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/lit/ - Literature

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19234185 No.19234185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So many contemporary books are written by commies and liberals. It taints the story with these ideas, and I would like to find something somewhat recent written by a right leaning authors

>> No.19234190

It's over

>> No.19234206

Nothing from any Big 5 imprint will be right-wing. Look into self-published kindle ebooks.

>> No.19234537

Oh, you want shitty, agenda driven trash, just with a right wing slant? Try Rand or Dosto, they are suitably terrible.

>> No.19234555

Depends what you mean by "right-wing". Houellebecq is the first one that comes to mind, mainly because he criticises modern life from outside the dogmatic confines of an acceptable left-wing worldview, but he's obviously not a "right-winger" in the sense of supporting liberal economics or anything morbid and banal like that. He's a pessimist disillusioned with all schools of thought -- it's just that his deviations from leftist moral orthodoxy are the most piquant.

>> No.19235034

Read more you direction brained retard

>> No.19235041

you have VD my friend. you have to go get checked

>> No.19235246 [DELETED] 

People that read too much are such fags. My question is pretty clear. I’ve read through many of the classics, and while I enjoy them, I do appreciate more modern stories. However, when I read Girl With A Dragon Tattoo, Dissolution, Pillars Of The Earth, any mystery book, etc, etc, they are all written by commies and liberals, and these ideals infect the stories. I’m looking for a contemporary book without some leftist pushing that on me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks

>> No.19235265

If you want something contemporary it's probably going to be gay and commie. Very few exceptions. You can read Vox Day I guess, he's great.

>> No.19235297

>comparing Dosto with Rand
>Dostoyevsky is terrible

Time to take those meds, Chud.

>> No.19235337

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.19235354

Based on a True Story

>> No.19236890


Ayn Rand
"Unintended Consequences" by John Ross
"Rash" by Peter Hautman
"The Rainbow Cadenza" by J. Neil Schulman
"The Probability Broach" by L. Neil Smith
"Fair New World" by Lou Tafler
Maybe "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson
And probably anything by John Ringo

Based on browsing through my bookshelf.
Should be enough to get you started.

>> No.19238533

apparently vox day is good, if you're into fantasy. most right wingers don't write fiction.

>> No.19238960

For real though, his fantasy books are pretty good for fantasy. Also look into the people associated with his publishing company “Castalia House.” John C. Wright and Nick Cole are better than any mainstream scifi or fantasy author writing today.

>> No.19238985

Right wingers tend to disapprove of creative endeavors outside of advertising and construction.

>> No.19239018

>most right wingers don't write fiction.
No, they just don't get published by Establishment imprints.

>> No.19239067
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>Right wingers tend to disapprove of creative endeavors outside of advertising and construction

>> No.19239143

read anything written pre-1945 even the socialists of those days are based compared to modern writers

>> No.19239358

nah the earliest any redeemable European literature remains is the 16th century. things went downhill fast after the wrong side won the Investiture Contest.

>> No.19239469
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I’ve seen this in five other threads before. Nice copy pasta.

>> No.19239488

Based is right.