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19233839 No.19233839 [Reply] [Original]

I tried reading this book. I've started it and quit four times. It's a book about nothing. I don't see the hype.

>> No.19233939

It’s comfy. That’s the appeal. Unfortunately, despite being comfy, it’s still a terrible story. It’s fans either can’t see that or choose to overlook it.

>> No.19234108

I'm biased as I read it right as the first two came out, while I was also, fortunately a teenager. Thus, the faggotry of the author wasn't yet apparent and I was able to enjoy it without bias. ofc this has changed dramatically in the intervening decade.

>> No.19234115

Isn’t there cuckoldry in this?

>> No.19234219

>this is #12 on goodreads fantasy books
I honestly don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, Pat Rothfuss shows that the bar is low. In a way it is encouraging - anons could definitely write a better book than Rothfuss and have a good chance at success in the fantasy genre.

On the other hand, the fact that Rothfuss is a major fantasy author is a bit sad. His success seems like luck... a one hit wonder with a few boxes ticked like a good title, and shallow appeal (some clever "worldbuilding", teenage boys self-inserting as the mary sue protagonist). Based on how people see the second book, it does not seem like Rothfuss will persist as a fantasy author for many years to come. The best parts of his work like his prose and the possibility of an unreliable narrator seem undone by poor execution, so the book still comes across as an unironic power fantasy cobbled together with borrowed ideas.

Overall it feels like Rothfuss could be a good writer but his books were drafts and he needed a smart editor to get the best out of him.

>> No.19234667

The very first paragraph, about the silence of three parts, was enough to turn me off immediately. I can't articulate why, but as soon as I read it, I knew I was not the audience for this book

>> No.19234670
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>ernest cline: fantasy edition

physiognomy is real

>> No.19234689

i quit before i finished the first chapter, it was immediately unpleasant to read. can't imagine how it got so popular but like that other anon said, at least it sets a low bar

>> No.19234732

It's the next Game of Thrones. Netflix is definitely going to make a live action adaption of this. Read it now so you can impress the human females with your knowledge of it when that time comes.
t. knower

>> No.19236076
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Give it another shot anon, it's worth it.

>> No.19236100
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The prose is fun and very readable, which is what the average reader looks for. The story and world building are questionable though, and the characters act pretty retarded.

I only read the first book, but my personal pet peeve is that Kvothe is a tragic Gary Stu. Almost every problem he encounters is blamed on someone else or that he wasn't in his right mind and wouldn't have NORMALLY been that stupid. It's possible that this is because he's narrating his own grand story, however. Maybe by the last book, we'll find he's a bumbling moron and an unreliable narrator, but I suspect that this isn't the case. More likely, someone else will force him to ruin everything so that we can't REALLY blame him for it, because he's the misunderstood tragic hero.

>> No.19236280
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Counter proposal: The low bar is actually what attracts most of the people who consume this stuff, and therefor anyone attempting to raise the bar will be disregarded and unsuccessful. I offer as evidence this fat fucker, who is basically the champion of commercial fantasy despite writing the equivalent of western anime and having prose that I would compare to a Budwiser.

Another counter-proposal: So-long as Rothfuss never releases book 3, his popularity will continue, because people many people who read commercial fantasy are already dependent on escapism, and therefor can somehow subsist on the mere possibility (however slim) that book 3 might actually be worth a shit. I offer the other Fat Fuck as evidence, whose picture I am too lazy to google. Suffice to say between Rothfuss, Martin and Sanderson, you have the Fat Fuck Fantasy Family.

>> No.19236351

>The low bar is actually what attracts most of the people who consume this stuff, and therefor anyone attempting to raise the bar will be disregarded and unsuccessful.
I guess I see the low bar as less of a
>genre vs literary
thing, and more of a
>Pat Rothfuss did some things right and was successful, but he also clearly fucked up.
thing... So if you just do those same things right and also execute well in areas that Pat fucked up (plot, sequels), you'd probably be successful. But I guess that's pretty banal to say.

>So-long as Rothfuss never releases book 3, his popularity will continue, because people many people who read commercial fantasy are already dependent on escapism, and therefor can somehow subsist on the mere possibility (however slim) that book 3 might actually be worth a shit. I offer the other Fat Fuck as evidence, whose picture I am too lazy to google. Suffice to say between Rothfuss, Martin and Sanderson, you have the Fat Fuck Fantasy Family.
OK... I'll give you this. You're probably right. As long as he doesn't release the third book, people will continue to wonder about it and project their best hopes onto it. So the worst thing he could do for his career is actually release something and confirm that he doesn't know what he's doing.

>> No.19236800
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>> No.19236838

The protagonist is 16 in this scene and is clearly being manipulated by the woman. You have to be really dense to miss out on something so obvious.