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19238301 No.19238301 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19238304

He's right though only retards care about high school sports

>> No.19238307

All literary all philosophers just angry incels?

>> No.19238750

The idea of noam going to his HS football game and cheering like a moron when he has no friends on the team then wondering "wait, why am i doing this?" is so funny.

>> No.19238795

Imagine seething this much over a HS football game. Jesus.

>> No.19238821

Was he genuinely autistic? I can't find any other reason.

>> No.19238827

>heh, i'm a free thinking individual, i don't need no oppressive culture to tell me what to do

>wait a sec... why is the world so sociopathic? uh leftybros why aren't we winning?!

lmao these fucking jews man. i'll tell you hwat.

>> No.19238837


>> No.19238845

imagine exposing yourself as the high school weird kid like that

>> No.19238847

Based libertarian socialists. Collectivists will cry about "muh people" or some other gay shit and use this as an excuse to exercise authoritarian control. The true redpill is realizing that you are an individual with no ally in this world.

>> No.19238858

But they are winning.
This sort of rhetoric is only meant to break the cohesiveness of gentiles.
Jews like Chomsky say this but hen immediately turn around to donate and lobby for Israel through AIPAC.
Why would secular New York Jews care about Israel, a middle eastern country half a world away, with a culture largely incompatible with their secular urbanite milieu?
Maybe it’s because Jews like Chomsky DO see themselves and Israelite Jews as part of the same team and are “cheering” for the homeland but they do it discreetly while at the same denigrating team sports to a gentile audience.

>> No.19238863

Took you this long to figure it out?

>> No.19238865

>dudebros, football is BASED, you get to touch so many strong men in a manly way

>> No.19238870

>The true redpill is realizing that you are an individual with no ally in this world.

very deep stuff bro, who cares if human beings spend literal hundreds of thousands of years as social animals. you are smarter than all of them and the world would be better off if everybody just acted like epic free thinker ubermensches

>> No.19238882

You do know Chomsky is staunchly anti-Israel, right?

>> No.19238895

>Why would secular New York Jews care about Israel, a middle eastern country half a world away, with a culture largely incompatible with their secular urbanite milieu?
You think Israel is not secular? Most people don't like the haredim because they do not work, they get gibs while being exempt from army services and also don't subscribe to the western morals (they refuse to shake hands with women, for instance)

>> No.19238907

Damn dude, couldn't have said it better myself. Glad you see it my way.

>> No.19238913

maybe but it seems far fetched. this man spent his entire life being a reddit tier meme philosopher and writing so many pages about why bugmanism is good. occam's razor says he's actually just sincerely the kind of faggot he says he is, and not a decades-long ultracharlatan.

the more interesting inquiry is to ask how much of his worldview is based on jewish chauvanism that he isn't even aware of. more likely, he does not view himself as loyal to any kind of team, whether they be jews or just academics, all the while ironically spouting rhetoric that benefits only such people. sometimes reality is just boring and gay and a consequence of personal shortcomings instead of a nefarious plot. i hate the adage, "never attribute to malice etc." because the fact is so many very people are malicious, but chomsky does not rub me as a malicious person. he's just a corny ideologue.

>> No.19238914

The point is that all Jews see themselves as part of the same team even if they have their bickering and disagreements with each other.
Chomsky here is ridiculing collectivism as primitive tribalism in gentiles when his own tribe behaves the same.

>> No.19239086

>this man spent his entire life being a reddit tier meme philosopher and writing so many pages about why bugmanism is good.
Can you explain to me what """bugmanism""" (sic) is, according to you? Never really understood what it means.

>> No.19239103

>The point is that all Jews see themselves as part of the same team
>Chomsky's criticism of Israel has led to his being called a traitor to the Jewish people and an anti-Semite.[291] Criticizing Chomsky's defense of the right of individuals to engage in Holocaust denial on the grounds that freedom of speech must be extended to all viewpoints, Werner Cohn called Chomsky "the most important patron" of the neo-Nazi movement.[292] The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called him a Holocaust denier,[293] describing him as a "dupe of intellectual pride so overweening that he is incapable of making distinctions between totalitarian and democratic societies, between oppressors and victims".
It doesn't seem they're acting as "part of the same team".

>Chomsky here is ridiculing collectivism as primitive tribalism in gentiles
Cheering for a football team is "collectivism" ? Lmao

>> No.19239118

only to throw gullible fags off the scent

>> No.19239121


>> No.19239134

Based. Fuck niggers. Fuck trannies. Fuck trannies. I am an individual and will not submit to socially mandated values like supporting trannies and niggers.

>> No.19239154

>I don't know any of these goys, I don't care
>That must mean their sports culture is a way of doing bad authoritarian and irrational thing
Can Jews ever not be so obviously Jewish?

>> No.19239169

Seek help.

>> No.19239536
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well "bugman" means somebody who eats bugs, a person who takes the "you must eat bugs instead of beef to save the environment" at face value (i.e. some sort of transcendent truth about "Our Project" instead of just another cynical ploy to force people to change their habits for the benefit of, ugh, the bourgeois let's say)

one does not eat bugs to save the world, because the idea that you can revolutionize a culture via the consumerist habits of the proles etc. on their end is absurd (i am a vegan and the shift to bugs over beef, pork and so on would at least be "progress" to me, but that's another discussion). the fact is these things start at the top, not the bottom, and so chomsky falls victim to the optimism that plagues many leftists, a remnant of christianity (for that is what socialists and anarchists are, crypto-christcucks who believe themselves to be free thinkers unleashed from the chains of historical propriety) where they imagine the future as some post-racial, post-religious, post-fucking everything society of men who are liberated by the euphoria of their own intelligence. that is not what the world is, not what it has ever been, and so you can say that these people are delusional in their naive optimism. chomsky and his cohorts imagine the human being as a relative tabula rasa and from that basis they extrapolate all kinds of stupid shit. people are not blank slates, because if you removed every single environmental factor from a person's identity, they wouldn't even be a person anymore. note that I am not arguing against the blank slate in the usual sense: I don't care about genetic determinism or about being racist so much as the fact that culture might as well be genetics. and that's what these people don't get. genetics aside, you will still have the barrier and in fact the very *need* for culture to form a whole person, while these reddit fucks think there is some pure, positive seed of goodness in the average person. this flies in the face of actual christianity (because it is pessimistic in its most sincere practice, as seen by "extremist" puritans) but it is the popular christianity of the last couple centuries.

I could rattle on about this horseshit all day and I'm half-drunk but whatever, the point to this rambling is that chomsky is 1) a fool optimist and idiot who thinks humans are inherently good but spoiled by their environments, 2) that culture and history are mere burdens, and that if we all just put on fedoras and became enlightened beings of pure reason, everything would be okay, and 3) the overall globohomo project is a good thing and not a poorly disguised, same old type of racialist/nationalist/chauvanist/bourgeois project on behalf of certain interest groups that has always been the driving force behind any political movement endorsed by the mainstream. he's not mean spirited, he's barely even blinded but just enough to be dangerous, and for that reason i hope he dies in a fucking car crash.

>> No.19239558

I know you put a lot of effort into this post but the term bugman precedes the 'you will eat the bugs' meme by quite a few years.

>> No.19239584

whatever. i know it's from calling such people insects or NPCs but my point what what it means to me and what it implies in 2021. i'm pretty sure it was in popular use well before the actual "eat the bugs" meme dropped but whatever i'm drunk and don't remember the actual date and it's irrelevant.

>> No.19239601
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>> No.19239627

what did he mean by this

i just now remembered the "small souled bugmen" line from a moldbug post but i think even that was well after the meme. its origin shall remain a mystery to me.

>> No.19239693

>well "bugman" means somebody who eats bugs, a person who takes the "you must eat bugs instead of beef to save the environment" at face value (i.e. some sort of transcendent truth about "Our Project" instead of just another cynical ploy to force people to change their habits for the benefit of, ugh, the bourgeois let's say)
Does Chomsky advocated for eating bugs?
>chomsky and his cohorts imagine the human being as a relative tabula rasa
Same as above. This does not sound like anarchist thought.

>1) a fool optimist and idiot who thinks humans are inherently good but spoiled by their environments, 2) that culture and history are mere burdens, and that if we all just put on fedoras and became enlightened beings of pure reason, everything would be okay, and 3) the overall globohomo project is a good thing and not a poorly disguised, same old type of racialist/nationalist/chauvanist/bourgeois project on behalf of certain interest groups that has always been the driving force behind any political movement endorsed by the mainstream

Feel free to provide any quote to back your statements

>> No.19239694

High school sports teams are completely synthetic. Back in antiquity you would compete in a sport event on behalf of your polis, your city state (the country is the modern equivalent however that’s really quite a lot less intimate). High schools are artificial conglomerates of people no more genetically spiritually or ideologically related to one another than any other school

>> No.19239964

>Does Chomsky advocated for eating bugs?

not that I'm aware of. you missed the point, he's still a bugman.

>Feel free to provide any quote to back your statements

look up his opinion on IQ research, there are many statements about how he views it poorly and is suspect of its racist implications. he thinks that intelligence research is useless, because any gains that might be had will be colored (no pun intended) by bias and lead to horrifically racist policy. in that way he is a luddite, which is ironic given his otherwise whole acceptance of scientism. to be honest i just tried to google the piece he wrote on the subject but am too drunk (sorry i've mentioned this for the third time but it is what it is) and couldn't find it but maybe you can. i am arguing in good faith though and don't intend to bolster my arguments with bullshit, he really is like this. you should note this when considering why he's such a cuck for the establishment (shilling for biden and democrats), how it factors into his anarchism.

>> No.19239987

He's right though. That sports fans can vote is damming for the concept of democracy

>> No.19240092

He found a relatively unargued field and made considerable damage to it. His whole basis of what language is rests upon "because I say" and is poorly constructed.

>> No.19240267

>It doesn't seem they're acting as "part of the same team"
ever heard the saying, "two Jews, three opinions"?

>> No.19240399

>Noam has no athletic friends
What a fucking surprise

>> No.19240412

>Me and the boyz have fun at the game
>skinny fuck in the back who has no friends snears at this and sees himself as an "freethinker"
>Doesnt even have the balls to shoot up the school

>> No.19240430

im not surprised. jews have an instinctual repulsion for non-jewish tribalism. that one whore sarah silverstein, or whatever is her name, told a story about being repulsed by her boyfriend putting up the american flag because it represented collective pride. jews can only stand tribalism when it suits them.

>> No.19240434

Alright Tim. We remember when you gave this speech last practice, now get in formation for the next play.

>> No.19240744

>It doesn't seem they're acting as "part of the same team".
That is precisely how controlled opposition is supposed to function.

>> No.19240757

>Wow I dont care about my community or anything, that makes me smart

>> No.19240778
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>guy claims to care about the working class
>is literally some bugman who gets irrational upset over working class kids coming together for a bit of fun exercise and community bonding and friendly competition that everyone involved enjoys

why is EVERY single leftist like this? they envision themselves as these grand architects of systems of liberation for working class people who are completely alien to them and want nothing to do with their ideas, like theyve convinced themselves they are heros and "really" understand the plight of these people when they not only dont understand them but are often outwardly hostile towards them and their values

>> No.19240786

This is the perspective of the loser who doesn't want to be seen as a loser so he sides with the football players. Many such cases on 4chan. Losers who side with idiots out of fear they'll be seen as losers.

>> No.19240787

This is NDT levels of fart sniffing "insights". And these same academic types will start fighting over some fucking obscure theory or philosopher neither has a real stake in, or knew personally, and the issue will be some hypothetical bullshit or disagreement over some hairsplitting word use.

It's just so fucking intellectual when it's irrational applauding over politics and academic bullshitting.

The reality is every one of these cunts were intimidated and seething by more successful peers. Poor little Noam had no friends and had to have a seething intellectual breakdown over everyone enjoying themselves actually being trained to obey authority and prime them for warfare. What a fucking cockgargler.

>> No.19240794

What does that make me if I side with the janitor who cleans up after the game?

>> No.19240796

Liberals (Republicans and moderate Democrats) despise Chomsky.

>> No.19240798

A sigma male

>> No.19240807

I obviously meant liberal as in the dynamic of conducting ones self/ ones policy liberally or conservatively you spastic commie retard. Christ you people are insufferable

>> No.19240812

we didn't wait for sports fans to realize democracy is a scam

>> No.19240816

I'm about as far from a commie as you can get. I'm for noocracy like Plato. You probably shouldn't assume everyone who doesn't think like you is a commie.

>> No.19240817

i hate nerds

>> No.19240821

You are a nerd. Probably a massive nerd. Not only are you on 4chan, but on /lit/ of all boards.

>> No.19240824

i didn't assume that because "you ding think like me" i assumed that because commies love posting that exact same thing literally every chance they get to try and differ themselves from their masters, looks like you've picked up the habit from them, though im not sure why you would feel so compelled

>> No.19240827

This actually made me sad to read. Playing a sport and being in-sync with your team, all wanting singlemindedly to do your best and bring home the win, is an amazing experience. The second vest thing is to cheer your friends on. I'm sad he never got to have that feeling and that he has no way of conceiving if it as anything other than part of a power structure. He was emotionally starved.

>> No.19240842

Commies hate Chomsky too though.

>> No.19240846

So who is the demographic that actually likes Chomsky?

>> No.19240849
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>> No.19240852

nebish perpetually institutionalised academics

>> No.19240853
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>> No.19240856
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lmao I legit had this thought earlier this month except it was for my cities hockey team

>> No.19240879


I have a clear memory of being very proud of myself that I never attended after-school social gatherings, thinking that it was stupid. Why the hell would you want to be in the school building one second longer than necessary. I also prided myself on never attending or participating in a single sport function in either high school or college.

>> No.19240883

Sports fans are retarded, simple minded like dogs

>> No.19240893
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I had this thought much of my life but with the entirety of humanity and my very own human existence itself. For what purpose am I or anyone else the flesh ape? Why do we all strive to perpetuate the existence of flesh apeness?

>> No.19240897
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There is nothing so wretched in all the world as a high school football game. The relief from all this is that no one goes to heaven, and no one goes to hell. No one is reincarnated, and in the grand scheme of things, there is no social status. Everyone comes to the exact same one undifferentiated Nothing End, and obviously so, despite their flagellations toward religion. The Differentiation of Status does not continue into some projected afterlife. Nature quiets everyone very efficiently, one way or another.

>> No.19240906

ok sure, thats a whole other conversion, but that has literally no bearing on what I said so im not sure why you posted this in reply to my comment

>> No.19240910

cope: the post

>> No.19240968

Correct, this is literally what modern olympics are as well, and why football hooligans go apeshit when their team loses. Just because it's dumsky doesn't mean he can't be right for once.

>> No.19240987

Kaczynski would argue that the identification with a sports team, an activity you only passively participate in, is a surrogate activity wherein you fullfil your power process by self-inserting into the person playing and identifying with him. In a society filled with unfulfilled people, this is an exceedingly common escape method, that's slowly fading partially due to newer, more satisfying activities.

>> No.19241011 [DELETED] 

>this is an exceedingly common escape method, that's slowly fading partially due to newer, more satisfying activities
is this a reference to watching Let's Plays

>> No.19241043

Competitive sports are disgusting. Sports should be just play and only play.
>Sports, then, may be defined as a reaction the conditions under which man lives in the large cities. This reaction is dependent upon the increasing mechanization of motion. "Savages" do not practice sports. They exercise their physical faculties; they play, dance, and sing, but there is nothing sportslike in these activities, even if they are performed with virtuosity. Our best sportsmen significantly hail from the industrial districts where mechanization is at its highest, particularly from the cities. Farmers, foresters, professional hunters, and fishermen, those whose movements are free of mechanical compulsion, rarely practice sports. The headway that sports are making in the rural districts is in fact a yardstick of advancing mechanization, particularly the mechanization of farming. For the operation of that machinery changes the muscular development and with it the operator's movements. In older generations, lifelong hard manual labor had produced that heaviness and hardness of body, that clumsiness typical of the peasant. Now these features are disappearing. He becomes nimble and more agile since the machine relieves him from direct contact with the soil. The driver of a tractor or a combine has a body different from that of the ploughman or the mower.
>It is not easy to draw a sharp line between play and sports, because there is hardly a game that cannot be practiced as a sport. The Olympic Games of the Greeks, obviously, were not sports but festivals of a religious character, combined with contests. They cannot be called sports simply because of the absence of the industrial scene, which is the background of what we moderns term sports. What we call Olympic games in memory of antiquity are highly technical sports to which flock the specialists from all countries. There is a difference between the man for whom hunting or swimming, fishing or rowing are natural pursuits, parts of his life, and the man who practices hunting, swimming, fishing, or rowing as a sport. The latter obviously is a technician who has developed to perfection the mechanical side of his activity. The equipment of the modern sportsman alone indicates this. To get an impression of the growing mechanization, we need only look at the tools used in sports, all those elaborate fishing rods and reels, all those scientific golf balls and clubs, the stop watches, time clocks, measuring devices, starting machines, and so on. In the exact timings of motions and split-second recordings of modern sports we find again that organization and control of the consumption of time that characterize technology.

>> No.19241048

>And is not the sportsman's lingo a language of typically mechanical hardness? A man who starts to jump and run for the sheer joy of jumping and running and who stops when the mood has left him is entirely different from the man who enters an athletic event in which, under guidance of technical rules and with the use of time clocks and measuring apparatus, he jumps and runs in an attempt to break a record. The high pleasure that swimming and diving give us is due to the touch of water, its crystal freshness, its coolness, purity, transparency, and gentle yielding. This delight, obviously, is of no significance in contests where professional swimmers perform. For the purpose of such contests is to find out which swimmer has the most perfect technique and consequently reaches the goal faster than the rest. Training for record-breaking is essentially an intensification of will power aimed at complete mastery over the body which has to obey mechanically. Such an effort may be quite useful and effective. But the more the training for, and the breaking of, records become ends in themselves, the more sterile they grow.
>The physique of the modern athlete betrays the one-sided training to which it is subjected. His body is trained, but it is anything but beautiful. The body-building, as effected by specialized sports, does not achieve beauty, because it lacks proportion, something a body devoted to special training no more can have than a mind narrowed down to highly specialized interests. When the sports-trained body is considered beautiful, it is due not merely to the absence of a trained eye, to insufficient study of the nude. No, an appraisal of this sort also expresses the fact that the human body is judged by mechanical criteria such as muscular dimensions and, in particular, by the specialized training it shows. These criteria, however, lack appreciation for the quiet, effortless fullness of beauty; they do not consider relaxed easiness or charm and grace. These viewpoints are deficient in spirituality as well as in sensuality. Unbalance and exaggeration of physique as bred by modern sports are most striking with women. Both their bodies and their faces acquire hardened, sterile traits. Modern sports are incompatible with any kind of artistic life and activity; they are essentially unartistic and unspiritual by nature.
>A comparison suggests itself between the sportsman and the ascetic, who is also a professional, though in quite a different sense. The training of the sportsman has an ascetic trait, and through all sports we find a certain puritanism, a strict hygiene of physical habits, which controls sleep, nutrition, and sex life from the viewpoint of efficiency. Sportsmen are not a group of people who exuberantly express their abundance of vital energy, but a tribe of strict professionals who rigidly economize their every ounce of strength, lest they waste a single motion of their money-making, fame-making physique.

>> No.19241468

DO NOT GOOGLE hooligans fight

>> No.19241474

exactly how is that a relief? If anything, what you're saying is a blackpill

>> No.19241492
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He's right, its the same with like /pol/ and race. Of course it makes sports less fun but its still a form of submitting to ingroups. I think the point is to not do it mindlessly or "irrationally" like he said

>> No.19241611


>> No.19241628

>Nerd has no friends that play in the Football team

>> No.19241631

>Sport mentioned
>instantly thinks about gay sex
Troonbrain detected

>> No.19241652

t. has never been in a sport changing room

Do you know what a piss bomb is?

>> No.19241753

So...where is the lie?

>> No.19241760

you dont need to justify not liking football with some sort of critique of nationalism. if he had a real father figure in his life he would understand why people enjoy sports.

>> No.19241776

I have a father figure and I never liked sports.

>> No.19241796

You're submitting to the socially mandated values of this website

>> No.19241801

Leftists are all miserable people, aren't they?

>> No.19241803

This thread was moved to >>>/his/12127704