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19236452 No.19236452 [Reply] [Original]

Is epic theatre and gesamtkunstwerk really the same thing?

>> No.19236467

you mean cinema anon.

>> No.19236471

Don’t juxtapose Wagner (pbuh) with that sweaty Jewish hack ever again

>> No.19236482

>jews are... LE BAD!!

>> No.19236489

They are extremely bad for gentile societies.

>> No.19236507

Brecht wasnt a Jew
He was a hack though

>> No.19236514

>Brecht wasnt a Jew
Second biggest meme of the 20th century.

>> No.19236548

Whats wrong with Brecht? Most people in theater seem to think of him highly.

>> No.19236555

He’s spiritually Jewish

>> No.19236572

Regietheater. No wonder people in the present like an exponent of an ideology which favours them, over the silent majority.

>> No.19236586

Because most people in theatre are just trust fund grifters with a superiority complex that flourished once they went to art school. For them liking Brecht is just an extension of their radlib performative politics. They like Brecht simply for his “Le working class is dumb and I’m at the vanguard of art and will lead the retards to develop class consciousness through my theatre” because they see themselves in Brecht’s delusion.

>> No.19236604

How does that differ from 'actual' theater then?

>> No.19236618

Read Molière and Racine. Then compare them to Brecht. Two are art, whereas the latter is just explicit pontification that the working class is too dumb to understand they are oppressed so I will beat them over the head with it until I think they understand. Brecht’s plays are essentially a Marxist version of coloring books for adults: no nuance, just stay within the lines and do what you are told.

>> No.19236641

But how does that differ from the low brow aspects of Shakespeare, or the really obvious moralism in greek plays? Yet those are still considered art forms.

>> No.19236645

>no nuance, just stay within the lines and do what you are told.
You have never read Brecht.

>> No.19236665
File: 2.89 MB, 3024x3295, 9646D646-6483-4F09-B5B4-5BD042C307D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more, you faggot bitchboy

>> No.19236671

you literally just proved the point. you've read stephen parker, tom kuhn and david constantine, but not brecht

>> No.19236677

Lmaoooooooo I love when retards cope like this. Thanks for the laugh, you typical Brecht pleb

>> No.19236686
File: 2.38 MB, 1400x2800, 1602454083733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where you get the bust?

>> No.19236690

>0 Brecht plays in the picture

>> No.19236702

Bust of my favorite poet, Sergei Yesenin. Paid a Russian on the internet. His Mayakovsky busts looked good, so I asked if he had a Yesenin one and he only had one that he has ever done.

>> No.19236705

Keep crying.

>> No.19236713

>really obvious moralism
It's literally the opposite.

But even if you interpreted it that way, the 'moralism' of Sophocles is unfathomably more valuable than Brecht's Marxism, you could say just by the fact that we receive one artistically and the other propagandistically.

>> No.19236737

Most cinema affirms the separation of the arts. Just using multiple artforms doesn't make something a Gesamtkunstwerk, otherwise Wagner wouldn't have criticised Meyerbeer and Rossini.

>> No.19237833

Just look at their photos side by side. Just look at it.

>> No.19238073
File: 1.23 MB, 999x1500, Patrice_Chéreau_66ème_Festival_de_Venise_(Mostra).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes Wagner Brechtian