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19234335 No.19234335 [Reply] [Original]

Books that undo cynicism and apathy. I want to see and feel again. I want to connect with other people and forget all the garbage and poison I've collected.

>> No.19234357

Is this real?

>> No.19234358

Brothers Karamazov
Also stop spending too much time online, especially if you find yourself looking for things that you know will upset you (a crime I used to be commonly guilty of).

>> No.19234382

Bible obviously.

>> No.19234410

Italo Clavino Baron in the Trees
a nice LSD trip would also do you good

>> No.19234462

I'll give it a try. I couldn't get into other russian novels so far but I see Brothers Karamazov recommended so often there must be something to it.

I read Siddhartha for school a long time ago how does Steppenwolf compare?
I love Calvino I finished Difficult Loves before I started my degree. I should've thought of him sooner, thank you. I wish I could keep books like his closer to me in memory.
As for LSD, I've been told that before. That or shrooms but I don't have time to get high while studying. Maybe this summer.

>> No.19234465
File: 22 KB, 241x400, les miserables cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To love another person is to see the face of God.

>> No.19234478

Men get so dramatic when they take the sociopathic mask off and let their emotion for love flow.

>> No.19234487

Back in highschool I had teacher and all her theater kids ruin Les Miserables for me but I should probably put that aside for the actual book. Is it anything like A Tale of Two Cities? In my mind I've always put them together even though they're probably nothing alike.

>> No.19234583

>I read Siddhartha for school a long time ago how does Steppenwolf compare?
I don't remember it that well, but it's about a man who was never able to find a home in the world. He is distant, tired, unable to connect with people. I don't remember what the trigger is, but at some point he goes through some kind of trip leading back to his childhood to figure himself out.

It hit me deep at the time because i just had botched my (almost certainly illusory) chances with a girl that i would never see again - by not even trying. Somehow this resonated with the book.

>I love Calvino I finished Difficult Loves before I started my degree. I should've thought of him sooner, thank you. I wish I could keep books like his closer to me in memory.
Glad to be of help, it's one of my favorite book.

>As for LSD, I've been told that before. That or shrooms but I don't have time to get high while studying. Maybe this summer.
For a first experience, it will undeniably be better in the summer, or at least on a sunny spring day in a nice landscape. Not a magic cure for all your problems in life (i'm still depressed, for example), but at least it's always a great and interesting moment with friends, if you have some willing to do it with you.

>> No.19234739

What mask do women wear?

>> No.19234766

They’re known for expressing their emotions a lot.
More often than males. Just thought I’d dissect the statement.
It’s pretty trash ideology to assign love solely to god and that you only feel this when he sticks his ghost dick in you

>> No.19234795

No book can give you what you want

>> No.19234822

"Zorba the Greek" by Nikos Kazantzakis

>> No.19234855

Ridiculous slut, someones watching you, every day. Watch out.

>> No.19234867
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Atheism, leads to nihilism, leads to cynicism.
Take the Godpill.

>> No.19234882
File: 104 KB, 1200x794, Apollo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Get offline, especially this shithole
2) See and appreciate and enjoy the beauty in things before you rush to reject the ugliness in things
3) Learn to overcome your inner and outer troubles through patience and (supra-personal)confidence
4) Read any Holybook that gives you guidelines for character and conduct
5) Overall lighten up, you're literally weighing yourself down with these things, this cannot be understated.
6) Try detatching from yourself alittle bit and stop being so afraid of acting selflessly(beyond the self)
7) Stop being afraid and writhing un uncertainty. Just be confident bro.

>> No.19236367

Critique of Cynical Reason

>> No.19237069

>dessicated huskoid can't dust off her heart enough to experience spiritually derived joy

If I could rise from contempt, I would pity you.

>> No.19237304

I have never read a book more emotional or soulful than this one. Every word of it just feels so loving, sympathetic and compassionate. I’ve longed to find another book like it in that respect.

>> No.19237446

What's the best English translation?

>> No.19237466
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>> No.19237482

Little summary?

>> No.19237498

Of course, I took this photo myself.

>> No.19237516

This book is an explanation of the conditio humana.
Basically, elightenment was a process of suicidal disenchantment. We we slowly striping ourselves of our semiotic, value driven illusions ("god is dead; we killed him yada yada")
Cynicism (by Sloterdijk) is a false enlightened consciousness.
He mostly describes the things we lost.

>> No.19237521

I see, maybe i'll take a look.

I'm interested in "You Must Change Your Life" by him as well.

>> No.19237535

No no. I experience this joy at will. It’s mine.
Pitiable creature. Learn your lesson.

>> No.19237543

Yea, my favourite book. Well, Sloterdijk is not for everyone, so it's fine if you don't like him. Just look for something else.

>> No.19237566

Do I need to be familiar with any kind of philosophy to read this author? Or history?

>> No.19237589

He claims that there is no such thing as religion. At the same time human religiosity is the movement towards sublime. Metaphysics are created by the constant repetition of the same movement.
Humans also are creatures that can't not-train. Not-changing your life is immoral.

Eh, it's hard to say. He mentions a lot of different philosophers and writers, but he mostly explains their main ideas (Foucault, Cioran, Kafka, Plato, a bit of christianity, Marx, stoics...)

>> No.19237597

I'll give him a go at some point, i'm interested like I said, i'll get YMCYL and Critique at some point.

Thanks, sounds useful for our times.

>> No.19237599

And of course Nietzsche and Heidegger

>> No.19238187

the Bible

>> No.19238280

If you can experience love at will, how about experience some for us right now and stop posting

>> No.19238306

Man and His Symbols by Jung 'n pals
Myths to Live By by Joseph Campbell\
Tribe by Sebastian Junger

>> No.19239811

Liber Novus (The Red Book) by Jung is incredible too. You know what else is fantastic: The temptation of St. Anthony, by Flaubert.

>> No.19240493

The mask of emotion to conceal sociopathy

>> No.19240497

The Sorrows of Satan
Complete CS Lewis
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

>> No.19241681
File: 49 KB, 350x589, Konfuzius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Analects of Confucius. Deals heavily with what it means to be humane and to be a man. I also would recommend the other of the Four Books of the Confucian canon.

>> No.19241783
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I made this dinochad just for you.

Also, read and listen to some David Foster Wallace.