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19237875 No.19237875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's all true, isn't it?

>> No.19237881

literally none of it is true

>> No.19237895
File: 29 KB, 333x499, A5FD9913-D62C-463F-AB86-EC30DE939C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It was all made up. Cobbled together from various myths and legends and current events. A fabrication from the start

>> No.19237910

Yup. especially the part where a bunch of people came back to life and wandered around the city and everyone saw it
huh? you want me to post some historical contemporary sources that report on such major event occurring?
Sorry bro but I don't believe in providing sources

>> No.19237913

Kys christcuck

>> No.19238058

>The mythicist Biblical scholar Robert M. Price said that Atwill "gives himself license to indulge in the most outrageous display of parallelomania ever seen." Price acknowledges that the New Testament has "persistent pro-Roman tendencies", but says this was done "for apologetical reasons, to avoid persecution." The mythicist Richard Carrier similarly stated that all of Atwill's alleged parallels can be explained as either coincidences, mistranslations, or references to Old Testament sources or tropes. However, Carrier also agreed that the New Testament has pro-Roman aspects. According to Carrier, "Christianity was probably constructed to 'divert Jewish hostility and aggressiveness into a pacifist religion, supportive of–and subservient to–Roman rule,' but not by Romans, but exasperated Jews like Paul."

>Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman said "I know sophomores in college who could rip this ... to shreds" and pointed out that Atwill had "no training in any relevant field."

>> No.19238061


>> No.19238077

I'm going to tell you a story. Wait for me to finish, then guess who I'm talking about.

He was born on December 25th, in a manger, to a virgin.
The local ruler had all the firstborn male children under the age of 2 put to death in an effort to stop him.
His birth was attended by shepherds and angels.
He was visited by three wise men who followed a star, and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
He had twelve followers.
He was crucified between two thieves.
Three days after he died, he was resurrected, and went to go live with his father, God, up in Heaven.

OK, that's my story. Who am I talking about?

Actually, it's the story of the Egyptian god Horus, and dates back to 1500 BC. Similar origin stories are claimed for Mercury (Roman), Dionysus (Greek), Krishna (Hindu), and Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), but Horus is the earliest version of this story I'm aware of.

>> No.19238087

and Mithras (Persian)

>> No.19238104
File: 49 KB, 495x660, EehUH_vXYAE8UVp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it was true I would still not be a christcuck

>> No.19238122

both are wrong retarded atheistcucks

>> No.19238134


>> No.19238135

Not an atheist
Hey pal
I'm not an atheist, isn't that shocking?
You know why?
Because the alternative to Jewish Christcuckery is not atheism
Your black and white vision of the world has fried your brain and given you a false dichotomy of "Heckin Christianity or Atheism!!! One or the other!!!"
It's pathetic
Get over yourself

>> No.19238141

wtf are you then subhuman. your post is still retarded and wrong faggot

>> No.19238143

>Virtually all scholars believe that a historical Jesus existed and attempts to deny his historicity have been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe theory.

>> No.19238146

>nooooooo he doesn’t have academic training nooooo
get fucked ermanberg

>> No.19238150

your schizofaggotry got exposed retard. keep coping and dilating.

>> No.19238155

Yes. And everything else is cope

>> No.19238167

>Nooo there's only one deistic philosophy and it's Christcuckery!!! If you don't believe in Christcuckery you LITERALLY don't believe in God!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19238171

still waiting for the answer subhuman kike. now stop deflecting like a troon and post it. Also it's hilarious how your post got btfo.

>> No.19238184

yes, it's all true.

>> No.19238192

What do you mean? I believe in God. There's your answer
>no but you need some organized religion to attach yourself to
No I don't

>> No.19238205

so you are just deist subhuman?
so modern cuckery is your ilk's invention thanks a lot faggot. from now on you can't call anyone cuck unless you include yourself in it nigger.

>> No.19238238

Much of what you described about Horus is simply a reflection of the effort of atheists tomake Horus look as much like Jesus as possible.

Check this out and please stop posting lies


>> No.19238289

That's pure fake news. Try to do some research with sources other than militant atheist websites.

>> No.19238352
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>> No.19238358

If the God that smote Sodom and Gomorrah existed, there would be no LA and no America. Nations were turned to salt for less than what happens in Hollywood daily with the nonstop sodomy and tranny sin.
Simple as.

>> No.19238364
File: 175 KB, 1024x995, satanva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can´t think of any other reason why demons are so militant and instant on making people ignore it.

>> No.19238408

It's simply history. You can look it up yourself.
The story attributed to Jesus is very old.

>> No.19238416

what proof does this offer to back up its hypothesis? have you even read it?

>> No.19238425

That article is mostly a bunch of hysterical assertions, written by someone whose whole world is in danger of falling apart.

>> No.19238428

Lets consider that you're correct for a moment.
Wouldn't this be even more amazing that an aztec myth became the basis for a culture that didn't reach the Aztecs for another 1000 years.

>> No.19238486

I don't see you having any argument faggot

>> No.19238493

still have not provided any sources you disingenuous kike

>> No.19238610

Is there a book that details all the myths that existed before Christianity that were then used to build Christianity?

>> No.19238828

>Coping this much
Atheism gentlemen's.

Here is another article that may be able to help you:

>> No.19238853

Yes. I realized it recently

>> No.19238872

Lots of demons ITT. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I order to this thread to be cleansed.

>> No.19238915

This looks promising

>> No.19238954

>magic is literally real

ok dude then why do you work a day job and live a normie life instead of dedicating yourself to the omnipotent force that governs us all. oh wait because it's a larp and has been a larp ever since the average person was literate and understood that volcanoes aren't caused by god's wrath but completely explainable natural phenomena.

>> No.19238967

>>Virtually all scholars believe that a historical Jesus existed
Same thing with the Holocaust and that was less than 100 years ago Get a clue

>> No.19238998

Your God will send you to Hell for your hate.

>> No.19239005
File: 139 KB, 1496x419, polchris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys kike and take your false gospels to hell with you

>> No.19239016
File: 614 KB, 1651x2200, 1634408104379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true. The Lord loves you so much

>> No.19239020

This is Zeitgeist tier ashiest . Anyways, come back to Christ and be blessed. He made you, afterall

>> No.19239069

I'm still here

>> No.19239205


>> No.19239247


>> No.19239262

but (((scholars))) hate Jesus and Christianity. wouldn't they be eager to tell us that He wasn't real? it's not like they benefit from propagating his existence like they benefit from propagating the holocaust's.

>> No.19239270

>then why do you work a day job and live a normie life
i don't do either of those things

>> No.19239276

Let’s read right wing droolings and fugg

>> No.19239286
File: 369 KB, 1680x1680, christ_pantocrator_hagia_sophia_1680x1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19239292

>hurf durf no one had ever heard of anyone coming back to life before jeebus!

They benefit plenty. Evangelicals love Israel because of Jesus.

>> No.19239305

This looks like the type of book you see on the last page of Amazon's "Top Sellers in [obscure category]"

>> No.19239318

no, they love israel because of a modern misrepresentation of Scripture and Jesus. do you know the long history of jewish persecution in the name of Jesus?

>> No.19239393

>Evangelicals love Israel because of Jesus.
All because they do not realize that the true children of Abraham are spiritual and that Israel is the Church. Christians are the Chosen People, not biological Jews. The Bible teaches this. Anyone believing otherwise has been hoodwinked by Christkillers

>> No.19239413

Why are you shifting the goalposts? The claim was that Horus (among others) had the same story as Jesus, not that resurrection wasn’t a concept before the time of Christ.

>> No.19239432

Because I've watched the video. That's the argument: that Zeitgeist is wrong because One World Government is a good thing, fiat currency is stable and moral, the Federal Reserve is trustworthy and that people must not be allowed to understand how it works, that nobody had ever heard of things like prayer, miracles, or resurrection of the dead before it was decided that these were core parts of Christian doctrine around 300AD, and that the official US 9/11 narrative is entirely correct and must not be questioned. That is what you are arguing.

I'm just pointing out that this is absurd.

It doesn't really matter. They love Jesus because Israel. That's how it works. You can go talk to these people if you like, they'll give you all sorts of bizarre theories about it.

>> No.19239467

of course it matters. you're attacking Jesus and Christianity because of evangelicals- people who fundamentally misunderstand Jesus and Christianity.

>> No.19239484

there is no hate you cuck only your faggotry

>> No.19239489

>you're attacking Jesus and Christianity
No I'm not.

>people who fundamentally misunderstand Jesus and Christianity.
You're going to have to take it up with them. Getting butthurt about early 2000s skepticism of fiat currency isn't going to change my views, and it's certainly not going to change the views of Evangelicals. You want people to stop pointing out that they worship Jews, get them to stop worshiping Jews. You should stop worshiping Jews yourself while you're at it, but that's a separate point.

>> No.19239496

nice try kike but you are missunderstanding them too you subhuman.

>> No.19239504

>no one had ever heard of anyone coming back to life before jeebus!
that was not a point you disingenuous kike.

>> No.19239505
File: 44 KB, 1100x576, 9D2202A3-15A1-4AD4-B342-84AFBEE0FFA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want people to stop pointing out that they worship Jews, get them to stop worshiping Jews. You should stop worshiping Jews yourself while you're at it, but that's a separate point.
You people are all the same

>> No.19239506

Yes it is. That is the argument that is being made.

>> No.19239511

no it is not disingenuous kike. he argument was that christians ripped of horus which was proven wrong. now dilate and join you local pagancuck establishment.

>> No.19239520

again, when Jesus' message is properly understood, jews are hated and driven out of society. look at the history of jews in europe from Jesus to Hitler. what you see since Hitler is a distortion of Jesus' message.

>> No.19239524

Right, the argument was that Christians ripped off Horus. You then posted the video which argues that this can't be the case because Horus is actually a ripoff of Jesus.

>> No.19239527

Sounds nice. Best get to conveying this to Evangelicals.

>> No.19239530

Hitler has nothing to do with Christ, fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.19239532

>Right, the argument was that Christians ripped off Horus
yes, thanks for conceding.
> You then posted the video
it was not me
>which argues that this can't be the case because Horus is actually a ripoff of Jesus.
no dumbfuck. it argues that there are no similarities. you are either retarded subhuman or did not watch a video like a disingenuous rat you are.

>> No.19239535

of course its the case. all of your pagan larp shit is just stealing from christians. go seethe and dilate tranny.