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/lit/ - Literature

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19233288 No.19233288 [Reply] [Original]

>"It's very simple stuff with no literary ambition that I can see," he complained in an interview with The Times. "I don't mean to be overly critical but in terms of literary history, it does seem a bit of a regression."
>"if you consider that Nabokov's Lolita was on the New York Times bestseller list for nine months, it's a different order of literature".

Well /lit/, is he right?

>> No.19233293

macaroons r s-tier desert. i started eating them after reading doll house

>> No.19233294

I think he’s a hack but he’s also leagues of a better writer than some affirmative action industry plan

>> No.19233297


>> No.19233320

Based bong

>> No.19233817
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Yes, he’s right Anon.

>> No.19234053

I'm about to finish normal people (couple of pages left). It's really well made. You don't read it for the prose but for reflecting on your life and your own insecurities. It's well made and I consider it art. The form follows the function of telling stories that hit a bit to close to home. There is a good German review of normal people by Spiegel which captures the book well.

>> No.19234055

Nail on head

>> No.19234068

Will Self is jealous. Clearly jealous. Because he has just lost the throne of the British Author Who Is The Most Insufferable Cunt Celebrity to a woman.

>> No.19234085

this is the cringest thing i've read on this board this last year

>> No.19234086

what the fuck is wrong with roonoids. literally say anything that prooves you have actually read any of her work instead of just shitposting

the worst thing about sally rooney displacing tao lin and ayn rand as the horrible meme writer of the year is that you faggots don't even fucking read. i read the amazon preview and know more rooney than you

>> No.19234112
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Sally Rooney isn't British...

>> No.19234117

Ireland is British, get over it

>> No.19234118

I've never read a word of Sally Rooney (and never will) but I'm already tired of her just from the volume of articles, reviews, and videos about her and her books.

>> No.19234134 [DELETED] 

They don't even live on the same land mass anon
It's like saying Japanese people are Korean

>> No.19234138

They don't even live on the same land mass anon
It's like saying Japanese people are Korean

>> No.19234154

Would you say Rooney is Waldunian or Anti-Waldunian?

>> No.19234163

Stop being a newshitter.
Don't respond.

>> No.19234164

Next you’ll be saying Joyce isn’t either. Deal with it. The Easter rising failed culturally as well as militarily.

Also Irish authors taking British authors crowns is traditional. They are the only literary Britons because they understand the magic of a woman’s arse.

>> No.19234165

Rooney said in an interview how she is a disciple of Waldun

>> No.19234166

>Next you’ll be saying Joyce isn’t either
Hoold up, you went to far, my friend!

>> No.19234178

It reads a bit like Houellebecq but passive-aggressive

>> No.19234183

The only legitimate union between Ireland and England is when an Irish lad fucks and Anglo slag!
In fact, I'm fucking an English rose this afternoon (and no I don't love her but I promise that you can have her when I'm satisfied Nigel).
Also, If you want Ireland come and take it, your sorry arses will be ours, faggot!

>> No.19234184

M*cks have no culture

>> No.19234199

Bout time someone took down Sally Phony.

>> No.19234222

I don't read books written by authors that were born after the year 1950. This guy has no say in what is or isn't deemed literary ambition.

>> No.19234230

"Cause people like you
Make me feel so tired
When will you die?
When will you die?
When will you die?
When will you die?
When will you die?
And people like you
Make me feel so old inside
Please die "

>> No.19234232

You should read some Will Self. It will confirm your opinion with evidence.

>> No.19234258

you're not actually supposed to read the book, you just have tobcome and complain about it because someone else in 4chan told you to do so

>> No.19234856

the commentary is just as, if not more, cringe worthy than the writing itself

>> No.19235017

>spontaneously consent to sex to own the patriarchs and their patrilineal society
>get pregnant with unknown father
>no one spontaneously consents to be the step-father of my mystery child
Why would patriarchy do this, it's so cruel.

>> No.19235019


>> No.19235033

Damn, now I know why this board hates Rooney. Bobbi is literally 95% of the posters here, not in politics but in pseudery and attitude. Needlessly aggressive, arrogant beyond belief, completely unreasoned, endlessly posturing, and just leaves whenever the demand for an elaboration of said posturing arises, and something beyond idle insults is required.

>> No.19235066
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I can't believe liberal men put up with that shit. They deserve to live in hell.

>> No.19235081

Do you understand how Bobbi fucks? Do you understand how she fucks after you slam her discourse against the wall and shove two dry fingers roughly into its anus. Personally I'd pull praxis on Bobbi pretty fucking hard, and then use Lakatos and Feyerabend to take down her Deleuzean deployment of power against the working class. This world form a double humiliation and I could extend by calling her theorisation of patriarchy itself patriarchal and designed as a deployment of capital against women.

I mean if you can't rape Bobbi's theory in public did you really do an arts degree?

>> No.19235110

Will self what?

>> No.19235153

He took heroin and criticised motorways.

>> No.19235159

Isn't he that cunt from Bomb the Bass?

>> No.19235189

Normal People was great, but this is a fall from grace. Sadly success made Sally full of herself

>> No.19235220

You mean like you're doing right now?

>> No.19235383

neither is will self

>> No.19235392

>but for reflecting on your life and your own insecurities
cringe, go to church or something.

>> No.19235394

>plugging his promotional macarons
NEVER stop the grind even when shitting on authors

>> No.19235402

>The form follows the function of telling stories that hit a bit to close to home.
Stop relating to characters in fiction and you will find yourself actually recognizing good work from bad.

>> No.19235408

>I'm about to finish normal people (couple of pages left). It's really well made. You don't read it for the prose but for reflecting on your life and your own insecurities. It's well made and I consider it art.

>> No.19235422

You're literally doing it with that post this is great

>> No.19235457

I agree that her novels are simple stuff without much literary ambition, though I think Normal People is better than anything I've read by Will Self.

>> No.19235472
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Korean people are Japanese though

>> No.19235477

Utterly based

>> No.19235579

Will Self really shouldn't be throwing stones in that glass house

>> No.19235583


>> No.19235813

the eternal anglo must be destroyed

>> No.19235819

is he compensating for the fact that he had to sell macarons

>> No.19235824
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the only good anglo is a dead one

>> No.19235854

I genuinely believe that people buy books but don't read them. Ever since I've observed the pristine, never opened Twilight series on my SIL's shelf I have started to believe that normies skip a few steps in their mental process but actual humans anthropomorphize them so they look like they have flawed decision making. They do not actually have any decision making, they just go "this thing is for women and I'm a woman, I must buy it" or "this thing is for smart people, I have to buy it", but even less structured. It's like the raw impulse to masturbate that makes you wonder how did you end up masturbating when you're done. I think normies live in the abstract masturbation zone of their brains throughout their whole life, where they just do things for no specific reason. This is why if you're not a normie you see ads and you get angry and hate them and block them as often as you can because the ad isn't supposed to convince you that you should buy the product, instead it works on that subliminal lizard brain level and when someone does that you feel like some salesman is trying to grab your cock. You don't fucking want that, but the normie cattle just swallows the abstract marketing warfare and buys shit without knowing why.

>> No.19235857

What is this an image for ants? It needs to be at least three times bigger.

>> No.19235860

just in case someone's typing the usual
>hurr durr I am special normies are bad this actually means I'm a normie
dilate and kill yourself

>> No.19235936

>>19235854 she could have had already read the book in pdf and liked it so much and bought the physical copy..I did this with my hardcover version of Nabokov’s Lolita…still in its pristine light blue state

>> No.19235954

I much preferred Normal People to Beautiful World. I agree that there was a regression there, or at least a tired retreading of beaten ground.

>> No.19235983

I hope literary feuds make a comeback

>> No.19236374

This is basically a take on the trope of the edgy Socrates-like professor wowing his students by smashing sacred cows and status quo beliefs, except she is a feminist btfo'ing the patriarchy.
Also lol at the part where "he was going to argue with Bobbi and lose" being succeeded by Bobbi not even trying to counter his points and simply dismissing him condescendingly. Is that where you are at theoretically? Oh my God, and they're going to let you graduate? Moid rekt by the based feminist professor epic style.

>> No.19236400

>no, you must follow the criteria of internet sheep or else you'll stick out.
How about I use my own standard of what is good.

Church in 2021. What are you even on lit for.

>> No.19236430

>I think normies live in the abstract masturbation zone of their brains throughout their whole life, where they just do things for no specific reason.
This is some good insight, and what it really is, is just a lack of self-awareness. These people are operating on autopilot, being dragged this way and that by their base impulses.
>i want to do this, so i will
>i dont want to do that, so i won't
They don't give any deeper thought to why they have these urges or from where they originate; they simply accept them as facts of reality and follow them unquestioningly. This is why directed propaganda and marketing are so effective. For the majority of the population, simply planting an idea in their heads is enough to make them accept it.

>> No.19236499

>Simple bad
I don't care about any of this angloid drama but...

>> No.19236567

>muh uhhhh, I’m not doing it — you’re doing it
Nice argument, retard

>> No.19236583

im going to the library to day to get a copy of normal people

>> No.19236603

>Although two senior Irish diplomats were in Switzerland at the time, neither attended Joyce's funeral, and the Irish government later declined Nora's offer to permit the repatriation of Joyce's remains. He had been a British subject all his life and only the British consul attended the funeral.

>> No.19236660

>Sally Rooney Declines to Sell Translation Rights to Israeli Publisher
>The author of “Beautiful World, Where Are You” turned down an offer from an Israeli publisher to translate the novel to Hebrew, citing her support for Palestinians “in their struggle for freedom, justice and equality.”

>> No.19237184

yea, i wonder if that is addressed in that book if anyone have read it. what is her point anyway with that long-winded hysteric argument? a cope in case she is 45 single and childless and want to force everyone to think she "won" at life? what's the end game of the character in that book?

>> No.19238019

I just got back from the library. I read the first two chapters. I don't know if this book is going to be very relatable to me because it's a love story about interpersonal relationships and sex havers. I am more of an Underground man. I did find it funny that the jock hot kid claims to have read the communist manifesto. It is easy reading so I'll finish it just for the glimpse into the mind of a woman.

>> No.19238060

I started making them after watching Pokemon.

>> No.19238552

i like cute girls

>> No.19239058

Connell will become more relatable to you.

>> No.19239111

Why will communist manifesto give you an insight into the mind of a woman?

>> No.19240301

this proves the natural superiority of homosexuality

>> No.19240371

>still doing it
You're outwitted dear sirr

>> No.19240887
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I can't stand Self. However, seeing images of his studio was what inspired me to become a writer.

Rooney needs to cheer up and take a fat 9 incher up her arse, the dowdy ahld bark

>> No.19240890

can't decide if the writing or the comments are more cringe fuck

>> No.19240931

Sally Rooney is both ugly and sexually attractive, and no I will not explain myself.

>> No.19240950


>> No.19240966

The characters are 21 year old university students. They think they’re smarter than they are and al agree with each other. The older characters disagree with them by the end of the book because they know better, but enjoy the company and the feeling of being young.

>> No.19240984

>she could have had already read the book in pdf
this person doesn't know what a pdf is

>> No.19240997

Crippling loneliness has lowered your standards

>> No.19241118

Sounds like a good book now.

>> No.19241920

no u

>> No.19241963

The only part that made me cringe is the recommendation of Deleuze, honestly.

>> No.19241996
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if this was ironic it would actually be pretty good I think

>> No.19242107

This book is making me uncomfortable not only because me and Sally are the same age and the abundance of contemporary reference, but also because I have never been in love so I really just cant relate to these people.

>> No.19243570

Who do you think has the brighter future ahead? Connell or Marianne?

>> No.19243761

Yep, I think I'll stick to Houellebecq

>> No.19243922

oh no
>Conversations with Friends is slated for a 2022 release, premiering on Hulu in the United States and on BBC Three, and airing on BBC One in the United Kingdom. Production will begin later in 2021 in Dublin, Belfast. International filming locations have not yet been confirmed, according to Hulu.17 Feb 2021

>> No.19244453

Its pretty clearly a politically motivated review.
>Self has discussed his Jewish heritage and its impact on his identity.[60][61][62] In 2006, Self 'resigned' as a Jew as a protest against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
>In 2018 he stated in an interview with the BBC that he had rethought his position, due to the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Britain.
Basically he's just an buttblasted Israeli shill.

>> No.19244489

I'm starting to think that social status can actually SIGNIFICANTLY boost a woman's perceived attractiveness, even though redpill types will claim such a thing is impossible and only applies to men.
But the number of people who have insane crushes on star musicians, actresses, or athletes that aren't even hot is pretty compelling evidence.

>> No.19244517

This post makes me feel insecure because I can’t tell if I’m one of those people or not.

>> No.19244553

post your amazon.com order history and we'll decide for you.

>> No.19244554
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Social status and just plain magnetism and charism

>> No.19244731

No. It's typical Hibernophobic anglo rage, not only because she's a successful Irish writer, but also because she pissed off the jews -- the anglos favorite pet.

>> No.19244756

not my problem

>> No.19244782

modern men really underestimate women's shamelessness and self-absorption

you could take a retarded guy from a mental institution who just claps and laughs at anything he sees, tell a woman he's the King President of Important, and that he has a special writ to deputize Special Little Girls who are then recognized as the world's Prettiest Specialest Most Smartest Princesses, and they would take this all to heart and begin babbling and preening in front of the clapping dribbling insane retard and thinking they must be great. then the next time they see you they'd be like "heh bud didn't you know MY flower garland dress and MY sparkle glitter hairdo are the best in all the land? i'm the number one Special Princess"

that's because a woman is literally dumber than a piece of shit. a woman is an empty vessel for praise and attention. you could staff a whole hiring committee or editorial board or dissertation defense committee with insane clapping mental retards and women would think they must be soooo smart. well you ain't sister. and if i have to pick up your clothes one more time after you just throw them on the fucking bed and on the floor while you spend 45 minutes trying them on every day i'm going to fucking break up with you.

>> No.19244786

How the fuck does anyone play the accordion? That shit looks fucking impossible

>> No.19244815
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why are woman-brained degenerates having dialogues with themselves "explaining" sex and love to other people when they don't know the first thing about it. this topic has been addressed by people infinitely more qualified than a bevagin'd scribbler

>> No.19244821
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>> No.19244823

Oh, I get it now.

>> No.19244829

What the fuck...

>> No.19244841

goddamn lmao

>> No.19244852
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really sad part is that's Natalia Tena, who I really think is attractive. must've got the manhands by working out a lot.

>> No.19244860

Do you actually think a mediocre loser like John Paul II has anything important to say on the subject? Wasn’t he the Pope who kissed a Koran?

>> No.19244866

I still do not understand how feminists have mixed up monogamy as a patriarchal mating strategy.
Monogamy is the matriarchal strategy in terms of evolutionary biology.

>> No.19244875
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>Do you actually think John Paul II, the same guy who wrote A Theology of the Body, could tell you anything about right relationships with regard to chastity, love, matrimony, respect, self and others?

>Wasn’t he the Pope who kissed a Koran?


>> No.19244966

>I don't want filthy fucking kikes reading my books
What did she mean by this?

>> No.19244972

You fucking liar, she never said that, *I* said that!

>> No.19245166

Name any good new idea he actually came up with. All his books are just the usual mediocre drivel written by mediocre people with extreme amounts of education.

>> No.19247105

... with FACTS and LOGIC! How will she ever recover?

>> No.19247463

imagine being around people like that

>> No.19248028

it's just MUH Palestine.

>> No.19248092

You realize that you lost this when you got baited into a response, right?

>> No.19248486
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>I'm starting to think that social status can actually SIGNIFICANTLY boost a woman's perceived attractiveness
It totally does. Even things like wearing a cheerleader's outfit can make an average girl look attractive or a below-average girl look alright; because we associate "being a cheerleader" with "being a hot popular girl". It's a status thing.

Look at someone like Scarlett Johansson for example. She's seen as this ultra hot sex symbol and guys often say they'd cut their left arm off just to fuck her for a night (or some other dumb shit); yet I regularly see girls much hotter than her walking around my college campus. Rupi Kaur is another good example: she's fuck ugly yet oddly desirable because of being a famous poetess.

>> No.19248494

The obvious rebuttal to Bobbi is that
1) There are societies where bigamy is permitted which are still patriarchal
2) There is a logical REASON for not having female bigamy opposed to male bigamy (i.e. you can't tell who the father is but always the mother)
3) Just because you read a book by Deluze doesn't mean you have to AGREE with it.
4) Transhistorical concept of romantic love IS an observable phenomenon because it is logical to humans.