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19241804 No.19241804 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I read the first few chapters of Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends as promised. I’m going to post my thoughts so far in this thread and make another thread when I’ve read some more.

>> No.19241806

*pinches your belly*

>> No.19241807

>Bobbi and I first met Melissa at a poetry night in town, where we were performing together.
The first thing we learn about the narrator and her best friend is that they’re hipster spoken word poets.

>We went to a convent school, said Bobbi. It posed issues. Melissa grinned and said: like what? Well, I’m gay, said Bobbi. And Frances is a communist.
A few pages later, we also learn the narrator is a communist and her best friend is gay. Also, considering the narrator’s personality and political opinions align exactly with the author’s, the narrator is obviously a self-insert.

>Bobbi and I had first met in secondary school. Back then Bobbi was very opinionated and frequently spent time in detention for a behavioural offence our school called ‘disrupting teaching and learning’. When we were sixteen she got her nose pierced and took up smoking. Nobody liked her. She got temporarily suspended once for writing ‘fuck the patriarchy’ on the wall beside a plaster cast of the crucifixion.
It turns out the narrator’s best friend isn’t just gay, she’s an angry bull dyke.

>I wasn’t betraying anyone’s loyalties by being Bobbi’s girlfriend. I didn’t have close friends and at lunchtime I read textbooks alone in the school library. I liked the other girls, I let them copy my homework, but I was lonely and felt unworthy of real friendship. I made lists of the things I had to improve about myself. After Bobbi and I started seeing each other, everything changed. No one asked for my homework any more. At lunchtime we walked along the car park holding hands and people looked away from us maliciously. It was fun, the first real fun I’d ever had.
The narrator dates her gay best friend despite not being gay herself in order to stick it to society.

>So when you say you’re in love with Melissa, I said. I mean I have a crush on her. You know she’s married. You don’t think she likes me? said Bobbi. She was holding up one of my white brushed-cotton shirts in front of the mirror. What do you mean likes you? I said. Are we being serious or just joking? I am partly being serious. I think she does like me. In an extramarital affair kind of way? Bobbi just laughed at that.
The end of chapter one wraps up with the narrator’s best friend planning on seducing a married woman they first met at the beginning of the chapter.

>> No.19241810

>I guess I’m kind of surplus to requirements, I said. Nick looked out at the conservatory, where Bobbi was doing something with her hair. Do you think Melissa’s playing favourites? he said. I’ll have a word with her if you want. It’s okay. Bobbi is everyone’s favourite. Really? I warmed to you more, I have to say. We looked at each other. I could see he was playing along with me so I smiled. Yes, I felt we had a natural rapport, I said. I’m drawn to the poetic types. Oh, well. I have a rich inner life, believe me. He laughed when I said that. I knew I was being a little inappropriate, but I didn’t feel too badly about it. Outside in the conservatory Melissa had lit a cigarette and put her camera down on a glass coffee table. Bobbi was nodding at something intently. I thought tonight was going to be a nightmare, but it was actually fine, he said. He sat back down at the table with me. I liked his sudden candour. I was conscious that I had looked at shirtless photographs of him on the internet without him knowing, and in the moment I found this knowledge very amusing and almost wanted to tell him about it. I’m not the most dinner party person either, I said. I think you were pretty good. You were very good. You were great. He smiled at me. I tried to remember everything he had said so I could play it over for Bobbi later on, but in my head it didn’t sound quite as funny.
Chapter two commences with the narrator’s best friend flirting with the married woman from chapter one while the narrator flirts with the woman’s husband. I have a feeling this is going to turn into a swingers situation.

>This is how privilege gets perpetuated, Philip told me in the office one day. Rich assholes like us taking unpaid internships and getting jobs off the back of them.
Instead of letting the less privileged have the prestigious internships they obtained through nepotism, the narrator and her friend just virtue signal about it.

>> No.19241826

if we're going to have threads on modern literature, I'll have a Sally Rooney thread over the meme chink any time
Rooney is bad, but at least there is something to critique; she may not be an artist, but she is a writer, not a meme.

>> No.19241833
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>fuck the patriarchy

>> No.19241840

Well, do you like it or not OP?

>> No.19241842

Thanks, fren

Is this what the thoughts of someone without a soul sound like?

>> No.19241843
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>> No.19241849

It isn't as bad as I thought it would be so far, but I have a feeling it's going to get worse. I just finished chapter three, and it's very obvious that the narrator and her best friend are going to enter into a swingers type relationship with their other friend Melissa and her husband Nick. That, and the book has barely gotten political yet, but I know from excerpts other anons have posted it is going to. The only politics that have arisen so far is a brief reference to the narrator being a communist and her best friend being an angry bull dyke that hates men and the "patriarchy."

>> No.19241867

Ah yes, the classic angry incel """critically destroys""" well regarded piece of literature written by a woman thread.

You're reacting to this just like a woman. You're having trouble "relating" personally with the characters, so you think the book is trash. Congrats, you're just like the women you claim to hate, and whom you make fun of for "misunderstanding" classics.

>> No.19241871

I'm not trying to critically destroy the book, you low IQ nigger. I've even stated it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm reading it and posting my thoughts on it because people keep making Rooney threads and only posting and talking about the same three passages.

>> No.19241877

can you do franzen next? i'm so bummed franzen's publisher didn't hire anyone to spam us with threads about crossroads.

>> No.19241879

I’ll see what I can do. What’s the book about?

>> No.19241885

midwestern protestants in the early 70s or something. no idea about the plot. has potential to be comfy if nothing else.

>> No.19241886

So far all you've posted is a summary, and you're trying to paint it in a negative light. Look at your tone and diction, retard. Everything you've posted so far is shallow and an attempt to pander to what you think is the /pol/-core userbase of this site.

>> No.19241896

Just because I think negatively of the book, doesn’t mean I’m trying to “critically destroy it.” I made honest notes of my thoughts as I read and am now posting them as I said I would. Now please go put a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

>> No.19241901

None of your thoughts are honest. They're filtered through what you think a "4channer" would approve. You're just pandering to a userbase for attention.

>> No.19241908

Have you considered that maybe my thoughts come across as something a 4channer would approve of because I’m a 4channer?

>> No.19241911 [DELETED] 

>The first thing we learn about the narrator and her best friend is that they’re hipster spoken word poets.
>we also learn the narrator is a communist and her best friend is gay. Also, considering the narrator’s personality and political opinions align exactly with the author’s, the narrator is obviously a self-insert.
>The narrator dates her gay best friend despite not being gay herself in order to stick it to society.
>The end of chapter one wraps up with the narrator’s best friend planning on seducing a married woman they first met at the beginning of the chapter.

someone should write a book that's just a paragraph by paragraph summary of a book that doesn't exist, it could be like a new type of minimalism. or is that basically what those mopey beat guys already did? i don't read anything referred to as "a hipster classic".

>> No.19241913

right, it's like who the fuck is this guy? yeah these posts on 4chan sound like something posted on 4chan. no shit dude.

>> No.19241922

Should've know you were very low IQ by the avatar you've chosen to represent yourself. You're only saying the things you're saying because you know it will get "positive" feedback on this website.

>> No.19241940

>hurr durr this 4chan post sound like a 4chan post
And I’m the low IQ one?

>> No.19242165


>> No.19242241


>> No.19242603

Based reading effortposting anon

>> No.19242627
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>I didn’t have close friends and at lunchtime I read textbooks alone in the school library. I liked the other girls, I let them copy my homework, but I was lonely and felt unworthy of real friendship

Holy self insert

>> No.19242638

Utter drivel written by a snivelling leftoid hack. You should be ashamed for reading even the opening chapter. Repent and seek Christ.

>> No.19242639

>It turns out the narrator’s best friend isn’t just gay, she’s an angry bull dyke
Impossible. Only lesbians can be angry bull dykes.
Yes, fuck it, but in the negative sense of the word.

>> No.19242651

>I want to do the same thing
Yes, her best friend is a lesbian. A lesbian is a GAY woman.

>> No.19242679

A gay is a male. A lesbian is a female
Zoomer Twitter shortcuts and liberal lolgbt community building is insulting. I will correct this insult like I correct any grammar/spelling mistake.

>> No.19242691

I meant to quote:
Impossible. Only lesbians can be angry bull dykes.

From the dictionary:
>Gay: (of a person) homosexual (used especially of a man).
A lesbian is a gay (homosexual) woman. Because men don't have a gender specific term for gay like women do, gay is mostly associated with them, but gay can be used for both men and women.

>> No.19242697

Rooney's agent is pretty upset about this thread.

>> No.19242702

> Because men don't have a gender specific term for gay like wo
A homosexual woman is lesbian. Never are males called lesbian
A homosexual male is called gay. Never should a woman be called gay.

>> No.19242716

>Never are males called lesbian
look up mtf trannies crashing lesbian parties and guilt tripping them to suck their masculine clit lest they be branded transphobic on Twitter

>> No.19242841

Suck the dick, bigot

>> No.19242842

More deranged males and further proof the whole “lgbt” thing is a sham
So again. If the “l” is to stand for lesbian and the “g” for gay, why are the women forced to share?
XX are the base chromosomes and males are the evolutionary deformity, not the other way around. Seems to me these semantic slights are just hints that the males are still trying to dominate. I won’t stand for it.

>> No.19242858

You WILL accept the feminine penis

>> No.19242862

>If the “l” is to stand for lesbian and the “g” for gay, why are the women forced to share?
I'm not sure how you've come to this conclusion when it's the opposite way round. Men are forced to share the term 'gay' with women, while women have the term 'lesbian' all to themselves.

>> No.19242897
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I'm a lesbian.

>> No.19242899

As a machete’d piece for the fire.

Then you agree the sharing is demeaning bullshit?
Further they share the term lesbian with the straight male who wants the fantasy of transition. Is it at all galling to you that Ellen Page wants to be considered a straight male? Her girlfriend (or was it wife?) left her for this insanity.

>> No.19242908 [DELETED] 

>ellen page
putting on a baseball cap and hoodie does not make you a man sorry.

>> No.19242941

False equivalence. There are lots of lesbian women who consider themselves to be women and would describe themselves as gay. There are next to no biological females who identify as men but would nevertheless call themselves lesbians. The males that identify themselves as lesbians consider themselves to be women - if they didn't, they would not use the term 'lesbian'.

The question you're raising is whether a biological male can be considered a woman, which is a completely separate question to whether a woman can be considered gay. At the end of the day this is just semantics, but you're arguing against a very common gender-neutral usage of the word.

In a perfect world, gay men would have their own gender-exclusive term. But this is not a perfect world. There's no point in denying the way words are used. See above for the trans thing, it's a totally separate issue.

>> No.19242963

I just realised I wrote two paragraphs in response to a point you probably weren't even trying to make. Fuck this I need sleep I'm going to bed

>> No.19242970

They do. It is “gay”.
Go ahead and push back yourself. This was once that “perfect world” back when they cooked up the whole lgbt thing. It’s right there, plain as day. Stop cooperating with the nonsense. I’d sooner accept double negatives than Twitter shortcuts and tranny speak

>> No.19242993

>XX are the base chromosomes and males are the evolutionary deformity, not the other way around.
Nice cope for the fact that the XY chromosome pairing is a further developed form of the XX. You don't even use the second X chromosome lmao, look up X-inactivation

>> No.19243013

Don’t feel bad about it bby. Sure your nipples are useless, but y’know, upper body strength and all that. It’s to some evolutionary advantages and that’s why it’s worked out this way. You be you.

>> No.19243016
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I wasn't trying to make any point at all.

>> No.19243063

>it's another episode of butters derailing a thread

>> No.19243076

I'd certainly prefer to have superfluous nipples than be physically weaker. But if you feel the opposite way then we're both happy. Women definitely have some nice features I'd pick for an androgynous ideal being

>> No.19243404

do you realize people can have opinions that are different from yours