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/lit/ - Literature

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19239589 No.19239589 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, I would like to discuss some passages from the works of Schopenhauer. Specifically Parerga and Paralipomena volumes one and two

From Verse 92 of Volume Two:

"§92 In different parts of the world, similar or analogous kinds of plants and animals have come into existence under similar or analogous conditions of climate, topography, and atmosphere. Therefore several species are very similar to one another, yet without being identical (and this is the proper concept of the genus), and many are divisible into races and varieties that cannot have originated from one another, although the species remains the same. For unity of the species does not by any means imply unity of origin and descent from a single pair. On the whole this is an absurd assumption. Who will believe that all oaks are descended from a single first oak, all mice from a first pair, or all wolves from the first wolf? On the contrary, in similar circumstances but in different localities, nature repeats the same process and is much too careful to allow the existence of a species, especially of the higher kinds, to be quite precarious, by staking it on a single venture and thereby exposing to a thousand accidents a work that was for her so difficult to achieve.Rather does she know what she wants, wills it decidedly, and accordingly sets to work; but the occasion is never exclusive and unique. Now the African elephant, who has never been tamed, whose ears are very broad and long and cover the back of the neck, and whose female also has tusks, cannot be a descendant of the Asiatic, who is so docile and intelligent, whose female has no tusks, and whose ears are much smaller. Just as little is the American alligator a descendant of the crocodile from the Nile, for the two differ in their teeth and in the number of scales on the back of the neck; just as little also can the Negro be a descendant of the Caucasian race. ... The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want, and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization."

Do not take my word for it, here is the source, use the find function in calibre: https://b-ok.cc/book/825459/9c36ed

I would like to hold a discussion concerning his literature. Can somebody explain the meaning behind this?

>> No.19239602
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From Page 126 (yes this volume isn't organized in verses, only pages) of Volume One:

"The contempt in which the Jews were always held by contemporary peoples may have been due in great measure to the poor character of their religion. ... Speaking generally, the really essential element in a religion as such consists in the conviction it gives that our existence proper is not limited to our life, but is infinite. Now this wretched religion of the Jews does not do this at all, in fact it does not even attempt it. It is, therefore, the crudest and poorest of all religions and consists merely in an absurd and revolting theism. It amounts to this that the tcvptos ['Lord'], who has created the world, desires to be worshipped and adored; and so above all he is jealous, is envious of his colleagues, of all the other gods; if sacrifices are made to them he is furious and his Jews have a bad time. All these other religions and their gods are stigmatized in the Septuagint as fiS&vyfxa [' abomination']; but it is crude Judaism without any immortality that really merits this description. It is most deplorable that this religion has become the basis of the prevailing religion of Europe; for it is a religion without any metaphysical tendency. While all other religions endeavour to explain to the people by symbols and parables the metaphysical significance of life, the religion of the Jews is entirely immanent and furnishes nothing but a mere war-cry in the struggle with other nations."

Again do not take my word for it, here is the source, use the find function in calibre: https://b-ok.cc/book/873356/744075

I would like to hold a discussion concerning his literature. Can somebody explain the meaning behind this?

>> No.19239635

I simply wish to hold a discussion regarding this passage of literature, from "Parerga and Paralipomena" by Arthur Schopenhauer. In addition this thread serves to provide philosophical discussion based around these specific passages from his philosophical works, to which posters can directly refer to.

>> No.19239641
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What did Schopenhauer mean with these words? What are their implications? Feel free to share your thoughts

>> No.19239686
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>> No.19239768
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Why did Nietzsche pretend he was Polish like some sort of retarded larping Amermutt? 1/5

>> No.19239773
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>> No.19239778
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>> No.19239782
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>> No.19239787
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>> No.19239792

Flute poster been real silent after these dropped

>> No.19240101

Nobody wants to discuss Schopenhauer, or Nietzsche?

>> No.19240126
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>> No.19240177
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Thanks, have a meme as well

>> No.19240180
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Might as well dump a few

>> No.19240183
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>> No.19240199
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Hmm Nietzsche anon, can you recommend in what order to read his works, I have been thinking about reading him for a while, and it's about time I actually get to it. Should I read them in the order he wrote them. Maybe I should start with his easiest works and move through them. Or should I jump right I to Thus Spoke Zarasthura, and then just read it until I get something put of it?

>> No.19240204
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I dunno why is it says 6 posters though. Maybe because I'm on mobile. Literally every post in this thread has been me except 'flute'.

>> No.19240230
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What about this guy? I was considering reading him and guenon, but I remember picking up guenon and just being really bored by his introduction to the Hindu doctrine. Which is the one that everyone says to start with. Are his other books more interesting. Is evola any better?

>> No.19240258

god, he is a cringy american.

>> No.19240264

cool pic, who made? the close landscape at the bottum looks like it could be a real historical piece, but as you go up to the far off mountans and sky, it kinda feels like a different, more baroqe style.

>> No.19240275

Schopenhauer was a hinduboo. Basically all of his work boils down to "I have fixed Kant, also he was wrong still when I fixed him, because Indra did electrons and that's the whole solution btw there is no question because Maya's just like your opinion anyway so if you have a problem, like, don't"

>> No.19240333
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No idea, I got it out of another thread lmao

>> No.19240345

Schopenhauer thought Kant was still wrong after Schopenhauer fixed his philosophy? Regardless, I do know that him being a Hinduboo is the primary driver of his antisemitism

>> No.19240356

But funnily enough, I am Polish. He may not have been Polish in blood, but on behalf of the Polish community, we accept him as a brother who is Polish in soul and spirit, the only way it truly matters. In fact, after finding out these quotes are real, it actually makes me want to read him more

>> No.19240361

So I'll probably read Thus Spoke Zarathustra next

>> No.19240365

He was just saying that in an attempt of trolling the German nationalists of his era.

>> No.19240381

I honestly dont know but I think he was serious

>> No.19240386

Absolutely, supremely, superlatively based and redpilled.

>> No.19240413

I know. Another author to add to my home nations canon, which makes him based by default

>> No.19240450

>Kant was still wrong after Schopenhauer fixed his philosophy
Yes. But he added to his complaints that other people were more wrong about Kant and some had possibly not read Kant at all. It's a deep level of autism, which also demands you read his works in order. (Yes I mean he gave actual reading orders to his autism and it was chronological with reasons).