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/lit/ - Literature

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19235117 No.19235117 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the Netherlands so relevant at painting but so irrelevant in the literary field? Even Belgium has some interesting poets (Verhaeren and Maeterlinck) whereas the Netherlands has pretty much nothing

>> No.19235125

Erasmus is not nothing

>> No.19235129

>Dutch literature
>wrote in Latin

>> No.19235218

What is even the best place to start with Erasmus? In Praise of Folly?

>> No.19235303

The Dutch are just not a spiritual race, just a practical race, unlike Belgians
I guess it's the lack of Celtic genes compared to Belgians

>> No.19235334

They are weirdly amorphous and liminal between the continentals and the anglos. Tactical privateers and pirates, constantly wrecking everyone's shit but never being historical "protagonists" in anything they do. Extremely godless, yet culturally Protestant and able to flash brief moments of profound Catholicism in figures like Erasmus and Bosch. A language that's just straight up fucking weird despite most of them apparently also being able to speak English.

A strange people and land. I like being ambiguously descended from them the way the Romans were from the Trojans.

>> No.19235342

Erasmus is garbage

>> No.19235356

weet ik

>> No.19235378
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We are the literal and figurative shower drain of Europe. We have all the worst aspects of Krauts, Anglos and Frogs.
To add, historically the north has been protestant and the south catholic.

>> No.19235407

Just read Nescio :)

>> No.19235413

I like Max Havelaar, is there any Dutch literature that I need to read, especially when the book talk about Dutch East Indies or Indonesia

>> No.19235471

You could look into Hella Haasse's work, like Oeroeg or Heren van de Thee / The Tea Lords

>> No.19235483

read my essay on why Dutch literature sucks.


This essay has also been printed in the &amp by lit magazine editon 4

>> No.19235492

Vondel, Bredero, Hooft, Huygens, Cat, Poot, Feith, Bilderdijk.

its a meme that the dutch dont have lit.

>> No.19235518

What an insane article, the author claims the Dutch have no lit, then gives several examples to the contrary. Multatuli, Vondel, Hooft, then mouths off some lame excuses.

Dam what kind of (self)hatred is this.

>> No.19235522
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The Dutch language is extremely difficult at least from my point of view of living in the Belgian Flanders region, very close to the border. I suspect we even might write things in a very summarized manner (from the perspective of someone not natural to Dutch) because of this. Lots of expats have told me it looks like we are very cold and ultra-objective in writing and then they are surprised when they meet us in person and it's all warm and nice. But with this said, there's a lot of literature actually, it's just not well spread to other languages as far as I know.

>> No.19235524
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>> No.19235526

oh yeah, an example of a people who really have no lit, the arabs.

>> No.19235536

> it looks like we are very cold and ultra-objective in writing and then they are surprised when they meet us in person and it's all warm and nice
That's only the case for you in the south, us northerners are the same in person as in writing.

>> No.19235547

you do have a beautiful land that's been well taken care of. at least that's something

>> No.19235570
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The Dutch simply arent a literary people. Their artistic expressions are found in art and science, where they produced some of the greatest masters in history.
Also i dont get why /int/ picks on dutchies so much when the german language sounds so similar

>> No.19235580

>also i don't get why /int/ picks on dutchies so much when the german language sounds so similar
It's because dutch sounds similar enough to English to make it hilarious in a very peculiar way

>> No.19235584

and here i was thinking about moving to utrecht because it seemed like a /lit/ town

>> No.19235590

Utrecht is not bad, if you want to pick up horny students in bars.

>> No.19235621

I appreciate it but I somewhat disagree, there's still some beautiful spots left but most of it has been turned into cities, suburbs or farmland. The name Holland actually means "woodland" but there's no original forests left there.

>> No.19235623

It BTFO's Dutch and English literature and poetry in any way.

>> No.19235634

It literally does not, anyone who even considers the Quran as literature, let alone great literature is either completely brainwashed or an imbecile.

>> No.19235639
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>Also i dont get why /int/ picks on dutchies
Ik ook, wat nou? neuk me dood sneed me dood

>> No.19235651

.t non-Arabic speaking /pol/ brainlet who never read the Quran

>> No.19235688 [DELETED] 

Dutch literature is just fucking garbo. Think about it. The "le big le three" consists of Reve, Mulisch and Hermans. A flaming homosexual, a chosenite hack, and a neurotic pseud. They all suck, obviously. And if we go to the classics, it's the same thing. Multatuli the faggot (but spiritually), Spinoza the (((hack))), and Erasmus the proto-redditor. Spinoza really is worthless, the only reason /lit/ discusses him is because post-emancipation kikes clung onto him, an excommunicated pariah to the Jews of his time, having been the only man of his race to bring some meagre accomplishment to break centuries of irrelevance since Maimonides.

>> No.19235691
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>Also i dont get why /int/ picks on dutchies so much when the german language sounds so similar

>> No.19235727

That's Afrikaans, not Dutch

>> No.19235738

Every society which had at least some segments of the population be literate and affluent had "literature". The real question is whether their literature is great.

>> No.19235748

Yeah but the headline still makes 100% sense in dutch and not in the "Afrikaans is just retard dutch" way.

>> No.19235765

No, it doesn't. It would be "wat nu?" in Dutch. Subtle but distinctive difference, also in meaning.

>> No.19235766

I read Reve converted to Catholicism and in his books he talks about wanting to praise God. I can't really tell if he's serious about the latter or being ironic because he talks about his perversions a couple sentences later. Did he stop being a homo after his conversion?

>> No.19235781

lmao I was about to post this, didn't realize my OC became pasta.. thanks friends

>> No.19235806

The Quran is so great, but it cant be translated, unlike the psalms who keep their beauty. lol

>> No.19235815

No criticism of literairy style, is barely aware of pre-war dutch lit, doesnt understand Mullisch is a mouth piece for the elites, doesnt think Reve is hilarious.

>> No.19235822

There are a lot of good Dutch good books. Just not translated

>> No.19235823

Notice nobody has yet to attack this list of writters, because people who attack dutch lit usually dont read it.

>> No.19235827

Its mostly how it's written, not so much its pronunciation. "Wat nou" is pronounced exactly as "what now"

>> No.19235831

>The real question is whether their literature is great.
Dutch literature is great, pseuds here only read novels.

>> No.19235832
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On the subject of selfhatred, Oikofobie by Thierry Baudet is pretty good. Talks about the fear of your own culture in west-european countries (Sadly his books don't get translated, well except for one)

>> No.19235833

Im Dutch and i honestly cant think of that many. I like Hermans' work and his essays and polemics, but that's mostly it.

>> No.19235834

it's a nice country to live in but the language looks ugly

>> No.19235835


>> No.19235836

Let's be real. Flanders even mogs them at painting.
but both Flanders/Belgium and the Netherlands are absolute jobbers when it comes to literature by northwestern European standards

>> No.19235838

>Thierry Baudet
neem je pilletjes

>> No.19235839

Well. I'd argue that there are many books written by Dutch people who are knowledgeable about worldy matters and practical things. Instead /lit/ is looking more for novel types of books. Which there is a shortage of if you can only read Dutch works translated into English.

>> No.19235842

Its a dutch trait to feel a lot of selfhatred. Thats why you get articles like OP's. There is plenty of good Dutch literature, a few novels, plenty of classic stuff, some poetry.

I never see a discussion on the poetry of the Tachtigers or on the Dutch romantic, because people whp dislike dutch lit, dont read.

I never see a discussion on the many fine historical studies, again because these people dont read.

people like OP are part of the problem.

>> No.19235845

Imagine actually reading that fascist's ramblings and thinking it's good

>> No.19235847

Again, no appreciation for poetry or anything prewar.

>> No.19235852

Enlighten me then

>> No.19235855

These reactions by triiggered trannies should be enough reason for people to look more into Thierry Baudet's writing.

>> No.19235856

Lefties call us fascist because its the only thing more authoritarian then they are.

>> No.19235862

>Enlighten me then
No, youll have to read a book about the subject.

>> No.19235864

Vlaanderen boven!!

>> No.19235866

>Upset that their little populist fascist hero is called a fascist

>> No.19235870

I read Aanval op de Natiestaat and I thought it was very mild compared to what I was expecting. Not a bad book though, I'd recommend even lefties read it. Funny thing is the book is so kosher I'm amazed at people calling him antisemitic.

>> No.19235872

Do the Dutch have anything interesting from the medieval/renaissance/baroque periods? So basically anything good that is pre-Enlightenment.

>> No.19235873

You dont think he is a fascist, you just say it because you can.

>> No.19235874

>makes a grand, sweeping claim without providing any shred of evidence for it

>> No.19235876

Yes the hight of dutch lit is its golden age.

>> No.19235878

Theyll attack people like him with anything they can. The only reason they dont call wilders an anti-semite is because he's got israeli dick down his throat.

>> No.19235879
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based, Dutch lit peaked in the first half of the 20th century (maybe up until 1960-ish). Bordewijk, Elsschot, Nescio, even Vestdijk to some degree all have some god-tier books. It all started going downhill when the 'big three' and their postmodern bullshit came into the limelight. IMO really set the precedent for what became popular in the 2000's.

I wonder where the lack of well-received translations of Dutch literature comes from. Part of me thinks that the sober-yet-ironic, melancholic-yet-hopeful writing like Titaantjes or the formal, expressionist-yet-cold and corporate Bint are nearly impossible to translate into English without losing their soul, but I haven't read enough translations next to their original works to have a well-developed opinion on that.

>> No.19235880

Yes, obviously to explain why requires a book of its own.

>> No.19235882

>H-he really isn't a fascist guys, dude just trust me!!!

>> No.19235883

Dutch lit does get translated and read in Germany.

>> No.19235888

True but I mean Thierry sticks his dick into jewish pussy yet that doesn't seem to change anything

>> No.19235889
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Well yeah Thierry Baudet is not what his enemies make him out to be. His party is not called Forum for Democracy for nothing. He doesn't hate jews. But he's not scared to call them out (Soros, Bill Gates). He's heavily against the NWO. And aside form having a Jewish gf. He seems to be a /pol/ kind of guy.
Plus he can actually write.

>> No.19235890

You dont belief he is a fascist.

1. you dont know what fascism is.
2. you just repeat other leftists.

go ahead. give us an argument why he is a fascist.

>> No.19235891

What makes you think he's a fascist? He's nowhere near fascism politically and keeps reiterating how fascism is evil.

>> No.19235894

He doesnt think he is a fascist, he just makes up lies to break you.

>> No.19235895
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>Finally a thread about the /lit/ I read the most, Dutch literature
>Turns into a politics discussion after about 40 posts

It doesn't have to be like this

>> No.19235896

Moreso, he loves jews. His entire career has been financed by jews. He's redpilled on most issues except that and he never will because you don't bite the hand that feeds. He's not as bad as Wilders though, who was literally trained by the Mossad.
He's a better writer than speaker.

>> No.19235899

Why do you assume making baseless claims would break anyone? And possibly but there's many trannies here and they actually believe this stuff.

>> No.19235905

A lie repeated constantly will break a lot of people and no they do not belief anything they say. Too a leftist truth is flexible

>> No.19235908

Nevermind literature, have the D*tch produced anything of artistic merit

>> No.19235913

How embarrassing for /pol/ to lose to the power of jewish pussy.

>> No.19235914

Another pseud. read a book.

>> No.19235916

Being anti-immigrant, anti-lgbt, openly racist, talking about fascist conspiracy theories and populist arguments, like how the Dutch Culture is under attack!! and how white people are under threat of extinction, and sharing fascist propaganda from literal neo-nazi websites, how the pandemic is taking away the People's Freedom and how that's worse than the holocaust

>> No.19235919 [DELETED] 

It's a tried and effective strategy. All of politics has lost to the power of either jewish pussy or jewish money.

>> No.19235922

What are your favourite Dutch language novels, anon?

>> No.19235926

they produced some of the greatest painters in history, only surpassed by the Italians.

>> No.19235927

You have not explained how any of those are fascist though. You're free to disagree with them but everything you mentioned could fit into either fascism, communism or capitalism. You have to try harder than this.
Most people have no spine, true. But although yes their truth is flexible, they do believe it mostly. It's cognitive dissonance.

>> No.19235931

Based self-hating Dutchie

>> No.19235932

>B-being a fascist doesn't mean he's a fascist!!

>> No.19235933

Traditional Dutch architecture is pretty great

>> No.19235937

None of that is fascism, most does not apply to Forum.

I wish forum was genuinly opposed to immigration, homos and blacks they are not, its also not common to fascism to oppose these things. For example the nazi party had openly gay members and promoted mass immigration of germans into eastern europe.

>> No.19235939

You still haven't explained how he's a fascist. You have only listed things you don't like about him. If you define fascist as "whatever I don't like" then sure but that's retarded. Are you retarded?

>> No.19235943

>they do believe it mostly.
no they dont they just auto repeat.


>> No.19235945

Fair enough

>> No.19235964
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>> No.19235966

I'm here to shill for a book a read recently that is getting an English translation;
The Burgundians by Bart van Loo.

For anyone who is interested in how Burgundy shaped the low countries it is a must read. Fantastic book.


>> No.19235970
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compare this D*tch "architecture" to Flemish architecture

>> No.19235974
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Het Leven is Vurrukkuluk by Campert is one of the most comfy reads I've ever had and almost made me want to move to Amsterdam to experience the summers there.
Everything Nescio has touched is pure gold in my opinion, the last page of Titaantjes is one of the only pieces of literature ever that made me well up with tears. Would definitely recommend that the most, you can finish it in one afternoon easily.
Bordewijk's Bint is worth reading purely for the perfect symbiosis between the actual contents of the text itself and writing style, of which I've never read a better example. The bizarrely authoritarian school in which the story takes place is perfectly reflected by the gray, hard, cold and formal language he uses. Karakter is my second favourite book by him
Lijmen/Het Been by Willem Elsschot is one of the most hilarious books I've ever read. It's about someone inheriting a sham business, conning people out of their money in the most bizarre ways and not quite being able to cope with it.

Bonus: read up on Frederik Van Eeden. His own literature is not that great IMO, but he's an incredibly interesting person, I'm still planning on reading through his biography by Jan Fontijn.

>> No.19235979

The same neoclassical style you can find in the Netherlands.

>> No.19235986

Flemish is Dutch, faggot. Only because they took French dick for a while they think they're their own thing. But yes I'll concede that some of the best Dutch architecture is found in Flanders. Brugge is amazing.

>> No.19236006

The only two people so far who have even an casual understanding of dutch lit.

>> No.19236025
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kek, thanks anon

>> No.19236039

I'm going to assume with Dutch /lit/ we are discussing both Flemish and Dutch literature for which I actually have a few recommendations for people. Unfortunatley I am not as well read in Dutch literature and I also have no clue of whether the following authors have English translations but here are a few random authors that IMO are genuinely great writers;

Hugo Claus
Willem Elsschot
Toon Hermans
Ernest Claes
Louis Paul Boon
Hendrik Conscience

>> No.19236043

I'm still planning on reading Lijmen/Het Been. Have you read Kaas? Because that is one of my all time favourite books, and it is absolutely hilarious as well. It's about someone getting a business he knows absolutely nothing of, and him trying to wing it.
De Uitvreter and Titaantjes were both incredible, and although I didn't like Dichtertje that much in comparison, he's an amazing writer who really knows how to create an atmosphere.
Cees Nooteboom's Het Volgende Verhaal is another one of my favourites. Again, it's the atmosphere that does it for me. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it! It's a very short story as well. (I also read Rituelen, but I preferred HVV)

The three small stories by Borderwijk are on my to-read list (Blokken/Knorrende Beesten/Bint), as well as Karakter. (I haven't read much Dutch literature yet, despite being Dutch)
Also, read Van Den Vos Reynaerde if you want an entertaining, yet surprisingly brutal fable

What from Toon Hermans do you recommend? His comedy is A+

>> No.19236050

Nice logic, brainlet

>> No.19236118

One of my personal favourites is Bericht uit het hiernamaals by Vestdijk. Its about a school teacher who dies and discovers he is now bodyless spectre in the afterlife.

>> No.19236134

Kaas was great as well. I've heard critics refer to Kaas as the 'better, more condensed' version of Lijmen/Het Been, but I personally disagree and still prefer Lijmen/Het Been. Lijmen goes further in the bizarre arc of endowing people with business that they have no idea of how to run and being in over their head, and, due to Lijmen/Het Been being about four times as thick, gives a bit more insight into the characters that get entangled into this situation. It builds the main characters up more, and leaves more space for them to cope with emotions like guilt, shamelessness etc. Overall, the characters and situations, due to how bizarre they were, were more memorable in Lijmen/Het Been than in Kaas, which felt like a more dressed-down story in comparison.

I've also read both Het Volgende Verhaal and Rituelen, but I vastly preferred Rituelen myself. One thing that really put me off HVV was that the main character was a bit too much of a caricature of a classical languages teacher (socially awkward, detached, only thinks in Platonic 'logic', reads a lot of books, lonely etc.) which made a it a bit harder for me to take the book seriously. Rituelen is definitely not my favourite book (again, I felt like some of the characters felt quite 'forced', which was out of place considering the rest of the story), but Iñigo's journey, which was sort of a spiritual awakening, all coming together in a sort of apocalyptical ending with the tea ritual guy (forgot his name) was still quite an enjoyable read.

Vestdijk could really get weird sometimes, which I love. De Koperen Tuin isn't all that special imo, but take Mr. Visser's Hellevaart for example. The ending part in the theater (don't want to spoil too much) was extremely strange, it almost felt like Woland's ridiculous theater show in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita. Would highly recommend Mr. Visser's Hellevaart, if only for the completely retarded main character idolizing Robespierre, and his stupid fucking grin.

>> No.19237398

Do you have any other Dutch recommendations?

>> No.19237821

Dutch like German the same way that Swedish sounds like German: it doesn't really

>> No.19237848

Nah Dutch and German are far more similar than Swedish and German.

>> No.19237883

Dutch sounds like low German (plattdüütsch) with more gutural consonants.

>> No.19237933

I liked nooteboom, apparently hes much more famous here in germany than in the netherlands itself

maybe the dutch readers just have shit taste

>> No.19237982

Which works did you like best? Which ones have you read?

>> No.19238208

Just read the kappelekensbaan bij Boon and loved it

Nescio, Elsschot, Bordewijk and Hermans are greats to me
I feel like Mulisch is overrated
Wolkers is very enjoyable

>> No.19238227

Which of their books?

>> No.19238228

only "the following story" but it was really capturing and probably should be read more than once

>> No.19238258
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Rot dan maar op

>> No.19238288

I really enjoyed that novel as well, it's one of my favourites and has a really captivating dreamlike atmosphere

>> No.19238314

I grew up in the Netherlands but moved years ago. Will this make me fluent in Dutch again?

>> No.19238320

The CD, Bluetooth, the microscope, the cassette, WiFi..

>> No.19238333

Arnon Grunberg is really good. Although /lit will probably hate him for his merchant genes

>> No.19238346
File: 144 KB, 785x1235, Tirza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly dont think he's that good, and i dont hate him for his merchant genes but i do hate him for his merchant champagne socialist opinions
I do like this book of his, though. Mostly because i had a crush on the girl on the cover when i had to read it in school.

>> No.19238435
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Tirza had a good twist at the end. I'm not a big fan of Grunbergs nonfiction either and can't recommend De Snijtafel take on his columns enough

>> No.19238438

What was the twist again? I remember him wandering in the desert and thinking he found his daughter, but i dont really remember.

>> No.19238447

He killed his own daughter and than started to send messages as her to himself.

>> No.19238540

>Tfw the Muslim convert (probably ginger) is spamming about the Koran again

>> No.19238548

Anyone from the Netherlands here? Do the Dutch suffer from the same modern cultural and political issues that the UK, France, US etc suffer from?
I think the English speaking world suffers most desu

>> No.19238554

Which problems are you talking about mostly?

>> No.19238566

Much the same. Just look at the Zwarte Piet issue and the entire political situation.

>> No.19238580

Erasmus was a mistake.

>> No.19238595

You have centre-right parties there though don't you? And they seem to be popular too

>> No.19238635

Nah, you're just one of those poseurs who can't explain anything concisely and feels compelled to write a 1,000+ page tome when someone simply asks you to explain why you like a thing

>> No.19238826
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We do. We certainly do.

>> No.19238839
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>The Dutch word for 'cut' is 'sneed'

>> No.19238877
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There are no centre-right parties. All the parties have extreme-left climate and immigration policies. The only 2 right-wing parties are PVV and FVD. They're both hard anti-immigration. But PVV is jewish fake opposition. FvD is also hard anti-climate hysteria and hard-anti vaccine and NWO. But FvD will never have enough MPs because the elections were rigged in the exact same way as in America.

>> No.19238898

I remember Geenstijl of all fucking websites once published a list of things that point towards him being an antisemite and it was pretty expansive and damning. He literally has said things like "if you're not an antisemite these days, you haven't been paying attention". He's a /pol/tard who just tries to hide his power level in public but he's having more and more slip ups.

>> No.19238905
File: 319 KB, 1900x1268, Herman-Brusselmans-HR-©Marc-Brester-1-e1473153935715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herman Brusselmans fans hier?

>> No.19238932
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Yeah. Well yeah he's the most /pol/ person in the entire government. Which I consider as a good thing . Although I wouldn't take geenstijl as a good source for anything. I think he genuinly has nothing against jews.

>> No.19238950

Don't listen to
We have a lot of center right parties, a lot of which are in power now. VVD, CDA, CU, are all center left and currently in power. Then you also have the PVV, FvD and JA21 which are all far right extremist parties, and the SGP which is a small reformed ultra christian party.

>> No.19238956

VVD, CDA and CU are all center RIGHT lmao my bad*

>> No.19238958 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 539x737, B3B3BD4E-B941-4B7A-AEB6-B4EE7AD03B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show your nose kike shill

>> No.19238979

Cope harder fascist

>> No.19238995 [DELETED] 
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Sure thing schlomo

>> No.19238997

ignore this post, political insight of a child

>> No.19239008

He admitted to being on /pol/

>> No.19239044

Here is the article https://www.geenstijl.nl/5156539/het-onverholen-antisemitisme-van-thierry-baudet-een-tijdlijn-van-getuigenissen/

>> No.19239288
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I've looked through the article. It's literally all he said she said. Oh behind closed doors he said this and that. It's all fucking bullshit. Remember that Thierry Baudet is so far on the good side that half of the prominent members in his party stabbed in him the back by forming their own parties. (And these parties are all way more on the side of the EU) Why trust the words of people who stab their leader in the back as soon as they get popular off his back? Geenstijl is food for normies who think they're edgy. But have no substance in their thoughts. Muh antisemitism. The article reads like a JIDF shill /pol/ post.

>> No.19239538

The Dutch country seems to contain a lot of far right extremists!
It is most unfortunate when people vote for the wrong party

>> No.19240720

Can you articulate why protecting your owm group is wrong, or is that too much to ask.

>> No.19240728

If you dont like reading books, go and visit /tv/.

>> No.19240736

>if you're not an antisemite these days, you haven't been paying attention
He says many such things usually to provoke. If he's such an antisemite, then why is his girlfriend jewish? Why are some of his direct party colleagues jewish? Why is his party financed by jewish organisations?
I don't think he tries to hide his power level, he is one of the few that seems actually somewhat sincere. He's obviously aware of the /pol/ sphere but a majority portion of the dissident/alt-right//trad movement is staunchly philo-semitic, including him. He just thought that this being the case, he could make an edgy joke or two. He was wrong.

>> No.19240741

>Dutch lit peaked in the first half of the 20th century
What do you think about the Dutch golden age literature? I'm interested in it but don't really know where to start. Also, thank you for the recs, hopefully I'll find some of them in translation.

>> No.19240746

Which have all sold out to the neoliberal globalists. They don't do anything except saying the things their voters want to hear. Our PM is centre-right but in the decade he's been there it's only gotten worse and worse.
>Then you also have the PVV, FvD and JA21 which are all far right extremist parties, and the SGP which is a small reformed ultra christian party.
Lmao this is your brain on reddit. PVV is a party that's only right-wing on migration, on most other issues they're left wing. JA21 is just what VVD was 20 years ago, and FvD could be considered populist conservative, not "extremist" in any way, they're very milquetoast. SGP is just Christian conservative, while CU is christian progressive, not sure why you included them here.

>> No.19240815

Gebaseerde Elsschot broeders, blijf gebaseerd.

Ik hoop dat je kanker krijgt en eraan sterft. Met je joodse kankerboeken een draad ontsporen naar politiek.

>> No.19240839

Neem je medicatie

>> No.19240863

Wat is jouw favoriete werk van Elsschot? Andere Nederlandstalige boeken die in jouw top zitten?

>> No.19240882


>> No.19240888

too busy being giant kickboxers instead of writing faggy poems

>> No.19241016

>as degenerate as the french
>as soulless and dry as the germans
>as retarded as the english

>> No.19241022

utrecht has neighbourhoods that are majority muslim foreigner and then right next to it the old centre where there's pretty much only dutch people

>> No.19241032

Gay Catholics are the best they have
read Kellendonk

>> No.19241058

You haven't read a single German author.

>> No.19241065

What makes it look ugly?

>> No.19241139

A degenerate people with an unaesthetic language cannot hope to have worthwhile literature.

>> No.19241147

Having one of the largest economies per capita in the world is not degenerate.

>> No.19241160

Away, Mammon!

>> No.19241166

yup, there we go, the creed of all losers, every form of excellence ends up being called degenerate by these people.

>> No.19241180

even blacks would have a large economy if they were settled smack-dab between the three largest economic regions in Europe lmao

>> No.19241188

No they would not.

Clearly a typical leftist who rejects reality and think only ideologies exist as floating ghosts that will attach themselves to people.

>> No.19241203

Nescio: uitvreter en titaantjes
Elsschot: zijn volledig oevre, maar starten bij kaas en lijmen/het been
Bordewijk: bint, karakter
Hermans: damokles, nooit meer slapen, behouden huis
Wolkers: terug naar oestgeest, turks fruit

>> No.19241215

eerste keer is het wel grappig maar je wordt zijn stijl snel beu.

>> No.19241226

The Dutch are strangers to spirituality, religion, purity, decency and tradition. Their men unrepentant sodomites and their women wanton harlots. No children can be found amongst them despite the frequency of their commitment to carnal acts, for they are utmost hedonists who loathe the sacrifices parenthood brings. Going so far as to murder their children before and after birth just to hold onto to their base lifestyles. Thus they have come to rely on aliens to replenish their numbers (which they require to maintain the wealth you tout to me).

>> No.19241236

Translation: The Dutch reach a certain hight of excellence, this makes you appear inferior, so you have to bring us down.

did I get that right leftie?

>> No.19241285

Sneed is past time
I just cut the bread= ik sneed net het brood
I cut the bread(present)= ik snijd het brood

>> No.19241296
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>> No.19241403

Sneed, formerly snijd

>> No.19241457

Yes that's what i said. Hamilton says verstappen cut him off which is past tense

>> No.19241459


>> No.19241473


>> No.19241534

I've enjoyed reading novels by Tim Krabbe, especially The Golden Egg. Covers interesting topics over the existence of free will. Spoorloos was a loose adaption but a strong one.

How was anything he said leftist?
>we have a strong economy clearly we aren't degenerate
Even a newfag would laugh at this. No leftist or rightist believes "muh economy" has anything to do with social values. I'd say countries with shitty economies have better values than most of these high GDP globohomo but you get to live in a bubble where that's normalized so you wouldn't get it. I'd probably enjoy the Dutch life styles desu. Having stress free lives thanks to being nestled between stronger, more prosperous European powers and insulated from any hardships is no accomplishment. Doesn't make you stronger, seems like quite the opposite desu. I only opened this thread to mention some positive Dutch literature though, enjoy your comforts. Just don't pretend you've earned them.

>> No.19241674

>How was anything he said leftist?
He places more value in ideologies, then in reality.

>"muh economy" has anything to do with social values. I'd say countries with shitty economies have better values than most of these high GDP globohomo

They do not, work ethnics, is still ethics, anyone who is familiar with the alcoholism and prostitution rampany in eastern europe, or the incest, rape gangs and qat and/or waterpipe addicts in the middle east would agree.

>Having stress free lives

Did you ever hold on to any serious job, or having to raise a family?

yeah, you are full of bullshit.

> Just don't pretend you've earned them.

We literally became independent from a much larger and much richer empire under the monarch Filips. We earned our independence and where free men, long before most of Europe was.

>> No.19241779

Clearly a naïve rightoid who denies the role of historical contingencies in economic development

>> No.19241786

Dutch is a junk language, things will be better in 100 years when everyone in the Netherlands speaks English at home

>> No.19241797

Shut the fuck up. You're just parroting what other people are saying, Dutch is a fine language

>> No.19241812
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It's a ridiculous language anon, every knows it, especially the Dutch. This is why the Netherlands has the most competent ESL speakers in the world. Just a matter of time until they officially switch to a more effective and well regarded language

>> No.19241825

Don't feed the troll, dummy. Which Dutch novels did you read, and what did you think of them?

>> No.19241892

The only thing worse than the Dutch speaking Dutch is the Dutch speaking English.

>> No.19242090

In dont understand, please explain it to me further.

>> No.19242222

Hopefully with enough Netflix and Disney + in a few generations they will have mostly american accents maybe with a charming regional flavor

>> No.19242252


>> No.19242324

being near major economic powerhouses means you have more partners with whom you can trade with.

>> No.19242329

Sounds like Lithuanian to me

>> No.19242331

It only looks silly because you're reading it like an Anglo. Ik ook, for example, does not sound like a monkey noise when spoken by a Dutch person.

>> No.19242397

Are the Dutch the most autistic people in Europe?

>> No.19242733

That would be the Finns, but all north Euros are autistic to some degree.

>> No.19242881

What's pic related from? De Stijl?

>> No.19243969

I like Huizinga as a writer. I wish we would get more discussion on his works here on the board.

>> No.19244268
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painting > literature
simple as

>> No.19245617

Back from work and you're still here

>Did you ever hold on to any serious job, or having to raise a family?
no shit being a successful adult is hard,
you just reek of someone who looks down on other countries for having a lower GDP or other coping mechanisms to enforce some superiority.
I don't blame whites for shithole countries, but being born in sweden or the netherlands

>He places more value in ideologies, then in reality.
interesting point - ideologies over reality is not left/right wing
the less adjusted right wingers and left wingers are, the more they grow ideological and drift ito extremism. normal men raising families and living their own lives place will be centered in reality. notice how people post right wing chuds and soi bois, whereas your average adult republican or democrat is a normalfag
(you live in europe where all your centre-left and centre-right wing parties are blatantly slightly different shades of the same paint, this should be obvious)

>They do not, work ethnics, is still ethics, anyone who is familiar with the alcoholism and prostitution rampany in eastern europe, or the incest, rape gangs and qat and/or waterpipe addicts in the middle east would agree.
I've never met someone on 4chan who uses GDP per capita to defend from accusations of degeneracy, and so selectively...but fine:


Follow your vapid logic. The US is officially less degenerate than the Netherlands, you reached our logical conclusion. Notice the 4 Middle Eastern oligarchies above you too, ironic. This anon >>19241226 was right after all.

>We literally became independent from a much larger and much richer empire under the monarch Filips. We earned our independence and where free men, long before most of Europe was.
Well at least that's a genuine thing to be proud of. I don't have a bone to pick against the history of Netherlands, I like it.

But he was talking about your country's present, not its history. And more importantly - of its soul and culture, not GDP. His traditionalist mindset sounds very right wing and you'd have to be 12 to not realize this but that is beyond the point.

>> No.19245695

Never used the word gdp, this alone indicates that whatever I write, it wont actually lead to you understanding it.

>> No.19245699

Thats anon.... because those people are related to the dutch and therefor share in their superiority.

>> No.19247166
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I'm >>19236134, have to say that I'm a bit out of the loop currently, regarding Dutch literature. I read a few Dutch books that really weren't up my alley a few months ago (Mulisch's De Aanslag and Verhulst's De Pruimenpluk), since then I've been reading some more international lit.

DESU I always find it quite hard to recommend stuff to people of which I don't know their tastes. There are, as far as I know, no /lit/ charts on Dutch literature, but strange as it sounds, the high school reading list (https://www.jeugdbibliotheek.nl/12-18-jaar/lezen-voor-de-lijst/15-18-jaar/alle-boeken.html)) actually is a pretty decent point to start from. I'd consider filtering out anything under level (niveau) 5 and most things written after +/- 1980. There are legit a few fantastic reads in there, like the somewhat biblical De Komst van Joachim Stiller by Hubert Lampo. I've also heard great things about Connie Palmen's work, but I have yet to read that. Avoid level 4 and under, you'll get to the midwit/YA-tier stuff like Hanna Bervoets, which I read but really didn't do it for me.

Can't say much about it desu. Literature from back then is very courtly and christian. I guess some /lit/ browsers would find that pretty based, but it's not my cup of tea.

It's a 'poem' by Paul van Ostaijen, a Belgian expressionist poet from the early 20th century. as far as I know he was never officially part of De Stijl, but more just an expressionist in general.

>> No.19247181

His work is actually not that bad although I can imagine that your preconceived notions about Baudet would lead you to think otherwise considering the way he has been behaving the past 18 months.

Also, fuck these new captchas

>> No.19247358
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Man I remember I was pretty excited back in ~2017 when Baudet and Hiddema ran for the elections. Even though I'm only center-right and would've never voted for them, I thought he was an interesting, somewhat cultured character and had novel ideas about things that other politicians don't even acknowledge (architecture, philosophy/faith etc.)
In short, he seemed like an interesting guy that could stir things up a bit. Such a shame that he went completely off the rails, even though he'll tell you that his viewpoints never changed. Even if this were true, he went from bourgeois intellectual salon-rightwinger to yelling at rallies, dogwhistling and pandering to conspiracy. Everything seems to be focused on disruption and we-versus-them mentality now, which is way less appealing to me.

That being said, given that he wrote most of his books before 2018 or so, it's actually pretty believable that his writings could be pretty good.

>> No.19248027
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First reply anon here, there is one chart I'm familiar with. What's your opinion on it? I'll also definitely check out the jeugdbibliotheek link. I have only read a few Dutch novels yet, and I'm planning on getting through some classics as well inbetween my international novels on my to do list.

>> No.19248035

I think it is a we-versus-them world though.
They never gave him the time of day even after his massive win in the Senate.
The other parties (barring maybe the PVV and SGP) want something so different from FvD that it straight up isn't workable. A more separatist attitude might seem far fetched for you but how do you compromise with people who want to hand over sovereignty to the EU, allow mass immigration and curb freedom under the guise of covid?

If you think Baudet radicalized, what are your thoughts about the 'mainstream'? They have gone off the rails in an even crazier way.

>> No.19248376

>Ik ook

>> No.19248406

Dank u wel. I always feel like moving to the Netherlands to embrace my second home and language, but at the expense of leaving behind my first... it's a tough choice. Maybe someday.

>> No.19248787

The Hidden Force and The Evenings have meanwhile been translated into English btw.

>> No.19249233

read plenty and loved them. Was not talking about literature but stereotypes. The stereotype of the German that I refered to was that they're humourless stone men

>> No.19250087
