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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19236551 No.19236551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are him and guenon not theosophists?

>> No.19237693


i often wonder this as well

>> No.19237791

>distinguishing between new age cults

>> No.19237793

Maybe they're not joiners?

>> No.19237838

You should read his book on theosophism, it talks about this in detail.

>> No.19237855
File: 13 KB, 347x500, theosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19238523

It is sad that people still need to ask this question. Him and Guenon rejected mysticism in favour of initiation properly understood, which is man's reintegration into his primordial state, whereas theosophy is founded upon mysticism. They also reject the grafting of modern Western morals onto eastern traditions (humanism, egalitarianism, democracy, etc), which the theosophists are guilty of doing. The traditional method is very different from theosophy since it analyses all ancient traditions, clearly making the distinction between esoteric and exoteric, taking that which is perennial and then conducting a synthesis, which is based on actual initiatic, higher knowledge, instead of vague mysticism and syncretism like theosophy. To the traditionalists, the esoteric was a science, and they had a scientific approach, making it very elitist; whereas of course theosophy is the opposite of this, often humiliating itself as a consequence.

tl;dr Traditionalists have a perfectly clear understanding of the esoteric and spiritual, theosophists are much more LARPy and vague. The prominence of women among the founders is no coincidence.

>> No.19238546

How are Evola or Guenon new age?

>> No.19238631

Theosophy is part of the counter-initiation. The counter-initiation always tries to appear as what it isn't. Theosophy is a caricature of the "unity of traditional forms". Is like the anti-christ which the fools take as the actual Christ even if he is just a satanic caricature. This is why theosophy may seem to be like Guenon's concept of unity even though in reality is just the complete opposite. Do you get it now?

>> No.19238706

They defined themselves out of it.

>> No.19239261

Because theosophy was a specific brand from a specific current in a specific era and it was quite frankly schizo fantasies and focused on the wrong shit.

Evola and Guenon were practically speaking Traditionalists, and Evola eventually clarified himself in an entirely different camp being a Magus and ultimately denying every residual religious structure which is something an 'in name' Traditionalist would never do.

>> No.19239266

>mindless categorization
The absolute state

>> No.19240206

Theosophy is just worse than Tradition

It's a matter of:

>Prioritization of the wrong things, valuing things out of proportion, and generally mischaracterizing things to fulfill this prioritization of the wrong things
>Adding extra junk that was never there to begin with
>Action being completely unrealizable, not because the outer world may stifle attempts at action, but because it literally has no premise of action to begin with.

>> No.19241116
File: 377 KB, 773x1034, Rudolf_Steiner_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fist fight if both men were in their physical prime? Evola or Steiner?

>> No.19241165

>a perfectly clear understanding of the esoteric and spiritual
No such thing exists; you will never fully understand the nature of divinity while still being a human with a human's psyche

>> No.19241173

Evola would stand in the path of the punch and say it is a matter of his personal destiny if he gets hit or not. Then he would lose.

>> No.19241187

source: my ass

>> No.19241235

They are.

>> No.19241407

there are persons who have transcended the individual state, only their form is human

>> No.19241412

I have. It does say that he is a Thesophist.