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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 561 KB, 640x857, 97E8A5C7-F4A7-43FC-830F-BDE6C5AAD87F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19241888 No.19241888 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote it about a year and two months ago, I had no where to publish and certain parts are too weird to share irl. I've digressed very much since than... I just want some people to read it so it can exist beyond myself and not devolve with me. It was influenced by many things, both written and not, but its my own aesthetic and philosophical worldview... and of course I think some whether male or female will find many descriptions and events in it very hot.

>inb4 you already posted this
Yes I know, it’s been a very long time though and I still have yet to do anything with it

Also if you are also an erotic writer you can post your works or excerpts here, I’ll read them if you do

pastebin censors me so I have to use zerobin and 4chan censors zero bin so I have to break the link by lines



>> No.19241986

You can't self-publish it on Amazon?

Also, I think WattPad eats stuff like this up.

Finally,,,consider formatting it in a way that lets people read it more easily. Markdown can easily be converted to other formats with apps like pandoc.

>> No.19242009

>Also, I think WattPad eats stuff like this up.
I’m afraid if I put it there I would lose the rights to it but that is a good idea
>format better
It’s hard to find good places to dump text online and no one would download a shared pdf. Perhaps I should upload it to IA, but than it would never expire.

>> No.19242291

WattPad's terms of service are pretty solid about you retaining ownership.

>> No.19242303

What's the deal about, Anon. Give us a rundown.

>> No.19242565

I ain't reading your long ass wall of text. give us the tldr

>> No.19243510

It’s about a boy who lives in a post apocalyptic version of 1903 who travels around a mountainous landscape contemplating various things and he meets a cute boy and a hot girl and eventually gets a devious idea

>> No.19244126

Emphasis on "eventually" holy shit.
All that stuff happens in the last three paragraphs.

>> No.19244172

>All that stuff happens in the last three paragraphs.
The buildup is what helps make it more exciting. You read it? What did you think?

>> No.19244178

Sorry, this post was a bit rude.
To elaborate, I really liked the world building. It's just that the main character is a bit dull. Although I guess that's kind of the point, so that you can self-insert easier.

>> No.19244201

You are aware why people read erotica, right? I don't want to enlighten my cock, I want to get it hard.

>> No.19244231

>Sorry, this post was a bit rude.
No problem. I understand your grumpy, my main reasoning for putting it at the end was because having it right near the beginning would have made it seem like fan fiction.
>To elaborate, I really liked the world building.
Thank you. Much of it is based on places I visited around the north east. A lot of the backstory was inspired by several anime’s including angels egg, black butler and the video games Ys Origin. (The prose was heavily influenced by Wilde)
>It's just that the main character is a bit dull. Although I guess that's kind of the point, so that you can self-insert easier.
Yeah well a lot of the characters who inspired him were rather “dull” but I thought his stoic nature made him more masculine. That’s also good to hear in a weird way since I thought I put too much of my own thoughts in him, though I’m not a stoic character. Thanks for reading though, few people here actually did so I’m very thankful.

>> No.19244240

Just like real life it’s a mixture of numerous feelings. I thought my fault was calling it anything other than erotic given what it builds towards.

>> No.19244266

>inspired by anime
I could tell. The dialogue needs some work.

>> No.19244270

Good thing I don’t watch anime anymore. Hopefully someday I get the same level of inspiration and write something as good. I wrote it in 2 days and edited on a 3rd days.

>> No.19244315

>it was a virgin tool

You have a lot of nerve calling this navel gazing excuse for bad poetry erotica.

>> No.19244335

Just keep reading it gets good

>> No.19244351

>It's just that the main character is a bit dull.
Also a lot of the main characters thoughts and observations were based on a certain philosopher though in a very different and ironically materialistic form. But there is supposed to be much connection between the characters and the landscape.

>> No.19244358

I'll read it tonight and report back if the thread is still up

>> No.19244374

I have no interest in banal descriptions of scenery or a character with zero accompanying actions. It does not meaningfully inform about the character or the world in any way. It is literal filler description for the sake of ornamentation. Either write poetry or write erotica because a shitty middle ground fails at capturing the essence of either.

>> No.19244384

If it does I’ll just make a new thread

>> No.19244405
File: 573 KB, 852x640, D538CC49-7FF4-4698-BFD0-C77DFB9AF595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much of the places were mythologized versions of wilderness and historical sites I saw in real life, and they were a main source of inspiration. Ever here of Thomas Cole or Carl Frederick Aagard? The landscape painting is my favorite genre, it’s a break from the environment I inhabit on a daily basis. I can’t paint so I write and try to create a picture in my readers heads. Also writing allows you to be a “craftsman” in that you take ideas and things from the real world and other source and trap them in your own creation. Pic related i took is a landscape which inspired the story.

>> No.19245074


>> No.19245382

Where is this?
It looks like a place where fuck-all grows and life is extremely harsh, but the inhabitants would defend their ancient traditions to the bitter end. Both cozy and haunting.

>> No.19245562
File: 768 KB, 640x856, 5627E14F-2003-4AE9-B202-68B40DF8BD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks like a place where fuck-all grows and life is extremely harsh, but the inhabitants would defend their ancient traditions to the bitter end. Both cozy and haunting.
I took it in February 2020 on a trip to upstate New York lol. But your analysis perfectly shows why my story is “post apocalyptic”. In my opinion many landscapes look much better in winter than during summer. Here is another photo of a location influence, the abandoned mansion I mention.

>> No.19245587
File: 695 KB, 640x856, A7BD879C-5425-4966-BCC7-95EA123B9228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The river that Durant crosses looking back almost a mythological allusion. In reality there is no ocean past the cliff beyond the town on the other side, but I took liberties with the geography.

>> No.19245637

I often say I hate New York but what I hate is the current spirit of it. The towns around these areas I photograph are usually not quaint but are usually college towns with the sort of vibe you’d expect in modern NY. But the ancient spirit of the landscape is still ever present, the one the natives knew, and before them perhaps the Solutreans and Atlantean knew. I did not hear about the “Hudson river school” of painting till a few weeks ago but looking back on my photos I think I saw the same thing the painters of it saw. Check it out:

>> No.19245649

Interestingly, and I kid you not there was a member of the school named “Asher B Durand”. He died in 1886, the year Durant is born (he is 17.)

>> No.19245675

Bumperino, also checked

>> No.19245922

Fucking yikes

>> No.19245998

Why do I find this pic pleasing?

>> No.19246196

I took it myself, its of a wall scroll someone gave me as a gift with my sunglasses held over it (my hand is off to the left.) I dunno maybe because it makes a normally 2D object seem three dimensional, and nanami Chan is pretty cute.

>> No.19246568


>> No.19247068

The scenery looks really familiar. You wouldn't happen to have been in the Catskills or Hudson Valley region, would you?

>> No.19247213

Cool scroll, I'll read your stuff when I finish work.

>> No.19247255
File: 100 KB, 2000x1132, yen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to upload my fanfiction somewhere too. Which sites are the most popular?

>> No.19247393

fanfiction and wattpad are the usual places.

>> No.19247413
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read my erotica /lit/

>> No.19247552

Have tried looking into AO3?
On that note, is publishing in multiple sites frowned upon?

>> No.19247606

>You wouldn't happen to have been in the Catskills or Hudson Valley region, would you?

>> No.19247623

You could post it right here or elsewhere of this board as a paste bin or similar.

>> No.19247626


>> No.19248089

thank you, any other popular sites?

yeah, that's where I will upload it too, since it will be lewd

>On that note, is publishing in multiple sites frowned upon?
Why would it? Is it frowned upon when a youtuber also has twitch/instagram/twitter/etc?

Nope. I want recognition and it not just rotting in a pastebin somewhere.

>> No.19248344

>Is it frowned upon when a youtuber also has twitch
Audience doesn't care. Creators love it due to greater reach. Publishers are the ones who have a problem. Iirc Youtube doesn't like people uploading unedited twitch VODs.
Twitter/IG works differently enough and helps redirect traffic so Youtube's fine with it.
Going back to the subject at hand, I'm not sure if Wattpad, Fanfiction, and similar sites have a clause in their TOS about republishing content from other sites even if they are yours. I'm afraid that if it does exist and I broke it, I might be banned from the site entirely.

>> No.19248729

> Nope. I want recognition and it not just rotting in a pastebin somewhere.
On some paste sites you can set it to expire or delete it with a password. I’m just saying if you want some immediate readers. I’d read it.

>> No.19248939

Fix up the linebreaks, holy shit. This is unreadable. Have some common courtesy.

>> No.19249021

It’s the paste site. The original document I copy pasted from was formatted like a normal pdf, but I don’t know of any way to share them properly. Pasteboard kept the line breaks but it censors it for certain words like “breast”.

>> No.19249026

>"he woke up"

>> No.19249328

I framed it in the context of a day so I could create the illusion of a pattern, introduce the reader to the protagonist daily state of mind... than move from it into something else.

>> No.19249485

Fix them manually, then. Save everyone the effort.