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19241115 No.19241115 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read his or his wife's books? Are they worth a read?

>> No.19241179

The definition of a snow nigger

>> No.19241336

if you are interested in snownigga religion and placenta, then they are worth a read

>> No.19241338

He's written books? I thought he only made a tabletop game.

>> No.19241345

he and his wife both written books on paganism and other autistic topics

>> No.19241351

How often are you going to make this thread?

>> No.19241363

>During the time he was in prison, he put out two more impressive keyboard-based albums and several books’ worth of writings before falling silent around the turn of the millennium.
Wow, he even wrote books in prison.

>> No.19241370

I don't understand why some people are unironically pagan. They don't actually believe in all this odin thor shit, right?

>> No.19241379
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Varg is an atheist. He has said on Twitter before that only Christians believe in the supernatural. Paganism is a giant LARP to hate on Christians

>> No.19241382

>Paganism is a giant LARP to hate on Christians
based, fuck christcucks

>> No.19241384

Varg lives rent free in christcuck skulls

>> No.19241387

His wife is legitimately autistic and her writings show it. She isn't able to understand nuance or how other views on things exist except hers.

>> No.19241390

Forming your cultural and religious identity out of spite while claiming nobility and strenght as core values is peak postmodern irony. Are we sure he is not a new post-postirony DFW?

>> No.19241392

shouldn't it be the other way around if he creates his identity and larps as some religion only because he hates some group...?

>> No.19241405

it goes deeper than "angry super people in the sky". same thing with christianity

>> No.19241419


>> No.19241426
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We’re talking about a LARPagan who has spent his life burning down churches, making endless youtube videos saying how Turks are more White than Christians and that Christianity is Jewish on Twitter. Christians live rent-free in Varg’s head.

>> No.19241442
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>it goes deeper than "angry super people in the sky".
Yeah, it all comes down to wanting n aesthetic and historical grounding for their ethnonationalist politics by claiming that each and every single one of their ancestors believed exactly what the NSDAP believed. They seethe against ‘universalism’, i.e. any religion which says that it is a universal truth applying to all people, exposing themselves as relativists and people who just want to have a special pseudo-spiritual aesthetic to their otherwise materialistic political agenda

>> No.19241633

and yet you respect jews despite them not believing your dead kike on a stick is divine. Being a truly universalist christfag isnt that far off from ethnonationalism since you believe that people raised in non-christian parts of the world and hence unlikely to be christian cant be saved. Enjoy your rapefugees because jesus would let them in though

>> No.19241644
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>and yet you respect jews
But I don’t. /pol/fags are mentally ill

>> No.19241668

>They seethe against ‘universalism’, i.e. any religion which says that it is a universal truth applying to all people, exposing themselves as relativists and people who just want to have a special pseudo-spiritual aesthetic to their otherwise materialistic political agenda
What's wrong with that?

>> No.19241690

Unfortunately for them there is a true religion

>> No.19241718

Pagan LARPers BTFO
Varg is reddit tier.

>> No.19241724

Why is he BTFO? I don't understand.

>> No.19241728
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Because it implies that the Jews aren't the Chosen People.

No, really, that's literally it. "Folkish Asatru" implies that there are multiple deities (BIG NO NO, this is INCREDIBLY Anti-Semitic). These multiple deities then have relationships with people. These relationships differ from group to group. This is fractal, so while they vary person to person, an individual's relationship with a given deity of the multitude is on equal footing with his family's relationship and his tribe's relationship and his nation's relationship and his race's relationship. This thus means that all relationships are equally valid at an ontological level. This doesn't mean that some relationships don't involve hierarchies, but rather "your race are slaves to mine" and "your race are masters to mine" are both ontologically equal. Master-slave relationships recognize a non-duality in that you need a slave to have a master and vice versa.

This means that there are possible relationships where, for example, Germans just recognize that the Japanese are the rightful inhabitants of Japan and that the Japanese should be allowed to do whatever autistic bullshit they want in Japan because the Gods clearly know better than us.

That is bad because it completely upends the Abrahamic idea that there is just one valid hierarchy, with the Jews on top. The world is a larder made for the Jews by Yahweh, and that's that. You are beneath them, and there's nowhere they can't go, and nothing they can't own. There aren't "multiple perspectives on a single shared reality", there's just the Jewish perspective. There aren't multiple relationships with the divine, there's just the relationship between Jews and Yahweh and gentiles can only interact with Yahweh through the Jews (remember, gentiles are retarded, hence why Christfags worship literal physical crosses and statues of Jesus). This is completely counter to what polytheism (of which Folkish Asatru is just one variety) suggests, which is that there are in fact places that Jews can't go, things that they don't own, and people that aren't their slaves.

>> No.19241754
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you worship one

>> No.19241756
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"Universalist Asatru" is then a construct by the SPLC to attempt to counter this. It instead tries to construct some kind of bizarre pseudo-Asatru that seeks to convert the whole world to the worship of Odin. This doesn't make any sense because Asatru is literally just ancestor worship. All Indo-European religion is; remember, all humans are in varying degrees descended from the Gods, so worshiping Odin IS actually ancestor worship. This is part of why the Anglo-Saxons and Norse held onto (altered) forms of belief in the Aesir and Vanir well into the 1700s: the Gods are literally the ancestors of mankind, whether that's because Wotan was an ancient chieftain or some kind of entity is really irrelevant.

Which of course is exactly what LARPers want as they want some kind of strawman that easily fits into the aformentioned framework. By rejecting the inherent ethnocentrism of Asatru ("Folkishness") you just bring it into an arena where it's one of multiple doctrines that can do battle in gay e-debates, instead of it being a simple immanent factor in your life as being someone of Germanic descent. This means that it becomes one of many propositions that you can hold onto, because you're an atomized consoooomer and you get to pick and choose which identities you want to consooooom. I'm gay, I'm trans, I'm Armenian Orthodox, I'm peepee with poopoo characteristics. These consumptive identities then do battle.

Saying "yeah nah I'm an X, I don't have a choice in that" completely rejects that, and that's why the LARPers in this thread get so butthurt about it, and that's why they focus on Varg so much, as he is at is core a product to be consumed. They're literally advertising his music and tabletop games: "If you don't like Jews, you need to buy Burzum records and MYFAROG". Varg NEEDS to be the Odinist Pope (not that such a thing even makes sense as Odin is the leader of Odinism) in order to center the gay-strawman of "Universalist Asatru" around SOMETHING other than blood in the veins of men.

>> No.19241764

I worship God

>> No.19241769

god has curly side burns and he says oy vey when you sin

>> No.19241784

i like the story about the German writer Gustav Frenssen who quit being a pastor when told it was either God or racism.

>> No.19241821


>> No.19241859

>damning yourself over something that you won’t even be in a hundred years
So based...

>> No.19242010

I have sorcery and religion in ancient Scandinavia by him, and I’ve skimmed it, but it’s not super in depth and filled with a lot of vargism; I would say the best thing about Varg is his practical stuff (his comfy car fixing and driving vids, his rumination on simple living, and his rpg knowledge) and not his religious and metaphysical theories which are unfortunately just masked materialism ( the infamous placenta meme). His politics are also pretty much just edgy get off my lawn style misanthropy but a bit more racist, I stopped caring about most of his stuff when I realized he was mostly just a bitter old man.

>> No.19242180
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>> No.19242214

Quit LARPing, bro.

>> No.19242308


>> No.19242394
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Read pic related when it came out, no idea about his pagan books

>> No.19242419

Yes, read Scandinavian mythology

>> No.19242428

what's it about? i remember the cover from the old burzum website

>> No.19242449

its young varg so it's probably very edgy

>> No.19242461

random ramblings, his thoughts about racial hygiene and criticizing the media and norwegian society. Almost 20 years since i read it so i don`t remember it very clearly.