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/lit/ - Literature

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19228166 No.19228166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He is SO adorable.

>> No.19228168

A thread died for this

>> No.19228172

faggiest shit to ever happen to /lit/. I almost miss guenonfag

>> No.19228178

I do feel a little sorry for him. He's just a young kid trying his best. Will my writing eclipse him in 5 years and force him to spend the rest of his life resenting me before assassinating me with Allison Bechdel tattooed on his forehead? Probably. Will I prevent this? No.

>> No.19228181

Unable to refute my claim, you try desperately to raise irrelevant issues.

>> No.19228196

Nah mate. Take a closer look. There's something which isn't human about Waldun. Look at his face. Really look at it, across multiple pictures and stills from his videos. Do you see it yet? That alien aura around him? Well I'll tell you what it is even though I'm sure you see it now. His face is melting. In every still, every shot, his face is melting off his chin. He's like hot lumpy wax in the sun. His skin sags and droops, culminating in a waxy load ready to drip off his chin. It's disgusting. C'est degueulasse! It makes me want to puke. How can one man be born with such a defect? Waxy melting skin, which sags around the nose, mouth, and chin. He looks like a Salvador Dali painting. It's like a car wreck. It's horrifying. You just can't look away from that trainwreck of a sagging, melting face.

>> No.19228203
File: 53 KB, 699x759, sadsoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19228210

His face isn't saggy, he's just a little fat in a way I find endearing.

>> No.19228212

Waldun seems to be on an inevitable decline. From an ambitious attempt at a Joycian tale, which is respectable in it's effort. To a cheap imitation of Fahrenheit 451/1984 which is shit but memeable. To his current phase of cringe creative non-fiction, attempt at humor but competely devoid of wit, boring pointless stories. It seems that all hope is lost for any more great works of art as The Disguise of Learnedness/The Academy.
In my opinion, the only ONLY way that Waldun can be of any more real interest is if he takes the plunge into poetry. From his recent videos it seems he's been reading some poetry collections, and I guarantee that if Waldun goes down that avenue we will see a new renaissance of awful Waldun content. We must try to subconsciously convince Waldun that he would make a great poet. It's our only hope.

>> No.19228217
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allison Bechdel tattooed on his forehead
Will it be her name or a portrait?

>> No.19228218

kek I'd love to see valdun attempt poetry

>> No.19228219

An abstract image thats unmistakably Bechdel

>> No.19228221

>In my opinion, the only ONLY way that Waldun can be of any more real interest is if he takes the plunge into poetry
He doesn't remember Jimmy Joyce and Brother Speare. Damn, what's up with all these newfags on the Waldun train?

>> No.19228235

Yes here it is. Waldun's foray into poetry, which he scrubbed from the internet.

Read Two Books At Once

Reading is a hitchhike,

Wandering from one volume to the next.
There’s time for familiar faces,

At those cosy stops.

Lukewarm whisky and bongo drums,

renders a book you read at ease.
But there’s also time for more,

Adventures unknown waits afore.

Cry and curse, at plotless plots of Jamie Joyce.

Despair and tear, at pentameters of brother Speare.
When you’ve had enough,

Return to that cosy stop.

Let the plot engross and stall,

Before you embark on another slog.

>> No.19228238

Ms paint blind James banging on a bongo

>> No.19228246

Pure orthodoxies

>> No.19228254
File: 1.13 MB, 498x498, 1574127594193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking KINO. this only proves my point, we need more of this for waldun to redeem himself.

>> No.19228271

>that brown "suit"
>wearing brown on brown

>> No.19228274

You know, obviously this poem is silly, but I really like Waldun's outlook. He genuinely enjoys literature. Even when he's being affected, he affects enjoyment. It's not about impressing people with how he is clever enough to understand dense, inaccessible books.

>> No.19228288

It's also a really bad poem devoid of any hallmarks of poetry. It somehow manages to be worse than Rupi Kaur. It's just awkward, has no flow, no meter or anything. At least Rupi Kaur's poems have some sort of rhythm to them.

>> No.19228301

Yeah, it's not a good poem. No, it's not worse than Rupi Kaur, because it's not cynical or whiny.

>> No.19228309

half the people in these threads want to bang waldun, the other half are just rashing some poor kid trying to make it. very sad.

>> No.19228312

It is whiny. He's whining about how boring and hard James Joyce and Shakespeare are. He's saying, "while you pretend to read real literature, don't forget to take a break and read some mindless YA trash!".

>> No.19228317

>rashing some poor kid trying to make it
Begging 13 year old indian and pakistani girls to donate money to your Patreon is not a noble way of living. Also Waldun is a greedy little shit bastard. He peppers his 5 minute videos with 5 ad breaks. Fuck that little cunt. I hope all e-beggars like him die cold and alone when the tips stop coming in.

>> No.19228321

It isn't. Tone separates whining from complaining; it's obvious that RCW has affection for Joyce and Shakespeare, although he complains about them. He's not actually expressing resentment at the world, which Rupi Kaur does constantly.

>> No.19228328

Okay, now, I never said I wanted to bang him. Anyway, he's like 10 years younger than me; that would be weird.

>> No.19228331

oh he's a pseud completely, no self-respecting writer with something beautiful trying to break out would spend his time shilling his garbage on youtube lmao

>> No.19228332

Stop defending this faggot. You must be R.C. himself. Post your vapid little thoughts on The Waves already. I want to laugh at your shallowness.

>> No.19228343

There's so much cynicism and over-cleverness in the world; I like RCW's guileless enthusiasm and his willingness to be a bit flamboyant in expressing his love of books. I dunno, I'd rather talk to someone like RCW than the average /lit/ poster.