies rep Jesus

>> No.19249442
File: 291 KB, 1536x2048, FArxTyZWUAAIo95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Catholics and Orthodics hate simplicity?

>> No.19249465
File: 279 KB, 2048x1362, FAHBf7PVUAIp-jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19250729

calvinism/tulip teaches a false gospel because of heresies like limited atonement and perseverance of the saints. watch this gospel video if you are not 100% sure of going to heaven.


>> No.19250781

Jannies deleted the Catholic larp thread. Protestantism wins again.

>> No.19250793

If that is true why does Anderson say his Calvinist buddy Dane K Johannson is saved?

>> No.19251056

Those boxes are for crying into, not meditating

>> No.19251083

this stuff is unreal
it cannot be real for something this cringe to exist

>> No.19251177

Funny, I made that post on /x/ used in the pic. I hadn’t read Seraphim Rose at the time but after reading his “Nihilism” recently, that is spot-on. Buddhism is demonic and is readily integratable with the anti-God technocratic order being established

>> No.19251284
File: 218 KB, 880x1360, 71bGTWvVimL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preferably not modern
There are some good newer books worth reading, not as many as there ought to be and the most popular ones are unfortunately usually overly saccharine and feminized. Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson and God, Marriage, and Family by Andreas Köstenberger are both worth reading. Timothy Keller and Paul David Tripp also have written interesting things about marriage, but their stuff feels more targeted toward small group readings, whereas Wilson and Köstenberger I found more compelling for independent reading/study.

>> No.19251593

monergism is cringe

>> No.19252346

decline into a more devout core, maybe
>t. hopeful Protestant seminarian who knows projections, in reality, show a rise in Mormon and Pentecostal groups

>> No.19252850
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1634341642332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not same anon. Recommend me some study bibles? Nothing newer than 1900.

Recently bought Ancient Faith Study Bible published by Holman, love it, do you know anything a little more beginner friendly than that one? Thanks in advance.

>> No.19254023
File: 351 KB, 1200x758, img_2916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ryle

>> No.19254086

I am Catholic yet that is one of the few novels I read just about every year. It is basically the proto-novel.

>> No.19254100

I think I read that the Waldensian today practice gay marriage.

>> No.19254114

Yeah, but doesn't the Catholic Church translate from the Masoretic text (excepting Deuterocanon) today for modern translations?

>> No.19254228

Protestant bros, I can't stand Papal infallibility but I also can't stand Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. Is there a denomination ignores Luther's specific autism about salvation through faith alone and the gospel being the only source of Christian authority?

>> No.19254263

>salvation through faith alone
Yes they’re denominations out there, I won’t mention the one I’m thinking because you won’t like it
>other sources of doctrine besides the Bible
You’re bordering on enthusiasm. Unless you’re talking about sources that source the Bible and are more like commentaries than new sources. Unless, unless, you are referring to gnostic “scripture”

>> No.19254293

These are dangerous thoughts to have.

>> No.19254393

Faith always produces works. Works are a necessary component of salvation* because they are a necessary fruit of faith. The issue is whether your works can be said to merit your salvation, and they cannot. The sole instrument of your salvation is faith. But that faith will produce works.

*assuming a person does not die as an infant, etc.

>> No.19254400

Who are the must reads non-Calvinist authors?

>> No.19254432

There aren't any

>> No.19254436

What makes you say that?

>> No.19255023
File: 2.78 MB, 3908x2630, Ahura_Mazda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate protestants
>protestantism is a mental illness
>also hate the pope doe
Ahura Mazda is the one true god and Zoroaster is his prophet.
>none of the cvck aspects of christcvckery but many of the good parts
>no abrahamic revisionism and retardation
>oldest monotheistic religion
>source of numerous aspects of christianity (which is an amalgamated dogshit mutt religion made up by snake oil salesmen cobbled together from 50 different previously existing religions and mythos)
>God is Truth Light Fire and Life
>"devil" is an angry coping liar
>Fire Temples

>> No.19255104 [DELETED] 

>Unless you’re talking about sources that source the Bible and are more like commentaries than new sources
This is what I was referring too, yes
>Yes they’re denominations out there, I won’t mention the one I’m thinking because you won’t like it
Please, do tell.

>> No.19255118

>Unless you’re talking about sources that source the Bible and are more like commentaries than new sources
This is what I was referring too, yes
>Yes they’re denominations out there, I won’t mention the one I’m thinking because you won’t like it
Please, do tell.

>> No.19255239
File: 2.07 MB, 1720x1687, E_FHRjhWEAEsxwY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19255293

So Christcucks can have multiple generals for their various schisms where they discuss going to church and other off topic matters but Platonists can't have one dedicated to the discussion of philosophical literature?

>> No.19255301

why the doors? do they need to lock people in?

>> No.19255303

>when religion is just a fashion accesory

>> No.19255329

So essentially, works alone will not merit salvation, and true faith always results in works, meaning that those who claim to have true faith yet who do not produce works do not actually have faith?

>> No.19255495

as opposed to christian cannibals who eat the flesh and blood of a son of a whore?
Zoroastrainism is purity. Xtianity is a retard religion of an amalgamation of prior traditions to placate locals and get them to sign up to give 10% tithe to the local church jews.

>> No.19255582

Where do I start with Zoroastrian Theology anon?

>> No.19255615

Quakerism and Anglicanism in the more traditional sense of mysticism, but Pentecostals, Methodists, and many other Protestant sects popular in America have their own emotionalist schematic thing going.

>> No.19255629
File: 791 KB, 2000x1012, 1626292715879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon

>> No.19255743

Read the Avesta
look how angry he is. he spent 9000 hours in MSPaint.

>> No.19255751

Nah I saved it off some other anon, nothing to cope with fagboy.

>> No.19255781
File: 402 KB, 1566x2000, Thomas Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fair day's-wages for fair-day's-work! exclaims a sarcastic man; alas, in what corner of this Planet, since Adam first awoke on it, was that ever realised? The day's-wages of John Milton's day's-work, named Paradise Lost and Milton's Works, were Ten Pounds paid by instalments, and a rather close escape from death on the gallows. Consider that: it is no rhetorical flourish; it is an authentic, altogether quiet fact,—emblematic, quietly documentary of a whole world of such, ever since human history began. Oliver Cromwell quitted his farming; undertook a Hercules' Labour and lifelong wrestle with that Lernean Hydracoil, wide as England, hissing heaven-high through its thousand crowned, coroneted, shovel-hatted quackheads; and he did wrestle with it, the truest and terriblest wrestle I have heard of; and he wrestled it, and mowed and cut it down a good many stages, so that its hissing is ever since pitiful in comparison, and one can walk abroad in comparative peace from it;—and his wages, as I understand, were burial under the gallows-tree near Tyburn Turnpike, with his head on the gable of Westminster Hall, and two centuries now of mixed cursing and ridicule from all manner of men. His dust lies under the Edgeware Road, near Tyburn Turnpike, at this hour; and his memory is—Nay, what matters what his memory is? His memory, at bottom, is or yet shall be as that of a god: a terror and horror to all quacks and cowards and insincere persons; an everlasting encouragement, new memento, battleword, and pledge of victory to all the brave. It is the natural course and history of the Godlike, in every place, in every time. What god ever carried it with the Tenpound Franchisers; in Open Vestry, or with any Sanhedrim of considerable standing? When was a god found agreeable to everybody? The regular way is to hang, kill, crucify your gods, and execrate and trample them under your stupid hoofs for a century or two; till you discover that they are gods,—and then take to braying over them, still in a very long-eared manner!—So speaks the sarcastic man; in his wild way, very mournful truths.

>> No.19256153


If you knew anything about Zoroastrianism you'd know that ethnic Parsis do not allow conversion and other branches discourage it.

>> No.19256227

ML West's Gathas translation is on libgen.

>> No.19256239
File: 231 KB, 1000x653, Whitefield preaching at Moorfields.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]