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File: 234 KB, 1527x1081, Wagner-e1495458746906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19223809 No.19223809 [Reply] [Original]

The last renaissance man.

>political activist

>> No.19224122

yeah you forgot that those renaissance men created the atheist republic, hence they are all NPCs

>> No.19224142
File: 130 KB, 1200x640, st-thomas-acquinas-1200x0-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so-called "Middle ages" were the real Renaissance

>> No.19224166
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Such distinctions are meaningless except to distinguish between two different periods in history.

Wagner wasn't so different from those who came immediately before and after him.

>> No.19224197

reads like a butterpost, fucking die, maggot.

>> No.19224215

Man I just love choking on nigger's ball sacks

>> No.19224271

But it’s a cute kitten playing a trombone. He’s a Renaissance kitten.
Waggy is alright.

Tubby monks? What’d they do, invent sandwiches?

>> No.19224506

Fake butters.

>> No.19224511

Shame about the fucking neckbeard.

>> No.19224519

There has to be one samefag that keeps making all the Wagner threads. What’s this now? The 100th low effort Wagner thread this month? if this board really listens to opera like they pretend to do, they would have made threads about Verdi, Mozart, Rossini, who are all better than Wanger btw. The fact that there is never any Mozart thread is all you need to know. I wonder what it is about Wagner that attracts you guys.

>> No.19224724
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I think Lynch could fit the bill of a Renaissance man.
>Furniture Designer
>printmaker (lithography)

>> No.19224749

>achieves nothing of note in all of these fields
Jacks of all trades are worthless humans

>> No.19224760

>the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>the french revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>the renaissance and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
how deep does it go?

>> No.19224767

>if this board really listens to opera like they pretend to do, they would have made threads about Verdi, Mozart, Rossini, who are all better than Wanger btw.
This is a literature board and Wagner's literary output is far greater than that of Mozart, Verdi etc.

>> No.19224774
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The emergence of consciousness

>> No.19224778

oof and I thought it would be the neolithic revolution. but thats even worse

>> No.19224782

The Fish-Tetradpod transition. Return to the ocean

>> No.19226496

Only the last renaissance man until the next renaissance

>> No.19226660

What's the requirements to be a renaissance man? What overlap is required?

>> No.19226689

The true requirement of the renaissance man is the achievement of contributing something of note in the fields one dabbles in. It is for this reason that Wagner is not a renaissance man, just a typical educated man of the humanist tradition, i.e., a multipotentialite. He doesn't need to be a renaissance man, however, because he is something ostensibly greater: the universal genius.

>> No.19227187

it doesn't go deep at all, Kaczynski is right since he's a stricto sensus materialist and not some brainfried idealists who thinks revolution are a product of man's will. the only thing that's deep is man's ability to cope. it seems endless

>> No.19227200
File: 343 KB, 640x640, 69FF8AF4-B547-4C64-8119-8EDE814BEC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically thinks you have to live in the renaissance to be a renaissance man

>> No.19227223

The local opera is—for the first time since 2013—presenting one of Wagner's works. I was interested in going, but the opera website says you're barred from attending unless you show proof of vaccination. I'm sure the old man would have been thrilled by such (((authoritarianism))).

>> No.19227597
File: 189 KB, 500x638, king_john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Magna Carta and its consequences.

>> No.19228121

That doesn't explain anything. What's in modernity that allows people to be comfortable?

>> No.19228263
File: 145 KB, 850x1429, [Recueil_]_Célébrités_du_XIXe_[...]_btv1b10525048m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might have done something about it.
>Richard Wagner the composer, at the time Royal Saxon Court Conductor, had been inspired by the revolutionary spirit since 1848 and was befriended by Röckel and Bakunin. He wrote passionate articles in the Volksblätter inciting people to revolt, and when fighting broke out he took a very active part in it, making hand grenades and standing as a look out at the top of the Kreuzkirche.

>> No.19228598
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>Holds moronic position
>Anon comes along and respectfully disagrees

What are you, a petulant child?

>> No.19229399

>and standing as a look out at the top of the Kreuzkirche.
More like read Hegel.

>> No.19229951

>Verdi, Mozart, Rossini, who are all better than Wanger btw.

>> No.19230091


>> No.19230123

But he sucks at all of those except movies

>> No.19230124

So basically a drone, right? None of this expect for the architect helps anyone in the long run

>> No.19230133

You don’t get it, Renaissance men are not supposed to excel in every field, but to have a tight grasp of them that it elevates their main field. Leonardo would not have been a god tier painter if he wasn’t hadn’t been proficient in architecture and engineering.

>> No.19230160
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What's a good recording of Tristan & Isolde

>> No.19230187
File: 832 KB, 1875x2159, BC90BBE8-BAA5-4ADA-BBA0-3B33F6A44F12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like his Lithography personally.

>> No.19230190
File: 343 KB, 2048x1536, 5EB4EFBC-7001-430E-8CDE-10A7F93DBB39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19230192
File: 88 KB, 1200x628, 7D9B663C-A71E-4568-B554-CEC5FB7332A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19230201
File: 218 KB, 940x751, BC5BC987-6F9C-4DF5-8358-851D0D369B6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fond of some of his paintings as well

>> No.19230204
File: 134 KB, 960x593, 8D58EEF8-5ABA-41EC-B4EF-5A3CB21DC180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19230209
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>> No.19230233
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>yeah you forgot that those renaissance men created the atheist republic, hence they are all NPCs
>The so-called "Middle ages" were the real Renaissance

>> No.19230559

Some of his songs are pretty cool.

>> No.19230886

There are too many to choose from, but Carlos Kleiber is a go to

>> No.19231170

oh yeah because Alejandro Jordowsky, Stalin, Karl Largerfeld, Marvin Minsky, Niki Lauda, Witgenstein, and Bowie are famous for nothing outside of Magic, Poetry, Photography, reanimating crab claws, and running an airline, and designing an apartment, and pantomime respectively.

>> No.19232191

This is the third time I've seen this post.

>> No.19232200

>What’d they do, invent sandwiches?
I wonder if im ever going to get used to your ignorance Troon

>> No.19232308
