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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 1080x787, 9354F19B-C7B1-4133-A14B-DBF2D0FD7FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19218598 [Reply] [Original]

This will sound retarded for obvious reasons. I want to read Kant. Should I read Schopenhauer first? I think Schopenhauer might be much more accessible than Kant so I can use him as an introduction. Is it a good idea?

>> No.19218614

Schopenhauer himself tells you to read Kant before you read him.

>> No.19218619

that's why I know it sounds retarded

>> No.19218629

>wants an accessible introduction to Kant
>"hey maybe I should read this other philosopher!"
Jesus Christ. Has no fucking idiot on here ever heard of secondary literature?

>> No.19218636

The problem with secondary literature in philosphy is that one author will literally contradict another author, so you then have to read a aoet of meta review of the readings of the original text and before you know it you're a feeble dusty historicist drawing textual genealogies

>> No.19218643

Left: Nietzsche
Right: my emo cousin

>> No.19218661

>The problem with secondary literature in philosphy is that one author will literally contradict another author
Kek. If you don't like people contradicting each other then stay away from philosophy.

>> No.19218672

>i want to paint that thing but should i put varnish first?

>> No.19218699

Schopenhauer is not normal you loser.

>> No.19218702

>only 2 genderinos!
>trump was wholesome!
>Might actually does make right!
>please forget about every vague/cryptic market prediction I made that didn't come true, my autistic brain can't take it!

>> No.19218741

Hold on can you read Kant without reading anyone else first in general? I havent read him yet

>> No.19218872

>without reading anyone else first
you can but why would you?

>> No.19218975

Just read Kant, schoppy is cringe anyway

you pick a side and start there, it's not that hard. Even better, you can find textbook which outlines different popular readings

>> No.19219031

You'll get more out of Kant if you at least read Hume, Descartes, and Leibniz, but if you know how the problem of induction, the mind-body problem, necessary vs contingent truths, and all that goes, you can probably dive into the CPR and understand what's generally going on

>> No.19219094

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.19219543
File: 406 KB, 1800x1634, ForestAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a self loathing closet homosexual

>> No.19219558
File: 741 KB, 797x634, forestanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice ForestAnon meme. Mind if I save it and do you have any more?

>> No.19219625

Go ahead there are others that I didn't save but here are a few

>> No.19219636
File: 191 KB, 1080x563, ForestAnon_Vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead there are others that I didn't save but here are a few

>> No.19219638

He apparently wrote some introductory lectures on Kant during his university time that one of my lecturers found very helpful for getting into Kant herself. Haven't read them myself though

>> No.19219645
File: 369 KB, 1080x740, ForestAnon_NPCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19219651
File: 501 KB, 1920x1812, ForestAnon_Lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19219654
File: 239 KB, 794x786, ForestAnonHuggingPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19219657
File: 642 KB, 1920x1458, ForestAnon_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19219658

Just read the fucking philosopher and come to your own conclusions. Only read the secondary literature as comparative reference, not learning material.

>> No.19219676
File: 468 KB, 650x413, ForestAnon_Rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all I have but you can probably find the other ones if you check warosu

>> No.19219714

Thank you Anon.

>> No.19219975
File: 26 KB, 640x480, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are actually interested specifically in the work of Schopenhauer and would like to read him right now, just do it, you'll miss out on some stuff, sure, but there's still a whole lot to get from it even if you never read Kant. His works are much clearer than Kant's, and it will help out a bit when you read them.
However, if you intend to read it SOLELY as an introduction to Kant, that is, if you are not particularly interested in Schopenhauer, then it's a completely pointless task, just read Kant.
People here overestimate reading X before reading Y. Sure, it's only logical, philosophers respond to the previous ones, but jumping to a writer that is far ahead of where you are is completely fine. Sure, again, you'll miss out on some stuff, but later on you can re-read Y after having read X, this way you will have a much deeper understanding of Y and it can even help out when you first read X. After all, you MUST read most works of philosophy AT LEAST twice, so why not do it like this?
Sure, make your way through the western philosophy, but at the same time read what you want to read, jump around from time to time.

>> No.19220010
File: 57 KB, 605x1024, 1628331907678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is a gift!
>All good things come to those who wait!
>Everything will be fine!
>You can be ***********************ANYTHING********************** you want to be! (even female)
>We have to love each other!
>We can learn from mistakes

>> No.19220949
File: 473 KB, 1920x896, 1361927301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19220983

how am I supposed to take the contemporary left seriously if they all insist on supporting goblins like that? Good fucking lord.

>> No.19221082

I suddenly hear the adams family theme.

>> No.19221335

>People here overestimate reading X before reading Y.
Based post and agreed.

>> No.19221427
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1814, foresthobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19221455

very wholesome

>> No.19221518

Maybe I'm too cynical but I genuinely stop believing that anyone who has a youtube channel is legit

>> No.19221596

Did Schopenhauer have a YouTube channel because I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.19221648

When 99% of them are either pushing some kind of ulterior agenda, or clearly saying/doing anything to fight for e-clout/fame, it's hard to imagine that you've ever found one of the 1% that aren't full of bullshit.

>> No.19221667

talking about the meme hobo anon

>> No.19221679

Oh Forestanon, well considering /lit/ essentially begged him to start uploading and he turns down money and only posts 4 times a year then yeah you're a bit cynical

>> No.19221777
File: 346 KB, 1440x1080, Image_146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saint forest anon loves you

>> No.19221837

Pure reason good, observer effect bad.

You're welcome.

>> No.19222089

No, you don't really. People here will tell you that you have to read hume and leibnitz, but you don't really. All it will do is help you understand why kant is "such a big deal", but his philosophy is very interesting and rewarding to engage with on its own terms, so its not needed to understand him at all. My tips are these

1: Don't read the prolegomena
2: Read "Kants Transcendental Idealism" by allison
3: Get either the pluhar or the guyer and wood translation of the 1st critique and read that
4. Read the introduction, the transcendental aesthetic and the transcendental unity of apperception twice. before moving in to the heavy parts of the logic

It helps to have some idea of what kant "is doing" so maybe read some SEP articles first. THeres also a good lecture series by paul wolff on youtube, but you shouldn't watch that until you've read the entire critique once.

>> No.19222095

>considering /lit/ essentially begged him to start uploading and he turns down money and only posts 4 times a year then yeah you're a bit cynical
I didn't know that. I'm sorry, looks like I was jaded.
All right, trips of truth.

>> No.19222358

Holy checked

>> No.19222483
File: 53 KB, 362x447, restored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right I want to believe in this guy. This definitely solidified in me that I want to live somewhere rural and remote where I can get by living a simple life.

>> No.19223446

So if I get it right, Schopenhauer challenges Kant, and Nietzche challenges Schopenhauer.

So by logical order, Nietzche hast the last word? Is he right? Or are we missing his successor?

>> No.19223489

Schop was a devotee of Kant but he memes his way into describing the Noumenon. Nietzsche is really a separate beast, he takes bits and pieces from them but it's not the same sort of work at all

>> No.19223497

The very first page of Will and Representation tells you to fuck off and read Kant first. We literally had a thread about this yesterday.

>> No.19223644

I wouldn't think that for something that niche that has no ads There's also a certain number of views/watch hours you have to hit before youtube even lets you signup to earn money which I don't think he's reached.

>> No.19223671

I think the fact that I have been able to become comfortable with the feeling of my desire itself without feeling pain from not being to fulfill it debunks schopenhauer
yes reading anything easier than kant with kant adjacent ideas will help you prepare to read kant. you won't really get schopenhauer but you will have a better understanding of kant if you read schopenhauer and you will also begin to understand schopehauer retroactively as you read kant.

>> No.19223719

He's well exceeded the requirements but even if he didn't he still won't set up a patreon when we ask him to and everytime someone offers to send him money he declines it

>> No.19223730

Yeah that's a good point, I offered to send him some dentist money but he doesn't want it. I wish he would, it's not good to go around with bad teeth.

>> No.19223851

Having bad teeth is bad for the heart too. Sometimes I want to quit my job and go live in the woods like that but fuck getting a toothache in the middle of nowhere. I had a bad tooth once and the pain was excruciating

>> No.19223853

just floss every night

>> No.19223922

Why is the hacker known as 4chan in this pic? Shouldn't they be a neet?

>> No.19224095

Just avoid secondary literature and go straight to the source philosopher. There is nothing worse than getting another person's interpretation of a source. It dulls your mind, makes you dependent and submissive, and often the commentary is retarded and makes no sense when compared to the original.

>> No.19224311

Does he actually survive on no money at all, completely self-sufficient and off the grid?

>> No.19224384

>no money at all
He works odd seasonal jobs when he starts needing money from what I understood from watching his vids. Not fully self-sufficient and he still goes on treks into town to purchase things like new clothes and winter supplies (once a year?)
He has a water source and a little garden but while his garden went well the first year he hasn't had great luck the last couple years. I doubt it would be enough to be sulf-sustaining either.

>> No.19224531

>So by logical order, Nietzche hast the last word?
If you consider chronology as a substitute to insight, sure. But reading Schopenhauer first helps you understand how Nietzsche doen't pose challange to him as much as he develops the affirmation of the will out of the few passages that Schop wrote about it.

>> No.19224568
File: 688 KB, 919x919, forestshack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he's a hobo who lives in a shack in a national forest. he's a seasonal ranch and farm worker. like this anon said >>19224384 he goes down once or twice to work for a day or two and pay off his phone for the year. then he gets supplies and heads back in to sit the rest of the year out in the forest. it's hard to explain him though. he tamed the mice in his cabin to take food from his hand and he's usually saving random animals in distress or brewing alcohol and gardening. so he's not for the homestead anprim types but alot of us like him because he's a kind funny character

>> No.19224611

I think he's inspiring. I got to read about WWOOF and I think I'll do that.

>> No.19224747
File: 54 KB, 600x400, jesus3-Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trinity