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19236225 No.19236225 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good? Or is it propaganda?

>> No.19236622
File: 52 KB, 329x500, B2E9B30E-0EB7-4D3D-A0FD-D36D7DFF7F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scared yet?

>> No.19236674


At least all the lockstep-marching conformists will die first. They're weak seed.

>> No.19236691

The various ecological crises emerging from the long mismanagement of nature by humanity is creating the greatest crisis our species has ever faced. I do not know how we can solve it, and even simply mitigating the consequences will be a complex and unsure process.

>> No.19236707

>muh invisible threat
>muh overpopulation
The human mind is the best resource to overcome these problems, so it being abound isn't detrimental but beneficial. A person, on average, is a net positive for everyone around them.

>> No.19236733

The threat isn’t invisible. It’s gargantuan.
Our best minds come up with ways to slow it, but not even that is allowed by our idiotic elitist bureaucratic masters.

>> No.19237315

Butters, ye naive twit...you do realize that any attempt at actually 'solving' the climate crisis will result in wholesale collapse of the economic system and revolutions across the globe? But wait don't get your hackles up just yet. I happen to agree with you on this. I think something should be done and that our 'leaders' are pathetic spineless husks of actual people but I also understand that any real confrontation of this problem will likely provoke an even worse outcome. Think Mad Max. This reality is coming one way or another. As Zizek says, there is a light at the end of the tunnel...it's another train.

>> No.19237502
File: 75 KB, 406x612, 116830DA-6CDD-43F8-91AC-7546719FC6E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solving' the climate crisis will result in wholesale collapse of the economic system and revolutions across the globe?
He said to the anarchist

The chaos is present now, despite the authoritarian order of neoliberalism. Breaking it down and trying for a absolute diffused rule of the people will lead to some Mad Max, but also some coordination to preserving whats left and a drastic cut in carbon emissions. The track we’re on now leads to certain doom. The track I advocate isn’t that certain, and at least affords us more time.

>> No.19237547

It's a false crisis - an engineered one. There is no overpopulation. Pollution of ecosystems, such as those saturated with plastics, can be done away with with equal ingenuity. The main problem here is the tyranny of the globally elite class, over the rest of humans, and the systemic exploitation that the former perpetuates. The worst of the species is mentally ill, and once the majority of the species emulates mental illness, they gain preeminence. That's all.

>> No.19237588

> Pollution of ecosystems, such as those saturated with plastics, can be done away with with equal ingenuity.
I really hope you are right.

>> No.19237901

>The chaos is present now
You haven't seen anything yet. SOME Mad Max? Nay, butt. Entirely Mad Max. The human suffering that will result from all this is incomprehensible. There's a reason they aren't going whole hog toward it and you don't know it yet but you should be glad of that. I feel bad for the future generations but I can't say I'm indignant that the movers and shakers haven't initiated this suffering yet.

>> No.19237918

We lived without television and gasoline before, we can do without again.

>> No.19237932
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>159 KB JPG
> Is it good? Or is it propaganda?
the ladder

>Scared yet?
I'm scared of the CIA

>> No.19237969

Is that really all you think will happen? Do you comprehend what a complete stop to gasoline production will do to you specifically? Do you like medical equipment? Do you realize how many fundamental parts are made with petroleum products? Do you like sanitation? This isn't a game butters. We are precariously balanced in a web of interlocking parts. Pull a thread and you are essentially dead. Or living in absolute poverty and misery. Are you ready for that? I'm not. Also, Do you think gasoline use will decline in Mad Max world? Kek. Please consider your words before letting loose.

>> No.19237976
File: 262 KB, 1657x932, 9DB5D827-9F0D-4D1D-84DE-9D7461975B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is they who will bring the Mad Max more than anything.

The idea that billions of people couldn’t possibly have any kind of impact, much less be the cause of the temperature increase, is silly. I hope the projections are wildly off, but that just buys us time. The current course is suicide.

>> No.19238001
File: 700 KB, 640x962, 9EA27614-4054-4352-981B-23CA2BA6FD74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what’s coming. This is why I want us to prepare for it asap. The race to AI or the escape to Mars isn’t going to fix anything.

>> No.19238023

Schellenberger got good ideas. he is a real true environmentalist without humanism polluting his mind

>> No.19238043

>I know what’s coming
I don't think you do. What skills do you have, butt? What do you have to contribute to the post-collapse society (if you can even call it that)? You will be forced to rely on and bend to brutal men who actually know how to build and repair and kill. I hope your ovaries still work and you like doing the most domestic of domestic labor. There is no utopia in this. Only suffering.

>> No.19238050

Probably mediocre at best.

>> No.19238093

I’ll check it out.
Oh wow, this coming in 2025? I gotta take some survivalist classes!!
I’m considering a lot, and that’s why I want people united (uniting at least) to bear the brunt of the tough times ahead. Why I talk about Direct Democracy and Permaculture etc. this can be better dealt with when large numbers don’t panic and unite. A city’s worth of preppers has more chance of surviving than random individuals

>> No.19239084
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Go away.